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Standards of Effective Teaching - Social Studies

Teacher ____________________ Teacher: ____________ Period: _____ Date: __________ Course: _____________________ Unit: _________________
Essential Question: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Big Idea/Learning Target ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Elements of Effective Instruction Lesson Planning

Applicable Below Standard Developing Proficient Notes
Lesson plans are unavailable or Lesson plans are available consistently Lesson plans are available consistently
inconsistently available when asked when asked but when asked and
Lesson plans are incomplete and missing May be incomplete with no more than one Are complete:
more than one of the following: of the following missing: reference to standards,
reference to standards, reference to standards, measurable objective(s) for student
Written measurable objective(s) for student measurable objective(s) for student learning or guiding questions,
Lesson Plans learning or guiding questions, learning or guiding questions, instructional strategies including access to
instructional strategies, instructional strategies, prior learning, presenting new information,
means of assessment means of assessment an opportunity for students to practice,
No accommodations planned for Some accommodations planned for means of assessment
differentiation differentiation Accommodations planned for
differentiation of most learners
Written Lesson Insufficient information for one GANAG is available, but incomplete or GANAG is complete with
Plans for or more of the GANAG elements has minimal information supporting information so teacher
Social Studies thinking is visible
Goals are seldom stated or no goals are Goals are stated and sometimes measurable Goals are stated and measurable
stated. If stated, goals are not measurable Goals are inconsistently clear and may Goals are consistently clear and are NOT
Lesson Goals are rarely and/or never clear or are include activities activities
Objectives/ stated as student activities Goals sometimes take into account the Goals regularly take into account varied
Goals Goals rarely take into account the varied varied learning needs of individual learning needs of individual students or
learning needs of individual students or students or groups groups
groups objective does not align Measurable
Goals sometimes align to
objective is standards
backwards Goals regularly align
Goal/Measurable to standards
objective/SWBAT is HOT Blooms Level 3-6, DoK 2-4
Lesson with
align to standards
unit or designed from unwrapped unit/Essential directly backwards designed from SPPS
Objectives/ Essential Question Question unwrapped unit/Essential Question
Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT is Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT is
Goals for
is unmeasureable stated, but not measureable measureable
Social Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT is Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT is
Studies is Blooms 1 or DoK 1 Blooms 1-2, DoK 1-2 HOT
Generalize is not connected to Generalize relates back to Genaralize measures the
Goal/Measureable objective/SWBAT Goal/Measureable Objective/SWBAT Goal/Measurable Objective/SWBAT
rather than measures
Limited attempts to access prior Occasionally attempts to access prior Regularly attempts to access prior
knowledge knowledge knowledge
Displays limited understanding of prior Displays some understanding of prior Displays solid understanding of prior
Prior knowledge for students in the class knowledge for some students in the class knowledge for most students in the class
Learning Rarely or never considers the current skills Occasionally considers the current skills of
Regularly indentifies and applies
of the students the students appropriate instruction to the current skills
not recognizes
utilized to students
start Occasionally recognizes
Access starts the classsome students of the students
Access startstothe
meet most needs
Accessing Prior interests/experiences
class to access prior Access from GANAG
interests/experiences is teacher
to access Regularly
prior talk Students recognizes
prior students
Learning Access
learning in not connected to Access
learning relates to other elements of interests/experiences and uses them to
Social Studies Infrequently
other elements recognizes
of GANAG students racial Occasionally
GANAG recognizes students racial provide developmentally appropriate
rsity is used
and ethnic diversity to access prior learning and ethnic diversity to access prior activities to accesssupports
Access directly prior learning
the rest of
learning Regularly
GANAGrecognizes students racial
7.15.15 Saint Paul Public Schools and ethnic diversity and uses it to
engage students prior learning
Not Below Standard Developing Proficient Notes

