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English is very important in the world because english is an inernational language. As an

internatinal language the role of english is getting more important, such as grammatical
structure and so on. By mastering english we will certainly be able to ommunicate with
people from diferrent countries.
There are four language skills and three language components which the students should
learn and acquire. Language skill sonsists of listening, speaking, writting and reading skill and
language coponent consist of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
By those both language skills and language coponent, the students are demanded to be
able in communicating by using english.
Chapter I

A. Simple Present Tense
Is used to express the activity that happens every day)
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu pristiwa yang terjadi setiap hari.
Nominal sentence
1. I am a student
2. She/He is a student
3. They/we are students
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya hanya tambahkan NOT setelah kata am, is
dan are. Dan untuk membuat kalimat tanya pindahkan kata kerja am,is dan
Are di depan kalimat.
1. I am not a student
2. She/he is not a student
3. They/we are not students
INTRROGATIVE ( Kalimat Tanya
4. Are you a student?
5. Is she/he a student?
6. Are they students
(+ ) S + am, is, are + adj/ Noun
(-) S + am, is, are + not + adj/ Noun
(?) am,is,are + S + adj/Noun
Verbal Sentences
1. I go to school everyday
2. He/she goes to school everyday
3. They/ we go to school everyday
Dalam jenis kalimat seperti ini, untuk membuat kalimat negatif dan kalimat
tanya ambil kata kerja Bantu TO DO yaitu: Do dan Does.
Do digunakan apabila subyeknya I, YOU, THEY, WE sedangkan
Does digunakan apabila subyeknya SHE, HE dan It
1. I do not go to school
2. He/she does not go to school
3. They/we do not go to school

Dalam membuat kalimat possitive, apabila subyeknya Orang k-3 tunggal (

She, He dan It) maka kata kerjanya selalu di tambah s atau es
1. She/he goes to school everyday
2. She/he comes to my house every night
3. He/she always studies hard every night
4. She/he runs very fast

(+) S (she , he, it) + V. I + s/es + O
S (I,You, They, We) + V.I + O
(-) S (she , he, it) + does + not + V. I + O
S (I, You, They, We) + do + not + V. I + O
(?) Does + S (she, he, it) + V.I + o
Do + S ( I, they, you, we) + V. I + O

B. Present Continuous Tense

Is used to express the activity thai is happening right now
(Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi)

1. I am going to school now
2. She is going to school now
3. They are going to school now
Untuk membuat kalimat present continuous tense, kata kerjanya selalu dalam
bentuk present participle ( dalam bentuk ing) stelah kata kerja bantu
Dan untuk membuat kalimat negatif hanya tambahkan NOT setelah kata kerja
bantu dan yang lain tidak mengalami perubahan
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya, hanya memindahkan kata kerja bantu ke depan
kalimat lalu diikuti oleh subject dan seterusnya dan tidak mengalami perubahan.
(+ ) S + to be + V.I + ing + O
( - ) S + to be + Not + V.I + ing + O
( ? ) To be + S + V.I + O
C. Present Perfect Tense
Is used to express the activity that has happened and the time unspesified
(Digunakan untuk mengungkapakan peristiwa yang telah yang terjadi dan tidak
ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang).
1. I have eatten
2. You/they/we have eatten
3. She /he/it has eatten
Kata kerja bantu Have digunakan apabila subjectnya I, You, They dan We. Dan
Kata kerja bantu Has digunakan apabila subjectnya She, He dan It
Untuk membuat kalimat Negative hanya tambahkan not setelah kata kerja bantu
have dan Has
1. I have not eatten yet
2. They have not eatten yet
3. She has not eatten yet.
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya, pindahkan kata kerja bantu have dan Has
kedepan kalimat lalu diikuti oleh subject dan seterusnya tanpa mengalami perubahan.
1. Have you eatten?
2. Have they eatten?
3. Has she eatten?
(+) S + Have/Has + V.3 + O
(-) S + Have/Has + Not + V.3 + O
(?) Have/Has + S + V.3 + O

D. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Is used to express the activity that has hapened and until now is still progressing
(Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang telah terjadi dan sampai
sekarang masih berlansung).
(+) I have been teaching in st. Markus Pateng for five years.
( Saya sudah mengajar di st. Markus selama 5 tahun)
Artinya sampai sekarang masih bekerja di st. Markus Pateng.
(-) I have not been teaching in st. Markus for five years
( )
(?) Have you been teaching in st. Markus for 3 yaars?
( )
(+) S + have/has + been + V.I + ing + O + since/for + ............
( -) S + have/has + Not + been + V.I + ing + O + since/for +
( ?) Have/has + S + been+ V.I + ing + O + since/for + ...........
A. Simple Past Tense
Is used to express the activity that happened in the past time.
(yesterday,.......ago, just now atc)
(untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang telah terjadi diwaktu lampau dan tidak ada
hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang)

1. I came here yesterday
2. I went to school last week
3. She studied english last night
4. They studied english last nigt
Form :
(+) S + V2 + O
Untuk membuat kalimat NEGATIVE dan kalimat TANYA, ambil kata kerja bantu TO
DO yaitu Did.
1. I did not come here yesterday
2. I did not go to school yesterday
3. She did not study english last night
4. They did not study english last night
(-) S + did + Not + V.1 + O
Untuk membuat kalimat tanya, hanya memindahkan kata kerja bantu Did kedepan
kalimat, kemudian diikuti oleh subject dan seterusnya dan kata kerja kembali kebentuk
1. Did you come here yesterday?
2. Did you go to school yesterday?
3. Did she study english last night?
4. Did they study english last night?
(?) Did + S + V.1 + O
B. Past Continuous Tense
Is used to express the activity that was happening when the other activities happened.
( digunakan untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi ketika kejadian lain terjadi).
1. (+) S + was/were + + .........When + S + V2
S + was/were + + .........While + S + was/were +
I was studying when she came
I was studying while she was coming
We were eatting when you knoked the door
We were eatting while you were knoking the door
2. (-)S + was/were + Not + + .........When + S + V2
S + was/were + Not + + .........While + S + was/were +
I was not studying when she came
I was not studying when she was coming
3. (?)was/were + S + + .........When + S + V2
was/were + S + + .........While + S + was/were +
Were you studying when she watched TV?
Were you studying while she was watching TV?
C. Past Perfect Tense (telah........Ketika)
Mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi ketika kegiatan lain terjadi
1. (+) S + Had + V.3 + O...........When/ before/ after + S + V.2
The first train had left, when we arrived at the station
2. (-)S + Had + Not + V.3 + O...........When/ before/ after + S + V.2
The first train had not left, when we arrived at the station
3. (?) Had + S + Not + V.3 + O...........When/ before/ after + S + V.2
Had Yonas got a job when he married your sister?
D. Past Perfect Continuous Tense ( Telah masih ketika)
Mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa yang telah terjadi dan sampai sekarang masih berlansung
ketika kejadian lain terjadi.
(+) S + had + been + for......when/before + S + V.2
My father had been working for Asian Development Bank for 20 years when he
was 50 years old in 2015
(+) ________________________________________________________________

(-) S + had + Not + been + for......when/before + S + V.2

My father had not been working for Asian Development Bank for 20 years when he
was 50 years old in 2015
(?) S + had + been + for......when/before + S + V.2

