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Asteroid Astrology
DNA natal aspects

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Topic: DNA natal aspects

posted March 03, 2013 06:53 AM

its in the sign of capricorn, 1st house, it squares my sun, sextile venus,
opposition mars, conjunct neptune and uranus. i would gladly
appreciate any info its hard to find anything on this.
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posted March 03, 2013 01:23 PM

The asteroid DNA is a marker for what makes you unique, and how
you identify with others. Its more helpful to connect this asteroid with
other asteroids to figure out what it's significance is in your natal chart.
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posted March 03, 2013 01:48 PM

Ail what does it mean if in between neptune and uranus

The orbs are only 1 degree

I am one unique bitchh, I don't even have to die my hair purple or get
tattoos and I stick out from the crowd
Ohh op has that too lol nvm.
Wooo for being unique op!!!!
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posted March 03, 2013 02:54 PM

Add some asteroids first.

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posted March 03, 2013 10:13 PM

OP just go to input 55555 for Dna and run the 1,000
asteroid list to see what conjunctions your Dna.

I have Dna conjunct Israel, I see a past life there
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posted March 03, 2013 11:13 PM

Well I'm unique, that's for sure lol

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10-16-2007, 09:49 PM

Post: #2



Your post is very interesting.

What do you think about near earth asteroids when they swing by this planet periodically? I think they have quite an energetic impact upon t
one not too long ago which I commented on but it wasn't here. I'll have to see if I can find what I wrote at that time. I probably didn't write
when it came by because of repercussions I was picking up on.

10-17-2007, 03:48 AM

Post: #3

Account Closed

I think the near earth asteroids will have very short term effects on human behaviour, though as you rightly said it would be a high energy so
nearby asteroid can cause masses to sell off stocks at whatever price, only to regret later on.

The Asteroids between Mars and Jupiter work largely on name frequency than gravity. They are like subtle consciousness of humanity, and th
because that is the first asteroid to have a space probe land on it. When humans are aware that we have reached out to any planetary body, t
Illuminati being primarily reptilians and with knolwedge of reaching other galaxies are less susceptible to normal astrology but they too will be
Siva, Kaali, Osiris and Isis due to their ardent worship of these deities/energy beings. A conjunction of say Isis-Osiris or Siva-Kaali in the cons
extremely significant for the illuminati.

I detected a pattern for earthquakes where Poseidon or Saturn or Chiron squaring/opposing Kaali or Siva or Chaos is a common factor. It is on
needs a lot more study on geological astrology where every ley line maps to a certain sign/planet of the zodiac. This is how the earthquakes m

Likewise I had done a project on John F Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln where I found astrological links proving JFK to be a reincarnation/para
study, Asteroid Osiris [representing assasination of a ruler] is very prominent as is Asteroid Nemesis and Siva.
We know that these 2 presidents are bloodline so it is a fact that illuminati get affected by the name frequency of these asteroids.

I forgot to add in the previous post that Asteroid Atlantis will be very strong in the charts of those who have reincarnational awareness of that
Edgar Cayce had very powerful aspects on Asteroid Atlantis. He had Uranus 150 degrees from Atlantis and Pluto trine (120) on Atlantis. As a b
conjunct Atlantis with 0.04 degree precision, boosting his complete wisdom and mastery of the Atlantis Civilization.

Incidentally, he also had SIVA-KAALI-SPHINX conjunct in Pisces, the sign of the dreamy mystics. These asteroid placements are the only evid
mystic powers. From his normal chart, no astrologer can say that he is a very powerful mystic.

11-03-2008, 05:56 AM

Post: #4

Account Closed

Am creating a Free Article List to consolidate my findings.

Hope this is helpful for budding astrologers :)

11-03-2008, 05:44 PM

Post: #5


I really enjoyed your post, iqhunk. I should try and find out what asteroids were around when I was born. Maybe it will explain my whole scre

11-05-2008, 10:56 AM

Post: #6

Account Closed

Hi Dreamtime,
Let me post a few asteroid numbers for you to check:

3811 KARMA
1924 HORUS
5249 GIZA
600 MUSA
5239 REIKI
69230 HERMES
1170 SIVA
4227 KAALI
11911 ANGEL
55555 DNA
1221 AMOR
433 EROS
1488 AURA
33154 SPIRIT
4386 LUST

My guess is that you have a highly aspected ATLANTIS, PALLAS, Neptune or Moon.