Utilizes a minimal variety of instructional Sometimes attempts varied instructional Routinely utilizes a variety of best practice
techniques which do not consider effective techniques but is inconsistent instructional techniques that include
Instructional strategies for students with diverse Returns to less effective instructional effective strategies for students with
Techniques language and learning needs practices if something new does not work diverse language and learning needs
Effective instructional practices are applied
using multiple racial and cultural
Students do not have the opportunity to Apply uses proven instruction Apply
Instructional apply new information strategies relationships,
strategies forrealness)
Social Studies (K-W-L,
Techniques for No close reading ritual used with texts Apply is teacher led with minimal Venn diagrams, t-chart, think-pair-
Social Studies No writing student interaction with activity share, stations)
No technology utilized by Close reading ritual is Apply is student centered with minimal
teacher or student Writing is minimal teacher talk
Authentic Learning tasks have little to no connection Learning
Technology is used
tasks by teacher
sometimes only
connect to Close reading
Learning tasks ritual with aconnect
consistently lens to Link to unwrapped units
Learning to standards or little to no support of SPPS standards and/or support SPPS curriculum standards
Writing strategies areSPPS
and support usedcurriculum
for extended
Supports curriculum Activities reflect a learning outcome and writing
Activities reflect a learning outcome and
Activities sometimes reflect a learning students are sometimes involved in students
Technology is used for
are regularly studentin authentic
outcome authentic learning activities learningactivities
Goal/Measurable Goal/Measurable GANAG consistently connects to Authentic learning activities
Authentic Objective/SWBAT does not support Objective/SWBAT sometimes SPPS unwrapped units/Essential historical thinking
Learning learning unit Essential Question connects to learning unit Essential Question geographic thinking
Supports Reason for activity is absent (we are Question ANAG directly support the political thinking
Social Studies going to move on to (this) and then Some parts of the ANAG directly Goal/Measureable economic analysis
(this and then this) support the Goal/Measureable Objective/SWBAT
Activities are not rooted in Objective/SWBAT All activities are rooted in historical
historical thinking, geographic Some activities are rooted in thinking or geographic inquiry
inquiry or are busywork. historical thinking or geographic
Some academic expectations are rigorous Most academic expectations are rigorous High rigor in which students have multiple
with some busywork with minimal busywork opportunities to achieve
High Conveys a negative attitude toward the Communicates importance of work, but Actions (verbal and non-verbal) reinforce
content with little conviction and minimal buy-in belief that all students can learn
Some students receive the message that by students Virtually all students receive the consistent
Expectations they are expected to attain high standards Most students consistently receive the message that they are expected to attain
in their schoolwork and some students do message that they are expected to attain high standards in their schoolwork
not high standards in their schoolwork
Level 1 for Blooms or DoK Some elements of GANAG has Each element of GANAG has purpose
High Academic I know you dont want to do this, purpose and meaning (HOT, Bloom 2- and meaning (HOTS, Bloom 3-4, DoK content/uploads/Lemov-Chapter-
Expectations for but, the district says we have 3, DoK 2) 3-6) 1.pdf
to.., I know this is boring, but. Some actions reinforce belief all Actions reinforce belief all students can no opt out
Social Studies
Opportunity to reflect through writing students can learn (teacher circulates, learn (teacher circulates, expects all right is right
or talk is absent some students answer questions, some students answer questions, Teach Like stretch it (talk bubbles)
Teach Like a Champion) a Champion) format matters
Some students have the opportunity Each student has opportunity to reflect without apology
to reflect on learning during the on learning during the lesson (writing
lesson (writing or accountable talk) or accountable talk)
Displays little understanding of Displays basic understanding of Displays pedagogical knowledge and
Pedagogical pedagogical knowledge pedagogical knowledge reflects on current research and best ching/enewsletter/volume9/mar11/
practices within the field writing.pdf
Content inquiry is lacking in GANAG Content inquiry is minimal in Best practices for Social Studies Primary resources, constructivist,
Social Studies and instruction GANAG and instruction are evident in GANAG and interactive, historical thinking,
Pedagogy Teacher talk is the main focus of Teacher talk is more than student talk instruction geographic inquiry
learning information Student talk is more than teacher
talk practices

