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For those of you who are 16-22 years old and want to know more how to build

and what is business and how we can survive in this era of globalization now, I
want to share information about the school that I built invasion starup school.
invasion starup shool is a modern school and different from the conventional
school now. Diferrent with conventional schools now, because we give 3 things
to our method.

The first is conditioning. It means that a great teacher with great discussion
material will not only make the eyes understand if the condition is impossible.
Conditioning is very important. For that we created the coworking space so the
atmosphere of learning we make the concept of indastriyal is perfect for young
people and then we prepare a place for office, those who already have a
business plan they can have office there. The difference is coworking space with
conventional office that is coworking space we design with play full.
Then The second is to enter his education, so if the condition is very good we
just go into his eductions. The difference invasion school with other
conventional schools is the method we give the customize approach, so later on
the 15th meeting the students will be divided into 6 groups with specific talents
and in coaching according to their respective talents. Each of our groups will
provide different knowledge and teaching according to their respective talents
so there is no generalization.

Then the third is a launch day so it is obvious that invasion school is not just
teaching but they can create something. So when they pass 18 meetings. They
must create a product, they sell products non profit social comunity until make
money. maybe that they launch a business product or service. We will also
prepare make incubator for them, in the campus nature silk we will prepare cafe.
We prepare the cafe space named maker space, all product services and
orgnisasi made during launch day may be displayed there.
Then the invasion stratup school divided into 18 classes / week consisting of 5
main capsule.
Mastering Influence - Leadership
Talk Like Jobs - Public Speaking
Deal Like Trump - Negotiation Skill
How to Create Your Own Brand - Marketing
Build Your Own Start Up Company - Entrepreneurship
The advantages if you follow this program:
1. Discovering hidden talent
2. make a champion mentality
3. make entreprenuer spirit.

For those of you who are interested and want to know more, please come to Trial Class
INVASION Startup School this Saturday, at 13.00 WIB at APL Tower Lt. 22, Central Park,
West Jakarta.

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