11-05-2008, 12:18 PM

Post: #7

I looked over the article you posted, but I still don't know what asteroids would have been flying over at my time. How would I know? By birth

11-05-2008, 01:34 PM

Post: #8


[color="#800080 Wrote:DreamTime[/color]]...How would I know? By birthdate?...

iqhunk, I am interested also, like Dreamtime, so can you tell me how I find the right asteroid for 7/15/59. I did find a list of a bunch of asteri

11-05-2008, 02:16 PM

Post: #9


And what about 4/7/56?

11-06-2008, 03:11 PM

Post: #10

Mercy Now
Account Closed

I'm curious about the astroid info too iqhunk.

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Asteroid Astrology
Asteroid Dna

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Topic: Asteroid Dna

887 posted June 28, 2012 10:00 PM
Posts: 1474
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Jul 2011
uehara posted June 29, 2012 07:58 PM
Wow, well I don't know about asteroid DNA in synastry comparison
Posts: 553
with people who are not from the same family but I have used it in
From: synastry comparison among siblings, children/parents and I found
Sep 2011 some fascinating things!!

A guy I know had a child recently and the baby, who is a girl, looks so
much like him it is frightening! I know she's just a baby and we can't
really tell then but she has the eyes, nose and ears of her father and
looks just like him when he was a baby. Everyone sort of agreed that
if we didn't know the mother was her, we might certainly doubt it.
So I check dna in their synastry after learning that it might be pinpoint
our own genetic "potential" and it turns out the father's dna conjunct
his daughter's sun (3) and venus (1).
Other example, my sister, when she was a child, was considered a
mini-version of my mother by everyone. Everyone always
commented on how they looked so much alike. Again, I check dna,
and it turns out my mother's dna is conjunct my sister's ascendant.

So now, I have no idea how to interpret in the context of two people

who are not related.
Draco dna conjunct draco venus: maybe you were related in a past
life, from the same family?
natal dna conjunct natal moon: hmm.. I have no idea about this one,
maybe there is a need to procreate together ?
There are just suggestions, I am curious myself as to how this
asteroid should be interpreted.
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violet7 posted June 30, 2012 12:44 AM

Posts: 1474 IP: Logged
Jul 2011

Blind posted June 30, 2012 05:57 AM

I was just discussing possible meanings of asteroid DNA in synastry.
Posts: 118
From: Regarding my TF, my DNA conjuncts his Venus. His conjuncts my
Texas, USA
Registered: Mars. I've been trying to determine what this means for a while.
May 2012 *laugh*

My impression is that it is less a genetic, and more of an identity

marker among non-related people. How we "identify" with someone.
Viceversa, it may indicate how we present ourselves - the "who" that
we are around this person.

Of course, it may also indicate karmic family from the past.

Have you checked asteroid 10128 Bro in connection with DNA? This
seems like another familial/kin type of asteroid. I haven't seen any
other information on it, however.

Burning eyes since '95.
Sun - Sag 10 | Moon - Lib 16 | ASC - Aqu 12
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mirage posted June 30, 2012 01:47 PM

from Mark Andrew Holmes' personal research...
Posts: 1508
From: us
"Asteroid 55555, DNA,
Registered: was discovered on December 19, 2001 by Charles W. Juels and
May 2012
Paulo R. Holvorcem at Fountain Hills, Arizona. It has a period of 4
years, 38 days."

"It was named for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a complex organic

compound which forms the basic building block of life, discovered in
Britain by British scientists Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin,
American scientist James Watson and New Zealand scientist
Maurice Wilkins."

"Astrologically, asteroid DNA seems to indicate genetics or DNA or

things pertaining to them; one's unique identity."

see website for examples

JPL Small Body Database

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Despin posted July 01, 2012 07:53 PM

Fascinating! Hadn't come across this asteroid before... Looked up the
Posts: 45
synastry between myself and a beloved aunt who has been like a
From: mother to me, and her DNA is conjunct my sun by 2 degrees! We
May 2012 look NOTHING alike, and don't have the same medical problems.
However, we're quite similar in temperament, to the extent that I've
been dubbed the 'her' of my generation. Weird.
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uehara posted July 02, 2012 03:40 AM

yes, this asteroid is fascinating to no end!
Posts: 553
Maybe strong dna- angles/planets between two people emphasize
From: the fact that they could be perceived in a similar way.
Sep 2011 Violet, didn't you say that your friends could tell who he was without
you showing him to them, just because he sort of looked similar to
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887 posted July 02, 2012 11:49 PM
Posts: 1474
Registered: IP: Logged
Jul 2011