7.15.15 Saint Paul Public Schools 2

Applicable Below Standard Developing Proficient Notes
Seldom crafts lessons that embed students Sometimes crafts lessons that embed Routinely crafts lessons that embed
experiences, interests, and backgrounds students experiences, interests, and students experiences, interests, and
Lesson Seldom incorporates interests into real life backgrounds backgrounds
Recognizes application of lessons Sometimes incorporates interests into real Regularly incorporates interests into real
Students Minimally creates student learning life application of lessons life applications of lesson
Interests, experiences that are racially and culturally Sometimes creates student learning Regularly creates student learning
Abilities, and relevant experience that are racially and culturally experiences that are racially and culturally
Experiences IEP and 504 accommodations are relevant relevant
inconsistently executed IEP and 504 accommodations are regularly
Lesson Multiple narratives are absent At least two narratives are utilized Multiple narratives are utilized
Recognizes Narratives used are sympathetic rather Some of the narratives are sympathetic Narratives are empathetic
Students than empathetic rather than empathetic Elements of GANAG are appropriate
Interests, Some of the elements of GANAG are Elements of GANAG are appropriate (age, race, culture)
Abilities, and inappropriate (age, race, culture) (age, race, culture)
Experiences for
Social Studies

Utilizes a minimal variety of instructional Sometimes attempts varied instructional Routinely utilizes a variety of best practice
techniques which do not consider effective techniques but is inconsistent instructional techniques that include
strategies for students with diverse Returns to less effective instructional effective strategies for students with
Instructional language and learning needs practices if something new does not work diverse language and learning needs
Techniques Effective instructional practices are applied
using multiple racial and cultural
perspectives (rigor, relevance,
relationships, realness)
Students do not have the opportunity to Apply uses proven instruction Apply uses proven instruction
Instructional apply new information strategies strategies for Social Studies (K-W-L,
Techniques for No close reading ritual used with texts Apply is teacher led with minimal Venn diagrams, t-chart, think-pair-
Social Studies No writing student interaction with activity share, stations)
No technology utilized by teacher or Close reading ritual is Apply is student centered with minimal
student Writing is minimal teacher talk
Technology is used by teacher only Close reading ritual with a lens
Writing strategies are used for extended
Technology is used for student learning
Instructional groups are assigned with little Instructional groups are assigned with Instructional groups are purposefully
attention to learner ability or instructional some attention to learner ability or selected using student data and appropriate
Instructional goals instructional goals to specific instructional goals
Groups All student groups are doing the same task Tasks within groups are varied according
to the instructional objectives

* Small groups are not expected to Small groups have minimal Small groups process learning together
Instructional process learning opportunity to process learning
Groups for
Social Studies

7.15.15 Saint Paul Public Schools 3

Not Below Standard Developing Proficient Notes

Uses mostly voluntary responses to solicit Uses some strategies to engage equitable Routinely uses a variety of questioning
answers participation strategies that draw equitable participation
Purposeful Does not or minimally prompts students to Sometimes prompts students to justify or (i.e. visible, random) based on culturally
Talk justify or extend their responses extend their responses responsive best practices rigor,
Questioning- Uses little or no discussion in the Uses questioning and discussion and some relevance, relationships, and realness
Discussion classroom active listening is evidenced among the Regularly prompts students to justify or
class members extend their responses related to content
specific language
See above See above Talk is directed by students
Purposeful Talk Talk strategies (VTS, seminar,
Questioning- philosophical chairs)
Discussion for Questions are open-ended
Social Studies Students prompted to justify or extend
answers (talk bubbles)
No time allowed for closure of lesson Some time allowed for closure of lesson Ample time allowed for closure of lesson
Lesson Closure is sometimes connected to the Closure is consistently connected to the
Closure objective objective
Lesson closure is directed by the teacher Lesson closure is directed by students
Generalize has no connection to Generalize gathers student data, but is not Generalize is formative
Lesson Closure Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT formative Generalize directly measures the
for No writing Generalize relates back to Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT for
Social Studies Goal/measureable objective/SWBAT each student/small group
Writing is low level Students process learning in HOT writing
Criteria has not been developed Develops criteria that is unclear or has not Develops assessment criteria and standards
been clearly communicated to the students that are clearly communicated to the
Rubrics and
No charts or rubrics posted/supplied to students
Criteria Charts
students Provides students with a chart or rubric that
indicates expectations for the assignment or


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Political and Historical Thinking Chart

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