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1. A person with AB blood group is generally known as: Universal Recipient.

2. --------- can be used to confirm whether drinking water contains a gamma emitting isotope or
not? Scintillation counter

3. Nehru report was published on? August 15, 1928

4. Nehru committee was constructed to make the universal constitution of India which
completed its task in? 3 months

5. Simon report was unanimously condemned: by all political parties of India

6. Hormones contain iodine? Thyroxine

7. When first time Simon Commission visited India? 1928

8. When second time Simon Commission visited India? 1929

9. Simon Commission report was published in? May 1930

10. Who helped Quaid e Azam in preparation of 14 points? Moulana Hakim Ajmal

11. Highest military award of Russia is? Order of the patriotic war

12. Hottest planet of Solar System? Venus

13. Planet which revolves very slowly around sun? Neptune

14. National poet of Afghanistan? Khusal Khan Khattak

15. Planet nearest to the earth? Venus

16. Highest military award of Italy is? Medal for Valour

17. Worlds narrowest street? Vicolo della Vrirlita

18. Boundary line between Canada and US is called? 49 parallel line

19. Diamond Ring is a phenomenon observed? Only along peripheral regions of the totality

20. Alpha particles carry two positive charges. Its mass is very nearly equal to? An atom of

140. Pakistan is the worlds 9th largest -------- speaking country? English

141. In 1191 AD, the first battle of Terain was fought between Muhammad Ghori and Rajputs
under the command of Govind Rai, brother of Prithvi Raj, Ghori was defeated in this battle.

142. In 1192 AD, second battle of Terain was fought and Rajputs were defeated in this battle

143. Battle of Tarrain was also known as Battle of Tarairi

144. Pakistan has the worlds 2nd largest ------ mine? Salt

145. Youngest Pakistani boy to be certified Microsoft Professional? Babar Iqbal

146. Highest railway station in Pakistan? Landi Kotal

147. Moon completes its orbit around the earth in? 27.3 days

148. ------------- is also called magnifying glass? Convex lens

149. People living in high altitudes usually have? Large number of RBC

150. The earths axis is tilted by? 23.5O

151. German Silver is an alloy of? Copper, Nickel and Zinc

152. Most reactive metal? Francium

153. First president of USA? George Washington

154. Kashmir state was bought by Gulab Singh from British ruler for? Rs 7.5 million

155. Kashmiri Muslim launched a freedom movement against Dogra Raj in? 1930

156. Father of modern chemistry? Antoine Lavoisier

157. X-rays were discovered by? Rontgen

158. Who invented moto-cycle? Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach

159. Vitamins was discovered by? Kazimierz Funk

160. Alfred Nobel is associated with the invention of? Dynamite

161. Disease usually spread through milk? Tuberculosis

162. Vitamin which is susceptible of heat destruction? Vitamin C

163. In Shimla deputation, how many Muslims leaders participated? 35

164. When Lord Minto II came to India as Viceroy? 1905

165. Reign of Lord Minto II in Sub Continent? 1905-1910

166. Muslim leaders drew up a plan of separate electorates for their community and presented it
to viceroy? Lord Minto

167. Who were elected as joint secretaries of ML? Mohsin ul Mulk and Waqar ul Mulk

168. Who drafted rules and regulations of the ML? Muhammad Ali Jouhar

169. First central office of ML was set up at? Aligarh

170. Highest military award of Britain? Victoria Cross

171. Highest military award of India? Param Vir Chakra

172. Highest military award of Japan? Order of the rising sun

173. First film which wins the Oscar? Wings

174. Which computer was the first one to use the concept of stored program? EDSAC

175. WORM Write Once Read Many

176. Cellophane was invented by? Bradenberger

177. Short sightedness is due to? Elongation of Eye ball

178. Parkinson is a disease of? Brain

179. Oncology is the study of? Cancer

180. 1 nibble = 4 bits

181. First constitutional structure was formulated in the Sub-continent in? 1861

182. Who passed Indian Councils Act 1861? British Government

278. When Indian troops began crossing the border of East Pakistan and helped Mukti Bahani to
launch attacks on Pakistan Army? November 1971

279. Largest radio station in Pakistan? Islamabad

280. When 1st general election were held in Pakistan? December 7, 1970

281. Who wrote Sassi Pannu? Hashim Shah

282. Who wrote Sohni Mahiwal? Fazal Shah

283. Heavy Mechanical Complex, Texila was set up with the aid of? China

284. Medium range missile Abdali was first launched on? March 26, 2003

285. Largest island found in Pakistan? Manora

286. Largest sector of Pakistan economy? Agriculture

287. Dominant source of foreign exchange earning? Agriculture

288. Ice can be changed to water by? Changing the motion of the water molecule

289. Boiling of an egg is a change which is? Chemical

290. Temperature of a liquid nitrogen is? -196OC

291. If an alkali is slowly added to acidic solution, the pH of the acidic solution will? Increases to 7
and then decreases
292. Usual raw material for ceramics? Clay

293. Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as? Nylon

294. Chemicals used to kill weeds are called? Herbicides

295. The structure of DNA was elaborated by Watson and Crick in? 1953

296. Man belongs to the family? Hominidae

297. Name the first ambassador of the Islamic state who was martyred in the way? Haris bin

298. Name the first slave who was freed at the time of Prophethood and accepted Islam? Bilal

299. Adam is the word of language? Syrian

300. Youngest son of Hazrat Adam? Hazrat Shees

301. Sheikh Ahmed of Sirhind was given the title of Mujadid Alf Sani by? Moulana Abdul Hakim

302. First preacher of Islam appointed by Holy Prophet for the people of Madina? Musab bin

303. After the battle of yermuk, Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar from his
supreme command. The new supreme commander was? Abu ubaidah

304. Who has been titled as Saifullah Khalid bin Waleed

305. Hazrat Ali martyred at the age of? 60

306. When did the event of social boyocott of Banu Hashim took place ? 7th year of Nabvi

307. Hazrat Umar was killed by a person named? Feroz

308. Name the Sahabi who was the first one to die in the history of Islam? Hazrat Assad bin Zarra

Current Affairs

1. The North-South gas pipeline will transport LNG from Karachi to Lahore.

2. Russia will invest $2 billion in the construction of North-South gas pipeline.

3. The total length of North-South gas pipeline is 1,100 km.

4. Around 12.4 billion m3 of gas would be transported from Karachi to Lahore per annum
through North-South gas pipeline.
5. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif inaugurated construction of 393 km long Sukkur-Multan
section of Karachi-Lahore Motorway in Sukkur on 6 May 2016.

6. The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is 1,100 km.

7. Pakistan issued 10-year Eurobonds of $500 million in the international Eurobond market
on 25 September 2015.

8. The pricing of the Eurobonds were held on 24 September 2015.

9. The coupon rate of Eurobonds issued on 25 September 2015 is 8.25%.

10. After Islamabad and Muzaffarabad, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 2 May 2016 launched
the National Health Program in Quetta.

11. The Iranian President Dr. Hassan Rouhani arrived in Pakistan for a two-day visit on 25
March 2016.

12. The National Action Plan announced on 25 December 2014 by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
is a 20 point counter terrorism plan.

13. The construction work on Karachi green line (or Karachi Metro bus service) was
inaugurated on 26 February 2016.

14. The estimated cost of the Karachi green line is Rs.16,085 billion.

15. On 31 December 2015 PM's National Health Program was launched in Islamabad.

16. On 25 February 2016 PM's National Health Program was launched in Muzzafarabad.

17. According to the National Health Program poor people would get free treatment of
common illnesses up to Rs.50,000.

18. According to the National Health Program poor people would get free treatment of serious
medical conditions up to Rs.300,000.

19. In the first phase of Thar Coal Power Project 660 MW of electricity will be generated.

20. Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) was formed by merging Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad
stock exchanges on 11 January 2016.

21. The under construction Gulpur hydropower project to generate 102 MW of electricity is
located in Kotli.

22. The under construction Bhikki Power Plant to generate 1180 MW of electricity is located in

23. The under construction Haveli Bahadur Shah Power Plant to generate 1230 MW of
electricity is located in Jhang.

24. Moody's on 11 June 2015 upgraded Pakistan's foreign currency issuer and senior
unsecured bond ratings from Caa1 to B3.
25. Shanghai Cooperation Organization approved membership of Pakistan into the
organization on 10 July 2015.

26. Through TAPI gas pipeline Afghanistan, Pakistan and India will receive natural gas from

27. The construction of TAPI gas pipeline began on 13 December 2015, and the expected
completion date is December 2018.

28. Pakistan will receive 14 billion m3 natural gas from Turkmenistan per year.

29. Pakistan-Qatar deal to import LNG from Qatar to Pakistan is a government-to-government

contract for 15 years.

30. Pakistan-Qatar LNG contract was signed on 10 February 2016.

31. According to the Pakistan-Qatar LNG deal Pakistan will receive 3.75 million tons of LNG

32. The first match of Pakistan Super League (PSL) T20 was played on 4 February 2016 in UAE.

33. The Pakistan Super League (PSL) T20-2016 was won by Islamabad.

34. Nandipur Power Plant is located in Gujranwala.

35. Pakistan launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan on 15 June 2014.

36. The GDP growth for the financial year 2015-16 was 4.71%.

37. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy won Oscars award 2015 for the second time for her documentary
movie A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness.

38. The first shaheed female pilot of Pakistan Air Force is Mariam Mukhtar.

39. The youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai won Nobel Peace Prize for the year

40. Dr Abdus Salam won Nobel Prize for the year 1979 in the field of Physics.

41. The agriculture sector contributes 20.88 % towards national GDP.

42. The industrial sector contributes 20.30 % towards national GDP.

43. The agriculture sector generates 43.5 % of employment.

44. The population growth rate in Pakistan is 1.92 percent.

45. The government of Pakistan is trying to add electricity generation of 10,400 MW to

national grid by 2017- 18.

46. Pakistan conducted the first use of its military drone, "Burraq", in Shawal Valley of North
Waziristan on 7 September 2015.
47. Pakistan won the Cricket T20 World Cup in 2009.

