Ejbca Installation Guide For Ubuntu

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EJBCA installation guide for ubuntu

1. Install Ubuntu if not installed, creating user with username 'user' or anything
else, just remember to use that name during entering path name.

2. Download ejbca and jboss from the following links:-

(You need to login to redhat account)

3. Open 1st terminal, (ctrl+alt+t in ubuntu):

4. install needed software from ubuntu, basically jdk, if not already installed:-
sudo apt-get install default-jdk-headless ant ant-optional unzip

5. go to the directory where the zip files of ejbca and jboss are stored, by using
cd command
eg:- cd Downloads

6. unzip jboss-eap-6.4.0.zip
unzip ejbca_ce_6_5.0.5.zip

7. Configure EJBCA, make sure to write the correct directory where jboss has been
echo "appserver.home=/home/user/jboss-eap-

8. Open 2nd terminal and go to the directory where jboss is unzipped and type:-
wait for the operation to complete

9. In the first terminal type:-

cd ejbca_ce_6_5.0.5
ant deploy (just press enter if a question shows up)
(wait a little for jboss to reload in the second terminal)

10. Run installation in first terminal to create initial management CA and TLS
ant install (choose all default values, or as necessary)

11. Goback to terminal second and restart jboss:-

press ctrl+c
type jboss-eap-6.4/bin/standalone.sh
wait for process to complete

12. go to the directory where ejbca is unzipped using file manager

/home/user/ejbca_ce_6_5.0.5/p12 and copy superadmin.p12 to admin desktop and import
to web browser password is ejbca by default

13. URL to view interface in browser is https://localhost:8443/ejbca

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