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IN This Report:
Six steps to condition-based maintenance
Bolster your condition monitoring toolbox
Protect your condition-monitoring program from the recession guillotine
Go beyond condition monitoring
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C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

Six steps to condition

-based maintenance
An exciting trend in the world of CMMS is the increasing sophistication of condition-based maintenance
(CBM) features and functions vendors offer and maintenance professionals actually use. Perhaps were
finally turning a corner on the age-old firefighting mentality, replacing it with a more planned environment.

A n exciting trend in the world of CMMS/

.EAM is the increasing sophistication
of condition-based maintenance (CBM) fea-
 ost benefit analysis considers energy ef-
ficiency; cost performance predictor
You have assets that run your business
tures and functions vendors offer and main- motors, pumps, conveyors, HVAC units, etc.
tenance professionals actually use. Perhaps Over time the performance of those assets
were finally turning a corner on the age- degrade. Eventually they fail, and corrective,
old firefighting mentality, replacing it with predictive or reliability centered maintenance is
a more planned environment. CBM, a form performed.Todays CMMS/EAM systems catch
of proactive, preventive or predictive mainte- the degradation earlier than failure, but at a
nance, can be defined simply as maintenance point where it has already cost you money
initiated on the basis of an assets condition. telling you to go maintain that asset, but long
Physical properties or trends are monitored after its performance has gone downhill and its
on a periodic or continuous basis for attri- operating costs have increased due in large part
butes such as vibration, particulates in the to excessive energy use.
oil, wear and so on. CBM is an alternative to Imagine if you had a new way to alert your
failure-based maintenance initiated when as- maintenance staff of asset degradation long
sets break down, and use-based maintenance before it has cost you money i.e. even before
triggered by time or meter readings. an assets performance first begins to go off
Vendors have incorporated CBM into their track. How can you do this? If you track var-
CMMS/EAM offerings in a number of ways. ious performance conditions and also track
The simplest packages allow manual input the amount of energy an asset uses it will tell
of data such as condition readings for trig- you exactly when that asset is beginning to
gering PM routines. The more sophisticated use more energy that it was designed to use.
CMMS software connects online to PLCs or Energy efficiency is a leading indicator of
other shop-floor devices for automated data failure. Far before your asset fails, far before
collection. The software then analyzes incom- your motor begins to vibrate excessively, or
ing data to ensure that trends are on target overheats, your motor will begin consuming
and within user-defined control limits. When more energy to operate.
data strays outside limits, the software initi- So is EAM/CMMS combined with asset
ates a work order or takes some other action. energy usage the next level of condition-based
It tracks variance from target as well as the maintenance?
worst and best readings.
What comes after RCM? Factors that may Condition monitoring versus control
impact RCM modeling Although condition monitoring is, in most cases,
Irregular equipment performance patterns better than waiting for a breakdown, CBM isnt
Condition Monitoring intervals vs Detec- the ideal solution. Wherever possible, implement
tion-Failure period automated control systems, as they minimize hu-
Cost benefit analysis based on OEE, main- man error and significantly improve service levels.
tenance, capital requirements however the For example, suppose a critical piece of
total cost isnt factored in! equipment is monitored continuously to ensure

2009 2
C o n d i t i o n C Mo vo en ri t So tr oi nr gy

that some temperature is within an acceptable

range. If the temperature rises above the upper
limit, a control loop can activate a fan to cool
the overheated area until the temperature re-
turns to an acceptable range.
This is clearly superior to a condition-mon-
itoring system that merely alerts a human that
the temperature was too high. Its then up to
the human to eliminate the variance condition
effectively and efficiently.
However, it isnt always possible to deter-
mine the root cause of a variance automati-
cally. Nor is it always possible or cost-effective
to take automatic action. In such cases, human
intervention is desirable, making a condition- Figure 1. The energy intelligence difference
monitoring system preferable over an automat-
ed control system. the conditions to monitor, how often, for which
For example, when a sensor detects a machine components, leading to what actions. Many com-
vibration level above the upper control limit by a panies have spent considerable time and money
user-defined amount for a user-defined period, it on internal and external resources to make these
can initiate an alarm condition. A human might determinations, and some have been frustrated to
be required to determine the many possible root the point of abandoning the exercise.
causes of excessive vibration, such as operator To make the process less onerous, prioritize
error, raw material problems, jammed parts, ma- the assets for which CBM might make sense
chine wear and so on. A human might also be re- based on what happens when an asset or com-
quired to determine the most appropriate correc- ponent fails. If the consequences of failure are
tive action. Therefore, its impractical to automate catastrophic (large loss of production, major
the root-cause detection and subsequent control safety risk), then CBM might be appropriate.
loop to fix the problem. Compare the cost of failure or use-based main-
tenance with CBM for a given asset, and factor
Six giant steps in the approximate value of the asset failing to
There are many permutations and combinations prioritize candidate CBM assets. Apply the six
to evaluate when trying to select and prioritize steps below to your prioritized short-list of as- 3 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