48. Pakistan has won squash men's world open for 14 times.

49. The Vision 2025 aims to serve 4 functions.

50. The Parliament passed a bill to convert PIA into a public limited company on 11 April 2016.


1. How many articles are to be believed by a Muslim? 5

2. What was the last surah to be revealed? Al-Nasar

3. Which mosque did Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered to abolish? Zarar

4. In which Hijri wine was prohibited? 5 Hjri

5. Who was the first female Shaheed of Islam? Saamia

6. Who wrote the highest number of Ahadith? Huraira

7. Complete the series: 1, 5, 17, and 85, _?

8. A student needed 35% marks to pass an exam. He secured 235 marks and failed by 29 marks.
What were the total marks? 750

9. If 2x + 2x + 2x = 12 then what is the value of x in 2x - 1 3

10. A man invested Rs. 3000 for 4 months and got some profit. How much money should he invest
to get such a profit in a month? 12000

11. The average of 8 numbers is 12. If each number is increased by 2, the average of the new set of
numbers is? 14

12. When Women Protection Bill was passed. 15 Nov 2006

13. Where is the headquarter of OPEC? Vienna

14. Headquarter of World Young President Organization is in?

15. Who was the first Principal of MAO College?

16. Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 when Bangladesh was recognised by Commonwealth.
When did Pakistan rejoin Commonwealth as 49th member? 1991

17. Who was the first Secretary General of UNO? Trygve Lie


18. Hindbound

a) Strong willed
b) Open-minded

c) Thin skinned

d) Tender hearted

19. Seedy

a) Elegant

b) Intricate

c) Tranquil

d) Irregular

20. Boggle

a) Disentangle

b) Repudiate

c) Ascertain

d) Remain Unruffled


21. Indolent: Sloth

a) Wrathful: Ire

b) Arrogant : Acuity

c) Covetous : Enigma

d) Gluttony : Loyalty

e) Impatient : Apathy

22. Which of the following gases is used in fire extinguishers?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Water Vapour

d) Carbon dioxide

23. Cooking gas is a mixture of

a) Methane and Carbon dioxide

b) Oxygen and Nitrogen

c) Bautane and Propane

d) Oxygen and Methane

24. Iron articles rust because of the formation of

a) Ferrous chloride

b) A mixture of ferrous and ferric hydroxide

c) Sodium carbonate

d) Ferric chloride

25. Water is purified through the process of? Chlorination

26). Dry ice is ____ Solid Carbon Dioxide

27). Chemically diamond is _____ Pure Carbon

28). What is amount of income tax to be paid by a person having income of Rs.55, 000.

29). If 6 men and 14 women complete a work in 10 days, how time will 12 men and 14 women will
take to complete the same work

30). If a thing was purchased at 'x' rate and sold at the profit of 20 % what would be the selling

a). 1x b). 2x c) 1.2x d) none of these


31. What meant by Muqtadi

32. Names of Holy Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran 26

Pak Studies:

33. When Risala-Isbabe-Bagwat-e-Hind was translated into English? 1873

34. When Nehru Report was presented? 28 Aug 1928

35. Number of Muslim Delegates who attended Round Table Conference.

36. Who is the author of book " clash of civilizations"

37. When Red Cliff Award was announced? 15 Aug 1947

38. Who was the first General in West Bengal after Division of Bengal?

39. Who was Secretary when 1861 act was promulgated?

40. What is Bande Mataram? Anthem

01. Moratorium

a: large tomb

b: security for debt

c: waiting period (Ans)

d: funeral house

02. Exhume

a: decay

b: inhale

c: fertilize

d: unearth (Ans)

03. Tether

a: fetch

b: demand

c: estrange

d: loose (Ans)

04. Pulchritude

a: antipathy

b: unsightliness (Ans)

c: inexperience

d: languor
05: Taper

a: emphasize

b: split

c: broaden (Ans)

d: restore

Every Day Science

Which acts as a resistance against disease in the body? White corpuscle

A fan makes a hot noon to feel cool by? Increasing the rate of evaporation

When a ship enters a sea from river, its portion under water will? Decreases

Different seasons are formed because? Revolution of earth around the sun

Humidity of the air?

Increases with the increase in atmospheric temp:

To an astronaut in spacecraft, the sky appears to be? Dark

Rich source of iron is? Green vegetables

Milk fever in cows occurs due to the lack of? Iron

Decrease in White blood cells result in? decrease in Antibodies

People suffer from Anaemia due to the lack of? Iron

Mouth and foot diseases in cattle are caused due to? Virus

Permanent hardness of water cannot be removed by? Boiling

In summer, man with excess perspiration feels weak because? Loss of more water through

Age of tree can be determined by? Counting the number of rings

First Muslim scientist who presented laws of reflection and refraction? Ibn ul Haitham

Laliophobia is the fear of? Speaking

First personal computer made in 1970s called? Altair

What is software? Instruction to a computer

Biggest computer company in the world? HP

Biggest company of computer software? Microsoft

Virus of AIDS affects the growth of? T cells in blood

Cirrhosis is a disease that affects? Liver

Goiter is associated with? Thyroid glands

A branch of medicine studying blood and its disorders is called? Hematology

Study of tissues is called? Histology

Branch of medicine dealing with eyes and related diseases is called? Ophthalmology

The internal antenna of a transistor set is made up of? Ferro-chrome

Mach Number is a term associated with the speed of? Aero plane

Common ore of Aluminum is? Bauxite

In typhoid which drug is administered? Chloromycetin

Hypochondria is a? state of morbid anxiety about one own health

In a fluorescent tube which component is found? Mercury Vapor

Helium is used for respiration in deep water instead of nitrogen because? It mixes less in blood
than N2

Gerontology is the study of? Process of ageing

Turmeric is obtained from which part of a plant? Root

21. In the structure of planet earth, blow the mantle, the core is mainly made up of: Iron

22. Deepest place in the Indian ocean is: Sunda Trench

23. Largest sea in the world: South China Sea

24. The country which has the largest army in the world: China

25. The English poet who died in his young age: John Keats

26. Paradise Lost was written by: John Milton

27. Which disease is more common in males than females? Color blindness

28. Cluster of Island: Archipelago

29. The president of US who was killed during his office? Abraham Lincoln

30. In which continent, there is no glacier: Africa

31. Audacity of Hopes was written by: Barak Obama

32. How Siachan dispute emerged? Boundary of Jammu & Kashmir was not fully demarcated

33. Siachan glacier is in which mountain range? Karakoram

34. Height of Siachan glacier? 5753 km

35. Length of Siachan glacier? 75 km

36. Between which two ranges the Siachan glacier lies at? Karakoram and Saltoreo

37. Siachan glacier is located in region? Kashmir region

38. Average temperature on Siachan glacier? -40 Celsius

39. Highest battle ground on earth? Siachan glacier

40. Pak and India have been fighting at Siachan since? 1984

Everyday Science

41. Which is mixed with the rubber to make it more flexible? Sulphur

42. Cause of Dysantry. Vibrio Coma

43. Soap includes :Fatty Acids and salts

44. When IMF was formed : 27-dec,1945

45. Where UN University is? Tokyo

46. What Siachin ironically means? Land of Wild Flowers

47. From when America is claiming to know that Iran was establishing nuclear plant in violation of
NPT? 2003

48. Type of government

a. Autocracy

b. Oligarchy

c. Fascism

d. Balshvikism

49.Who was president of North Korea at the time of nuclear explosion? Marshal Kim Jong


50. Five taps fill a tank in 40 minutes if one tap is out of order then in how many minutes tank will
be filled? 50 Mins

1.CPEC will pass through which countries ? China , Pakistan

2. Which country has agreed to give gas to Pakistan ? Turkmenistan

3. Where is Rico Diq ? Balochistan

4. First battle between Muslims and Quraish was ? Badr

5. Khyber battle was between Muslims and Jews

6. Share of Bait-Ul-Maal from spoils of war ? 1/5

7. Slavery of civil servant according to Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) is As per minimum need of an
ordinary people

8. Primary sources of Islamic Jurisprudence ? 4 (Quran , Hadith , Ijma , Qiyas )

9. Pakistan's number according to population among muslim countries ? 2nd

10. Indus River originates from ? Tibbet (Ladakh)

11.Five rivers meet at Mithan Kot

1. Harrapa were discovered in

a. 1909 b. 1921 c. 1922 d. None
2. Hujjatullah ul Baligha was written by a. Shah Wali Ullah b. Syed Ahmed Brailvi c. Sir
Syed Ahmaed Khan d. None
3. Barhamo Samraj was founded by
a. Mahatma Ghandi b. Raja Ram Mohan Roy c. Sardar Patel D d. None
4. First President of Congress was
a. A. O. Hume b. W. C. Benerjee c. Jawaher Lal Nehru d. None
5. First census in India was made in the period of
a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Canning c. Lord Mayo d. None
6. The Life of Mohammad was a book written by
a. Syed Ahmed Shaheed b. Syed Ahmed Khan c. William Mueer d. None
7. Sind was separated from Bombay in: a. 1935 b. 1945 c. 1947 d. None
8. Dar ul Uloom Deoband was founded by
a. Maulana Mehmood Hassan b. Syed Ahmed Nanatovi c. d. None
9. The Viceroy of India in 1919 was a. Lord Chelmsford b. Lord Minto c.Edward Montague
d. None
10. The first secretary of Khilafat Committee was
a. Mohamamd Ali Jouahr b. Moulana Sahuqat Ali c. Moulana Hasrat Mohani d. None
11. The first Foreign Minister of Pakistan was a. Sir Zafrullah Khan b. Khawja Nazimuddin
c. Gulam Mohammad d. None
12. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiracy case a. Faiz Ahmad Faiz b. Habib Jalib c.
Shorish Kashmiri d. None
13. Pakistan purchased Gawadar from a. Oman b. U.A.E c. Iran d None
14. The largest Agency in the Northern Area of Pakistan is a. South Waziristan b. Khyber
Agency c. Mohmand Agency d. None
15. Militants attacked Quaid e Azam Residency in a. Ziarat b. Karachi c. Quetta d. None
16. General Election of 2013 was held on
a. May 10 b. May 11 c. May 12 d. None
17. The politician who served as both Governor General and Prime Minister was
a. Sir Zafrullah Khan b. Khawja Nazimuddin c. Gulam Mohammad d. None
18. The British Parliament announced the Independence Act on
a. 14 July 1947 b. 15 July 1947 c. 16 July 1947 d. None (3rd June)
19. India cut off the flow of canal waters to West Punjab for first time on a. 1ST April
1948 b. 1ST May 1948 c. 1ST june 1948
20. Kashmir sold to Gulab Singh in a. 1845 b. 1865 c. 1890 d. None


1.Best Military Commander Generals In The World 2016 is??

