Development of Android/ IOS Based Application To Access Aadhar Database For Utilization in General Elections - Aadhar Based Electoral Application

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IDL - International Digital Library Of

Science & Research

Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2017 Available at:

International e-Journal For Science And Research-2017

Development of Android/ IOS Based

Application to Access Aadhar Database For
Utilization In General Elections - Aadhar
Based Electoral Application
* # ! !
C. Kavitha, P. Kanaka Raju, G. Ramesh, K. Narendra Swaroop
* Dept. of Physics, GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA, 530 045

# Dept. of Electronics and Physics, GIS, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA, 530 045
! Research scholar, Dept. of Electronics and Physics, GIS, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam,
INDIA, 530 045

Corresponding authors email:


Based on the latest technology called - IoT (Internet of Things), now a days, IoT
becomes an essential and emerging technology. And by utilizing the aadhar database, we would
like to propose an android/iOS based application named as Aadhar Based Electoral
Application. This application is proposed to be base on aadhar database to elect the contestant
in a particular constitution. Since aadhar is fulfilled with all the requirements and having
complete database of each and every person. A prototype application was developed and tested.
And this application with some modifications can also be useful for surveys and for online

Keywords: IoT, Aadhar database, Voter ID card, Finger print scanner and 3G/4G connected
smart phone


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Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2017 Available at:

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Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible
through the internet [1]. The thing in IoT could be an automobile or any other thing with built-
in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the ability to collect and
transfer data over a network [2]. An article by Ashton published in the RFID Journal in 1999
said, If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things - using data
they gathered without any help from us - we would be able to track and count everything, and
greatly reduce waste, loss and cost [5]. We need to empower computers with their own means of
gathering information, so they can see, hear and smell the world for themselves, in all its random
glory. Internet of Things can connect embedded devices in various systems to the internet [3].
When devices/objects can represent themselves digitally, they can be controlled from anywhere.
The connectivity then helps us capture more data from more places, ensuring more ways of
increasing efficiency and improving safety and IoT security [4, 7]. IoT platforms can help
organizations reduce cost through improved process efficiency, asset utilization and productivity
[6]. With improved tracking of devices/objects using sensors and connectivity, they can benefit
from real-time insights and analytics, which would help them, make smarter decisions.

Hardware construction:

Hardware block diagram

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Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2017 Available at:

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Requirements [10]

1. Mobile phone with android/ apple operating system

2. Mobile with latest features along with 2GB RAM

3. Finger print scanner
4. Mobile should have 3G/4G connectivity
5. Webcam/ camera
Install the Aadhar Based Electoral application in the smart phone which having the
above said requirements along with inbuilt/ external keyboard, then run the application after
connecting the finger print scanner through OTG (On The Go) cable [8].

Functional Procedure:

1. Install the above said Aadhar Based Electoral application in the smart phone

2. Open the application and select the option for Election

3. Then the application starts authenticating the user by asking the following details

a. State in the country

b. District

c. Constituency
d. Voter ID
e. Aadhar card number
4. Once the application found that the above details are matched with aadhar database and
those are correct, then it will ask for the finger print option for further verification [9]

5. Once the finger print was matched then the application will fetch the contestants details
along with their details

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Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2017 Available at:

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6. Now the user will elect any one from the contestants list and then the application will
prompt for OTP (One Time Password), which was received by his/her registered mobile

7. If the entered OTP was correct, the vote has been registered, it will be added to count
application in the server

8. After the election time was elapsed, the counting team can be able to retrieve the database
from the server for counting purpose

By using this application we can declare the results within one hour of time, after voting

Advantages of this application:

1. Election results will be announced on the same day

2. It can reduce the expenditures for elections

3. People can be vote from anywhere in the world

4. Can reduce fake votes by OTP security
Flow chart:

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Flow-chart for the application software

Results: Screenshots of the results

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Step 1: constituency details entry Step 2: entered details verification

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Step 3: finger print for scanning Step 4: scanning in progress

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Step 5: scan completed Step 6: acquiring aadhar details

Step 7: access granted for vote Step 8: access denined for vote


Based on IoT and by utilizing the aadhar database, here we proposed an android/iOS
based application named as Aadhar Based Electoral Application. This application is proposed
to be base on aadhar database to elect the contestant in a particular constitution. Since aadhar is
fulfilled with all the requirements and having complete database of each and every person. A
prototype mobile phone application was developed and tested. Above screenshots from step 1
through step 8 are the evidences for the proper functionality of the application, and this
application with some modifications can also be useful for surveys and for any other online
processed is also a low-cost process [11].

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[1] Tech Target (2014) What is Internet of Things (IoT)?Definition from
[2] OReilly Radar (2014) #IoTH: The Internet of Things and Humans.
[3] Studio Science (2015) Interaction Design within the Internet of Things.
[4] Siorpaes, S., Broll, G., Paolucci, M., Rukzio, E., Hamard, J., Wagner, M. and Schmidt, A.
(2006) Mobile Interaction with the Internet of Things. Adjunct Proceeding of Pervasive 2006
Late Breaking Results
[5] K. Ashton, "That Internet of Things Thing," RFiD Journal, vol. 22, pp. 97-114, 2009
[6] J. Gubbi, R. Buyya, S. Marusic and M. Palaniswami, "Internet of Things (IoT): A vision,
architectural elements, and future directions," Future Generation Comput. Syst., vol. 29, pp.
1645-1660, 9, 2013
[7] H. Ning and H. Liu, "Cyber-Physical-Social Based Security Architecture for Future Internet
of Things," Advanced in Internet of Things, vol. 2, pp. 1-7, 2012.
[8] I. J. L. Encarnao. (28-29 November 2012). Mobile Empowerment for the socio-
economic development [ONLINE]. Available:
[9] P. Henry, J. Williams and B. Wright. The SANS survey of digital forensics and incident
response: A SANS whitepaper. 2013 Available:
Palma, D., Agudo, J.E., Snchez, H. and Macas, M.M. (2014) An Internet of Things Example:
[10] Kulkarni, S.S. and Padgilwar, R.S. (2014) Automation over Internet & Android App Using
RTOS. International Journal of Computer and Electronics Research, 3, 43-48.
[11] Fisher, D.K. and Gould, P.J. (2012) Open-Source Hardware is a Low-Cost Alternative for
Scientific Instrumentation and Research. Modern Instrumentation, 1, 8-20.

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