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B. Tech III Year I Semester Regular End Semester Examinations-November 2016
Scheme of Evaluation

Q 1. i. Secondary is damaged
ii. torque required for deflecting the pointer from initial position.
iii.Cosine of angle between phase voltage and phase current.
iv. 50W 2.25W
v .Head phone, Speaker, Vibrational Galvanometer.
vi. Head phone, Speaker, Vibrational Galvanometer -0-2MHz
vii. DVMs display the measured voltage using LCDs or LEDs to display the result in a
floating point format.
viii. Dual slope and integrating type DVM.
ix. A device that converts one form of energy in other form.
x. Measure force , pressure.

Q 2. (a)

The phasor diagram of C.T


IM = I0 cos and IC = I0 sin

Phase Angle of CT
From the phasor diagram

For very small angles,

This expression can still be simplified with the assumption I0 << nIS

phase angle of CT degree 1

(b) The primary winding of a current transformer is connected in series with the line carrying the main
current. The secondary winding of the CT, where the current is many times stepped down, is directly
connected across an ammeter, for measurement of current; or across the current coil of a wattmeter, for
measurement of power; or across the current coil of a watt-hour meter for measurement of energy; or
across a relay coil. The primary winding of a CT has only few turns, such that there is no appreciable
voltage drop across it, and the main circuit is not disturbed. The current flowing through the primary
coil of a CT, i.e., the main circuit current is primarily determined by the load connected to the main
circuit and not by the load (burden) connected to the CT secondary. Uses of CT for such applications
are schematically shown in Figure .
2 (B)

Derivation of deflecting torque equation

3 (A)

Explanation of pressure coil connection , current coil and flux interaction and production of
torque .
3 (B)

Derivation of the sum of reading of two wattmeter is

Then the power factor

4 (A) i) Polar potentiometer are in which the magnitude and phase of unkown voltage are
measure in different scale.

ii) Ans 0.703 W


L1 =
R2 R3C (r + R
4 ) + R3rC

1. Variable capacitor is not required.
2. Inductance can be measured accurately.
3. R1 and L1 are independent of frequency.
4. Accuracy is better than other bridges.

1. Expression for R1 and L1 are complicated.

2. This is not in the standard form A.C.

explanation of each block.


explanation the function of each block.

When the core is at its normal (NULL) position, the flux linking with both the secondary windings is
equal and hence equal emfs are induced in them. Thus, at null position: ES1 = ES2. Thus, the output
voltage E0 is zero at null position. Now if the core is moved to the left of the null position, more flux
links with S1 and less with winding S2. Accordingly, output voltages ES1 is greater than ES2. The
magnitude of output voltage is thus, E0 = ES1 ES2 and say it is in phase with primary voltage.
Similarly, when the core is moved to the right of the null position ES2 will be more than ES1. Thus, the
output voltage is E0 = ES1 ES2 and 180 out of phase with primary voltage.
Piezoelectric material is one kind of transducers. We squeeze this material or we apply force or pressure
on this material it converts it into electric voltage and this voltage is function of the force or pressure
applied to it. The material which behaves in such a way is also known as piezoelectric sensor. The
electric voltage produced by piezoelectric transducer can be easily measured by voltage measuring
instruments, which can be used to measure stresses or forces. The physical quantity like mechanical
stress or force cannot be measured directly. Therefore, piezoelectric transducer can be used.

Assume that the meter uses copper wires as shown. In this case, where the two copper wires come in
contact there is no problem, but where the copper comes in contact with another metal, such as the
constantan thermocouple wire, the two dissimilar metals create another thermocouple, which generates
its own Seeback voltage. For this example, copper interconnecting wires were used and the
thermocouple was copper and constantan. The composition of the wires is immaterial, as any
combination will produce these parasitic thermocouples with the problems of additional Seeback
voltages. It is an inescapable fact that there will be at least two thermocouple junctions in the system.
To contend with this, it is necessary that the temperature of one of the junctions be known and constant.
Therefore, there is a fixed offset voltage in the measuring system.


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