A) Raheel Sharif (Pakistan)
B) Martin Dempsey (United States)
C) Dalbir Singh (India)
D) Fang Fenghui (China)
2.Film made on the Life of Malala Yousaf Zai ??
A) A Girl in the River
B) He Named me Malala
C) Brave Girl Named Malala
D) Malala as peace Sign
3. Pakistan Boxer M. Waseem has won Medal in Boxing competition in July-2016??
A) Gold Medal
B) Silver Medal
C) Bronze Medal
D) Medal of Honor
4. United Nation has announced Nelson Mandela day??
A) 18 July
B) 12 October
C) 18 June
5. Largest NADRA office situated in??
A) Karachi
B) Lahore
C) Islamabad
D) Gujranwala
6. First time Mobile Mosques introduced in which Country in July-2016??
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Malaysia
C) Indonesia
D) Bangladesh
7. Which Pakistani Aircraft wins best aircraft trophy at Royal International Air Tattoo
Show-2016 ??
A) F-16
B) F-777
C) C-130
D) C-17
8.Current Chair Person of OGRA (Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority ) Pakistan is??
A) Dr. Asim
B) Touqeer Sadiq
C) Ayesha Mumtaz
D) Uzma Adil
9. Oldest Cricketer to score Test hundred as captain??
A) Sachain Tandulkar
B) Brian Lara
C) Ricky Ponting
? D) Misbha ul Haq
10.Oxford University London honors to Which Pakistani Singer with lifetime achievement
award in July 2016
A) Atif Aslam
B) Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
C) Abrar ul Haq
D) Shzia Manzoor
11. Finance Act Bill 2016-17 is related to??
A) Agricultural products
B) Petroleum Products
C) Tax
D) Electricity Issues
12.Which Country will be the first to leave EU??
A) France
C) Brazil
D) Russia
13. Which Team has won Football Euro Cup-2016??
A) France
B) Brazil
C) Portugal
14.Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has member??
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
15. Which Egypts ex-president announced sentenced to death in june-2016??
A) Hosni Mubarak
B) Muhammad Mursi
C) Anwar Sadat
16.British government will decide to remain member of European Union or not,
A) Assembly Bill
B) Army Chief
C) Referendum
D) European Union Member countries vote
17.Federal Government has approved a scheme for Quran education till??
A) Middle
B) Metric
C) Intermediate
D) Bachelor
18.Which Country has sent 20 satellite in Space in June-2016??
A) India
B) China
C) Russia
D) Pakistan
19.World Bank has approved loan for Pakistan to carry out economic structural
A) $500 million
B) $600 million
C) $7500 million
20. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit 23,24 June-2016 will be held in??
A) China (Beijing)
B) Tajikistan (Dushanbe)
C) Uzbekistan (Tashkent)
D) Russia ( Moscow)
21.Panama Leaks Related to a Law Firm name?
A) Panama Papers
B) Clyde & Co
C) Mossack Fonseca
D) Kennedys Law
22.First woman Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir is:
A) Shama Khalid
B) Anousha Rehman
C) Mehbooba Mufti
D) Sashma Suraaj
23.Woman Seats in Senate?
A) 12
B) 17
C) 4
24.Captain of Pakistan T-20 Team?
A) Shahid Afridi
B) Muhammad Hafeez
C) Sarfraz Ahmed
D) Shoiab Malik
25. Attorney General of Pakistan?
A) Ashtar Ausaf
B) Munir A mailk
C) Salman Butt
26.Current National Assembly of Pakistan is?
A) 12th
B) 13th
C) 14th
27. According to Amnesty International report -2016, Pakistan, Iran, China & Saudi
Arabia has hanging percentage of world
A) 54%
B) 72%
C) 90%
D) 51%
28. Eagle-5 Military Exercises are continuing from 9-30 April Between Pakistan & China
A) Balochistan
B) Shinghai
C) Jeddha
D) Karachi
29.Who Launched Pak Sar Zameen Party
A) Raza Haroon
B) Zulfiqar Mirza
C) Mustfa Kamal
D) Anees Qaimkhani
30. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cost?
A) 46 Billion$
B) 44 Billion$
C) 45 Billion$
31.Having longest tenure as a Governor of any Province of Pakistan??
A) Shahbaz Sharief
B) Dr. Ishratul Ebad
32.How many New Members included in Election Commission of Pakistan in July2016??
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
33.Lady also known as the Iron Lady of Manipur (India) has the worlds longest hunger
striker for 16 years (2000-2016), name??
A) Irom Chanu Sharmila
B) Davia Ananda
C) Darashna Devi
D) None of Above
34. Minister of Kashmir Affairs is??
A) Sikandar Sultan Raja
B) Barjees Tahir
C) Hafeez Ur Rehman
D) Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan
35. Burhan Wani was killed in an encounter with the Indian security forces on 8 July
2016 in Kashmir was commander of??
A) Laskar e Tayyba
C) Hizbul Mujahideen
D) Jash e Muhammad
36. Punjab-Shandong Business Conference-2016 was held in??
A) China
B) Punjab
C) Japan
D) Turkey
37. when USA declared ISIS as terrorist Organization of the World??
A) 20 May-2016
B) 15 January-2016
C) 15 June-2015
D) 22 March-2016
38. Which Indian air base was attacked on January 2016 by a heavily armed group??
A) Amritsar ASF
B) Pathankot ASF
C) Mumbai ASF
D) Hyderabad ASF
39.Chief Minister of Sindh??
A) Mola Baxsh Chandew
B) Syed Muraad Ali Shah
C) Parvez Khatak
D) Murad Ali Shah
40. Summer Olympics-2016 will be held in??
A) Greek
B) Brazil C) Germany
D) Japan
41. First solar-powered aircraft which complete round the world trip in July-2016 ??
B) Solar Jet VI
C) Solar Impulse 2
D) Boeing 747
42.tour de france is a??
A) Car Race
B) Boat Race
C) Bicycle Race
D) Horse Race
43. A Pakistani documentary film Song of Lahore was awarded with the Audience
Choice Award at the London Indian Film Festival in July-2016 Directed by??
A) Andy Schocken along with Sharmeen Ubaid
B) Andy Schocken along with humayun saeed
C) Andy Schocken along with Syed Noor
44.Which Political Party got Majority in AJK elections in 21 July-2016??
C) Independent Candidates
45. Elections held in AJK were??
A) 9th general Elections
B) 10th general Elections C) 12th general Elections
D) 14th general Elections
46.What is the Name of Professional Twenty 20 Cricket league in Pakistan held in
A) Pakistan Premier League(PPL)
B) Pakistan Cricket League (PCL)
C) Pakistan Super League (PSL)
D) None of Above
47.Which is biggest Restaurant Chain of the World??
B) Richet Burgers
C) McDonalds
D) Subway
48.Abdul Sattar Edhi died at the age of??
A) 84
B) 86
C) 90
D) 88
49. Current Spokesperson of Pakistan??
A) Nafees Zakria
B) Qazi Khalilullah
C) Tasneem Aslam
D) Dr. Maleeha Lodhi
50. Ex Minister for Labor & Man power Mr. Miraj Muhammad Khan died on 21 July 2016
at the age of??
A) 62
B) 77
C) 82
D) 58


1. Panama Leaks Related to a Law Firm name?

A) Panama Papers
B) Clyde & Co
C) Mossack Fonseca
D) Kennedys Law
2. First woman Cheif Minister of Occupied Kashmir is:
A) Shama Khalid
B) Anousha Rehman
C) Mehbooba Mufti
D) Sashma Suraaj
3. Woman Seats in Senate?
A) 12
B) 17
C) 4
4. Captain of Pakistan T-20 Team?
A) Shahid Afridi
B) Muhammad Hafeez
C) Sarfraz Ahmed
D) Shoiab Malik
5. Attorney Genral of Pakistan?
A) Ashtar Ausaf
B) Munir A mailk
C) Salman Butt
6. Current National Assembly of Pakistan is?
A) 12th
B) 13th
C) 14th
7. According to Amnesty International report -2016, Pakistan, Iran, China & Saudi Arabia
has hanging percentage of world
A) 54%
B) 72%
C) 90%
D) 51%
8. "Eagle-5" Millitry Exercises are continuing from 9-30 April Between Pakistan & China
A) Balochistan
B) Shinghai
C) Jeddha
D) Karachi
9. Who Launched "Pak Sar Zameen Party"
A) Raza Haroon
B) Zulfiqar Mirza
C) Mustfa Kamal
D) Anees Qaimkhani
10. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cost?
A) 46 Billion$
B) 44 Billion$
C) 45 Billion$
11. National Assembely of Pakistan Passed Cyber Crime bill, which is related to?
A) Remove Terrorism Activities
B) Illegal use of Internet
C) Punishment of Prisoners
D) Theft of Electricity
12. In absence of President of Pakistan who will perform as Acting president ?
A) Speaker National Assembly
B) Chairman Senate
C) Prime Minister
D) Interior Minister
13. O.I.C session in Turkey(Istanbul) in which 57 Islamic Countries has join is:
A) 11th Session
B) 12th Session
C) 13th Session
14-Current Affairs: Marriage Bill 2016 pass by?
A) Punjab Assembly
B) Sindh Assembly
C) KPK Assembly
D) Baluchistan Assembly
15. Speaker Baluchistan Assembly?
A) Dr. Shela Raza
B) Raheela Hammed Khan
C) Asad Qaisar
16. Operation " Zarab-e-Ahan" started by Pak Army against Choto Gaing in?
A) Multan
B) Rajhanpur
C) North Wazirstan
17. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have signed 1300 Megawatt
Electricity agreement, called?
A) PASA agreement
B) TASA agreement
C) APSA agreement
D) CASA agreement
18. Official residence of Tajikistan President??
A) Bagh e Iram
B) Qasar e Millat
C) None of above
19. NFC award stand for?
A) National Fiscal Commission award
B) National Finance Commission award
C) National Field Commission award
20. In 7th NFC award, which province got major Share?
A) Punjab B) KPK C) Sindh D) Balochistan
21. In 7th NFC award, which province got minor Share?
A) Punjab
C) Sindh
D) Balochistan
22. Most costly Tea of world "dahongpao" found in??
A) China
B) Kenya
C) India
23. The first Muslim woman has been elected as the speaker of Germany??
A) Zakia Salam
B) Muhterem Aras
C) Hamidat Marjani
24. First Female has been appointed as US Military Combat Command..
A) Lori Robinson
B) Jennifer Linda
C) Adelina
25. Lowest Meat Consumption Country in World??
A) Nepal
B) Iran
C) India

1.In Rio Olympics 2016 which country finished at the top of the table with gold medals?
A.United States
C.Great Britain

2.In Rio Olympics 2016 which country finished at the second number of the table with
gold medals?
A.United States
C.Great Britain

3.In Rio Olympics 2016 the men's football gold was won by

4.In Rio Olympics 2016 the women's football gold was won by

5.In Rio Olympics 2016 the men's volleyball gold was won by
A.United States
D.Great Britain

6.Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, won __________ gold medals in Rio Olympics

7.The Paris agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
is to limit global warming well below
A.1.0 C
B.1.5 C
C.2.0 C
D.2.5 C

8.The Paris agreement was opened for signature for one year on
A.20 April 2016
B.21 April 2016
C.22 April 2016
D.23 April 2016

9.On 22 April 2016 the Paris Agreement was ratified by _____ member states.

10.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change deals with

A.reduction in fossil fuel usage
B.CO2 emissions mitigation
C.reduction in Uranium production
D.greenhouse gases emissions mitigation

11.The Paris agreement had to enter into force only if _____ countries which produce at
least 55% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions ratify the Agreement.

