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The Presidents Handling of Russia Investigations Weights on Approval Ratings

June 15-18, 2017

Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Approve 36 72 9 35
Disapprove 57 21 88 55
Don't know/No answer 7 7 3 10

Q3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the economy?

Approve 42 80 15 41
Disapprove 51 17 81 49
Don't know/No answer 6 3 4 10

Q4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the threat of terrorism?

Approve 44 77 17 45
Disapprove 50 19 78 47
Don't know/No answer 6 4 6 8

Q5. Do you approve or disapprove of how Donald Trump is handling matters related to the Russia

Approve 28 57 7 26
Disapprove 63 31 90 61
Don't know/No answer 10 12 3 13

Q10b. Do you approve or disapprove of how Donald Trump is handling the response to the recent
shooting of a Congressman and Congressional staff?

Approve 46 73 29 44
Disapprove 36 16 55 33
Don't know/No answer 18 11 17 22

Q14. So far, do you think Donald Trump has faced more criticism as President than other recent
Presidents, faced less criticism, or about the same amount as other recent Presidents?

More criticism 71 85 65 68
Less criticism 6 2 8 6
Same amount 22 11 25 26
Don't know/No answer 1 2 1 *
Q15. When you hear people in Washington criticize something Donald Trump is doing, does that make
you more likely to support whatever hes doing, more likely to question whatever hes doing, or doesnt
it change how you view what hes doing?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Support 14 34 2 12
Question 34 17 44 35
No change 50 47 52 51
Don't know/No answer 2 2 1 2

it is 1. Just a political distraction that should be put aside, 2. Serious - but not as serious as other issues,
or is it 3. A critical issue of national security that needs top priority?

Political distraction 32 53 11 35
Serious, but not as serious as other issues 27 29 23 29
Critical Issue of national security 39 18 65 33
Don't know/No answer 2 1 1 3

Q27. Do you believe Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election, or not? IF YES: Do you think
Russia interfered in order to help elect Donald Trump, or do you think they interfered, but not to help
elect Donald Trump?

Yes, Russia interfered to help Trump 44 14 66 44

Yes, Russia interfered but NOT to help Trump 18 28 10 18
No, Russia did not try to interfere 31 50 16 30
Don't know/No answer 8 8 8 8

Q28. How likely do you think it is that associates of Donald Trumps campaign had improper
communications with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election? Very
likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely?

Very likely 39 15 66 33
Somewhat likely 26 25 24 28
Not very likely 19 34 6 20
Not at all likely 13 25 2 14
Don't know/No answer 3 1 2 4

Q26b. Does Donald Trumps handling of the Russia investigations make you think better of him overall,
make you think worse of him, or does it not change your views of Donald Trump?

Better 4 11 1 3
Worse 35 15 61 28
No change 60 73 38 68
Don't know/No answer 1 1 1 1
Q29. In his handling of the Russia investigations, do you think Donald Trump is more concerned about
protecting his administration from being investigated, or more concerned about protecting the U.S.
from Russian interference?

His administration 64 35 91 62
The U.S. 30 57 7 31
Both equally (vol.) 1 3 - 1
Don't know/No answer 4 5 2 6

Q31. Donald Trump and James Comey have given differing accounts of private meetings that were held
between them when James Comey was the Director of the FBI. Whose account of these meetings do
you believe more Donald Trumps or James Comeys?

Donald Trump's 31 64 8 29
James Comey's 57 24 84 55
Neither/both (vol.) 6 6 4 7
Don't know/No answer 7 6 4 9

Q32. Do you think Donald Trump did anything wrong during the private meetings he had with James
Comey when James Comey was the Director of the FBI, or not? IF YES: Do you think Donald Trumps
activities during the private meetings he had with James Comey were improper but not illegal, or do you
think they were illegal?

No, nothing wrong 37 67 13 37

Yes, improper, but not illegal 23 14 29 23
Yes, illegal 29 12 46 26
Don't know/No answer 12 7 12 14

Q35. As you may know, Robert Mueller is the Special Counsel investigating Russia and the Trump
campaign. From what you have seen or heard so far, do you believe Robert Mueller will conduct an
impartial investigation into the matter, or will it not be impartial?

Impartial 56 46 68 52
Not impartial 30 38 24 30
Don't know/No answer 14 15 9 18

Q36. Do you think Donald Trump should try to stop the Special Counsels investigation if he wants to, or
shouldnt he?

Yes, should 15 20 10 16
No, should not 81 75 88 79
Don't know/No answer 4 6 1 5

Unweighted Weighted
Total Respondents 1,117
Total Republicans 262 270
Total Democrats 374 345
Total Independents 481 502

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