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GO Bag Checklist Y Water as much as you can practically cary Food: energy bors, easy open canned goods, dried goods Y Medicine: First Aid Kit maintenance medications ¥ Clothing: shirt, pants, shoes, underwear, personal hygiene kit ¥ Infant and chile necessities Y Shelter: tarpaulin or tent, sleeping bag or emergency blanket Money Y, Fire: match or lighter ¥ Communications: transistor radio, spare cell phone battery Y Lights & Signals: flashlights, whistle, glow sticks, extra batteries Documents: passports, other important documents Y Tools: rope, multi-tool gadget or pocket knife, duct tape Y Safety & Security: pepper spray, ust mask, work gloves ¥ Pets: pet foods, water. drinking bow, leash ‘(raga afm Get Home Bag Checklist errr DISASTER PREPAREDNESS von Peete Reminders from W Pack smart choose items that are REPUBLIC Keep your FA Kit mecicins and Emergency Response important documents in a water resistant bag or container Y Consider the needs of infants, senior citizens and physicall challenged family members ’A A aA aA a AT HOMES & & & & f:\ Know the company’s Emergency Response Plan, ‘Always have your own “GO” Bag ready Stay away trom glass windows and doors. Standby for announcements and insirtions trom your ERT. ‘Always inform your RT of your whereabouts Evaluate the risks of going back home such {§ flooding and road concftions. It may B= Safer fo say inthe office for the meantime. ‘Avoid flooded areas or wading through flood waters, If you are on the toad and tapped in @ fiooded area. seek higher ground and shelter where you can be sate. Hove a Family Emergency Preparedness Plan, Plan where to evecuate and how you wal get there i needed. Have ample stocks of food and water availabe. ‘Always have your ready Stay tuned for radio & TV announcements Use cell phones only during emergency. Conserve water resources Stay indoors ancl away irom glass windows & Evocvate when ‘uthontes Take necessary precautions to prevent common inesses. &. fever, cold, dengue, leptospirosis ‘GO" Bag and Fist Aid Kit ordered by appropriate ‘© Know the company's Emergency Response Plan Patticipate in Fire Oils 8e foméar with the bulding’s emergency ‘uits and evacuation area. © Orient “your visors on protocols # In.cose of FRE- Seen wil alarm continvousy, «© Follow ERT instructions and evacuate. De not wail for Bulding’s Public Adare System, # Do not enter the buiding without an “oll clea” “instruction ftom appropriate ‘authorities, fee emergency *¢ Hove c Family Fre Escape Pion and practice it. ® ‘Save Fre and Police station hotlines on your mobile phone and po:ted on your home felephone/landine ‘# Have your home electrical system periodically inspected and tested by a cerified expert '# Evaluate and assess spacitic fre hazards and fisks in your home. Make Fie Exiinguthers avaliable and teach fomiy members how to operate i Install moke alarms, necessary eae! Fas fo Fira! Gat Out and Stay Out! ‘# When evacuating your home - Get Down Stay Low = the air closest to the floor are the freshest in case of fre If your thing catches fre, Stop. Drop & Rol © Slay af a sate distance away from the fire to low fre fighters ond responders to do thee job ONT ssa aaa '© Know the company's Emergency Response Plan Participate in Earthquake Dri Have your own "GO" bag ready and stocked with supplies to last for at least 72 hours (3 days) ‘© Be familar with the building's emergency ‘exis and evacuation area. Grant your vistors on emergency protocols 1 During an earthquake immediately conduct DROP, COVER and HOLD procedure «© Follow ERs instuction dung evacuation. * At the evacuation area, have youre ‘accounted for, say with the group ond wait forfuther insitetions from ERT, AT HOMES & & & & © Have a Fomily Emergency Preparedness Plan ‘© Know your community's evacuation orea or Identity the nearest open space where you con temporary © Always howe your "GO" Bag and Fist Aid Kit ready © Have your home's structural soundness evaluated by a certiied expert. Teach your family members base earthquake safely - OROP, COVER ond HOLD (© During an ecrthquate, stay eway from glass windows & doors and watch out fer faling objects ‘¢ Evacuate when necessary. Return only when *issate to-do so. © Be minatul of attesnocks.

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