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Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

1. . a big breakfast every morning?

a) Are you eat
b) Do you eat
c) Eat you
d) You are eat

2. Ken is using. computer now. He is writing a business letter.

a) he is
b) he's
c) him
d) his

3. How many people. at the party at Luke's house last night?

a) do
b) did
c) was
d) were

4. I bought a ticket from Miami to New York. I was happy because it . very
a) doesn't
b) didn't
c) wasn't
d) weren't

5. ..that movie about airplanes last night?

a) Do you see
b) Do you saw
c) Did you see
d) Did you saw

6. The teacher explained the lesson well, but Mark anything

about the lesson.
a) don't understands
b) doesn't understand
c) didn't understand
d) didn't understood

7. Which three verbs all have the same final sound?

a) sneezed, played, watched
b) looked, studied, washed
c) missed, laughed, clapped
d) worked, answered, blogged

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

8. Jose is from Mexico. His native language is Spanish. He ..

a) don't speaks
b) doesn't speak
c) isn't speak
d) isn't speaks

9. This dictionary is expensive. Those .. expensive, also.

a) are
b) do
c) does
d) is

10.What..tonight? If you're free, you can go to the movies

with us.
a) are you do
b) are you going to do
c) do you do
d) did you do

11.I don't understand. What. ?

a) does this word new mean
b) does this new word mean
c) means this word new
d) means this new word

12.You can't go outside now. It .. really hard!

a) is rained
b) is raining
c) rains
d) rained

13.I'm not a rich man. I don't have .. money.

a) a lot
b) many
c) much
d) some
14.Samantha and Cindy . tennis together every Saturday
a) are play
b) playing
c) plays
d) play

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

15.We have .. today.

a) a meeting business
b) a business meeting
c) a meeting of business
d) a business's meeting

16.We have a new car now. We really . our new car a lot!
a) are like
b) are liking
c) like
d) liked

17.The capital of the United States Washington D. C.

a) are
b) be
c) in
d) is

18.If you're hungry, there is some fruit on the table. You can have
if you'd like.
a) banana
b) a banana
c) any banana
d) a few banana

19.Why. to New York City last month? Was it for

a) did you go
b) did you went
c) were you go
d) were you went

20.The big company meeting is .. .

a) on room 256 in Tuesday
b) in room 256 in Tuesday
c) on room 256 on Tuesday
d) in room 256 on Tuesday

21.Jill is tall, but her sister Jessie is .. .

a) taller
b) the tall
c) more tall
d) the same tall

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

22.I didn't know the answer to question number 50, but Luke it to me.
a) tells
b) told
c) telled
d) was tell

23.Please return .. to the refrigerator after you

use it.
a) a milk
b) the milk
c) milk
d) milks

24.I liked some of the movie, but I didn't like .. .

a) the end of the movie
b) the end's movie
c) the movie's end
d) the movie of the end

25. to the park yesterday?

a) Did you go
b) Did you went
c) Have you went
d) Have you gone

26.He took a business trip to Toronto. Of course he took

a) him computer with his
b) him computer with him
c) his computer with his
d) his computer with him

27.That pen is not very good. Please don't use .. .

a) It
b) one
c) another
d) the other

28.Brenda had five difficult tests. She made 100 on every test. She
study a lot.
a) can
b) may
c) must
d) should

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

29.The manager said that .. was the best.

a) Kevin's report
b) Kevins' report
c) the Kevin's report
d) the report of Kevin

30.I had two keys. I have one here, but do you know where Marina put ?
a) another one
b) the other one
c) it
d) my

31.The smell of onions is .. the smell of oranges.

a) more strong from
b) more strong than
c) stronger from
d) stronger than

32.I .. to get up early tomorrow morning.

a) had better
b) have
c) should
d) will

33.I need a present for Mary's birthday. This book looks interesting, so I might buy
. .
a) her for it
b) it for her
c) she for them
d) them for she

34.There many famous military leaders in the history of

the modern world.
a) were
b) have been
c) has been
d) were being

35.Joe is a great student. He .

a) rarely a test fails
b) rarely fails a test
c) fails a test rarely
d) fails rarely a test

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

36.I think that this shirt is .. than that shirt.

a) more beautiful
b) more cheap
c) the cheapest
d) the most beautiful

37.We go to class late. When we walked in, the other

students.. an exam.
a) took
b) have taken
c) were taken
d) were taking

38.As soon as the alarm clock went .. , Joan jumped out of bed and
started cooking breakfast.
a) in
b) off
c) on
d) out

