Conditioning and Correction of Arbitrary Waveforms - Part 1: Distortion

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High Frequency Design From August 2005 High Frequency Electronics

Copyright 2005 Summit Technical Media


Conditioning and Correction

of Arbitrary Waveforms
Part 1: Distortion
By Mike Griffin and John Hansen
Agilent Technologies

he fundamental Driven by the popularity of digital modula-
This article provides a purpose of test tion schemes in todays communications sys-
comprehensive description equipment is to tems, vector signal generators have become
of the factors that affect characterize performance the instrument of choice to provide real-world
the performance of com- and verify that the device test stimuli for modern wireless transceivers
plex signal generators used under test functions as and their components. In addition, they can
for testing todays digitally expected. Confidence that produce easily configurable, pulsed waveforms
modulated equipment test results are accurate for radar and electronic warfare (EW) applica-
can only be realized if the tions. Engineers benefit from the ease with
test equipment performance is as good or bet- which a wide variety of test signals can be cre-
ter than the device under test. Minimizing ated using wideband arbitrary waveform gen-
test equipment influences on measurement erators. Virtually any complex modulation
uncertainty is a big challenge considering the scheme is easily achieved using waveform
many components that typically comprise a simulation software that is then downloaded
measurement system. The only way to assure to the signal generator for playback. Most vec-
an objective test environment that yields tor signal generators are equipped with inter-
accurate results is through comprehensive nal arbitrary I/Q waveform generators and I/Q
and precise calibration of the test equipment. modulators to support these complex modula-
This article addresses methods for mini- tion schemes. They provide both baseband and
mizing the uncertainty generally attributed to RF or microwave test signals in a single inte-
test stimulus of a measurement system. More grated instrument.
specifically, we will examine how to obtain the At a high level, a vector signal generator is
best signal quality for vector modulated sig- composed of several fundamental blocks as
nals created using I/Q waveforms. A critical shown in Figure 1waveform memory, resam-
factor that influences the quality of the test pling, FIR filters, digital-to-analog converters,
signal is the conditioning and calibration of analog I/Q filters, I/Q modulator, attenuator,
the baseband I/Q waveform. and an automatic level control (ALC) circuit.

Figure 1 Vector signal generator block diagram.

18 High Frequency Electronics

High Frequency Design

To accurately generate repeatable

calibrated test stimuli, it is essential
to identify the primary sources of
error in the signal path and find
methods to contend with and/or cor-
rect those imperfections. Fortunately,
proper conditioning of the waveform
can ultimately avoid many additive Figure 2 Sampled sine wave with Figure 3 Sampled sine wave with-
impairments inherent in the base- phase discontinuity. out phase discontinuity.
band and RF sections of the signal
generator hardware.
As indicated by the list below,
there are many potential errors
encountered when generating vector
modulated test signals. These are
some common sources of error that
can typically be corrected with simple
conditioning of the waveform and
optimization of the signal generator.
The first six of them are discussed in
this article, while the remaining six
will be discussed in Part 2, which will Figure 4 Waveform spectrum with and without the discontinuity.
be published in the September issue
of High Frequency Electronics:
occupy an entire period (or a multiple) easily addressed by adding off time at
Waveform phase discontinuity of the sine wave. Thus, when repeat- the beginning of the waveform and
Waveform clipping edly played back by an arbitrary subtracting an equivalent amount of
Sampling and filtering waveform generator, a phase disconti- off time from the end of the wave-
I/Q path delay and skew nuity is introduced at the transition form. Consequently, no signal is pre-
Carrier feed-through point between the beginning and the sent when the waveform repeats and
Non-linear distortion end of the waveform. the issue of phase discontinuity is
Group delay Abrupt phase changes when the avoided.
Peak-to-average power ratio waveform repeats will result in high If the period of the waveform
Level accuracy frequency spectral regrowth. In the exceeds the available waveform play-
Burst overshoot and droop case of playing back the sine wave back memory, a periodic phase dis-
RF amplitude flatness samples, the phase discontinuity pro- continuity is unavoidable. This may
Instrument dependent corrections duces a noticeable increase in distor- have been a problem in the past, how-
tion components in addition to the ever most newer vector signal gener-
Waveform Phase Discontinuity line spectra normally representative ators provide additional waveform
The most common arbitrary wave- of a single sine wave (see Figure 4). playback memory and some even
form generation use case is to play Phase discontinuities for periodic enable waveform streaming directly
back a waveform that is finite in waveforms are easily avoided by sim- from a PC hard drive for up to hours
length and repeat it continuously. ulating an integer number of cycles of unique, non-repetitive test signal.
Although often overlooked, a phase when creating your waveform seg- The discontinuity issue should still
discontinuity between the end of a ment. Note that if there are N sam- be kept in mind when creating long
waveform and the beginning of the ples in a complete cycle, only the first waveform simulations or signal
next repetition can lead to periodic N1 samples are to be stored in the recordings that require waveform
spectral regrowth and distortion. waveform segment. Thus, when con- repetition that is free of distortion
Consider the sampled sine wave tinuously played back the first and induced by the waveform wrapping.
segment shown in Figure 2. Imagine Nth waveform samples are always
this waveform had been simulated in the same, preserving the periodicity Waveform Clipping
software or simply captured off the of the waveform as shown in Figure 3. Arbitrary waveform generators
air and sampled. It is an accurate sine For TDMA or pulsed periodic require that the waveform samples
wave, however, the waveform does not waveforms, a phase discontinuity is be scaled for the digital-to-analog