sets and components. The example provided is cycle A plus an additional inspection; as op-
for a cooling water system where out-of-range posed to procedure A = 10-point inspection
water temperature may have catastrophic con- and procedure B = 11-point inspection).
sequences. Combining indicators using Boolean logic to
1. Determine operating context for the asset produce consolidated or alternate indicators.
being analyzed (cooling water system is to Recommending corrective action based on
maintain water between 40F and 45F). condition, i.e., using indicators, Boolean
2. Define the assets functions (maintain water logic and/or setpoints (e.g., oil analysis re-
temperature and contain water in the tank). veals gas, particulate or temperature trends
3. Assess possible failures (water too hot or that necessitate a given PM work request).
too cold). Triggering a PM routine on a preferred
4. Identify possible failure modes or root day or date if the meter reading is within
causes (heat exchanger fouled, valve tolerance.
closed, pump bearing fatigued). Forecasting when the next meter reading
5. Determine the most probable failure ef- should occur based on historical readings.
fects for each failure mode (inefficient PM shadowing to avoid duplicate PMs.
heat exchanger results in higher util- Overriding or taking credit for corrective
ity cost, extra cooling tower sections in work that covers PM work due, to avoid
operation, eventual inability to deliver duplication.
quality parts). Validating readings with a user-defined
6. Propose an appropriate maintenance validation formula.
task for each failure mode using failure Color-coded alarm tables for indicators.
history, probability and costs to compare Graphic showing component hierarchy
financial and technical feasibility of cor- and corresponding indicators.
rective, preventive or predictive actions Hot spots on the graphic for drill-down to
(monitor heat exchanger efficiency). details about indicators.
If CBM is the most cost-effective solution, Visibly distinguished conditions and alarms
select one or more condition indicators and on the graphic (blinking, color change).
define the frequency of data capture, the con- Acknowledging alarms or conditions eas-
trol limits, the business rules for triggering an ily from within the graphic screen.
alarm, and the action(s) to be taken for each Entering a new condition easily from
indicator. Actions can range from an auto- within the graphic screen.
mated control loop, to sending a page to an Dynamic integration of production activity
area mechanic. with equipment and component hierarchy
on the graphic screen (issue inspection work
Advanced CBM features on a CMMS order to check out root cause of production
Search for a CMMS package that supports CBM line slowdown or pressure drop in vessel).
and youll find a variety of features. At a mini- Trigger based on calculation of the history
mum, look for the basics such as the ability to es- of condition readings (average, average
tablish upper and lower control limits that trigger variance, sum, median, max or min of last
an alarm, and notification or simple workflow to 10 readings must be within certain con-
initiate a task when a trigger occurs. More sophis- trol limits).
ticated features include Using data from anywhere in the CMMS
Multiple indicators per asset. database to establish a trigger (when ul-
Trigger from one indicator resets all other trasonic reading is greater than the nomi-
triggers for a given asset. nal wall thickness by a given factor).
Nesting of triggers with different cycles (cy-
By David Berger, P.Eng.
cle A is a 10-point inspection and cycle B =

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Bolster your condition

monitoring toolbox
Take advantage of a variety of techniques to increase equipment uptime.

G lobal competitive pressures have increased

demands to keep plants running better, lon-
ger and more cost effectively by reducing unsched-
and lubricant analysis. However, the CM tool-
box also includes under-appreciated techniques
such as time domain analysis and bump testing.
uled downtime and boosting uptime for machin- So, well look at what various methods involve
ery assets. Much of the responsibility to optimize and the insights they provide.
asset efficiency falls on maintenance staffs.Yet The sidebar gives some pointers for making
they face numerous challenges in achieving the the most of these techniques. They (and others)
goal. For a variety of reasons personnel may not can help promote successful CM programs.
be able to follow precision maintenance practices
to the letter; equipment maintenance is becoming Overall vibration
more complicated; and environmental and safety Vibration can be defined as the behavior of a
laws have grown stricter. machines mechanical components in response to
The result has been sustained interest in internal or external forces. Because most rotating-
proactive maintenance programs to help equipment problems cause excessive vibration,
achieve equipment reliability objectives. Con- this operating parameter generally is considered
dition Monitoring (CM) can play a crucial the best to initially assess a machines condition.
role in proactive maintenance. Vibration monitoring can detect fault conditions
CM involves regularly measuring physical pa- such as imbalance, misalignment, rolling bear-
rameters such as vibration, noise, lubricant prop- ing degradation, mechanical looseness, structural
erties and temperature via non-invasive methods, resonance and soft foundation.
usually during normal operation of equipment. When analyzing vibration, frequency and
CM makes it possible to detect machine and com- amplitude of the signal should be evaluated.
ponent problems before they can result in unex- The frequency at which the vibration oc-
pected downtime and the high costs associated curs indicates the type of fault (certain types of
with interruptions in production. faults typically occur at certain frequencies). By
CM ultimately can serve as a platform for im- establishing the frequency, a clearer picture can
plementing a condition-based maintenance pro- emerge regarding cause.
gram scheduling maintenance, inspection and Amplitude typically determines the severity
overhaul based on machine condition instead of of the fault (the higher the amplitude, the high-
the calendar. The goal is to trend and analyze er the vibration and the bigger the problem).
data to identify troublesome conditions and Amplitude depends on the size of the machine
detect early stages of component degradation. and must be considered relative to the vibration
Then, remedial action can be taken to prevent level of the fully functioning equipment.
failures and reduce unanticipated downtime. A typical starting point is to trend a machines
Many plants already rely on some CM meth- overall vibration level. This is the total vibration
ods, particularly overall vibration monitoring energy measured within a specific frequency range. 5 2009
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the most useful. Vibration and noise signals

