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CAS - VSA World Wide Healthy Dessert Making

Process Journals

Entry 1 - 19th Oct 2016

Today was the first day of the Healthy Dessert Making CAS. There were people in other
year groups who were also have the interest of making heathy desserts and we
introduced ourselves to each of them. The supervisors had introduced this service
which we have to attend a few service outside school during both terms this year. We
made butter cookies today which is quite a simple recipe to do since it was our first
lesson. One of the supervisors taught us the steps of making and introduced the
kitchen utensils and safety use. We enjoyed the process of making the cookies this
lesson as well as eating them.

Entry 2 - 16th Nov 2016

Today, we went to the HK Aberdeen centre to do service. Our target service audience
was the children who live around the centre, which including ages from 5-10
approximately. They were all very active, cheerful and easy-going. What we did was to
teach them baking cup cakes and play some activities with them. Before the children
arrived, we had to prepare materials and ingredients for making the cup cake, and also
set up some activities which interests children with the age of 5-10. When we first met
the children, they were all very active and were all looking forward to bake cupcakes
and to cooperate with us.

Entry 3 - 14th January 2017

Today, we went to an elderly home to serve the elderlies. During the day, we first went
to the Aberdeen centre to make sponge cakes for the elderlies, then we bring them to
the elderly home and play some activities with them as well. Although some of them
were not able to speak, we still understood their expressions which they all enjoyed the
process a lot. We had a lot of fun there.

Entry 4 - 25th January 2017

Today, we baked chocolate cookies and it tasted really well.

Entry 5 - 25th March 2017

Today, we went to another elderly home which is located near the Aberdeen centre.
We worked like last time, we first went to the Aberdeen centre to make sponge cakes
for the elderlies, then we bring them to the elderly home. The elderly home this time
was not the one weve been before. There are two floors for women and two floors
lived men. We went through the stairs floor by floor to serve them. We say hello and
interacted with them a bit. They are all very friendly and we enjoyed the service.

Entry 6 - 29th March 2017

Today, we made butter cookies and it tasted really good. We added slightly more sugar
while making, which tasted a bit of sweeter.

Entry 7 - 12th April 2017

Today, we watched a video produced by The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of
Drug Abusers. This is a video about how people suffer from drugs, and how did they
over come it. This a tough process for them to rehab, but they succeed at last,
because of their adherence and non give up.

Entry 8 - 17th May 2017

Today, we made Dorayaki and it tasted really good.

Entry 9 - 20th May 2017

Today, we went to a Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers centre for a lecture. The lecture
was about a presentation of what are drugs, how people get obsessed with it, the
causes of having drugs and how did they overcome it.

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