(?) Had My father been working for Asian Development Bank for 20 years when he was
50 years old in 2015?
A. Simple Future Tense
Is used to express the activity in the future time. (tomorrow, next, tonight atc.)
(digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perintiwa yang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang)
(+) S + shall/will + V.I + O
- I will/shall go to Rego tomorrow
- She will go to Rego tomorrow
- They will go to Rego tomorrow
(+) S + shall/ will + be + adj.
- She will be here tomorrow
- I will be there tomorrow
(-) S + shall/will + Not + V.I + O
- I will/shall not go to Rego tomorrow
- She will not go to Rego tomorrow
- They will not go to Rego tomorrow
Shall/will + S + V.I + O
- Will/shall you go to Rego tomorrow?
- Will she go to Rego tomorrow?
- Willthey go to Rego tomorrow?
Kata kerja bantu Shall hanya berlaku untuk subject I dan We. Sedangkan Will
berlaku untuk semua subject.
B. Future Continuous Tense ( akan sedang)
Is used to express the activity that will be happenning in the future.
( mengunkapkan suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di masa yang akan datang)
(+) S + will/shall + be + + O
I will be writing a letter at 7 oclock tonight
She will be waiting you tomorrow morning
(-) S + will + not + be + + O
I will not be writing a letter at 7 oclock tonight
She will not be waiting you tomorrow morning
(?) Will/shall + S + be + + O
Will you be writing a letter at 7 oclock tonight?
Will she be waiting you tomorrow morning?
C. Future Perfect Tense ( Akan telah)
(+) s + will + Have/ has + V.3 + .......By...
I will have finished studying by lunch time today
D. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(+) S + will + have + been + V. Ing + O ....
I have been living in Denpasar for 6 years by the end of this year.
4. Past Future
Passive voice can be used only for Transitive sentence ( Passive Voice di gunakan hanya untuk
kalimat transifif/ yang mempunyai obyek)
A. Subject on an Active sentences become object on the Passive sentences.
B. Object on the Passive sentences become subject on an Active sentences.
C. In Passive sentences are always marked by Verb 3 ( V.3)
1. Simple Present Tense
A : S + V.I + O

P : O + is, is, are + V.3 + +S

Contoh :
A: Hewritesa letter

P : A lettr is written by him

A: Asni studies English everyday

P: English is studied by Asni everyday

A: We drink a cup of coffee this morning

P: A cup of coffee is drunk by us this morning

A: They reads some books

P: Some books are read by them

2. Present Continuous Tense
A: S + AM,IS, ARE + V.I. ING + O

P: O + AM, IS, ARE + BEING + V.3 + BY + S

A: he is writing a letter now

P: A letter is being written by him

A: I am listening to the music now

P: The music is being listened by me now

A: We are singing a love song on the stage now

P: A love song are being sung by us on the stage

3. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
A: S + Have/Has + V.3 + O
P : O + Has/Have + Been + V.3 + by + S

A: He has written a letter
P: A letter has been written by him

A: She has studied english

P: English has been studied by her

A: They have eatten a plate of rice

P: A plate of rice has been eatten by them
4. Present Perfect Continuos Tense
A: S + Have/Has + been + + O
P : O + Has/Have + Been + Being + V.3 + by + S

A: I have been studying english for three years
P: English has been being studied by me for three years

A: She has been singing a beautiful song on the stage

P: a beautiful song has been being sung by her on the stage


1. Simple Past Tense
A: S + V.2 + O
P: O + was/were + V3 + by + S
Contoh :
A: She studied english last night
P : English was studie by her

A: They drank a cup of coffee

P : A cup of coffee was drunk by them

A: we ate a plate of rice yesterday

P: A plate of rice was studied by us yesterday

A: She read some book


2. Past Continuous Tense

A: S1 + WAS/WERE + V.I. ING + O ....WHEN + S2 + V.2

P: O + WAS/WERE + BEING + V.3 + BY + S1 .... WHEN + S2 + V2
A: I was studying a book when you came
P : a book wasbeing studied by me when you came

A: We were watching the Film on TV when she called me

P: The film was being studied by Us when she came

A: Yona was cooking the rice when Kalis knooked the door

A: When you called (phoned) me, I was reading news paper

3. Past Perfect Tense
A: S + HAD + V.3 + O
P: O + HAD + BEEN + V.3 + BY + S
A : Mr. Yonas had taught english in St. Markus for 4 years
P : English had been taught by Mr. Yonas for 4 years