are broken down into specific amplitudes at
various frequencies. Because each equipment
component vibrates at a certain individual
rate, maintenance personnel by processing
these signals can distinguish between several
different rates and then determine which rate
coincides with which component. The result-
ing FFT spectrum can point the way to the lo-
cation, cause and stage of a problem.
Figure 1. This small hand-held monitoring tool provides a conve- User-friendly FFT analyzers have been devel-
nient means to collect data on overall vibration.
oped to measure vibration and noise signals and
In the case of a rotor, for example, the overall vi- separate them into their component frequencies.
bration would be measured and then compared These tools can display spectrum information in
with its normal value to assess any inconsistencies. simplified formats to enable a first-pass diagno-
A higher-than-normal overall vibration reading sis of machinery condition or identify areas for
would indicate that something is affecting the further scrutiny (Figure 3). The placement of
rotor. Further analysis can identify the actual cause. FFT analyzer sensors, setup, and the process of
Hand-held units such as low-cost vibration taking measurements can be performed without
pens (Figure 1), overall vibration meters or more taking machines out of service.
sophisticated portable data collectors (Figure 2) Time domain (or time waveform) signals offer
and related instruments combining compact size one of the few methods to detect certain types of
with data storage capabilities make data collec- problems. Time domain analysis also can bolster
tion for overall vibration analysis easy. Other confidence that data in the frequency spectrum
options include online surveillance systems to have been properly interpreted; in some instances,
perform round-the-clock monitoring of machin- it can help confirm a particular problem that sim-
ery, regardless of equipment location. This type ply may have been a best guess scenario.
of technology has been highly engineered to col- Time domain is the actual data received from
lect data continuously (or at a predetermined machinery and further processed through Fouri-
data-collection frequency) from permanently in- er Transform to arrive at the frequency domain.
stalled sensors. Findings then are transmitted to This allows personnel to discern actual frequen-
a host computer for subsequent analysis. cies and amplitudes of components within a ma-
chine and helps target components that may be
FFT spectrum analysis failing or faulty processes that could have gone
Among methods for viewing vibration and undetected until machinery failure.
noise signals and pinpointing the causes, a Fast In general, the time domain is a record of
Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrum is perhaps events as they happen and is very similar to look-
ing at recorded sound. A sine wave produced
by a signal generator in the lab would appear
in the time domain spectrum just as it does on
the screen of an oscilloscope. In the real world,
though, complications arise because a machine
doesnt produce a solitary signal. Thats where a
time domain signal shines.
For example, an operating motor connected
to a gearbox and then to a compressor produces
thousands or millions of signals that add and
Figure 2. Portable unit stores and analyzes data which also can be subtract to and from each other based upon their
uploaded to a computer for more detailed analysis. relationships and the influence of external forces.

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All ultimately can be separated and discerned

from a time domain signal.
The need for time domain data is absolutely
mandatory for some applications. These include
cracked, broken or deformed gear teeth in gear-
boxes; rolling bearing defects on very-low-speed
(less than 10 rpm) machines; motor startup tran-
sient issues resulting in bearing deterioration and
winding problems; and, for reciprocating com-
pressors, short-lived impact-type vibration con- Figure 3. Particular peaks relate to specific equipment compo-
cerns, such as piston slap, main bearings and inlet nents, enabling pinpointing of causes of vibration and noise.
or discharge valve problems.
ing inorganic contamination, debris from wear
Bump testing or lubricant degradation), and contribute to the
One of the generally under-appreciated CM tech- desired cleanliness and optimized performance
niques involves a bump (or rap) test. It can pro- of machines and systems.
vide operators with a quick indication of whether Lubricant analysis can satisfy two primary
high levels of vibration or noise are due to the objectives: detecting a problem and diagnosing
dynamic or static parts of a system. This impact its source. Many lubricant suppliers often provide
test is carried out to excite the structure to allow basic lubricant analysis as an added-value service
measurement of natural frequencies, which then for using their lubricants. However, the analysis
can determine whether high vibration or noise only may confirm that the lubricant meets speci-
levels are due to resonance or a potential problem fications and offer little information regarding
with the machinery. machinery health. For this reason, one of the first
A bump test, unlike most other CM methods, steps in establishing an analysis program for lu-
requires that the machine be switched off. An ac- bricants is to identify the lubricant testing tech-
celerometer is placed on the part of the structure nology employed to make analytical assessments.
suspected of causing significant resonant frequen- While laboratory analysis of lubricants can
cies. The most likely sources of these will involve play an important role in managing machinery
parts (such as fan guards, thin panels and pipe assets more effectively, the good news is that not
work) that ring for a long time after being hit. all testing has to be performed in a laboratory.
The structure is repeatedly but gently hit; Many of the important characteristics of work-
during these impacts a measurement from the ing lubricants can be examined visually or with
accelerometer records the responding ring. Its the aid of very simple tools.
frequency content then is compared with norms. For example, you can check clarity and water
By identifying a shift in the natural frequency, contamination with a standing sample. A mag-
bump tests can help detect mechanical faults such
as cracking in metallic components. (Cracked or
poorly bonded structures will exhibit less stiffness,
resulting in a change in natural frequency.) The
test also can identify weak or unstable structures.

