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Product testing

Category Specification Yes/No Reason

Aesthetics There should be more than 3 Yes As you can see in the dish above, there are
colours in my meal more than 3 colours. As a proof, the salmon
is reddish, the rice is white, the mushrooms
are brown, the cabbages are light green and
the green onions are dark green.

There should be green Yes As indicated by the red circle, there are
vegetables at the of the rice to green onions spread on top of the salmon
make my rice look healthy as and the rice. The pink and the green which
well as contrast with the also contrasts quite well as descripted by the
salmon meat specification.

The rice should be served on a No I did not serve my meal on a plate or a bowl,
plate/bowl (e.g. not paper but instead served it on a large plastic box.
boxes for takeaway) because it This is indicated by the orange rectangle,
looks more professional which highlights the edge of the box.

The food should be chopped Yes All the pieces of my meal is chopped well into
into bits and mixed together bite,sized pieces. The largest piece of food is
the salmon in the middle, which is still
chopped. This is indicated by the yellow

The meal should look similar to No As you can see, the meal does not look
current school meals at VSA similar to the school meal mainly because of
the way it is served. The container and the
moisture of the food does not match the ones
served at school.

Cost I think that the costs should be No The expensive price of the salmon has really
set at $24,30 dollars. inflated the price of my meal and the new
estimated price is around $35 to cover up the
cost of the salmon.

Target The target audiences of my Yes As you can see in the picture, the meal is wet
audience product will be students, and is easy for anyone to chew, especially
teachers and staff from the elderlies and children. The amount of
school, meaning that the age vegetables also please most of the
of customers could range customers as nutrition is one of the highest
anywhere from priorities in a survey conducted before. The
boneless salmon suits children and elderlies

Ingredients I will use salmon as one of the Yes As turned out, salmon is one of the main
& Nutrition main ingredients of the ingredients in my meal. This is indicated by
product. the green square which shows that salmon
takes up more portion in my meal than other

I will use rice as the base of Yes The rice has successfully retained its spot as
my meal. the base of my meal. Other bases like pasta
and spaghetti are nowhere to be seen. This
is indicated by the blue circle.

I will use at least 2 kinds of Yes As you can see, mushrooms, cabbages and
vegetables in my product that bean sprouts have been used in my meal
is going to be mixed with the and is mixed with the rice and fish. This is
rice and fish. indicated by the yellow rectangle.

I will add mushrooms to my Yes Mushrooms can be seen in me meal. The

meal. proof can can found in the yellow rectangle.

I will not use eggs in my meal Yes There are no eggs used in my meal and the
colour of the rice also reflects that egg does
not exist because it is still white.

I will add bean sprouts to my In the yellow rectangle, there are bean
meal sprouts and this perfectly fulfills my

I will use cabbage and cut it to In the yellow box, cabbage is seen and it is
bite sized cut into bite,sized pieces which is suitable for
my target audience to chew.

I will add soy sauce to my meal No In my meal, no soy sauce has been added,
as reflected by the blue rectangle. The colour
of the rice is still white, which indicates that I
have not added soy sauce.
Method I will steam the rice and Yes The moisture of the meal tells us that the
vegetables meal is steamed. The water drops on the
side of the meal also tells us that the veggies
and rice are steamed.

Function The function of the meal is to The meal includes salmon, which helps solve
solve the problem of lack of this problem. The salmon can be seen in the
fish in school meals. green rectangle.

To serve the target audience This meal is edible, which matches the
criteria of the food.

Safety I will wear apron when cooking Yes Wearing apron was a requirement before
making the meal and it would not be possible
for me to make the meal without apron since
the supervisor would not have allowed it.

I should be cautious about ,,, There is no evidence to suggest that I have

contacting with the hot wok or or have not been cautious. However, as an
pan or cooking equipment honest opinion, I have been careful with
because it could burn my touching any hot equipment because I have
fingers had bad experience before.

I should be cautious when ,,, There is no evidence to suggest that I have

using knife to cut things or have not been cautious. However, as an
honest opinion, I have been quite careful
when handling knives especially when
walking around and no accident has

I will check the origin of the Yes Before buying anything, I have checked the
ingredients that will be used in origin country of the food and has been able
my meal to identify them as healthy ingredients. I also
checked the nutrition value of the food to
make sure I keep it healthy.

Environme I will cook one portion each Yes I have only cooked one portion as you can
ntal time only see from the picture. Although it is slightly
considerati more than one serving, I have cooked this
ons much intentionally because I was cooking for

Size My plate will be 23cm x 23cm As you can see, the size of my meal does not
match the specification mainly due to the
rectangular box (using a real life ruler was
not necessary because it is clear that the
meal did not comply with the rules)

There should be more than 3 colours in my meal
The food should be chopped into bits and mixed together

I will use at least 2 kinds of vegetables in my product that is going to be mixed with the rice
and fish.

I will add mushrooms to my meal.

I will not use eggs in my meal

I will add bean sprouts to my meal

I will use cabbage and cut it to bite sized

I will wear apron when cooking

My plate will be 23cm x 23cm

Overall, the product is quite successful because it matches the original plan and design of
the meal. However, there are still some differences between those meals and it is important
to discuss about it.