4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

A: S + had + been + + O
P: O + had + been + being + V.3 + By + S

A: Kalis had been studyimg English for six years
P : English had been being studied by Kalis for six years

A : Ona, Heni and Kalis had been learning English for six years ago
P : English had been being learned by them for six years

A: We had heard about the news from the Radio

P : The news had been heard by Us from the Radio

1. Future Tense
A: S + will/ shall + O
P : O + will/shall + be + V.3
A : I will drink a cup of coffee this morning
P : A cup of coffee will be drunk by me this morning

A: She will pick my mother up in air port tomorrow morning

P: My mother will be picked up by her in air port tomorrow morning.

A: Nita will study English tonight

P: English will be studied by Nita (her) tonight
2. Future Continuous Tense
A: S + Will + be + + O
P : O + Will + be + being + V.3 + by + s
A: she will be drinking a cup of coffee tonight
P: A cup of coffee will be being drunk by her tonight

A. The Changes
1. Pronoun
Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive
pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun emphatic

2. Tenses
present tense Past tense
past Tense Past Perfect Tense
Direct speech Indirect speech

3. Adverb
Tonight That night
Now Then
Tomorrow The following day/ the next day
Next The following.
Yesterday The day before/the previous day
Last. Thebefore
.. ago ..before
Here There
This That
These those

A. Command / Prohibition (Imperative)
Perintah / larangan
(+) Direct : Joko : Wati, give me your book tonight.
Indirect : Joko asked Wati to give him her book that night
Direct : Echa , close the door please.
Indirect: Yonas asked Echa to close the door

(-) Wati : Dont lend me your pen (Direct)

Wati asked Joko not to lend his pen (indirect)

(-) Dont come to my house. (Direct)

Wati asked Joko not to come to her house.
Yonas : Echa give me your project (Direct)
Jeli : Echa, what does Mr. Yonas say?
Echa : Mr. Yonas asked me to give him my project ( indirect speech)

Yonas : Echa, dont do that. ( Direct speech)

Jeli : Echa what does Mr. Yonas says
Echa : Mr. Yonas asked me not to do this Indirect speech)

1. Mirah says I am sick . (Direct)
Mirah says that she is sick. (Indirect)
2. Mirah ssid Im sick. (Direct)
Mirah said that she was sick. ( Indirect)
3. Mirah said I was sick yesterday (Direct)
Mirah said that she had been sick the day before (Indirect)
4. Diana said I was absent yesterday
Diana said that she had been absent the day before
5. she said I studied English this morning (Direct)
She said that she had studied English that morning. (Indirect)
1. Yes/ No question.
There are 24 auxiliaries
a. To be : am, is , are, was, were
b. Perfect : have , has, had
c. Modal : shall/should, will/would, can/could, may/might, must/ought to.
d. khusus : need not (tdk butuh), dare not ( tak berani), used to + V1 ( dahulu biasa)
a. Rini asked Tono Did you give me your book last night?
Rini asked Tono if/whether he had given her his book the week before.
Main claue + if/ whether + S + P
b. Joko : Wati, did you come to my house yesterday?
Rini : Wati, what did Joko say?
Wati : Joko asked me if/whether I had come to his house the day before.
2. W H QUESTIONS (8 /1 h)
(what, when, where, which, why, who, whose, whom, how)
Rudi asked Wati How long will you saty in Bali?
Rudi asked Wati how long she would stay in Bali
Main clause + Qw + S + p
Ani asked Joko Who was absent yesterday?
Ani asked Joko who had been absent the previous day
Main clause + Qw + P


