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Lesson Plan

Date: Class/Group: Time: P3 & 4

20 June 2017 HASS History - Year 9 (3/11) Room: 115
Subject: The making of the modern world.
Topic: Depth study 2: Investigating World War I (19141918).
Lesson content: The Treaty of Versailles
Curriculum links: Specific Objectives/Learning Goals:
The causes of World War I and the Students will:
reasons that men enlisted to fight in the Identify the locations of the main battles of
war (ACDSEH021). WWI
General Capabilities: List the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles
Critical and creative thinking
Ethical Understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities:

Skills Student Diversity:

Questioning and Researching Each class of Year 9s (3 & 11) have students with
Analysing learning and/or behavioral difficulties. The implication
Evaluating of this is that more attention and scaffolding is required
Communicating and Reflecting for these students. The teacher must be careful not to
pay too much attention to the detriment of the other
Prior Learning: Resources/Materials required:
Students have spent the previous 6 My Laptop and wireless mouse
weeks of Term 2 learning about Internet via WIFI
World War 1 and have completed 2
Summative Assessments (CATs).

Teacher resources:
YouTube -

Student resources:
A4 paper

Students have displayed that they are distracted and distracting by iPads so I have limited their use in

Class website:

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Lesson Steps
Time: Procedure Comment
Pre- Turn on projector
lesson Plug in laptop
Arrange desks as needed
Lay out resources as needed
Load PowerPoint
Wait until there is quiet
5 mins Welcome and Roll
Remind students of the
Discuss learning objectives Class rules. Emphasise
that no one has the right to
10 Hook video- Treaty of Versailles stop you from learning.

Teacher input Go through PowerPoint slides.


Activity Give students each a copy of the map of Europe

20 and colour coded with a key, information like where the Walk around the class and
mins trenches were, Red Baron, Aboriginal soldier, AE2 as a check on progress and
summary of what we have covered over the term. give help where required.

5 mins Review the lesson objectives.

Walk around the class and
read responses and
suggest content Who,
What, Why.
Evaluation of Student Learning:
1. Were the students engaged during the lesson?
2. Were the objectives met? If not, why not?
3. Were they able to successfully create their own Excel spreadsheet?
4. Was there sufficient scaffolding leading up to the lesson, i.e. were the students in the ZPD?
5. What was the feedback from the students? Did they enjoy it - was it fun?

1. How did the overall lesson seem to go?
2. Did I stay on time?
3. What was the feedback from the students? Did they enjoy it - was it fun?
4. Did any students struggle to meet the objectives?
5. What would I do differently next time?

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