Lubricant analysis
Lubricants represent vital sources of informa-
tion ready to be unlocked and evaluated as part
of a CM program. Results enable operators to
confirm use of the proper lubricant, prevent po-
tential over- or under-lubrication, track lubricant
use and waste, raise flags about quality (includ- 7 2009
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net drawn up the side of a glass jar containing ues (base number) of the used diesel engine
lubricant diluted with a solvent can detect fer- oil to new oil. As a general rule, change oil
rous materials (filings and metal dust). A bulls when the alkalinity value of the used oil is
eye sight glass can show flow and discoloration. 50% of the new oil.
Simple in-plant tools enable viscosity monitor- Acid number. Acidity varies in new unused
ing. These are good day-to-day observations. lubricating oils based on the concentration
On a broader and more in-depth scale, you of antiwear (AW), antiscuff (EP) or rust ad-
should routinely evaluate several critical ma- ditives. Increases above the new oil reference
chine and lubricant parameters including ma- indicate oil degradation. Lubricants having
chinery wear particles, contamination, and lu- additives such as zinc dithiophosphate and
bricant or additive degradation. EP generally exhibit higher acidity than those
Truly meaningful lubricant analysis programs containing only rust and oxidation additives.
encompass testing a wide range of parameters Emulsion. Water separability testing is pri-
using a variety of methods. Some of the more marily used to evaluate steam turbine, hy-
common test areas are: draulic and circulating oils susceptible to
Color and appearance. Regularly check high water contamination.
these characteristics. For oils too dark for Foam. In systems where foam is per-
effective appraisal, reduce the volume of oil ceived to be a problem, perform a foam
to a constant depth for proper observation. test to confirm whether the lube oil is the
Viscosity. Oils found to be outside specifica- source. If the oil isnt the problem, turn
tion always are considered abnormal. How- your attention to other influencing pa-
ever, a change within a grade also can be a rameters (mechanical or operational) to
sign of trouble. Watch for changes of 10% resolve the issue.
from new oil.
By Scott Brady, SKF Condition Monitoring
Base number. Compare the alkalinity val-

Protect Your Condition-Monitoring

Program from the
Recession Guillotine:
Cutting back on intelligence and efficient approaches to managing your assets is never a good idea. In
fact, more intelligence and efficiency is always better, especially when times are tough.

T hese are cost-cutting times. A recessionary

period is partially defined as a time when
supply outweighs demand; when we are produc-
These are times of slowdowns, layoffs and plant
closures when we reconcile our overcapacity for
production and try to keep our doors open until
ing more products than people wish to buy. De- demand picks up again.
pending on the industry, this might not be the ap- Wherever you find yourself in the spectrum,
propriate time to discuss availability, uptime and one thing is for certain: Dont think you are cut-
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), or how ting costs by cutting back on condition-based
we can reduce yearly downtime by a percentage maintenance programs or other intelligent as-
point in order to eke out some additional product. set-management strategies. Quite the contrary.

2009 8
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Intelligent maintenance not only increases effi- invest in greater efficiencies, to streamline main-
ciency when the mantra is Produce! Produce! tenance practices and procedures and to remove
Produce! It also saves money when things slow unnecessary maintenance actions through bet-
down. Cutting back on personnel might be nec- ter understanding of the condition of the assets.
essary and outsourcing some of these functions These goals can be achieved by adopting condi-
might be the best option, but cutting back on in- tion-based maintenance practices. If you dont
telligence and efficient approaches to managing have the in-house expertise to carry this out, ask
your assets is never a good idea. In fact, more for help. Outsourcing is an efficiency a plant can
intelligence and efficiency is always better, espe- take advantage of, especially as it allows one to
cially when times are tough. cut back on payroll when times are tough and use
Lets do a quick experiment to prove the manpower only as needed. As the baby boomer
point. Imagine an airline is going through dif- generation begins to retire and the industry begins
ficult times and decides to cut back on main- losing in-house experts, there will be even more
tenance to save some money. What will likely incentive to take advantage of outside expertise,
happen? Perhaps nothing will happen for some automation and remote monitoring.
time, but eventually we can guess the airline will Intelligent maintenance practices which in-
begin to lose track of its assets (knowledge of clude predictive maintenance technologies such
the mechanical condition of the planes) and, in a as vibration analysis, precision balancing and
best-case scenario, only reliability will suffer. At alignment, oil analysis, IR thermography and ul-
some point, it is going to cost a lot of time and trasound, intelligent lubrication management
money to regain control of the situation; more regimens, process monitoring, root cause failure
than was saved by shortsighted cuts. When busi- analysis and reliability techniques are money-
ness does eventually pick up, the planes will start saving efficiencies, not expenses. Why would some
breaking down and then the airline will find that choose to cut these programs in hard times instead
it cannot meet demand. This recession will not of embrace them? One answer is that not enough
last forever and, therefore, the question becomes has been done to actually calculate the positive eco-
not only how companies survive, but where do nomic effect these programs have had on the plant.
they want to be when it is over? One goal of condition monitoring is to re-
In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective duce the number of unplanned maintenance
People, Stephen Covey talks about the habit of actions in the plant. Unplanned maintenance
sharpening the saw. He suggests that if a saw actions negatively effect production schedules
mill wishes to cut as much wood as possible, it and might cause injuries, accidents and col-
will be more successful if it stops every once in a lateral damage. When a plant has successfully
while to sharpen the saw. Just as ones immediate implemented a condition-monitoring program,
inclination would be to cut, cut, cut if the goal is the expectation is that the number of instances
to cut more wood, the common business prac- of these unplanned failures is reduced. This is a
tice of eliminating programs, laying people off fairly easy thing to track and measure. There are
and stopping intelligent work when a slow time a number of other ways to measure the effect of
hits are wrong. A slowdown is an opportunity to intelligent maintenance regimens on the plants
sharpen the saw and to look for smarter and bottom line, but failure to actually measure and
more efficient ways of running the plant; to slim document these positive results can often result
down and shape up so that you are ready to run in a good program getting cut.
when the race begins again. An economic downturn is an opportunity to
A slowdown in demand is the right time to step back, review internal processes and proce- 9 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

