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Action Plan

Action Plan
Round Robin Writing

Steps to achieve this goal: Resources needed: Timeline:

1. Students choose a picture with their group Pictures 3 minutes

1 2

3 45

2. Create groups
Grouping creator 1 minutes

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3. Students write and type an essay/report Chromebook 10 minutes

Rotation #1 5 min
4. Students trade (round robin) pass their chromebook
Rotation #2 7 mim
to the next person. Class Chromebooks
Rotation #3 9 min
Rotation #4 12

5. Students will read their stories to each other.

Class Chromebooks 10 min

Class Chromebooks 2 min

6. Students choose 1 story to share

7. Students email the chosen story. Each group takes a turn

Chromebooks 15 min
reading their groups stories

Review Date:__________
I know I achieved this goal because: I am making progress toward this goal and I need to
We did it in class. Students loved it they want to do will keep implementing my action plan change my plan to
another story. achieve this goal by
Learning goals, get my students to write their thoughts down revising the goal or
and to work on standard 3W narrative writing changing the action

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