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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name: Ismail Himmetoglu Date: 06/03/2017

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Dogan, B., & Almus, K. (2014). School Administrators Use of iPads: Impact of Training
and Attitudes Toward School Use.Computers in the Schools, 31(3), 233250

Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what is
the theoretical background or overarching theme):
What is the impact of the training process on school administrators use
of iPads for administrative tasks and personal organization in their professional
What is the impact of the training process on school administrators beliefs
regarding how teachers should use iPads in the classroom?
Are there any differences in school administrators survey responses based
on gender, age, years of experience in school administration and education,
highest degree attained, school classification, or school size?

Purpose of the research:

Purpose of this study that there was no research examining the impact of
receiving specific iPad training on school administrators attitudes toward iPad
use. This research study involving a training process, which included online
resources, workshops, and ongoing support.

What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:

One of the largest public charter school systems in a southwestern state were the
target population for the study.
Elementary and secondary school administrators (i.e., principals and assistant
principals) participated this study. Participation in this study was voluntary.

Training was designed based on feedback from participants and delivered through
an interactive webinar session. The training of school administrators included
topics intended to develop iPad skills and use certain workflow, note-taking,
calendar, productivity, file-sharing, remote-desktop, presentation, and screen-
sharing applications covered specifically from a principals perspective.
Additional resources reinforcing the topics covered in the initial training session
were provided later to school administrators in the form of video and written
tutorials for their convenience

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

Study components included a pre-survey, a training session on the effective use of
iPads for administrative tasks and personal organization, specially designed
resources expanding the topics covered in the training session, on-going support,
and a post-survey.

Data Analysis:
Data analysis of the item, I believe that iPads are effective tools for
principals regarding administrative tasks and personal organization, yielded
a mean score of 3.73 in the pre-survey and 4.27 in the post-survey. A mean scale score
close to the value 5 would indicate that the participants strongly agreed with the
statement and a mean scale score close to the value 1 would indicate that the participants
strongly disagreed with the statement. Given these scores, participants in this study
mostly agreed with this statement. The paired sample t-test analysis indicated that for the
37 subjects, the mean score on the post-survey (M = 4.27) was significantly greater than
the mean score on the pre-survey at conditions t (36) =2.25, p = 0.03, d = 0.57 (Table
1). These results suggest that the overall training process in
this study had a statistically significant effect on participants beliefs about the
effectiveness of iPads as a tool for administrative tasks and personal organization.


Findings or Results (or main points of the article):

School administrators play a vital role in the implementation of new
technologies, and they are widely regarded as the instructional leaders of
their schools.
Since school administrators are the key facilitators in implementing new
technologies in their schools, training for this group should be a priority.

Younger school administrators use more technology compared with older

school administrators

Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):

According to results, school administrators believed that iPads were effective tools for
administrative tasks and personal organization. Additionally, administrators were even
more in agreement with this idea after completing the training process.

Students Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for your

In my opinion iPad technology and educational applications can be a most powerful tool
for learning in the classroom. According to surveys 75% of students agreed that the iPad
enhanced their learning experience. (Source: Oklahoma State University News-Tweet this stat from

As s school administrator, I believed that iPads were effective educational tools for
administrators and teachers. Almost all school administrators would like to see their
teachers using iPads for classroom teaching and the other duties and responsibilities, such
as taking attendance, discipline report, and extracurricular activities. IPad and
applications training to the teachers should be a priority for school administrators.

On the other hand, iPad to replace textbooks with digital versions saves not only paper,
but also money too. Teachers also do not have to worry about damaged or lost books as


Dogan, B., & Almus, K. (2014). School Administrators Use of iPads: Impact of Training
and Attitudes toward School Use. Computers in the Schools, 31(3), 233250

Afshari, M., Bakar, K. A., Luan, W. S., & Afshari, M. (2010, May). Principals and
technology use. In A. Kallel, A. H. Hassairi, C. Ai. Bulucea, & N. Mastorakis (Eds.),
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Educational Technologies, 2010
(pp. 1318). Sousse, Tunisia: WSEAS. Retrieved from

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