dures, engage outside experts and improve the positive economic effect of these programs and
plants overall operations. As distant as it may develop metrics to measure your success or fail-
seem, you must keep long-term goals in mind ure. One simple measurement, but certainly not
despite todays troubled times. When the reces- the only one, is the relative number of planned to
sion is over, you will need to be ready to compete, unplanned maintenance actions. In any case, good
not be bogged down by accidents and reliability programs often get cut if metrics are not in place
problems caused by shortsighted cuts in mainte- to justify them. Now is the time to sharpen the
nance. When surveying current plant practices saw and to measure how sharp it is to see how this
and beefing up or implementing intelligent main- improves the plants bottom line.
tenance strategies, it is important to consider the By Jonathan Hakim

Go Beyond
Condition Monitoring
Despite condition monitoring, unplanned outages continue to be an issue, significantly impacting
financial performance through lost production and extra repair costs.

I n todays environment, chemicals makers

face ongoing pressure to operate safely and
reliably at the lowest possible cost. Most com-
monitoring tools, e.g., for vibration, tempera-
ture, pressure, corrosion and fluid analysis.
Now, the advent of intelligent field devices
panies have adopted condition monitoring and sensors as well as low-cost wireless units
technologies as a key approach to improve the that can be deployed into areas where hard wir-
availability and reliability of process equipment ing would have been cost-prohibitive is extend-
and to proactively avoid downtime. ing these base capabilities and the data they
While these condition monitoring solutions provide.
are providing solid value for most plants, un- Unfortunately, plants arent enjoying the full
planned outages continue to be an issue, signifi- potential of the data for three reasons:
cantly impacting financial performance through 1. The focus of condition monitoring deploy-
lost production and extra repair costs. ments is too narrow. Sites need to instru-
So, in this article, well explore the underlying ment a wider range of assets, so manage-
challenges and introduce the concept of con- ment can look beyond specific equipment
dition management an enhanced approach to entire process areas or complex asset
that helps companies reap the full benefit from sets such as heat exchangers, dryers and
their condition monitoring investments. Well other plant units.
also discuss how to get started in condition 2. The volume of data available now is huge
management, looking at both business and and will continue to grow exponentially.
technical considerations. This creates a significant knowledge man-
Building upon a baseline agement challenge around making sense
For years plants have tracked the health of key of the data. Exacerbating the problem,
equipment. Sites generally have focused on a the aging workforce means that plants are
relatively limited deployment of specific moni- losing more and more people with critical
toring technologies aimed at protecting critical operational experience, knowledge and
assets primarily large rotating equipment. interpretive skills.
This has become simpler with the widespread 3. M any companies still have operational
availability of highly capable fieldbus-enabled silos. Plant personnel arent collaborating

2009 10
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to detect, manage and analyze emerging It comes back to the fundamental difference
issues. The net result is continued outag- between condition monitoring and condition
es, even when the underlying condition or management. Condition management informa-
trend had been correctly detected. tion helps unlock the usefulness of the condi-
tion data by:
Condition management defined driving the appropriate workflow/process-
Addressing this set of challenges requires an es to resolve the issue(s), bringing together
enhanced, more holistic approach condition the key personnel across operational disci-
management. Under this approach, the vast ar- plines (engineering, maintenance, control,
ray of condition data is the entry point to a five- safety, etc.).
step process where the data are: . providing input to an ongoing knowledge
1. aggregated and rationalized; management process where new situa-
2. combined to create context and support tions and their appropriate resolution are
proper analysis; systematically captured and documented.
3. clearly presented and communicated; Further, condition management supports Six
4. systematically managed to ensure the Sigma or Lean Sigma initiatives by supplying
timely, accurate, consistent and effective input for an ongoing process where the knowl-
resolution of the underlying issues; and edge base is regularly reviewed and refined.
5. used as input to an ongoing continuous
improvement process. A telling example
The first three elements are aimed at turning A leading specialty chemicals maker discovered
the data into information, changing the condi- the value of the approach but only after a se-
tion information from noise in the eyes of op- rious incident. The process uses a significant
erations personnel into useful decision support amount of power, so the company operates
intelligence for all personnel. a 300-MW captive power plant. The site had
The aggregation and rationalization also deployed condition monitoring tools on assets
need to address the varying types of data, the there vibration, rpm, and amperage on the
time element (real-time, near-time and offline) pumps in the cooling towers, the manufactur-
as well as the various access and communica- ers monitoring tools on the turbine, and as-
tion methods utilized by vendors. sorted flow and temperature meters throughout
Once the data are turned into properly con- the cooling system.
textualized and actionable information, its When the primary pump in the cooling tow-
critical to manage the use of the information. er failed, the control system initiated a cutover 11 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