12.As of November 2016, __________ countries have ratified the Paris agreement.
13.The Paris Agreement entered into force on
A.October 25, 2016
B.October 28, 2016
C.November 1, 2016
D.November 4, 2016

14.The United States presidential elections were held on

A.November 5, 2016
B.November 6, 2016
C.November 7, 2016
D.November 8, 2016

15.The present president of United States, Barack Obama, belongs to

A.Democratic Party
B.Republican Party
C.Libertarian Party
D.Green Party

16.The present-elect Donald Trump was the presidential nominee of the

A.Democratic Party
B.Republican Party
C.Libertarian Party
D.Green Party

17.Hillary Clinton was the presidential nominee of the

A.Democratic Party
B.Republican Party
C.Libertarian Party
D.Green Party

18.Hillary Clinton has also served as US __________ from 2009 to 2013.

A.Vice President
B.Foreign Minister
C.Secretary of States
D.Interior Minister

19.The largest museum in the world is

A.Vatican Museums
B.State Hermitage Museum
C.Louvre Museum
D.National Museum of China

20.The Louvre Museum is located in

C.United States
D.United Kingdom

21.A faction of the Turkish Armed Forces tried to impose Martial Law in the country on
A.15 July 2016
B.20 July 2016
C.25 July 2016
D.30 July 2016

22.The attempted coup was mainly foiled by the

A.Turkish Army
B.Turkish Police
C.People of Turkey
D.Supporters of Turkish government

23.The Turkish government accused that the faction of the army was linked to
A.Opposition Parties
B.Kurds Forces
D.Fethullah Gulen
24.Fethullah Gulen is a religious and political leader lives in self-imposed exile in the
A.United StatesB.United Kingdom
C.Saudi Arabia

25.The 2020 Olympics will be held in ________.


26.The FIFA World Cup 2018 will be held in


27.The FIFA World Cup 2022 will be held in


28.The FIFA Ballon d'Or 2015 award for the world's best player was won by
A.Cristiano Ronaldo
B.Lionel MessiC.Neymar

29.Lionel Messi won the FIFA Ballon d'Or award for the _____ time.

30.The 2016 Nobel Prize in literature was won by

A.Alice Munro
B.Svetlana Alexievich
C.Bob Dylan
D.Angus Deaton

31. The 2016 Nobel Peace Prize was won by

a) Angela Merkel
b) Barack Obama
c) European Union
d) Juan Manuel Santos

32.The 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics was won by

a) Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom
b) Angus Deaton and Jean Tirole
c) Patrick Modiano
d) Arthur B. McDonald

33.Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics for their
contributions to
a) Supply and Demand
b) Consumption and Poverty
c) Contract theory
d) Consumption, Poverty and Welfare

34. North Korea on 6 January 2016 claimed that it had successfully tested a/an
a) atomic bomb
b) hydrogen bomb
c) biogas bomb
d) bomb based on fission reaction

35. Time magazine named _____ its Person of the Year 2015.
a) Angela Merkel
b) Malala Yousafzai
c) Barack Obama
d) Vladimir Putin

36. Forbes magazine named _____ the world's most powerful person of 2015.
a) Angela Merkel
b) Malala Yousafzai
c) Barack Obama
d) Vladimir Putin

37. On 24 November 2015 Russian jet was shot down by _____ Air Force.
a) American
b) German
c) British
d) Turkish

38.The Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia was signed on?
a) 18 February 2014
b) 18 March 2014
c) 24 February 2014
d) 24 March 2014

39.The Secretary of States of United States is ______ .

a) John Kerry
b) Joe Biden
c) Hillary Clinton
James F. Dobbins

40.The Vice President of United States is _______ .

a) John Kerry
b) Joe Biden
c) Hillary Clinton
d) James F. Dobbins

1. Which computer was the first one to use the concept of stored program? EDSAC
2. WORM Write Once Read Many
3. Cellophane was invented by? Bradenberger
4. Short sightedness is due to? Elongation of Eye ball
5. Parkinson is a disease of? Brain
6 Oncology is the study of? Cancer
7. 1 nibble = 4 bits
8. First constitutional structure was formulated in the Sub-continent in? 1861
9 Who passed Indian Councils Act 1861? British Government
10. National bird of Bangladesh? Oriental Robbin
11. Ogaden desert is situated in? Africa
12. Under the Montague Chemsford reforms 1919 legislature was? Bicameral
13. The color of an opaque object is due to the color it? Reflects
14. If father has blood group A and mother has blood group O then which blood group
son has? O
15. For the protection of Khilafat, Muslims organized themselves in India under the
leadership of? Hakim Ajmal and Dr. MA Ansari
16. Johannesburg is famous for? Gold mines
17. Waterloo is located in? Belgium
. When institution of Khilafat was abolished? November 1, 1923
19. Mustafa Kamal Attaturk established which Government in Turkey? Nationalist
20. First president of Khilafat Committee? Seth Jan Muhammad Chottani
21. The president of China arrived in Pakistan for two-day visit on? April 20, 2015
22. The bill for 21st amendment was passed from the national assembly on? January 6,
23. Provision of the 21st amendment shall remain in force for the period of ---- years? 2

When 1st general election were held in Pakistan? December 7, 1970

Who wrote Sassi Pannu? Hashim Shah
Who wrote Sohni Mahiwal? Fazal Shah
Heavy Mechanical Complex, Texila was set up with the aid of? China
Medium range missile Abdali was first launched on? March 26, 2003
Largest island found in Pakistan? Manora
Largest sector of Pakistan economy? Agriculture
Dominant source of foreign exchange earning? Agriculture
Ice can be changed to water by? Changing the motion of the water molecule
Boiling of an egg is a change which is? Chemical
Temperature of a liquid nitrogen is? -196OC
If an alkali is slowly added to acidic solution, the pH of the acidic solution will? Increases
to 7 and then decreases
Usual raw material for ceramics? Clay
Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as? Nylon
Chemicals used to kill weeds are called? Herbicides
The structure of DNA was elaborated by Watson and Crick in? 1953
Man belongs to the family? Hominidae
Name the first ambassador of the Islamic state who was martyred in the way? Haris bin
Name the first slave who was freed at the time of Prophethood and accepted Islam?
Adam is the word of language? Syrian
Youngest son of Hazrat Adam? Hazrat Shees
Sheikh Ahmed of Sirhind was given the title of Mujadid Alf Sani by? Moulana Abdul
First preacher of Islam appointed by Holy Prophet for the people of Madina? Musab bin

1. On Sep 17, ______ clinched the Cool & Cool presents Jazz National T20 Cup.
(a) Lahore Blues (b) Karachi Whites
(c) Lahore Whites (d) Karachi Blues

2. Renowned scholar and intellectual Professor Mir Abdullah Jan Jamaldini died on
(a) Sep 16 (b) Sep 18
(c) Sep 20 (d) Sep 22

3. Pakistans rank on the in the 2016 World Economic Freedom Index is ______.
(a) 122nd (b) 133rd
(c) 143rd (d) 159th

4. PM Nawaz Sharif addressed the 71st session of the United Nations General
Assembly on ______.
(a) Sep 18 (b) Sep 21
(c) Sep 23 (d) Sep 24

5. On Sep 21, President Mamnoon Hussain conferred Nishan-i-Imtiaz (Military) on

Gen Salih Zeki Colak, the Commander of the ______ Land Forces.
(a) Turkish (b) Iranian
(c) Egyptian (d) Saudi

6. On Sep 21, Pakistans test captain Misbah-ul-Haq became the ______ captain
to lift the ICCs Test championship mace.
(a) Second (b) Fifth
(c) Ninth (d) Twelfth

7. Pakistan has been ranked ______ among 188 countries in the Global Burden of
Disease Study.
(a) 149th (b) 160th
(c) 175th (d) 182nd

8. On Sep 24, Azadi Train, which started its journey from Islamabad on Aug 11,
reached its final destination in ______.
(a) Quetta (b) Kohat
(c) Gwadar (d) Karachi

1. Antonio Guetress is 9th UN Secretary-General

2.Pak-China Optic Fiber Cost Would Be?

A. 40 Million $
B. 44 Million $
C. 46 Million $
D. 50 Million $

First Female President of Taiwan?
A. Jenny Hung
B. Tiffany Leo
C. Tsai Lng-Wen
D. None of Them

4. Largest Producer of Copper in World??

A. Cuba
B. Chile
C. Argentine
D. None

5. First Sajdah of Qur'an is Included in Para Number?

A. 9
B. 8
C. 6
D. 5

6. Which Utility Programs Is Used For File Compression?

A. Winzip
B. Pkzip
C. Backup
D. Both A & B

7. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) Did Belong Which Branch Of Quraish Tribe?
A. Bani Tamim
B. Bani Hashim
C. Bnau Asad
D. None

8. How Many Years Hazrat Abu Bakr(RA) Was Younger Than The Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

9. Who Is The Presiding Head Of National Assembly?

A. Chairman
B. Governor
C. Speaker
D. Deputy Speaker

10. Which Is The Largest Salt Water Lake Of The World?

A. Caspian Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. None Of Above

Justice Mian Saqib Nisar took oath as Chief justice of Pakistan on __________?

A. 25 December 2016
B. 31 December 2016
C. 1 January 2017
D. 15 January 2017

Who is Current Chief justice of Pakistan?

A. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali

B. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
C. Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk
D. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

What is the Name of the gate which is recently inaugurated in December 2016 at Pak
Iran border in Taftan ?

A. Pakistan Gate
B. Iran Gate
C. Friendship Gate
D. None of These

How many regulatory bodies placed under the administrative control of the respective
ministries concerned in December 2016 ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7

Who becomes first Pakistani to win ICC Spirit of Cricket Award in December 2016?

A. Shahid Khan Afridi

B. Misbah-ul-Haq
C. Younas khan
D. Azhar Ali

China Pakistan Economics Corridor (CPEC) total length ?

A.2896 KM
B. 7200 KM
C. 2442 KM
C. 4400 KM

Who is Current DG Rangers Sindh?

A. Major Nadeem
B. Gen Muhammad Saeed
C. Gen Rizwan Akhtar
D. Gen Asim Bajwa

The 10-rupee coin, recently issued by SBP, contains the picture of _____________?

A. Derawar Fort
B. Gwadar Port
C. Badshahi Mosque
D. Faisal Mosque

Profitability index (PI) rule is to take an investment, if the index exceeds___________?

A. -1
B. 0
C. 1
D. 2
When real rate is high, all the interest rates tend to be ___________?

A) Higher
B) Lower
C) Constant
D) None of the given options

What is the name of the chaiwala Who got famous from social media in 2016?

A. Kamal Khan
B. Irshad Khan
C. Rasheed Khan
D. Arshad Khan

Pakistan will conduct its ____________ Population cencus in 2017?

A. 4th population census

B. 5th population census
C. 6th population census
D. 7th population census

Pakistans sixth population census will be carried out in _____________?

A. February 2017
B. March 2017
C. April 2017
D. May 2017

Who is newly Appointed DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?

A. Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa

B. Major General Asif Ghafoor C. Major General Athar Abbas
D. Major General Waheed Arshad

USA have signed an agreement to provide Rs 8.5 billion to the WAPDA for the
construction of?
A. Dia Mir Bahasha Dam Project
B. Kala Bagh Dam Project
C. Kurram Tangi Dam Project
D. Mirani Dam Project

Pm Nawaz Sharief has inaugurated N-85 Surab-Hoshab road 448 KM long on 14th
December-2016 in?

A. D.G khan
B. Hassan Abdal
C. Raheem Yar khan
D. Turbat

Name the special task force, which is established in December 2016 by Pakistan Navy to
safeguard and protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as Gwadar port?

A. Task Force 21
B. Task Force 44
C. Task Force 88
D. Task Force 2

Who is the First Pakistani female member of bomb disposal squad (BDU)?

A. Shazadi Gillani
B. Maryyam
C. Rafia Qaseem Baig D. None of these

Name the University which Department to be rename as Abdus Salam Center for
Physics Approved by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in December 2016?

A. Punjab University (Lahore)

B. Quaid-e-Azam University (Islamabad)
C. Gomal University (DI Khan)
D. All of Above

Name the International University which started Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program
(BBLP) / international leadership course in December 2016?

A. University of Oxford
B. Harvard University
C. University of Cambridge
D. None of these

The 2017 Heart of Asia Istanbul Ministerial Process will be hosted by which country?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Bhutan
D. Azerbaijan

Till now, How many Chief of Army Staff (COAS), of Pakistan are selected from Baloch

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these

General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?

A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016

General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
(CJCSC) of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?

A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016

General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
(CJCSC) of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is___________ Chief of Amy Staff of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. None of these

Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___________?

A. 6th FF
B. 16th Baloch Ragiment
C. 5th Punjab
D. 13th Lancers

Name the cricket Stadium which is located in Khyber Agency and inaugurated by Gen
Raheel Sharif in November 2016?

A. Younas Khan cricket stadium

B. Shahid Afridi cricket stadium
C. Gaddafi Stadium
D. Arbab Niaz Stadium

The blue colour of clear sky is due to_______________?

A. Reflection of light
B. Refraction of light
C. Diffraction of light
D. Dispersion of light

The Largest flag ever made,weight at 5 ton with 44 miles of Thread,certified by Guinness
world record belong to which country?
A. Pakistan
B. Romania
D. China

Pakistan Army shoots down Indian Quad Copter drone at LOC in November 2016 at
which sector ?

A) Bhimber Sector
B) Rakhchakri Sector
C) Shahkot sector
D) Jura sector.

PAKISTAN 9th International Defense Exhibition and Seminar to be held on 22-25

November-2016 in Karachi Expo Center, its name?

A. Defense Production Workshop-2016

B. Army Arms Ideas-2016
C. IDEAS-2016
D. Combat-2016

Who was the only Pakistani to have climbed six of the worlds tallest mountains of 8000
m passed away on 21-Nov-2016 due to blood Cancer?

A. Ashraf Amman
B. Nazeer Sabar
C. Numera Saleem
D. Hassan Sadpara

Jinnah the only film on the life of Quaid-e-Azam was produced by?

A. Zia Mohyuddin
B. Akbar S. Ahmed
C. Pervaiz iqbal cheema
D. Shabab dhlvl

Who was the rst female Shaheed (martyr) of Islam?

A. Hazrat Sumayyah Bint Khubbat(RA)

B. Hazrat Nafeesa (RA)
C. Hazrat Ummay Aimen (RA)
D. None of these
Which of the following the Quran considers as an unpardonable sin?

A. Lie
B. Jealousy
C. Shirk
D. Hypocrisy

Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) participated for the rst time?

A. Badr
B. Khyber
C. Mota
D. Khandaq

Name the first person among infidels of Arabia whose gift was accepted by the Holy
Prophet (SAW) ?

A. Abu Lahab
B. Abu Sufyan
C. Abu Jehl
D. Umar bin Hasham

Who rst one gave royal gift to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

A. Ruler of Iran
B. Abul Hakam
C. Najashi
D.Abu Sufyan

Name the first person who declared his conversion to Islam emphatically?

A. Hazrat Umar (RA)

B. Hazrat Ali (RA)
C. Hazrat Usman (RA)
D. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)

Name the rst Muslim among slaves?

A. Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (RA)
B. Hazrat Bilal Habshi (RA)
C. Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
D. None of these

How many Muhajireen were there at the time of Mawakhat?

A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

Current Minister of Planning and Development of Pakistan ?

A. Nawaz Sharief
B. Khwaja Saad Rafique
C. Ahsan Iqbal
D. Zafar ul Haq

__________is called the birth place of Islam, Judaism, Christianity?

A. East-South Asia
B. South-West Asia
C. West-South Asia
D. East-West Asia

Which Prophet is Called Ab ul-Anbiya_____________?

A. Hazrat Adam (A.S)

B. Hazrat Abraheem (A.S)
C. Hazrat Nooh (A.S)
D. Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w)

Who has elected as 45th President of USA belongs to Republican Party by getting 290
electoral vote on 9 November-2016?

A. Donald Trump
B. Hillary Clinton
C. Barack Obama
D. Joe Biden

Asian Mens Hockey Champions Trophy-2016 held in?

A. Malaysia
B. India
C. Indonesia
D. Maldives

King Bhumibol, worlds longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016

belong to?

A. Japan
B. Nepal
C. Singapore
D. Thailand

BRICS Summit held on 15-16 October-2016 in?

A. Beijing (ChinA).
B. Goa (IndiA).
C. Cape Town (South AfricA).
D. Moscow (Russia).

Which country operated the worlds largest radio telescope Aperture Spherical Radio
Telescope in September-2016?

B. India
C. China
D. Norway

Ishratul Ebad has longest tenure as a Governor of any province of Pakistan?

A. 12 years (2001-2012)
B. 16 Years ( 2001-2016)
C. 14 Years ( 2002-2016)
D. 10 Years ( 2006-2016)
Current Governor Sindh is _______________?

A. Murad Ali Shah

B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Khursheed Shah

First caretaker female chief election commissioner of Pakistan who took oath on 7
November-2016 ?

A. Justice Majida Rizvi

B. Asima Jhangir
C. Maryam Orangzaib
D. Justice (Retd) Irshad Qaiser

1.First Lady Major General in the Pakistan Army was

A.Dr. Shahida Malik
B.Shehzadi Gulfam
C.Shaista Ikramuliah
D.Benazir Bhutto

2.First Vice President of Pakistan was

A.Liaquat Ali Khan
C.Ayub Khoro
D.None of these

3.First Joint chief of Staff Committee was

A.Gen. Frank Meservy
B.G.M. Ayub Khan
C.General Muhammad Shariff
D.Lt Gen Riaz Hussain

4.First governor of Gilgit-Baltistan was

A.Shehzadi Gulfam
B.Shaista Ikramuliah
C.Dr. Shahida Malik
D.Shamma Khalid

5.First Foreign Minister of Pakistan was

A.Sir Zafarullah Khan
B.Lt Gen Riaz Hussain
C.Liaquat Ali Khan
D.None of these

6.First SOS village of Pakistan was


7.First DNA Test laboratory was established at


8.First female vice chancellor in Pakistan was

A.Shaista Ikramuliah
B.Begum Ra'na Liaqat AN Khan
C.Najma Najam
D.None of these

9.First female representative of Pakistan in the UN was

A.Shamshad Akhtar
B.Benazir Bhutto
C.Najma Najam
D.Shaista Ikramuliah

10.First women pilot in Pakistan was

A.Shukriya Khanam
B.Shehzadi Gulfam
C.Shahida Malik
D.None of these

11.Red Blood Cells are produced by __________ ?

A.bone marrow
C.small intestine

12.X-Rays were discovered by __________ ?


13.The Planets are kept in orbit by __________ ?

A.the gravitational pull of the Sun.
B.the attraction among the Planets.
C.sunlight from the Sun.
D.fusion reaction inside the Sun.

14.Red Colour + Green Colour + Blue Colour = __________ ?

A.White Colour
B.Black Colour
C.Yellow Colour
D.Orange Colour

15.Short-Sight defect could be corrected by using __________ ?

A.concave mirror
B.convex mirror
C.converging mirror
D.none of these

16.Severe deficiency of Vitamin-D results in _________ ?

D.none of these

17.The Simla Deputation was headed by __________ ?

B.Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
C.Sir Aga Khan
D.Sir Saleemullah

18.The first president of The Indian National Congress was __________ ?

A.Mr. Womesh Chandra
B.Mr. Gandhijee
C.Mr. Satyapal
D.Mr. Sarojini Naidu

19.Natural Gas was discovered in Sui, Baluchistan in __________ .


20.Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by _________ ?

A.Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
B.Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)
C.Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)
D.Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza(R.A)

21.Jam-i-Tirmizi was compiled by _________ ?

A.Abu Abdur Rahman bin Shoaib (R.A)
B.Abu Essa Muhammad bin Moosa (R.A)C.Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazeed (R.A)
D.Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Hassan (R.A)

22.The name of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was _________ ?

A.AbdullahB.Abdur Rahman
D.none of these

23._________ considered Quran as the creature of Allah?


24.38th parallel is a boundary line between __________ .

A.United States and Canada
B.Pakistan and India
C.South and North KoreaD.Turkey and Cyprus

25.Al-Tehrir Square is in __________.


26.1, 2, 5, 14, __________?


27.The value of the function at x = 2 is?



29.What is the sum of the first 12 numbers of the series: 2 , 6, 10, 14, .... ?

30.What is the inverse of the function ?

