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Lord of The Flies - Piggy

By Richard, Sean, Daniel, Khanh

Richard Ngo

Who is Piggy?

Piggy is one of the main characters of the novel Lord of the

Flies, and is the first boy that Ralph encounters on the
island. Piggy is a large boy about the age of 12 with
asthma, and glasses, which play an important role in the
story, and is an important symbol in the story overall.
Symbolization of Piggy

Piggy symbolizes the superego. He

reflects on the actions of him and
others, searching for the consequences
that could possible arise. Even
further, he looks at the effect of
those consequences. An example could
be found in chapter 1 when Piggy feels
obligated to get everyones name. This
showed that Piggy wanted everyone to
feel like they were essential to the
groups survival.
Connecting a symbol to Piggy

The glasses symbolize knowledge and civility. This connects

the glasses with Piggy because he uses knowledge to figure
out situations. For example, Piggy used his glasses to start
the fire in Chapter 1. This is significant because Piggy
wouldnt have done that if he didnt have the knowledge
about lighting up the fire. Piggy also shows civility
throughout the story. Hes probably the only kid on the
island that stayed civil throughout the whole story because
he never showed any signs of savagery.
Connection between other characters?

One character that represents superego is Chandler and he completes the set of
Freudian psyche representing the superego in the story Friends. This is
by,Chandler as the superego is more likely to reprove both of them by taking on
the "parent voice" and impart feelings of guilt and shame onto them. The
connection between these characters is that they both fix the people who are the
id and ego by being the adult/serious person around. The significance is that
they help solve any problems the best they can mentally but cant solve problems
physically. An example of this for Piggy is,But the first time Ralph says fire you
goes howling and screaming up this here mountain.
Connection between other characters (pt. 2)

This means that piggy is scolding the littuns, Jack, and the
hunters for being little kids but, he cant do anything
physically. This also means that he is very good at staying
at his status as a parent.
How have bonds been established or destroyed by our character

Bonds have been destroyed because of Piggys use of acting to his thinking.
Piggys actions between Jack has destroyed the bond between them. Jack doesnt
like the way Piggy thinks so he broke his glasses by punching him in the face.
If Piggy was to think about situations differently this bond with Jack may
have been different in the novel. Another prime example of the destruction and
establishment of bonds is when the group of survivors break into two tribes.
Jack and his hunters establish one group while Ralph, Piggy and a few other
boys are left to create their own alliance. Overall, the bonds between Piggy
and the other characters were mostly destroyed.

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