Clause is a part of sentence ( agroup of words) that consist of subject and predicated.
There are two clause:
1. Independent clause
2. Depandent Clause
a. Independent Clause
is a caluse that can stand alone. (free clause/ clause bebas, main clause/induk kalimat)
- I am a student
- I was sleeping well
- I will buy a car
b. Dependent Clause
is a caluse that cant stand alone ( Subordinate clause/ anak kalimat)
- because I am sick
- when you came
- if I have money
1. I am absent today because I am sick
2. I was sleeping well when you came
3. I will buy a car if I have money
A. Relative/ Adjective clause
Clause that modifies noun
Relative pronoun:
a. Relative/adjective clause
is a clause that modifies noun
Relative Pronoun:
Relative Pronoun
Who : Subject (orang) : I, you, they, we, he, she
Whom : subject (orang) : me, you, them, us, him, her
Whose : Milik (orang) : my., your, their, our, his.., her
Which : benda/binatang : subject/object
That : orang/ benda/ binatang : subject/ object (informed)
of which the : milik ( benda/binatang) : its, their.
Where : place
When : time
As subject
1. The boy is kind. He sits under the tree.
The boy who sits under the tree is kind
The boy that sits under the tree is kind (informal)
2. The girl is beautiful. she love you very much
The girl who love you very much is beautiful
3. The man is a killer. He killed your father last year.
The man who killed your father last year is a killer
4. The room is hot. we study in it
The room which/that we study in is hot
The room in which /where we study is hot
As Object
1. The boy is kind. You helped him yesterday.
The boy whom you helped yesterday is kind
The boy that you helped yesterday is kind
2. The girl is beautiful. You love her very much
The girl whom you love is beautiful
3. My dog is kind. you killed yesterday.
My dog which you killed yesterday is kind.
4. The room is hot. we study in it
The room which/that we study in is hot
The room in which /where we study is hot
5. I like Harry potter. It is very popular movie
I like very porter which is very popular movie
As Possessive
1. The boy is kind . You borrowed his car last week
The boy whose car you borrowed last week is kind
2. I have a cat. its fur is nice
I have a cat of which the fur is nice
B. Noun Clause
Is clause that functions to replace noun.
1. As Subject
a. The novel is good
What you bought yesterday is good
b. The book is good
what you read is good
c. The beach was beautiful
where did you visit yesterday is beautiful
2. As Complement
This is a good shirt
this is what we need
3. As Object
a. After certain verb : think, know, believe, atc.
(+) I know that you are learning English now
(-) I dont know that you learned English yesterday
(?) Do you know that we will learn English tomorrow?

(+) I know that you studied English yesterday

(-) I didnt know that you were studying English when I came
(?) Did you know that we had studied English before you came
b. After Question Words
- Where does she live? :Where
I dont know where she lives
- How long will you studyenglish?
I dont know how long we will study English

There are three types of conditional sentences

1. Future Possibelity (real Future)
Sesuatu kemungkinan yang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang
(+) I will buy a car if I have money
(-) I will not buy a car if I dont have money
I will not buy a car unless I have money (Jika tidak)
(?) Will you buy a car if you have money
(+) If you love me, I will marry you
(-) If you dont love me, I will not marry you
(?) If I love you, Will you marry me?
S + WILL/CAN/SHALL + V.1 IF + S + V.1

2. UNREAL PRESENT : Contrary to the Present Fact ( berlawanan dengan fakta saat ini)
+ -
(-) (+)
Present Past
Past Past perfect
Am,is,are S + wouldnt + be
If + s werent
Am not, is not, are not S + would + be
If + should + be
V.1 S + wouldnt + V.1
If + s + didnt + V.1
Dont, doesnt + V.1 S + would + V.1
Is + s v.2
1. Fact : I dont buy a car because I dont have money
cond : I would buy a car if I had money
If I had money, I would buy a car
S + Would/should + V.1/ be + ..if + S V2/were
Past future simple past
2. Fact : We arent birds, so we cant fly
Cond : If we were birds, we could fly
We could fly if we were birds
3. Fact :
Cond : I would come to your Party if you invited me
4. Fact :
Cond : If it didnt rain, they wouldnt bring rain coast
3. UNREAL PAST : Contrary to the past fact ( berlawanan dengan fakta masa lampau)
Was/ were S + wouldnt + have + been
If + S + hadnt + been
Wast/ werent S + would + have + been
If + s + had + been
V.2 S + wouldnt + have + V.3
If + s + had + V.3
Didnt V.1
1. Fact : I didnt buy a car because I didnt have money
Cond. : I would have bought a car if I had had money
2. Fact : I didnt come to your party because you didnt invited me
Cond : I would have come to your party if you had invited me
3. Fact : I had money, so I bought a cat
Cond : If I had not had money, I would not have a car
4. Fact : I came to your house yesterday because your mother phoned me
Cond. :
5. Fact : She passed on his final test because she studied harderly