A.3 - 2x
B.1 - 2x
C.2x - 1

1. What is Moon? Satellite

2. Charge on Neutron? black
3. Current flow means? Flow of electron
4. What is freezing point of Water? 0C
5. When Muslim league come into being? 1906
6. First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Ch. Khaliquzzaman (1949)
7. Which melts in room temperature? Mercury
8. Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Raza Rabbani
9. What is Soap? Salt
10. Who is Saudia King? Salman
11. Who put martial law in 1977? Zia ul Haq
12. Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? Sikandar Mirza
13. Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel
14. Second prime minister of Pakistan? Nazim ud din
15. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam
16. Zakat obliged in ? 2.A.H
17. Battle of Trench? 5 Hijri
18. Australia Capital? Canbera
19. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
20. Zamzam means? Stop flowing
21. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Dr Khan
Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
22. In 1946 ministry of finance to? Liaquat Ali Khan
23. Simon Commission report in year of ? 1930
24. Capital change to Delhi from Culcutta in? 1911
25. Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide
26. Indus Basin Treaty ? 1960
27. Sheetan ko pathar kaha marty? Muzdalfa
28. Kashghar is in ? China
29. Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjrab Pass
30. Lolyd Muhammaden authored by? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
31. Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan
32. Jaliawala Bagh Massacre at? Amrster 1919
33. Sindh separated ? Govt of India Act 1935
34. After 1946 election the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
35. Which is landlocked country? Nepal
36. P.M of Iraq? Haider al abidi
37. New name of Burma? Myanmar
38. Pakistan and India boundary line? Radcliff
39. Thickest layer of earth?Mantle
40. Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000
41. 1,2,4,7,11,16,22 ? 29
42. A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? Loss Rs. 40
43. A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40
44. CNG? Compressed Natural black
45. Quran Pak completed in? 23 years
46. Janat Ul Baqi? Madina
47. Daily wages of worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220
48. Hexagon ? Six sided
49. More elastic? Steel
50. Diamond is the form of? Carbon
51. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad
52. Montague Chelmsford reforms? 1919
53. Blood is cleaned by? Liver
54. Baqrah surah means? Cow
55. 4cm square area? 16cm2
56. 3% of 2000? 60
57. If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students? 1000
58. Four side equal ? Square
59. Animals Who kill other for food is called ? Predator
60. Jaddah seaport is on? Red sea 1.Alloy of bronze : copper and Tin
61. Death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH): 632AD
62. Compilation of Quran into book : Hazrat Abu bakar
63. 8th Amendment in constitution: Zia-ul-Haq
64. First C-n-C: General mersery
65. Governer General of State bank of pakistan: Ashraf mehmood wathra
66. 2nd Governer General of Pakistan: Nazimun din
67. Daughters of Muhammad (PBUH) : 4
68. Mycology is study of : Fungi
69. Prisedent of France: Emmanuel Macron
70. Heptagon: 7 sides
71. Surah without Bismillah: Surah Touba
72. President of Iran: hassan rohani
73. Current Unit: Ampere
74. USA foreign Secretary: John Kerry 68th Secretary of State of the United States.
75. Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations: Maliha Lodhi
76. Iraqi President: Fuad Masum
77. Light year is measured : distance

1.The oldest news agency in the world is


2.The headquarter of Transparency International is located in

A.New York
3.NATO is a/an __________ alliance.

4.The Suez Canal is in


5.The Suez Canal connects the __________ .

A.Red Sea and the Arabian Sea
B.Red Sea and the North Sea
C.Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea
D.Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
6.Taksim Square is in ___________ .

7.The Chelyabinsk Meteor hit __________ on 15 February 2013.

8.Nokia Mobile business was acquired by

9.Motorola Mobile business is now own by

10.Man Booker International Prize 2015 was won by
A.Alice Munro
B.Laszlo Krasznahorkai
C.Lydia Davis
D.Malala Yousafza

1. First session of AIML was presided over by? Sir Adam ji Pir Bhai
2. How many years Mehmud of Ghazni ruled on Sub-continent? 32 years
3. Deputy Speaker of National Assembly? Murtaza Javaid Abbass
4. Zia ul Haq died on? 11 August 1988
5. Pakistan has a coastline of about? 1046 km
6. Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline was officially inaugurated on? March 11, 2013
7. Bhikki power project to generate 1150 MW is located in? Shiekhupura
8. Gulpur Hydropower project to generate 102 MW is located in? Kotli
9. UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon arrived in Pakistan on two day visit on? 13 August
10. Mujeeb ur Rehman announced his 6 points in Karachi on? February 12, 1966

1. Perfidious: Crafty (Perfidious means deceitful and untrustworthy)

2. Revile: Affront (Revile means criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner)
3. Escarpment: Cliff (Escarpment is a long cliff or a steep slope)
4. Bespoke: Tailored (Bespoke means custom-made)
5. Hustle: Hurry
6. Proffer: Tender (Proffer means to put something forward for acceptance)
7. Apothegm: Adage (Apothegm is a short, pithy saying)
8. Plutocrat: Banker (Plutocrat is one who rules by virtue of wealth)
9. Overweening: Arrogant (Overweening means Showing excessive confidence or pride)
10. Winnow: Weed (Winnow means to sift or get rid of)

1. First Female President of Taiwan?

A. Jenny Hung
B. Tiffany Leo
C. Tsai Lng-Wen
D. None of Them
Ans Is [ C - Tsai Lng-Wen ]

2. Largest Producer of Cotton in World??

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. China
D. Bangladesh
Ans Is [ C - China ]

3. Largest Producer of Copper in World??

A. Cuba
B. Chile
C. Argentine
D. None
Ans Is [ B - Chile ]

4. First Female Has Been Appointed as US Military Combat Command?

A. Lori Robinson
B. Jennifer Linda
C. Adelina
D. None
Ans Is [ A ]

5. The First Muslim Woman Has Been Elected as The Speaker of Germany??
A. Zakia Salam
B. Muhterem Aras
C. Hamidat Marjani
D. None
Ans Is [ B ]

6. Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was Established on?

A. Aug 8, 1967
B. Aug 25, 1967
C. Aug 19, 1967
D. None
Ans Is [ A ]

7. Which City is Called City of Seven Hills?

A. Himalayas
B. Rome
C. Venue
D. None of these
Ans Is [ B - Rome ]

8. On The Banks Of Which River Is The City Of London Located?

A. Severn
B. Thames
C. Avon
D. Humber
Ans is [ B - Thames ]

9. Gift Of Nile Is The Nickname Of?

A. Egypt
B. Iraq
C. Jordan
D. Libya
Ans is [ A - Egypt ]

10. Which Country Is Know As The Land Of Thunderbolt?

A. Belgium
B. Nepal
C. Bhutan
D. Bolivia
Ans Is [ C - Bhutan ]

1. Add insult to injury: to worsen an unfavorable situation

2. A Chip On Your Shoulder: Being upset for something that happened in the past.
3. A Dime A Dozen: Anything that is common and easy to get.
4. At the drop of a hat: without any hesitation; instantly.
5. A Toss-Up: A result that is still unclear and can go either way.
6. an arm and a leg: Very expensive
7. Devil's Advocate: To present a counter argument
8. A Slap on the Wrist: Mild Punishment
9. Against The Clock: Rushed and short on time.
10. All In The Same Boat: When everyone is facing the same challenges.

First five people to embrace islam were.

Among women, Hazrat Khadija,
among children Hazrat Ali,
among free men Hazrat Abu Bakr,
among slaves who were freed Hazrat Zayd bin haris,
among slaves Hazrat Bilal Habashi (may Allah be pleased with them).

1). Total number of Ruku in QURAN: 540 or 558

2). Surah recited by Hz Muhammad PBUH while migration to Madina: Surah Yaseen or
Surah Fateha
3). Downfall of Muslim rule in India started with the demise of: Bahadur Shah Zafar OR
4). Pakistan purchased Gwadar on: September 7th, OR 8th, 1958
5). Coldest place on earth: Veroyansk, Siberia OR Antarctica

1.540 Ruku in Quran

2.Sura Yaseen
4.8th September 1958

1.What is the Current Islamic year: 1438

2.How many haj performed by Hazrat Mohammad pbuh: 1
3. Where was last revelation revealed: during hijatul wida
4.What is the shortest surah: kausar
5.Which surah is the heart of Quran: yaseen
6.Who was given the title of Ghaseel ul malaika: Hanzilla(r a)
7.What is the no. of total *surah: 114
8.What is the first month of Islamic calendar: moharram
9. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH called himself: last prophet
10.last revelation at ?:Hijja tul widah.
11. What was arfa karims age is the time of death:16
12. Who is us ambassador to Pakistan: david hale
13. Who is Pakistan ambassador to united nations: maleeha lodhi
14. Where does business train go to and from: lahore-karachi
15. What is the name of Oscar winning documentary of shirmeen: saving face
16. What drug was reported to be the cause of death in the Punjab institute of
cardiology: Isotab
17. What is the cost of stamp of arfa karim released on her birthday:Rs:8.
18. Who is Pakistan ambassador to US: jalil abbas
19. Who is the first female foreign affairs minister of Pakistan: Hina Rabbani
20. What is the cause of mehran bank scandal:illegal fund to politicians
21. Which English crickerter was jailed for spot fixing: mervyn westfield
22. Where were academy awards,2012 held: Los Angeles
23. Christain wulff who resigned as head of state belonged to which country: Germany
24. Who is the secretary of state of US: jhon kerry
25. What is the total no. of ammendements in 1973 constitution:20
26. Where are Olympic 2020 going to be held: Tokyo, japan
27. Pakistan is playing test series against: Australia
28. Who is the secretary general of united nations: Mr. Antonio Guterreson
29. WHO recently declared which country as polio free: India
30. Which is the largest seaport of Pakistan: karachi
31. Where is arfa karim software park located:lahore(ferozpur Rd)
32. Where is Benazir shaheed international airport: Islamabad
33. Who is the current cricket chief selector of Pakistan: inzamam ul haq
34. On which river has mangla dam been built: jehlum
35. What is the boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan: durand Line
36. Where is siachin glacier: Baltistan or Gilgit Baltistan
37. Pakistan derby horse race,2016 was won by: breeder shahid hussain
38. Who is the current chairman of senate: raza Rabbani ppp
39. What does light year measure?: distance( b/w) stars*
40. Which is the hardest substance on earth: diamond
41. What happens to temperature of boiling water on a higher elevation: decreases
42. Which disease is caused by dogs: rabies
43. What is the temperature of human body in farhenheits:98*
44. Swimming pool water is disinfected by which chemical: chlorine
45. Blindness is caused by deficiency of which vitamin: vitamin A
46. Vitamin c is richest in which fruit: guava
47. Soda water is carbonated by adding what: co2
48. One mile has how many kilometers: 1.60934
49. What is the unit of energy: joule
50. What is the filament of electric bulb made of: tungsten
51. What is added in lead pencils: graphite
52. How does sunlight enter the rooms?: irregular reflection(not 100% sure)
53. How many colors are visible in the sunlight spectrum: 7
54. Which substance is liquid at room temperature? Mercury
55. Which of these is negatively charged? Electrons
56. What happens to volume of water when it freezes: increases by 1/10
57. Which party has the highest no. of seats in senate after 2013 elections: ppp
58.Amir khan is? : british national
59. 10#10*=10
60.age of son was 1/3 of his father 5 years back if current age is 30 then father's
61.x:3=4:6 then x=2 of student in a class is 30 3/5 are girls boys will be?:12
63.A student gets 68 marks and therefore gets 85% total marks are?:80
64.diamond is a: material noun
65.police?: diverted the route
66.mean of 10, 30, y, and 50 is * *50 then y=110.
67. Smallest natural no: 1
68. Smallest prime no: 2
69.30% of total amount is left after spending is 900 rupees, total amount is: 3000.
70.perimeter of a square is 20cm length of one side shall be?:5 cm absence of facts we can ?: infer
72) 10x10 (that star is actually power of 10 as zero,i dont know how to insert zero)=
right option was 0
73) 2,6,18,54,_____ answer was 162 in next
74)A man has 180 pens and 9 of them are blue ,how much % has he blue pens. 5%
75) a boy has 680 marks that is 85% ,what were total marks?
76) a man bought a thing on 120 rupees and he has 25% discount. what is actual price
he paid? 90
77). Boy can type 1350 words in 30 minutes, how many he could type in 5 minutes? 225
78)35-15*2+3= ?
79)Afridi is one of those who never submits to the miseries of his life.( something like
this was given= submit
80)- In absence of facts we can-----about the real reason.
1) Conclude 2) deduce 3) deduct 4) infer
conclude correct
Additional Information:
1. IB was found in 1947
2. Aftab Sultan is DG IB and he was also IG Punjab during his service
3. IBHQ means IB headquarter is located in Islamabad
4. IB under Ministry of interior
5. DG IB can directly report to Prime Minister
6. There are 27 intelligence agenices in Pakistan
7. ISI, MI, CMI are the main intelligence services of Pakistan

1.Who became the first Sultan of newly established Muslim Sultanate of Delhi in 1206?
ShaUd-Din Ghauri
Qutub-Ud-Din Aibek
Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
None of these
2.Who has written the book entitled The Making of Pakistan?
Qureshi I.H
None of these
Muhammad Ali Ch

3.Army command and staff college is in.