After conducting my survey, the results match my self evaluation against the design
specification. The responses I received match what I have said. When I said I have not
completed something, my response corresponds that exactly. Despite 2,3 specifications
failing completely, it will not affect the appearance or popularity of my product because the
taste isnt affected. My meal really focuses on the nutrition value, and therefore I have asked
quite a lot of questions concerning the vegetables of my meal. All of the 15 responses say
that I have used the vegetables that I mentioned in my design specification, which helps
make my product healthy. This also proves that my product is successful because it is
healthy in many peoples perspective. My final product is a salmon steamed rice with miso
and vegetables. The cost have gone up by approximately $5 due to the failure to recognise
the high salmon price beforehand, which is a massive failure. The main ingredients used in
my final product include: Uncooked rice (amount of your choice) , salmon, 1/2 thin pieces
of butter , 100g shimeji mushrooms , cabbage , 80g bean sprouts , 50g miso , 2 tbsp
sugar , 2 tbsp mirin , 1 tbsp soy sauce , Green onions ( of one would be enough)

One of the main strengths of my product is that the large range of vegetables used.
Mushrooms, bean sprouts and cabbages make up most of the taste in my product and it
appeals to my target audience by being extremely healthy. The other strength is the
colourfulness of my product, which is very attractive especially to younger kids. The last
strength is that heat is kept for a long time because of the compactness of my product.

The main weakness of my product is that it is too wet. Some might think that the meal could
even be literally taken out from the water. The other weakness is the aesthetics of the
product. It looks quite bad and does not appeal well to anyone because of its wetness and
the lack of decoration. Even though it is quite colourful, adults might not be appealed to.

If I could redo my product, I would make a few changes to my procedure.

First of all, I would add a step before collecting materials. I would like to add some safety
measures and precautions to make sure my meal is safe to eat. The first would be to wear
an apron because food might be spilled onto my clothes. Next is to wash my hands. This is
even more important than wearing apron because germs can cause diseases and poison to
my food, which would mean the end of my meal because no one would eat it anymore.

3 Collect necessary - Uncooked rice - Kitchen knife 5 mins Collecting

tools and (amount of your - Cutting board
ingredients for choice) - Filter basket
cooking - salmon - Tissue paper
- 1-2 thin - Frying pan
pieces of butter - Steaming pan
- 100g shmeiji - Bowl
mushrooms - Chopsticks
- cabbage
- 80g bean
- 50g miso
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp mirin
- 1 tbsp soy
- Green onions
( of one
would be

Secondly, instead of using a plastic container, I would use a plate to serve my food. A plastic
container doesn't only look unprofessional, it also fails to match the criteria of being similar
to school meal. It is very important that the meal is served in a plate to make it look like an
actual school meal. Furthermore, the plate helps the moisture to evaporate quicker and
make it less wet, which makes my meal more appealing. According to my survey, 100% of
people dont think or are unsure whether my serving size is 23x23cm, which signals that I
have failed this specification.

Thirdly, I will steam the meal for less time to make sure the moisture is not that serious. My
meal is too wet for my target audience to like it. Currently, as shown in the table below, I
steam the meal for 15 minutes. If I could reduce the time to around 10 minutes or even 8
minutes depending on the rawness of the vegetables. I would also add less water to the
steaming pan to keep the water level to the minimum.
11 Turn on and cook (Product from - Steaming pan 15 mins Cooking
the ingredients step 10)

Lastly, I will decorate my meal to make the aesthetics better since it is ranked third most
important in my initial survey weeks ago. By this, I mean that I will use a proper knife to chop
the ingredients instead of using a chopstick to break the pieces. It can clearly be seen that
the pieces of food are not balanced and some pieces are larger than others, which is quite
bad for the aesthetics.

Impact of meal on target audience

The biggest impact of my meal is that it provides an extra option for the rare fish meals at
school. Some people dont like to eat meat but enjoys vegetables, yet dont want to purely
eat vegetables. This meal is perfect for them. Another benefit can be seen from studies
conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The studies
have shown that fish like salmon contains a lot of minerals and are extremely
beneficial to our human body.
- Contains a high amount of vitamin D
- Rich in omega-3 which keeps our bones strong
- Vitamin A and D in selenium of salmon keeps our nervous system from age
- Prevents ADHD symptoms
- Omega-3 also keeps our heart strong
- The omega-3 in salmon kills cancer

To summarize, here are the main impacts of the meal

Prevent ADHD symptoms
ADHD is an issue that can affect a childrens development because it makes them a
bit different than others. This means that children can be more concentrated in
class and learn better

Kill cancer
The ingredients I have used can help reduce the risk of having cancer, mainly the
salmon. This is really good for everybody and is definitely a great choice for food

High nutrition value

The amount of vegetables make this meal of high nutrition value. According to the
health academic-achievement group, eating healthy can help students achieve
better grades, which means the the development of their childhood will be enhanced.
Furthermore, this can help our sports team member to stay fit and strong so that they
can win matches and competitions.

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