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^,,r4omd t lo*rJr,rh , iot-,-' Jr*,

L{l{y N'or : W; {.'^3

/ly ,l.cron a[ a. ct*r'l/'

Whe^ T wo-s a kd tu dreou alrul fun ohuj , T T kycd

7 und
a /o-t with p[a,uzs ar/ ca,rs , rtna-gineot lhrt if .e"ouh< v/
beeu/ig*l 7lorcs. Uhor.t -f wat younger I nort #Ae 7rs;Li t'{7
of *a,roli<g onrol T olto( ,o/ o/o il bcat,< 7 was slL"lyog a-o/
,uorlor'm! . T wish f haol trate.l/ol rmo talhu wal yourytg -

I Z'ot *zax.ileol /,uor<, T woolol're bzon h*pf l* . 4 ,-L

t n^ .rr"rrlte/ mo,- uth< -T rval yovuS .

Ve ar^l tl r.r

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