39.When I went to Carol's house, she was busy. She her suitcase
for her trip to London.
a) packed
b) has packed
c) was packed
d) was packing

40.I need to go to the post office right now. These letters .. as soon
as possible.
a) are sending
b) are going to send
c) have to send
d) have to be sent

41.The Arabic language .. from right to left.

a) is writing
b) is written
c) wrote
d) was used to writing

42.She has a very .. voice.

a) enormously
b) Friendly
c) hardly
d) quickly

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

43.The secretary gave me two forms. I filled right away.

a) it out
b) out it
c) them out
d) out them

44.There was a terrible car accident near the bank. It.

around 4 p.m.
a) was happened
b) was happen
c) happening
d) happened

45.Eastern Airlines is its great on-time record. Its planes

are almost never late!
a) famous about
b) famous with
c) known by
d) known for

46.Oh, no! Hamburgers again! I'm so tired . hamburgers every day!

a) and ate
b) for eat
c) of eating
d) to eat

47.A short note .. was discovered in a box of old

a) Lincoln was written
b) Lincoln wrote it
c) that Lincoln wrote
d) that Lincoln wrote it

48.The doctor told me so much coffee.

a) avoiding drinking
b) avoiding to drink
c) to avoid drinking
d) to avoid to drink

49.Marcus was born in Germany, and .

a) so did Johan
b) too was Johan
c) Johan did too
d) Johan was too

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

50.The weather was very bad in the morning. .. , none of the

planes could take off.
a) Because
b) In order
c) So
d) Therefore

51.We wanted to attend the play, but we.. .

a) were exhausted
b) exhausted
c) were exhausting
d) exhausting

52.I tried to persuade Vicky to the zoo with us.

a) going
b) is going to go
c) to go
d) was going

53.Henry has traveled all over the world. He is only 30 years old, but he has already
visited 50 countries. When he was only 20 years old, he
.. 20 countries.
a) had visited already
b) had already visited
c) has visited already
d) has already visited

54.Although the statistics regarding the number of deaths from tornadoes and other
wind storms vary considerably from year to year, approximately seventy-three people
.. from these storms in the United States.
a) annual die
b) die annually
c) annual dead
d) dead annually

55.I cannot eat seafood. . me that that restaurant served

nothing but seafood, I would not have gone there.
a) If someone tells
b) Someone had told
c) Would someone tell
d) Had someone told

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

56.Although we tend to think that they are basically the same animal, dolphins,
porpoises, and fish are not alike; despite how similar they might seem, these three
animals . dolphins and porpoises are mammals while fish
are not.
a) different in that
b) different so that
c) differ in that
d) differ so that

57.sound intelligent in a second language is a good

grasp of vocabulary and a solid knowledge of English grammar.
a) What does a second language learner make
b) What makes a second language learner
c) That does a second language learner make
d) That makes a second language learner

58.Written in central Canada in the early part of the twentieth

. , depicts life in Manitoba.
a) The Midnight Sun was Victor Frank's last novel
b) The Midnight Sun, which was Victor Frank's last novel
c) Victor Frank's last novel The Midnight Sun
d) it was Victor Frank's last novel, The Midnight Sun

59.Before to bed last night, I took two aspirin

with a large glass of water.
a) I went
b) I go
c) to go
d) having to go

60.I'm sorry I . to your party. I had to work late.

a) couldn't have gone
b) couldn't go
c) shouldn't have gone
d) shouldn't go

61.You're such a wonderful singer. You . have taken lessons from

a voice coach.
a) had better
b) ought to
c) must
d) should not

Grammar Diagnosis Test - Intermediate ESL Students

62.Of all the books that Jalstony wrote in the eighteenth century, perhaps the best
known ..Birds Flying Wildly.
a) about those are
b) about those is
c) of those are
d) of those is

63.None of the countries in Asia that we discussed in our last class meeting
................................................ much oil for export so far. Experts are pondering the
possible causes of this situation.
a) has produced
b) have produced
c) produce
d) produces

64. .. your salary is so low, you should ask for a raise.

a) Although
b) Despite
c) Given that
d) Unless

65.In these past few years, medical science, especially the field of human gene
therapy, an amazing number of new innovations.
a) had seen
b) has seen
c) was seen
d) is seen

66.Much to the happy surprise of many pet shop owners, freshwater and marine
aquariums . popular in the U.S. so that many
families now have an aquarium.
a) have become
b) have increased
c) had become
d) had increased

67. .. each other for such a long time,

we are almost like brothers.
a) Because we have known
b) Because we know
c) Unless we have known
d) Unless we know


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