4. The demand of separate electorate for Indian Muslim was first accepted in the Act of?
None of these

5.Shahab-ud-Din Muhammd Ghauri defeated prithviraj in the year 1192 in the field of?
None of these

6.The legal Frame work order which amended a constitution of Pakistan unilaterally was
issued by?
Ayub Khan
Yahya Khan
None of these

7.New appointed Chief Justice of Peshwar High court in December-2016??

A) Ijaz ul Hassan
B) Yahyaa Afridi
C) Faisal Arab
D) Saqib Nisar

8.Which Pakistani-American doctor has won the Scientific Achievement Award 2016
from the Nato Science and Technology Organization (STO) for his extra-ordinary
performance in research on medical countermeasures against biological agents.??
A) Dr. Samar Mubark
B) Dr. Sameer Hassan
C) Dr. Rashid Chotani
D) All of Above

9.The country which supported Pakistan movement before the emergence of pakistan
None of these
Saudi Arabia
10.New appointed General Secretary of UNO Mr. Antonio Guterreson on 31st December-
2016 belongs to??
A) Japan
B) Portugal
C) Sweden
D) Uzbekistan

11.New appointed 25th Chief Justice of pakistan on 31 December-2016??

A) Yahyaa Afridi
B) Anwar Zaheer Jamali
C) Faisal Arab
D) Saqib Nisar

Brasilia of Pakistan is called to Islamabad.

City of angles is called to Bangkok.
City of bazaars is called to Cairo.
City of colleges is called to Lahore.
City of conference is called to Geneva.
City of cosmonauts is called to Moscow.
City of eternal spring is called to Quito.
City of golden temple is called to Amritsar.
City of Golden Gate is called to San Francisco.
City of mosques is called to Dhaka.
City of parks is called to Kiev.
City of palaces is called to Calcutta.
City of pope is called to Rome.
City of space flights is called to Cape Kennedy.
City of peace is called to Baghdad.
Forbidden City is called to Lahaska.
Gateway to the east is called to Beirut.
Gateway to the gulf is called to Abu Dhabi.
Gateway to India is called to Bombay.
Gateway to Pakistan is called to Karachi.
Little Pakistan is called to Bradford.
Manchester of Pakistan is called to Faisalabad.
Pyramid city is called to Cairo.
Rose pink city is called to Jaipur.
Windy city is called to Chicago.
Lusitanian is the alternative name of Portugal.
Emerald Island is called to Ireland.
Land of Prophets is called to Palestine.
Yellow River is known as Chinas Sorrow because of devastating floods.
Gibraltar of the west is said to Quebec.
Zambia is known as "country of Copper"
Albania means the Land of Eagles.
Argentian means Like Silver.
Bahrain means two seas.
Brazil means Red wood.
Costa Rica means Rich coast.
Cyprus means Land of copper.
Guuatnemala mean Land of Eagles.
Jamaica means Good water.
Kuwait means Fort.
Liberia means Land of free people.
Netherlands means low land.
Nigeria means a great river.
Sierra Leone means Lion Mountains.
Singapore means city of lions.
Sudan means Land of black people.
Turkey means Land of Turks.
Which country is popularly called The Land of the Maple Leaf? Canada
Mistress of the Eastern Seas is epithet referred to Sri Lanka.
Hong Kong is called as Pearl of the Orient.
Which worlds city is known as The Golden City Prague Czech
What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the Orient"-Manilla - Philippines
What countries name translates as lion mountains- Sierra Leone
What place is nicknamed "The City of Lilies"- Florence
Mesopotamia means- Between two Rivers.

1. Quaid e Azam signed Lucknow pact on behalf of Muslim League, who signed on
behalf of Congress? Ambeka Charan

2. Which vitamin contains cobalt? B12

3. BCG vaccine is used to produce immunity against? TB

4. Hajj was compulsory on? 9 Hijri

5. Falkland Island belongs to? Argentina

6. Al-Gharmain means? Debtor

7. Battle of chain was fought between? Muslims and persians

8. 21st constitutional amendment Bill passed with? 247 votes

9. longest motorway ? M-8 (Sukkar to Gawadar)

10. DST is the secret agency of Morocco

11. Lake Thale Luang belongs to? Thialand

12. 24 Parallel line was initially established between? Pakistan and India

13. Seine river is located in? France

14. RBC and WBC are counted by? Hem Cyto-meter

15. Cymo-meter measures blueness of sky or ocean

16. Largest Bay is Hudson Bay is located in? Canada

17. Shiekh ul Ambiya is the title of? Hazrat Nooh

18. Lady name "Zainab" tried to poison Prophet (PBUH)

19. Number of Hadith collected by Abu Huraira? 5374

20. second migration to Abassinia had? 101 people

Foster father of Prophet was Haris

First father-in-law of Prophet was Khawalid
Herb-e-Fajjar means war fought in the probihited months
Biggest salt mine located in Pakistan? Mangora
The port of Dieppe belongs to? France
World environment day is on? June 5
Oldest City is? Damascus
Objective Resolution was presented on 12 March 1949 by Liaqat Ali Khan
Silver city of the world is? Algiers
Windy city of the world is? Chicago
Seats of women in Punjab Assembly? 66
Cripps Mission reached Delhi on? 24 March 1942
Highest Pass of Pakistan? Khunjerab Pass
Prince Charles is a mountain range in Antarctica
BIN is the intelligence agency of Indonesia

(A) nonsense
(B) not and never
(C) despite. Ans
(D) dispute

(A) entirely
(B) eccentric
(C) full
(D) forever.Ans

(A) essential . Ans
(B) honesty
(C) extra
(D) foolish

(A) obstacle
(B) to achieve .Ans
(C) burden
(D) victory
Number of bones - 206
Number of muscles - 639
Number of kidneys - 2
Number of milk teeth - 20
Number of ribs - 24 (12 pairs)
Number of chambers in the heart - 4
Largest artery - Aorta
Normal Blood pressure - 120 - 80
Ph of blood - 7.4
Number of vertebrae in the spine - 33
Number of vertebrae in the Neck - 7
No of bones in middle Ear - 6
Number of bones in Face - 14
Number of bones in Skull - 22
Number of bones in Chest - 25
Number of bones in Arms - 6
Number of bones in each human ear - 3
Number of muscles in the human arm - 72
Number of pumps in heart - 2
Largest organ - Skin
Largest gland - Liver
Smallest cell - Blood cell
Biggest cell - Egg cell (ovum)
Smallest bone - Stapes
First transplanted organ - Heart
Average length of small intestine - 7 m
Average length of large intestine - 1.5 m
Average weight of new born baby - 2.6 kg.
Pulse rate in one minute - 72 times
Body Temperature - 36.9o C (98.4o F)
Average blood volume - 4 - 5 liters
Average life of RBC - 120 days
Pregnancy period - 280 days
Number of bones in human foot - 33
Number of bones in each wrist - 8
Number of bones in hand - 27
Largest endocrine gland - Thyroid
Largest lymphatic organ - Spleen
Largest cell - Nerve cell
Largest part of brain - Cerebrum
Largest & strongest bone - Femur
Smallest muscle - Stapedius (Middle ear )
Number of chromosomes in human cell - 46 (23
Number of bones in New born body - 300
Largest muscle - Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)

(A) adapt
(B) adopt
(C) skilled .Ans
(D) clumsy

(A) rude
(B) polite. Ans
(C) course
(D) courage

(A) raise
(B) erase
(C) to destroy
(D) to build. Ans

(A) to praise
(B) to complete
(C) to criticize. Ans
(D) to control

(A) excess
(B) scarce. Ans
(C) provision
(D) profess

(A) secret
(B) glowing
(C) insight
(D) open . Ans

Read each question carefully and select the word that ismost similar or
dissimilar in meaning to the word provided

1. Punctual is most dissimilar to

a. close
b. tardy
c. sloppy
d. precious

2. Delude is most dissimilar to

a. drought
b. clever
c. enlighten
d. enrage

3. Omit is most similar to

a. recluse
b. neglect
c. mistake
d. destroy

4. Resilient is most dissimilar to

a. stubborn
b. careless
c. substantial
d. flimsy

5. Mutiny is most similar to

a. rebellion
b. currency
c. sailor
d. hassle

6. Naive is most similar to

a. rural
b. secular
c. unsophisticated
d. sultry
7. Entice is most dissimilar to
a. piece
b. repulse
c. attract
d. repeat

8. Solemnity is most similar to

a. lightheartedness
b. gravity
c. diligence
d. sleepiness

9. Stingy is most dissimilar to

a. wasteful
b. democratic
c. spiteful
d. liberal

10. Malign is most similar to

a. evil
b. malicious
c. slander
d. grandiose

11. Impudent is most similar to

a. cautious
b. haphazard
c. gleeful
d. insolent

12. Vacillate is most dissimilar to

a. decide
b. teeter
c. dilate
d. please

13. Kinetic is most dissimilar to

a. cold
b. static
c. lewd
d. foolish

14. Lambaste is most similar to

a. marinade
b. commotion
c. censure
d. tickle

15. Kowtow is most dissimilar to

a. snub
b. pull
c. fawn
d. forage

16. Rudimentary is most

similar to
a. crass
b. gracious
c. deliberate
d. primitive

17. Pitched is most similar to

a. undone
b. retracted
c. heated
d. lovely

18. Tepid is most dissimilar to

a. dispassionate
b. scalding
c. crisp
d. clever

19. Largesse is most similar to

a. greatness
b. generosity
c. miniscule
d. clumsiness
20. Insidious is most dissimilar to
a. repellant
b. pure
c. charming
d. delicious