887 posted July 02, 2012 11:50 PM
Posts: 1474
Registered: IP: Logged
Jul 2011

887 posted July 02, 2012 11:51 PM
Posts: 1474
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Jul 2011

violet7 posted July 02, 2012 11:52 PM

Posts: 1474
From: IP: Logged
Jul 2011

Blind posted July 03, 2012 06:26 AM

Knowflake quote:

Posts: 118
Originally posted by violet7887:
Texas, USA Blind writer, thanks for the info
May 2012
It is interesting you mention you have this with your TF, there
are many indicators that this person I speak of is also my TF.
There is no way I could possibly explain that to another right
now but thank you for your input. I understand your laugh and
also how long you have prob been trying to figure out things. I
have been the same way for the last couple of years.

Anyway, after looking into it a bit further I also think DNA is an

indicator of identification with another. There is something
which is the same or similar about people with DNA synastry.
Almost like, you know that person is a piece of you or has a
piece of you.

The other asteroid you mentioned, Bro. His Bro is conjunct my

Venus. Do you have this asteroid in synastry as well? Or any
other info? Does this asteroid only indicate family ties?

Funny you should ask that, because my asteroid Bro does conjunct
his Sun. As for what it means, I haven't the slightest, I'm afraid.

It's easy to explain DNA amongst family members. The trouble

comes to natal interpretation and the synastry between two non-
related folks. I've taken DNA to indicate identity/identification
markers, so your theory about similarity in soul frequency between
people is very interesting.

Regarding my soul sister:

- my DNA directly opposes her Venus [conjunct my VX]
- her DNA squares my Mercury-Karma-Uranus
- my Bro conjuncts her VX
- her Bro loosely conjuncts my Mars, at 3 orb

These asteroids seem to also be pertinent among strong soul ties,

not just among family members.

Burning eyes since '95.
Sun - Sag 10 | Moon - Lib 16 | ASC - Aqu 12
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posted July 23, 2013 01:48 PM
Knowflake I have DNA conjunct Regulus lol, not royal though... my dad's
draconic DNA conjuncts my natal sun and i look more like him and
Posts: 76 my aunt (his sister).
From: Island
of Sirens
Registered: IP: Logged
Jul 2013

ail221 posted July 23, 2013 08:35 PM

Posts: 3607
Regulus doesn't always equate royalty. It's a very fortunate
Hanging placement and can grant fame, fortune,influence over people, beauty
Gardens of
Babylon and power but with a price. Sometimes the price is obsession, ego-
Registered: mania, arrogance etc Regulus does represent the Leo.
Feb 2012
Example River Phoenix had regulus on this Sun.
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BlackS posted July 23, 2013 09:42 PM

I have DNA conjunct Sun conjunct Regulus, and Sun ~3 degrees or
Posts: 371 so from Saturn and square Ascendant (Saturn square more exact).
From: PA, Haven't checked it in comparison to friends/family.
Aug 2011 IP: Logged

Warrio posted July 23, 2013 11:51 PM

ss7 quote:
Originally posted by ail221:
Posts: 76
From: Island
Regulus doesn't always equate royalty. It's a very fortunate
of Sirens placement and can grant fame, fortune,influence over people,
Jul 2013 beauty and power but with a price. Sometimes the price is
obsession, ego-mania, arrogance etc Regulus does represent
the Leo.
Example River Phoenix had regulus on this Sun.

So would DNA conjunct Regulus still be fortunate, even though its

not like if it was the sun/moon or asc conjunct the star ?...curious to

Concerning DNA also, my DNA was conjunct my friend's sister 's

sun, mercury and venus and we had very similar emotional reactions
to situations, VERY similar preference of tv shows, food, etc and she
is 4 yrs older than me. I think we just generally had an air of similarity
and resemblance between us so I find that DNA is definetly potent in
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ail221 posted July 24, 2013 02:37 PM


Posts: 3607
Yes its fortunate to have Regulus or any of the other royal stars
From: conjunct any asteroids . Sometimes people are just drawn to one
Gardens of another because of genetic similarities which is where Dna asteroid
comes in. The Asteroid Dna is also prominent in family members. For
Feb 2012 ex. My DNA is conjunct my Sun but also conjunct my mother's Dna in
the same sign. My DNA is conjunct my Grandmother's mars exact
and my father's DNA is square my Sun/Jupiter/Saturn exact.
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bjorkst posted July 26, 2013 08:34 PM

The aura layer(eris to sedna) has to with DNA
Posts: 23
From: Jim
Mar 2013 IP: Logged
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