again recommended a shutdown. This time, the

operator (per the written procedures) contacted
the plant manager, who gave approval to pro-
ceed with the shutdown.
This caused a production outage that im-
pacted delivery of a critical intermediate to one
of the companys key customers. Further, the se-
quence of events and the elapsed time from ini-
tial warnings to shutdown resulted in extreme
temperatures within the turbine. This led to sig-
nificant damage, necessitating the replacement
Figure 1. Success depends upon properly using wide variety of of its main bearings.
inputs from all plant levels. The root cause turned out to be that back-
up pump had not come online as expected. In
to a back-up pump and then cleared the alarm. doing the situation analysis, the company dis-
An operator entered the occurrence in the log, covered a number of specific issues:
where the required follow-up was to have 1. The back-up pump wasnt instrumented
maintenance staff repair the primary pump. in the same manner as the primary one,
Shortly after this initial incident, the operator so there wasnt any critical warning to the
started receiving alarms that the temperatures operator.
in the cooling system were drifting out of range, 2. Condition information for the primary
coupled with pressure warnings. Assuming that pump and the back-up pump werent
this was a storm created by the cutover to the linked.
back-up pump, the operator acknowledged and 3. The pump, temperature/pressure and tur-
cleared the alarm set. bine data werent connected. Each was
Close on the heels of this second set of indi- handled discretely by the operator in sep-
cations, the turbine monitoring system flagged arate areas of the human/machine inter-
a significant temperature variance and recom- face (HMI); the combined elapsed time in
mended an immediate shutdown. Again, on the dealing with the discrete events exceeded
assumption that this was a blip caused by the the safe shutdown point for the turbine.
cutover, the operator cleared the alarm. 4. No automated communication alerted
After two minutes, which was the defined maintenance, engineering or plant man-
re-alarm time, the turbine monitoring system agement to the developing issue.
reported dangerously high temperatures and 5. The operator didnt have any way of see-
ing the maintenance status of the primary
assets including the pumps this would
have shown that the back-up pump had a
pending inspection because of previously
reported issues.
Looking at this real-life example in its en-
tirety, no particular action or practice alone
could be blamed. Instead, the situation arose
because of the lack of context and ineffective
use (i.e., management) of available information.

The foundation for success

As the example underlines, effective condition
Figure 2. In CALM, the operate/maintain stage offers the largest
management must address all of the elements
portion of return-on-asset improvement. Source: ARC together. Specifically this means:

2009 12
C o n d i t i o n C Mo vo en ri t So tr oi nr gy

collecting the right data (condition, pro- and best practices? In many cases, simple pro-
cess area and system); cess enhancements or better communication
gathering the complete set of data neces- can deliver significant performance improve-
sary to provide the context needed to ac- ments. Dont apply technology without this
curately assess an issue and its impact; process baseline. Note in particular that a for-
automating the response, including actions mal approach based on root-cause analysis and
and escalations; and including continuous improvement efforts is a
enforcing the post-event analysis and con- fundamental requirement.
tinuous improvement process. At a broader level check whether a formal
Moving to condition management is ulti- lifecycle management program is in place. A
mately a knowledge management challenge. recent survey conducted by the ARC Advisory
In many companies, such a move requires a Group found that companies that had adopted
change in both technical and business process such a program had a significantly better return
practices. This challenge is manageable but on assets than those that hadnt. The research
firms need to be committed to the change in also indicated that the largest portion of the
approach and need the discipline to effectively gains come from properly managing the op-
implement and sustain it. erate and maintain stages of the lifecycle. Its
The process has to include the use of sup- precisely here where condition management is
porting tools and technologies that allow the a key enabler of improvements. The ARC life-
capture of the institutional knowledge cur- cycle model, (Figure 2) shows the relationship
rently existing in plant personnel across all the between plant asset management (PAM) and an
disciplines. asset lifecycle management scheme.
Condition management fundamentally is a Corporate knowledge. Does the company
closed-loop model with four main elements have a knowledge management process or
collect, analyze, act and optimize. This model tools? Whats the current state of the work
provides the framework for translating the force? Is a retirement bubble coming up that
business needs into a solution architecture for a necessitates immediate action? Does the com-
plant. Figure 1 shows the relationships among pany really know where the necessary knowl-
these elements, starting at the process measure- edge resides?
ment level through decision support and feed- Skill base. Does the firm have the essential
ing back to the process. expertise in areas such as reliability-centered
or condition-based maintenance, optimization,
Getting started advanced process control (APC), and condition
As with any change process, its critical to under- monitoring and analysis?
stand the starting point. This demands taking a Technology base. To fully achieve the prom-
hard look at several areas and asking some tough ise of condition management, a wide range of
Culture. Does the company understand
that there are issues and that theres inherent
and significant value in resolving them? As a
simple test, can people articulate the impact or
cost of an unplanned outage? Is the company
really willing and ready to change? Effective
condition management will include changes to
business processes and roles, so these points are
Business processes. Are the firms processes
documented? Have they recently been validated
or benchmarked against others in the industry 13 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

