pt3 Set 1

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[10 marks]
(Time suggested: 15 minutes)
Answer all questions in this paper

The text below is about Pinocchio.

Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct
word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

Once upon a time, a poor toymaker named Geppeto made a beautiful

puppet that he called Pinocchio. He was surprised why the puppet began to talk e.g when

and move liked a real boy! Geppeto sent Pinocchio to go to school, but on his (a) ____________

way, Pinocchio saw a puppet theatre. The owner of a puppet theatre wanted to (b) ____________

keep Pinocchio, but he got scared and cried so much as the man gave him some (c) ____________

coins and lets him go. Pinocchio continued his journey and met a fox and a cat, (d) ____________

who were both thief. They took Pinocchio to Field of Miracles and told him to (e) ____________

bury his gold coins if he wanted to be rich. Furthermore, as soon as he did that, (f) ____________

the thieves stole their coins. Sad Pinocchio wanted to return home, but instead (g) ____________

met a group of children who are going to Toyland. At once he forgot Geppeto (h) ____________

and went with them. He really enjoyed himself on Toyland, but the place soon (i) ____________

became a nightmare when all the boys, included Pinocchio, changed into (j) ____________

donkeys. A kind fairy took pity on Pinocchio and changed him back, but she

also warned him. Every time you tell a lie, your nose will grow.

[30 marks]
(Time suggested: 40 minutes)

Question 2
Read the following text. Then answer questions (a) (j)

Our planet consists of approximately 71% water and contains five oceans, including
the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern. Out of the five oceans, The Pacific
Ocean is the largest, covering 165.25 million square kilometres and covering more than
30% of the Earths surface.
The Pacific Ocean is located between Americas to the East of the Pacific Ocean basin
and the Asian and Australian continents to the West. The Equator further divides the
Pacific Ocean into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. The name
Pacific means peaceful, coming from the Latin word "pace" for peace. In 1521, a
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan who was on his journey to Patagonia, passed
through the Strait of Magellan into a body of water he called "mar pacifico" which means
peaceful sea.
The Pacific Ocean is not only the biggest but also the deepest. The average depth is
about 3,800 m. The Mariana Trench, located to the West of the Philippines and north of
New Guinea, is the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean with 10,920 metres. Formed by the
collision of two tectonic plates, it is the lowest part of the earth crust.
There are many other interesting facts about The Pacific Ocean that make it
spectacular. Most of the islands in the world are found in the Pacific Ocean. 75% of the
volcanoes on earth are located in The Pacific Ocean basin. Atolls, which are coral islands
in the ocean surrounded by a lagoon, can also mostly be found in The Pacific Ocean.

Questions (a) (j)
Using information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

Other interesting facts :

(h) ______________________________
(a) ___________________________
(i) ______________________________
(j) _______________________________

Location: between
(b) ___________________________

(c) __________________________

Depth: History:
Average depth: Meaning of name:
(e) __________________________ (d) __________________________

Deepest trench: Name given by:

(g) __________________________ (e) __________________________

Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then answer questions (a) (h).

Places to Go in Melaka

Kampung Morten Melaka Sultanate Palace

A unique village located in the Set at the base of St. Paul Hill, this
heart of Melaka city, this peaceful museum is a wooden replica of a
village of 50 residences is like a 15th-century palace.
living museum. Fenceless houses Inside this three-storey museum,
in the village allow visitors to take visitors will get to see various
a very close look and feel the daily displays of weaponry, traditional
living of the community. costumes, brassware, decorative
Visit Villa Sentosa in Kampung arts, jewellery and more. Opens
Morten which is open to public from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., admission
daily from 9 am - 5 pm, where into the palace is RM2 per adult
visitors can actually go into the and RM0.50 per child.
house for a visit with resident tour

Melaka River Cruise Jonker Street

Enjoy a slow ride along Melaka Dubbed the Malaccas Chinatown,
river past historic buildings, old Jonker Street is the perfect place to
warehouses, interesting mangrove bargain for cheap items and shop
stands, churches, and villages. A for antiques.
tour could last around 45 minutes, It is best visited on weekends as
in boats that can take around 20 to visitors worldwide would swarm
40 passengers. this particular street for its lively
Departing from Muara Jetty, night market. The wide array of
opening hours are from 9:00 a.m. stalls, friendly hawkers, bargains
till 12:00 a.m. and different tickets as well as live music coursing
price apply for Mykad holders and throughout the area make Jonker
non- Mykad holders. Street comes to life with an
exuberant street party-like

Questions (a) (d) Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE or

(a) There are 50 families living at Kampung Morten. _____________________ [1 mark]

(b) Melaka Sultanate Palace is not actually a palace. _____________________ [1 mark]

(c) Melaka River Cruise starts at 12 p.m. _____________________ [1 mark]

(d) The antique shops come alive at night at Jonker Street. _____________________ [1 mark]

Questions (e) (g): Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) (i) What are some of the things we can see on display at Melaka Sultanate Palace?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Why is Kampung Morten considered a living museum?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the brochure.