1. b. punctual means on time; tardy means late

2. c. to delude means to mislead the judgment of someone, or to
trick; to enlighten means to give knowledge to someone
3. b. to omit means to leave out, to fail to perform, or to neglect
4. d. resilient means capable of withstanding shock; flimsy means
lacking in physical strength or substance
5. a. mutiny means resistance to lawful authority, or rebellion
6. c. naive means unaffectedly simple, or unsophisticated
7b. to entice means attract seductively, or to lure; to repulse means
to cause aversion to, or to disgust
8. b. solemnity means formal or ceremonious observance, or
seriousness; gravity means dignity of bearing, or seriousness
9. d. one meaning of liberal is giving freely, or generous; stingy
means lacking generosity
10. c. to malign means to speak false or harmful things of, or to
11. d. impudent means contemptuously bold or cocky, or insolent
12. a. vacillate means to hesitate among choices, or to waver; decide
means to choose
13. b. kinetic means relating to motion, or dynamic; static means at
rest, or stationary
14. c. to lambaste means to attack verbally, or to censure
15. a. to kowtow means to show fawning deference; to snub means to
treat with contempt
16. d. rudimentary means crude or primitive
17. c. pitched means intensely fought; one meaning of heated is
marked by anger
18. b. tepid means lukewarm; scalding means boiling hot
19. b. largesse means liberal giving or generosity
20. a. insidious means harmful but enticing or seductive; repellant
means arousing aversion or disgust

21. In the 1971 elections out of total 162 common seats in East Bengal
MujeeburRehman won 160 seats
22. In the elections of 1971 PPP got 62 seats out of total 82 common seats in
23. The retirement age of justice of Supreme Court is 65 years
24. How much practice as a lawyer is must for becoming Justice of a High
Court 8 years
25. Atta Turk means the father of Turks.
26. Khilafat was abolished in 1924.
27. Last caliph of Turkish State was Abdul MajeedAfandi.
28. Hijrat Movement took place in 1924
29. ReshimiRoomal movement of 1915 started by MaulanaMehmood-ul-
30. Mohd: Ali Johar was born in 1878 at Rampur and died at the age of 54 on
4 Jan: 1931 at London and was buried in Bait-ul-Mukadas (Jerusalem).
31. Wife of Mohd: Ali Johar was Amjadi Begum.
32. Quaid got education of law from Lincolins Inn.
33. The Word Quaid was used by MolviMazharulHaq in newspaper Al-Aman.
34. Wife of Quaid was RatanBai.
35. Quids father was Jinnah Poonja.
36. Jinnah Poonja was born in 1850 and married with MithiBai.
37. Poonja was ____of Quaid. grandfather
38. Jinnah joined Congress in 1906 & in 1913 ML in London.
39. Quaid born on 25th Dec: 1876 and died on 11 Sep: 1948.
40. Jinnah joined ML on the insistence of Mohd: Ali Johar and Syed Wazir
41. Taps A and B can fill a bucket in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively.
If both are opened and A is closed after 3 minutes, how much further time
would it take for B to fill the bucket?
8 min 15 sec
7 min 15 sec
6 min 15 sec
5 min 15 sec
Answer: Option A
Part filled in 3 minutes =
3(1/12 +1/15 )
=39/60 =9/20
Remaining part =19/20
=>1/15 :11/20 =1:X
=>X=11/20 15/1

So it will take further 8 mins 15 seconds to fill the bucket.

42. An athlete runs 200 meters in 24 seconds. His speed is ?
10 km/hr
17 k/hr
27 km/hr
30 km/hr
Answer: Option D
=200/24 m/sec
=25/3 m/sec
25/3 18/5 km/hr
43. The area of a rectangle is 460 square metres. If the length is 15% more
than the breadth, what is the breadth of the rectangular field ?
18 meter
20 meter
22 meter
25 meter
Answer: Option B
Let breadth =x metres.
Then length =(115x/100)metres.
=x115x/100 =460
44. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and
10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is ?
Answer: Option D
Let original length = x
and original width = y
Decrease in area will be
=xy{(80x/100) (90y/100 )}
=(xy(18/25) xy)
=7/25 xy
Decrease = ((7xy)/(25xy) )100)%
45. The maximum length of a pencil that can he kept is a rectangular box of
dimensions 8 cm x 6 cm x 2 cm, is
Answer: Option C
In this question we need to calculate the diagonal of cuboid,
which is =
Under root of (l2 +b2 +h2)
=under root of (82 +62 +22 ) =under root of 104
= 226
46. 12 spheres of the same size are made from melting a solid cylinder of 16
cm diameter and 2 cm height. Find the diameter of each sphere.
4 cm
6 cm
8 cm
10 cm
Answer: Option A
In this type of question, just equate the two volumes to get the answer as,
Volume of cylinder =r2h
Volume of sphere =4/3 r3
=>124/3 r3 =r2 h
=>124/3 r3 =882
=>Diameter =22=4cm
47. A cone of height 9 cm with diameter of its base 18 cm is carved out from
a wooden solid sphere of radius 9 cm. The percentage of the wood wasted is :
Answer: Option D
We will first subtract the cone volume from wood volume to get the wood
Then we can calculate its percentage.

Sphere Volume =43 r3

Cone Volume =1/3 r2 h
Volume of wood wasted =(4/3 999)(1/3 999)=999cm3
Required Percentage ={(999)/(4/3 999 )}100%
=3/4 100%=75%
48. The slant height of a conical mountain is 2.5 km and the area of its base
is 1.54 km square. The height of mountain is :
2.3 km
2.4 km
2.5 km
2.6 km
Answer: Option B
Let the radius of the base be r km. Then,
r2 =1.54
R2=(1.547)/22 =0.49
Now l=2.5 km, r = 0.7 km
h=under root of (2.52 0.72 ) km
=under root of (6.250.49) =under root of (5.76 )km
49. The radii of two cones are in ratio 2:1, their volumes are equal. Find the
ratio of their heights.
Answer: Option A
Let their radii be 2x, x and their heights be h and H resp.
Volume of cone =1/3 r2 h
(1/3 (2x)2h)/(1/3 x2H)
=>h/H =1/4
50. The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out of a cube
of edge 7 cm is:
Answer: Option C
Volume of the largest cone = Volume of the cone with diameter of base 7 and
height 7 cm

Volume of cone =1/3 r2h

=1/3 22/7 3.53.57
=269.5/3 cm3

Note: radius is taken as 3.5, as diameter is 7 cm

51. Taloot was the father-in-law of Dawood.
52. Dawood was good player of flute.
53. Fountain of Copper flowed from Sulayman.
54. Woodpecker conveyed Sulaymans message to Saba queen.
55. Younus remained in fish for 40 days.
56. King Herodus ordered the execution of Yahya.
57. Politus on Roman governors orders tried execution of Isa.
58. Dawood is called as NajeebUllah.
59. In quranten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara.
60. Teacher of Hakeem Lukman was Dawood.
61. Prophets lifted alive Isa,Idrees&Ilyas.
62. Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt.
63. HaqMahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal.
64. Ijma means ageing upon any subject.
65. Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
66. There are four schools of thought of Islamic Law.
67. JanatulBaki is situated in Madina.
68. Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina.
69. JANAT UL MOALA is a graveyard in MECCA
70. Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children.
71. When molten rock cools and solidifies, the ________ are formed.
A. igneous rocks
B. sedimentary rocks
C. metamorphic rocks
D. none of these

72. Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is called?

a. Lava
b. Magma
c. Crystals
d. Granite

73. Molten rock above the surface of the Earth is called?

a. Lava
b. Magma
c. Crystals
d. Granite

74. The metal which is liquid at room temperature is?

a. Zinc
b. Nickol
c. Lead
d. Mercury

75. Between the melting point and boiling point of a substance, the substance
is a?
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. Crystal

76. The boiling point of alcohol is

a. 78 oc
b. 86 oc
c. 94 oc
d. 100 oc

77. The visible cloud of dust and gas in space is called?

a. White Dwarf
b. Supernova
c. Nebula
d. Galaxy

78. The average salinity of the Earth's oceans in 1 kilogram of sea water is
about ________ grams of salt.
a. 90
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35

79. The most abundant substance that constitutes the mass of the Earth is?
a. Iron
b. Oxygen
c. Nitrogen
d. Silicon
Note:-Earth's mass is approximately 5.971024 kg. It is composed mostly of
iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur
(2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%), with the
remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements.

80. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ main layers.

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
81. Rocks which are formed by high temperature and pressure on existing
rocks over a period of time are called ________ rocks.
a. igneous
b. metamorphic
c. sedimentary
d. crystal

82. Marble and slate are examples of

a. igneous rocks
b. metamorphic rocks
c. sedimentary rocks
d. crystals

83. Sandstone and limestone are examples of

a. igneous rocks
b. metamorphic rocks
c. sedimentary rocks
d. crystals

84. Absolute zero, which is the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature
scale, is equivalent to ________ on the celsius scale.
a. -273 oc
b. 0 oc
c. 100 oc
d. 973 oc

85. The diameter of the Earth's equator is larger than the pole-to-pole
diameter by
a. 40 km
b. 43 km
c. 46 km
d. 49 km

86. The Tectonic Plates of the Earth lies in

a. Inner Core
b. Outer Core
c. Lithosphere
d. Asthenosphere

87. There are ________ major tectonic plates.

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7

88. The fresh water on the Earth is ________ of the total water.
a. 2.5%
b. 5%
c. 7.5%
d. 10%
89. The Ozone Layer lies in the
a. troposphere
b. stratosphere
c. mesosphere
d. thermosphere

90. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ layers.

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7

(91). In which language Shah WaliUllah translated the Holy Quran:

a). English
b). Persian
d).none of these

Ans. b). Persian

(92). Indian National Congress was established in :

a). 1883
b). 1885
d).none of these

Ans. b). 1885

(93). Who was the Viceroy at the time of partition of Bengal :

a). Lord Caning

b). Lord Curzon
c). Lord Minto
d). none of these

Ans. b). Lord Curzon

(94). The Simla deputation was headed by :

a). Agha Khan

b). M.A. Johar
c). Syed Amir Ali
d). none of these

Ans. a). Agha Khan

(95). Separate electorate was provided in :

a). 1909
b). 1919
d).none of these

(96). Who was the author of My India Years:

a). Lord Curzon

b). Lord Hardinge
c). Lord Mountbatten
d). none of these

Ans. b). Lord Hardinge

(97). Sanghata Movement was started by:

a). Dr. Hergopal

b). DrMoonje
c). Dr Swami
d). none of these

Ans. b). DrMoonje

(98). Mopla revolt was started in:

a). 1920
b). 1921
d).none of these

(99). Who started the Home Rule Movement :

a). M. A. Jinnah
b). B.G. Tilak
c). Mrs. Annie Besant
d). none of these

Ans. c). Mrs. Annie Besant

(100). The subjects were divided into central and provincial by the Act of:

a). 1909
b). 1919
d).none of these

Ans. b). 1919

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