Its also crucial not to confuse alarm man-

agement with condition management. Alarm
management plays a critical role in dealing with
the huge number of discrete input/output points
that are part of the control strategy, working in
real time at a discrete level. Condition manage-
ment complements alarm management by per-
forming the advanced analytics that warn of a
developing issue long before it becomes a pro-
cess or system alarm or alarm storm.
2. The current level of condition monitor-
ing. What instrumentation is in place?
Which assets are addressed? What data
Figure 3. Plant- and corporate-level technologies need to come
can these current tools provide? How are
together effectively. the data currently used? What tools are
being used? What processes are in place
technologies both in the plant and at the cor- to deal with the issues identified? Is there
porate level need to come together (Figure 3). any automation of these processes?
So, engineers, planners and managers Find out if the information already being
need to work together and ask themselves a gathered is handled in systematic or automated
series of technology questions that focus on fashion and moves across departmental bound-
five key areas. aries. One of the major values of condition
1. The state of the core automation systems. management is making information useful be-
Is the distributed control system current? yond the realm of the collection point or device
Is the plant using a digital fieldbus with putting it in a broader context.
intelligent devices, traditional 420-mA 3. The current level of APC and process opti-
analog or both? This will impact what mization. Is the company using such solu-
data are available and how to access them. tions? These models can play a key role in
Its important to understand that the plant identifying and understanding the depen-
doesnt need to be state of the art. Many new dencies and context for the condition data.
analytic tools can infer conditions from the 4. Integration infrastructure. Does the firm
simple data points that are being collected as have a standardized way for integrating
part of the control strategy. applications at the plant level, applica-
tions at the business level and among
plant and business applications? This will
be critical for gathering the condition in-
formation at the plant level and then driv-
ing the workflow necessary to resolve is-
sues. For example, if a critical condition
is recognized, automated workflow tools
should page or email the key personnel,
automatically trigger the necessary work
requests or work orders to the mainte-
nance team and update the necessary
HMIs and management dashboards.
5. Business intelligence. Is there an integrated
measurement system as well as a vehicle to
Figure 4. Such a graphical display can often serve as the vehicle deliver the information across the compa-
for delivering information. ny? The vehicle most commonly employed

2009 14
C o n d i t i o n C Mo vo en ri t So tr oi nr gy

is some form of portal or dashboard solu- from within. This valuable effort can enable
tion such as the one shown in Figure 4. them to more clearly understand their resourc-
es, processes, limitations and options.
The next steps However, the subsequent steps can be com-
The analysis that establishes the foundation or plex and likely will involve the assistance of a
starting point is the most important step in the path technology partner familiar with the tools and
to condition management. It is a comprehensive ef- solutions required for a condition management
fort that brings information and, importantly, peo- architecture, not just condition monitoring.
ple, together. It also provides the groundwork for Condition management is an over-arching
setting priorities and expectations and for under- solution that makes use of the mountains of
standing the implications on processes and roles. data generated by individual condition mon-
With the foundation effort complete, a com- itoring systems. It combines, rationalizes,
pany can better see the possibilities for value presents and communicates decision sup-
and improvement, determine risk/reward and port information effectively. It truly can help
identify which parts of condition management management identify the actions and prac-
can be implemented first. The success of initial tices needed to get full benefit from moni-
low-risk/high-reward projects, in turn, can fund toring investments and, in turn, optimize the
an ongoing program. return from plant asset investments.
Many chemical makers can gather the infor-
By Neil Cooper, Invensys Process Systems
mation for a condition management baseline

Mining For Money Through Energy

Monitoring and Management
Ive always been interested in the connection In the United States, 30% to 40% of the elec-
between reliability management and other func- tricity we generate is required to power in-
tional responsibilities within a manufacturing dustrial electric motors! Even a small energy-
organization, such as quality and safety. Clear- efficiency gain can significantly increase the
ly, reliable manufacturing processes improve aggregated demand for power, reducing capital
quality, one of the three primary elements of expenditure to build more power plants and
overall equipment/business effectiveness (OEE/ the consumption of fossil fuels and associated
OBE). Also, when manufacturing processes are emissions. For your firm, spending less on en-
reliable and predictable, there is less chance for ergy translates into real dollar savings. Plus, by
injury. Lately, Ive been giving much thought to reducing strain, wear and tear on your machine
the relationship between reliability and energy assets, manufacturing reliability is improved,
management. In my opinion, there is a close creating even more value for your organization.
connection - one that is worth exploring.
Monitoring and managing energy consump- Outline of Benefits
tion is good for the organization and good for Over the life cycle of a machine asset that sup-
the environment. Its a win all the way around. ports manufacturing processes, energy consumed 15 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

