Sri Lanka Crisis and Indian Response: - Arunoday Bajpai

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had separatist designs and wanted to ment which was disliked by it.

While all these countries have

carve out an independent state in Similarly the European Union has openly sided with Al Fateh against
Gaza. Using this change as an excuse also wel-comed the regime change. A Hamas, the Russian government has
he dismissed Hamas led government. major donor to Palestine European given a sane and sound advice to the
Union has also declared that it will new government. The advice is to
Salam Fayyad of Al Fateh was
establish diplomatic ties with the new have dialogue with Hamas and other
appointed new Prime Minister on
government and resume financial groups so that peace may be restored
June 14 and on 17th of June a new help. in the region.
cabinet took oath of office. Thus an
interim government was formed. Sri Lanka Crisis and Indian
The new government did not
enjoy majority support of the Response
Parliament. That body was still con-
trolled by Hamas. Thus, it is definite
that Parliament's approval for any of Arunoday Bajpai
the programmes and policies of the For the last 20 years or so Indian After independence in 1948, the
new government will now be forth- foreign policy towards Sri Lanka has majority Singhalese rulers of Sri
coming. To overcome this hurdle, been centred around the issue of Lanka adopted policies which gra-
the President passed a decree autho- Tamil problem. Also, the Indian dually discriminated against minority
rising the new government to work foreign policy has moved full circle Tamils in the field of education,
without approval of the Parliament. from conscious political involvement government services and welfare
By yet another decree, the President during early 1980s to active political programmes. The feeling of insecu-
outlawed paramilitary forces of and military intervention during rity among Tamils became acute as
Hamas, its executive and other mili- 198790 period again to reserved Singhala was declared national
tias linked to Hamas. The President political reaction since 1990s. The language. Buddhism was declared
launched a scathing attacks on present phase of Indian policy is national religion and Seghalese far-
Hamas. He declared There is no based on the fault recognition of mers were encouraged to settle in
dialogue with these murderous disengagement of Tamil issue from Tamil dominated north-east provin-
terrorists and accused them of other areas of interaction and co- ces. The problem of descrimination
giving Israel an excuse to punish an operation. However, the change in against Tamils became more intensi-
entire people. He also disclosed that Indian policy has been more in the fied during Jayawardhanes regime in
Hamas had designs to murder him. terms of instrumentalities than in early 1980s.
Hamas reacted sharply to steps taken terms of basic objectives, which still The dissatisfaction of Tamil
by the President Abbas. It declared remain the same i.e., to find out a towards Sri Lankan government was
that President had no authority to lasting political solution of the Tamil expressed initially through their
dismiss a government which still crisis within the unity and territorial moderate organisation called Tamil
enjoys the support of the majority in integrity of Sri Lanka. In other words, United Liberation Front which
Parliament. There have been demons- India still rejects the demand for a demanded autonomy for Tamil domi-
trations against Abbas in Gaza. So far separate Tamil homeland elam but nated north and east provinces.
as the outlawing of Hamas is con- wants to ensure adequate devolution However, the repressive and descri-
cerned, it is very much doubtful of political power and larger manatory policies of Jayawardhane
whether the newly formed govern- autonomy to Tamil dominated North government led to replacement of
ment has force enough to enforce it. and East provinces. peaceful resistance by a violent
The coming days are going to witness The present status of Tamil protest and struggle. In July 1983,
more fierce conflict in Palestine. Problem : Tamil problem of Sri Tamils killed 13 armymen of Sri
The western world, particularly, Lanka has ethno-social, political and Lanka which caused hardening of
the U.S.A., European union and Israel economic dimensions. The genesis of attitude of Sri Lankan Army and
have come out openly in support of Tamil problem lies in the social successive armed conflicts between
the newly formed government. The composition of Sri Lanka. Out of 19 the armed forces and the Tamils. The
President Bush welcoming the new million population of Sri Lanka, extremist and terrorist organisation
development has called Abbas the Singhalese constitute 74%, old Tamils LTTE gradually got prominence and
real President of Palestinian people 13% and 6% Tamils of Indian origin eliminated moderate elements from
and a voice of liberals in that region. constitute the minority in Sri Lankan the political scene.
Bush reiterated that he supports society. While old Tamils are the Since 1983 the Tamil crisis has
the formation of Palestinian nation. original inhabitants of Sri Lanka, taken volent turn as LTTE eliminated
Israels Prime Minister Olmert expres- Tamils of Indian origin were brought moderate the Tamil organisations,
sed confidence in the new govern- here from India as plantation workers asked for complete independence
ment. He declared that Israel will during British rule. The Singhalese from Sri Lanka for Tamil areas and
cooperate with the new set-up and and Buddhists and Tamils follow waged sustained armed struggle
release tax money to it. Israel has Hindu religion. Muslims and Chris- against the government. The LTTE,
withheld 70 crore of dollars and tians constitute rest of the 7% popu- due to its systematic and violent
did notpay it to Hamas led govern- lation. struggle has scored two important

PD/August/2007/235 Genius at first is little more than a great capacity for receiving discipline.

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