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Cost Benefit Analysis [Project Name]

Development Costs
1.1 Planning

1.2 Requirements

1.3 Development

1.4 Testing
1.5 Implementation

Operational costs
2.1 Personnel

2.2 Contractors
2.3 COTS (Commercial Software)

2.4 Infrastructure

2.5 Facilities

2.6 Supplies

Non-Recurring Costs
3.1 Research

3.2 Procurement

3.3 Database preparation

3.4 Software and data conversion

3.5 Training

3.5.1 Subtopic
3.6 Travel

3.7 Involuntary retirement, severance and relocation costs for personnel

3.8 Potential disruption to existing business operations

Capital Costs
4.1 Air conditioning equipment

4.2 Communication equipment

4.3 Database

4.4 Facilities

4.5 Security and privacy equipment

4.6 Site
4.7 Software and licenses

4.8 Supplies

4.9 Vehicles

Recurring Costs
5.1 Data communications lease, rental and maintenance

5.2 Equipment lease, rental and maintenance

5.3 Overheads such as additional or incremental expenses attributable to the alternative

5.4 Personnel salaries and fringe benefits

5.5 Security

5.6 Software lease, rental and maintenance

5.7 Supplies and utilities

5.8 Travel and training

Tangible Benefits
6.1 Describe Benefit # 1

6.2 Describe Benefit # 2

6.3 Describe Benefit # 3

Intangible Benefits
7.1 Intangible Benefit # 1

7.2 Intangible Benefit # 2

7.3 Intangible Benefit # 3

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