is frequently the largest expense. Some aspects of

the cost to energize a machine cant be controlled,
but some can.
Lets look at the economics of energizing a
200-horsepower electric motor. Assuming a load
factor of 80% and a modest energy cost of $0.06
per kilowatt hour (kWh), it requires more than
$57,000 each year to power the motor, assum-
ing an 8,000-hour operating year (Figure 1). A
quick scan of the Web revealed that the price for
a three-phase, 460-volt electric motor is in the 2) Design drivetrains for energy efficiency. Fail-
$5,000 to $8,000 range. Im sure there are mo- ure to consider energy losses in mechanical
tors that cost more or less, but the point is that drivetrain decisions can significantly affect
the cost to energize the electric motor is about your overall energy bill for an asset. Sure,
100 times its purchase price, assuming a 10-year we want motors to be efficient, but improv-
life. Carving 5% to 10% off of this cost can pro- ing the efficiency of the driver is only half
foundly affect the bottom line. the battle. We need to manage the efficiency
In my example, a 10% improvement in en- of the driven components, too. Selecting en-
ergy efficiency drives an extra $5,700 to the ergy-efficient gearbox and coupling designs,
bottom line - and thats for a single, garden- for instance, can substantially affect the to-
variety 200 hp electric motor! How do you get tal energy bill. Apply the precision balance,
this savings? Ive listed a few items for you to alignment, looseness, resonance and lubri-
consider. Some have direct, positive effects on cation principles discussed in points 6 and 7
operational reliability in addition to the obvi- to the entire drivetrain.
ous energy cost savings. 3) Manage electrical system integrity. If your
1) Select high-efficiency motors compar- motor control center (MCC) has bad con-
ing brand-to-brand performance. High- nections, degraded or undersized wiring,
efficiency motors cost more money up or shorts, energy efficiency will be compro-
front. Dont be lulled into accepting the mised. If circuits run hot or become hot,
up-front savings. Assuming a regular- energy isnt being carried efficiently. More-
efficiency electric motor costs $5,000 at over, the reliability of the MCC and (in
purchase and uses 10% more energy than some cases) the motor itself can be compro-
a high-efficiency motor, you could spend mised. In the case of stray current, the high
up to $60,000 on a high-efficiency mo- buildup of potential also can lead to electri-
tor and still be ahead money in terms of cal discharge erosion, a wear mechanism of-
the economic rate of return over the 10- ten referred to as fluting. Here again, the
year life cycle of the asset (assuming an loss of energy compromises reliability.
8,000-hour operating year). Paying a 50% 4) Operate in ideal load range. Using our
up-front premium for a high-efficiency electric motor example, operating above
electric motor yields an internal rate of or below its rated load range produces
return of 229%. Thats the equivalent of poor energy efficiency and decreases reli-
finding a bank that will pay you 229% ability. For most electric motors, energy
interest annually on your deposits. A 5% efficiency degrades precipitously when the
energy efficiency for which you must pay motor is operated at less than 40 percent
a 50% price premium up front still yields of its rated load.
a 115 % internal rate of return. Youll be 5) Make optimized rebuild/replace decisions.
hard-pressed not to justify this investment When an asset wears out, it gets loose and
if youre employing decision-making tools sloppy, which of course results in energy
based on life cycle cost. waste. Getting that last few days, weeks

2009 16
C o n d i t i o n C Mo vo en ri t So tr oi nr gy

or months of service may be costing you and component designs, helping you make
dearly in terms of energy efficiency. better design and procurement decisions
6) Manage balance, alignment, looseness and that minimize life cycle cost of ownership
resonance. Imbalance, misalignment, loose- and maximize return on net assets (RONA).
ness and resonance all generate mechanical
friction. It takes power to create friction Its Worth the Energy
which converts electrical energy into ther- Monitoring and managing energy consumption
mal energy - and you have to pay for it. In is a slam dunk. Gaining just 5% improvement
some instances, friction is desirable. When can translate to considerable savings for your or-
its caused by lack of precision in managing ganization. If youre mismanaging several of the
balance, misalignment, looseness and reso- above-named factors, 10%, 15% or more im-
nance, youre literally paying for the energy provement may be possible. Because this wasted
required to increase wear and reduce the re- energy is frequently converted to heat and/or me-
liability of your machines. Precision main- chanical displacement (vibration), good energy
tenance pays off, both in terms of reliability management policy and good reliability policy
and in energy management. are natural allies. To sweeten the pot, there are
7) Employ precision lubrication. Improper several government programs that are intended to
selection of lubricant viscosity can sig- motivate you to be energy conscious, often cover-
nificantly affect both energy consumption ing all or part of the up-front investment required
and reliability. If the viscosity is too low, to improve your energy efficiency.
surface-to-surface friction occurs. If the To recap: reduced electric bill, improved reli-
viscosity is too high, viscous drag results. ability, economic support from the government
Both waste energy. A common mistake is and good environmental citizenship. Whats
to employ multi-purpose grease in elec- stopping you? Start monitoring and managing
tric motors. The viscosity of this grease is energy consumption today in order to minimize
typically around 320 centistokes at 40C. life cycle cost of ownership.
Most electric motors require grease that By Drew D. Troyer
is formulated using base oil with a viscos-
ity of 100 to 150 cSt at 40C. The extra
viscosity reduces energy efficiency and
compromises the motors reliability. Like-
This article originally appeared in the
wise, motors frequently are over-greased,
September-October 2009 issue of
further compromising energy efficiency
Machinery Lubrication.
and reliability.
8) Monitor energy consumption. Changes in
asset condition are frequently revealed with
energy monitoring. We traditionally have
employed vibration analysis, thermogra-
phy and other condition monitoring tools
to identify and troubleshoot abnormal asset
conditions. By definition, if a machine starts
vibrating or getting hotter, it is using more
energy or converting energy with reduced
efficiency, so monitoring energy efficiency
is a natural condition monitoring activity.
Moreover, it is comparatively easy to do
and can be done on a continuous basis. En-
ergy monitoring also enables you to com-
pare the efficiency of various equipment 17 2009
C o vn ed ri t Si ot no rMy o n i t o r i n g

About the Sponsor


nfor acquires and develops functionally rich software backed by

thousands of domain experts and then makes it better through

continuous innovation, faster implementations, global enablement,

and flexible buying options. In a few short years, Infor has become

one of the largest providers of business software in the world.

Infor EAM solutions (previously Datastream) enable manu-

facturers, distributors, and services organizations to maintain

the availability, reliability, and operational safety of their plant,

equipment, facilities, and other assets, meet their environmental

and compliance
XXXXXXXXXXXXX goals, optimize their maintenance resources, in-

crease the efficiency of their inventory and reduce their operating

costs and energy use.

Infor EAM solutions include the industry-leading EAM/CMMS

solutions: Infor EAM MP2, Infor EAM Business Edition, Infor

EAM Enterprise Edition and Infor EAM Sustainability Edition.

2009 18

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