Causative is a verb that is used to asked someone to do something (have, get, make)
The usage of have
1. Have : own : posses ( menyatakan kepunyaan)
(+) I have a book
(-) I dont have a book
(?) Do you have a book?

2. Have to, must, ought to ( menyatakan keharusan)

(+) I have to buy a car
(-) I dont have to buy a car
(?) Do you have to buy a car
3. Have : eat/drink (selamat/semoga) selamat makan/minum
(+) I have coffee every morning
(-) I dont have coffee every morning
(?) Do you have coffee every morning?
4. Have : ask/tell/order : menyuruh (chausative)
(+) I have you buy a book (saya menyuruhmu membeli buku)
(-) I dont have you buy a book
(?) Do you have me buy a book

(+) He asks me to study hard

(-) He doesnt ask me to study hard
(?) Does he ask you to study hard

(+) she order Kalis to come to her house

(-) she does order Kalis to come to her house
(?) Does she order Kalis come to her house?
5. Have + V.3 : Perfect (auxiliary) : telah
(+) I have bought book
(-) I have not bought book
(?) Have you bought a book?

1. Can
a. Ability : to be able to...
He can speak english well (can/ is able to..)
He can do it (able to)
b. Asking Permission
Can I sit here?
Can I come yo your house?
c. Oferring help
Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
d. Request (Politle)
Can you open the door please.
e. Osibelity
It can be rain today
f. Opportunity
You can come anytime you like
g. Invitation
Can you come to my party?
2. Will
a. Future activity/be going to (I, you, they, we,she,he,it)
I will come to your house tonight
I am going to come to your house
b. Polite request
Will you open the door, please?
Would you open the door, please?
Would you mind oening the door please?
c. Invitation
Will you come to my party, please?
3. Shall
Future activity / be going to (only for subject I and We)
I shallcome tomorrow
I am going to coe tomorrow
4. May
a. Be allowed to...
May you go home now?
You are alloed to go home now
You are permited to go home now.
b. Asking Permission
May I borrow your book?
May I borrow yor dictionary?
May I lend your money
May ask you a question?
c. Offering Help
May I help you?
Yohanes is absent today. She may be sick.
5. Must
a. Go Have to : be obliged to.
I must go now (keharusan faktor dari luar)
I have to go now ( keharusan faktor dari dalam diri)
I am obliged to go now
b. Certainity (conclution)/ kepatian/ kesimpulan
Mr. Yonas lives in big house with three new car
He must be rich kesimpulan)
6. Should / ought to : Present advice
Miss Susti is sick. She should see a doctor (present)
She ought to go a doctor
Past Modal + Perfect
7. Should + have + V3/ been (Past advice)
You should have studied harder (you didnt get a good mark)
8. been + V. Should + have/3 (conditional sentence type 3)
You would have got good mark if you studied hard
( You didnt get good mark)
9. Might + have + V.3/been (past possibelity)
She might have been sick
(She was absent yesterday)
10. Must + have + v.3/been; (past certainly)
She must have been sick
( she was absen yesterday , I saw her seeing a doctor)
11. Could + have + V.3/been
I could have bought a new one
(My watch was broken)

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