Meaning Word

(i) contains _____________________________________ [1 mark]

[1 mark]

(ii) selection _____________________________________

(g) (i) How long would the ride on Melaka River Cruise take?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) In your opinion, who would benefit from the information in the brochure?

_____________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(h) Your friend and his/her family are planning to visit Melaka this coming school holiday.
In about 50 words, write a postcard to your friend.

In your postcard:
persuade your friend to join you
suggest places and activities he can do in Melaka
give reasons to support your answer.

Dear _______________,



___________________________________________ To:

___________________________________________ _______________________

___________________________________________ _______________________

___________________________________________ _______________________









[10 marks]

[20 marks]
(Time suggested : 20 minutes)
Question 4
Read the text below.

Dear Abby,
I think I have this fear of letting my 15 year-old daughter out of my sight.
Whenever she goes out or comes home from school, I would call once or twice to make sure
she is okay. The whole time I worry and keep praying nothing bad would happen to her.

I check on her wherever she is and who she is with constantly. If she doesnt answer my call
or text messages, panic comes over me. There were few incidents when I rushed home from
the office because she didnt answer my calls but when I reached home, she was napping. I
was upset and cried because she didnt answer my calls and ease my worries. My daughter
was also upset and cried because she thought I was this overbearing mom who wouldnt let
go of her. It was frustrating and unhealthy for both of us.

Few years ago, our town was shocked with a gruesome case where a girl of the same age as
my daughter was kidnapped from her home and killed. It was devastating to see the familys
grief and how they had to cope with losing a family member in such a manner. I believe that
is the reason for my fear and why I act the way I do. She just finished her exams and I heard
that her friends are planning to go to the beach. She hasnt asked for permissions from me
yet but the thought of her being away and with so many things that could go wrong, it is
certainly a nightmare! I know I should learn to loosen up and relax a bit, but I dont know
how and wish you can help me with this. ANXIOUS MOM.

Adapted from, 2015

Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) (j).

(a) What is Anxious Moms main problem?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(b) What happens to Anxious Mom when her daughter doesnt reply to her calls or text messages?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(c) (i) What made Anxious Mom upset when she rushed home and found her daughter napping?

____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) What was her daughter upset for?

________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(d) Based on the letter, what could be the cause of Anxious Moms fear?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/ phrase from the text.

Meaning Word/ Phrase

(i) continuously

(ii) horrible

(iii) take it easy

(iv) in a certain way

(4 marks)

(f) What was it about the case that made Anxious Mom become over protective of her daughter?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(g) What does Anxious Mom think about the way the family had to cope with their daughters


___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(h) it is certainly a nightmare!

What does the word nightmare refer to?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(i) Why exactly does Anxious Mom write a letter to Abby?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(j) If you were Abby, what advice would you give to Anxious Mom?


__________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

(15 marks)

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).

Poisoned Talk

by Raymond Wilson

Who killed cock robin?

I, said the worm,

I did him great harm.

He died on the branch of a withered tree

From the acid soil that poisoned me.

Who killed the heron?

I, mouthed the fish,

With my tainted flesh

I killed tern, duck and drake,

All the birds of the lake.

Who killed the lake?

I, boasted Industry,

I poisoned with mercury

Fish, plant and weed

To pamper mens greed.

Who killed the flowers?

I, moaned the wind,

I prowl unconfined,

Blowing acid rain

Over field, flood and fen.

Who killed the forest?

I ensured that it died,

Said sulphur dioxide.

And all life within it, 10

from earthworm to linnet.

(a) In stanza 5, Who confessed to killing the forest??

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(b) In stanza 5, What does the word ensured tell us about the crime?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(c) In stanza 2, What does the tainted mean?

___________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(d) What does the last line tell us about the killer? Give a reason for your answer.

Characteristic: ____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

Reason: ___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

[40 marks]
(Time suggested: 45 minutes)

Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your school has launched an Online Awareness Campaign. In conjunction with that, you have been
asked to write an article on how to be safe online.

Dont post any personal information online

- dont give out your address, email address , phone
number etc.
- keep your personal information private

Be careful with people you meet online

- not everyone online is who they say they are
- speak to your parents if people youve known online
want to meet you in person

Think carefully about what you say before you post

something online
- your words can be misunderstood and twisted
- respect other peoples view- no need to be rude

When writing out your article:

you may use the notes given
give suitable examples to support your points
add any other relevant information
write in not less than 150 words

Question 7
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

1. The Elephant Man - TIM VACARY

Based on one of the novels above, write about an important incident and how it brought changes to a
character in the story.
Provide evidence from the text to support your response.

in not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)
















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