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Advanced Geographic Information Systems for

Transport and Logistics

lecture number semester

5221 - SS 17

Assignment 1

Date: 16.03.2017

Handed in by:
Maciej Filipek, h0302525

Handed in for:
Ass.Prof. Mag.Dr. Petra Staufer-Steinnocher
Ex 4:


The picture above provides the loaded locations for the fire stations. This creates the basis for the
Network Analyst found in Arcmap. The road network as well as the locations are provided by the
The scenario is limited by the incident that had to be added using the location finder as well. In
addition to this the limitations in the network analyst are set. Fire fighter have to be responsive in a
range of maximum 3 minutes. Therefore, 3 fire stations were chosen that are within a perimeter of 3
minutes. In addition to this fire trucks are allowed to use restricted arcs. The learning outcome is to
use the network analyst in for a scenario of fire fighting.

Ex 5:

The next exercise provides insight using the network analyst to compute service areas of specific
warehouses. The picture above provides the initial service areas. It is clearly visible that not every
customer can be satisfied. By moving the origin of the warehouse located in the north east of Paris,
the service are can be extended.
OD Cost Matrix 24 Lines :

The next step is to compute the origin destination cost matrix using the option in the Network
Analyst. In order to get the matrix the metrics have to be entered in the parameters in the Network
analyst. The final map provides the solution of the exercise. The OD Cost Matrix is using the
provided network of Paris. However, the end result is using lines, relying on the network provided.

Ex 6:

This exercise explains the model building for a certain network. The Model Dialog box is used for
building the model.
Model Final Version:

The final Version of the Model is explained in the screenshot below. Models are resourceful
applications that can be used for different data.

The model builds the Route around the input data provided as visible in the screenshot below.

Ex 7:

This exercise describes the application of a VRP in ArcMap. The screenshot below provides the
routing in straight lines using the road network provided. Three trucks are operated from one depot
to 25 destinations.
The three truck routes can be ssen in the screenshot below. Again, the Network Analyst provides
stright lines because of the parameter in the setting of the network analyst. Still, the Network
provides the basis and all the roads are used to solve the VRP.

Going further using time constraints (breaks) and two routs with truck 1 and truck 2, the following
screenshot is computed.
Using seed points for truck 1 and truck 2 gives more specific instructions for the problem, separating
the operation areas into the San Francisco area and the bay area.


This exercise provides insight in geocoding origins and destinations using the Network Analyst. Two
hospitals were included as origins and 30 order pairs were also added using the Excel file provided by
the exercise.
In the screenshot below the destinations (Pateients) were geocoded. And added to the problem.

The next step is to add three routes to the network in order to use them as a constraint in the
problem. The routes for Downtown, East and North Bay were added.
The last step is to solve the problem by using polygon view to assign the right area to the right
vehicle and the right route. In this VRP the pateints are picked up in a hamiltonian circle until the
vehicles return to the depot.

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