A Read The Interview - Open Mind Basic 2

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A Read the interview. Complete the interview with the questions below.
Mark: Now, this week the show is about interesting hobbies. With me today is Annie. Hello, Annie.
Annie: Hi. Its good to be here.
Mark: You have a very interesting hobby. (1) Why dont you tell us what you do?
Annie: OK. I go flyboarding.
Mark: (2) What is that exactly?
Annie: Its a hobby where you stand on a kind of skateboard on water. Powerful jets of water push
you into the air. In the air, you fly around and do tricks.
Mark: (3) Can you tell us more about the tricks?
Annie: You dive into and out of the water like a dolphin! You also do jumps and loops in the air.
Mark: (4) Do you think safety is important?
Annie: Oh, yes. Of course. You have to check your equipment
before you start. Never start until youre sure everything is safe.
And you need someone to help you with the jets of water.
Mark: (5) How often do you go flyboarding?
Annie: Once a week. I live near a lake, so I go every Saturday.
Mark: (6) Would you recommend it to other people?
Annie: Yes, definitely! Its a lot of fun!
Mark: Annie, thank you for talking to us today.
Annie: My pleasure!
a) Can you tell us more about the tricks?
b) Would you recommend it to other people?
c) Why dont you tell us what you do?
d) How often do you go flyboarding?
e) What is that exactly?
f) Do you think safety is important?

B Look at the phrases in bold in the interview questions. Match each phrase to its
function below.
We use this phrase to

1) ask about frequency. How often do you

2) ask someones opinion. Do you think
3) ask someone to start describing something. Why dont you tell us
4) ask someone to explain something in detail. What is that exactly?
5) ask for further information about something. Can you tell us more about

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