20 High Frequency Electronics

High Frequency Design

converter (DAC) in either a signed or

unsigned format. Figure 5 illustrates
an unscaled waveform that exceeds
the range of the DAC and will result
in a clipped analog waveform. For an
n-bit DAC using unsigned integers,
the negative full-scale point corre-
sponds to zero and the positive full-
scale point corresponds to 2(n1). For a
system that uses signed integers, the Figure 5 Waveform samples with Figure 6 Sampled waveform with
negative full-scale point is 2(n1) and clipping. scaling.
the positive full-scale point is
2(n1)1, with zero corresponding to
0.0 volts output.
When creating or manipulating
waveform data, care should be taken
as to not introduce quantization error
when scaling the waveform to within
the DAC range. Otherwise the wave-
form will be distorted during play-
back, resulting in unwanted high fre-
quency spectral regrowth. To address
this, the waveform must be normal-
ized to the maximum DAC range. Figure 7 Effect of waveform scaling on distortion.
In addition to the scaling per-
formed for normalization, it is also
generally desirable to include a scal- Some newer vector signal genera- Each frequency image is separated
ing factor when digitizing the wave- tors provide run-time waveform scal- by the sample rate. To remove the
form to avoid driving at full-scale (see ing so that the tradeoff between dis- sampling images, the DAC output is
Figure 6). This minimizes ringing in tortion performance and dynamic applied to a reconstruction filter.
filters that may cause the DAC to range can be evaluated in real-time. These low pass filters are intended to
over-range. This is particularly This is a convenient feature, consid- pass the baseband signal while
important when generating signals ering that the alternative is to repet- rejecting the higher frequency sam-
for out-of-channel measurements, itively recalculate and download pling images.
because any nonlinearity introduced waveforms with different scale fac- The appropriate reconstruction
from driving at full-scale produce tors and analyze their performance. filter characteristics are a function of
out-of-band spectral regrowth from Figure 7 illustrates that a 5 dB two variables: signal bandwidth and
the signal generator, which reduces improvement in 3rd order intermodu- sample rate. The reconstruction filter
overall measurement uncertainty. lation distortion (IMD) for a two-tone must be broad enough to accurately
Unfortunately, waveform scaling test stimulus was achieved by chang- transmit the entire baseband signal,
also influences the dynamic range of ing the waveform scaling from 100% while the cutoff frequency must be
the signal. A rule of thumb approxi- (or full scale) to 70% of full scale. low enough to sufficiently reject the
mation is to assign 6 dB dynamic Additional methods to improve IMD first image appearing at a frequency
range per bit in the I/Q sample. With performance are discussed later. offset equivalent to the sample rate.
this estimate, one would assume a In addition, filter side lobes must
16-bit DAC could achieve approxi- Sampling and Filtering have enough attenuation to avoid
mately 96 dB dynamic range at base- While digital signal processing generating out-of-band spurs. The
band. However, if all the bits in the provides the flexibility to generate reconstruction filter shown in Figure
sample are not utilized due to wave- nearly any desired test stimulus, it 8 clearly is not getting the job done.
form scaling, the dynamic range of also introduces new sources of error When designing a waveform,
the signal is reduced. As a result, it that must be addressed. The effect of hardware constraints of the base-
may be necessary to compromise waveform sampling in the time band generator, such as waveform
between optimizing dynamic range or domain is the creation of spectral memory capacity, maximum sample
distortion performance. images in the frequency domain. rate, and reconstruction filter charac-

22 High Frequency Electronics

High Frequency Design

teristics, must be taken into account.

Some degree of oversampling is typi-
cally applied to the signal in excess of
the Nyquist rate. Oversampling is
the process of increasing the number
of samples per symbol. For example,
an oversample ratio of 4 yields four
samples per symbol and an increased
file size. To maintain the original sig-
nal characteristics, a 4 higher sam- Figure 8 Example of sampling Figure 9 Sampling images with
pling rate is required for playback. As images and reconstruction filter. oversampling.
shown in Figure 9, this results in
increased spacing between the sam-
pling images and relaxes the require-
ments for the reconstruction filter
cutoff frequency.
Oversampling has traditionally
been implemented when creating the
waveform file (the set of I/Q samples
that define the waveform). This is
termed software oversampling and
the additional sample points expand
the size of the file. This can be mem-
ory intensive for wideband signals or Figure 10 Waveform spectrum with and without oversampling.
high multiples of oversampling.
Newer vector signal generators are
providing hardware oversampling to bandwidth. A 5 oversample ratio first sampling images are effectively
remove sampling images with a sin- was used resulting in a sample rate pushed out 128 to nearly a 400 MHz
gle wideband reconstruction filter. equal to 3.072 MSa/s. frequency offset. This makes the fil-
The savvy waveform designer can The first measurement is from a ter roll off and side lobe requirements
take advantage of hardware over- vector signal generator equipped much less stringent and achievable
sampling to conserve waveform mem- with an 8.5 MHz reconstruction filter. with a single reconstruction filter. As
ory. In effect, for an equivalent mem- Its baseband architecture does not seen with the measurement in Figure
ory depth, a longer time record of support hardware oversampling, so 10, sampling images and spurs are
unique waveform can be played back at the required sample rate, multiple non-existent over the 100 MHz span.
if software oversampling is mini- sampling images are passed along
mized and hardware oversampling is with the fundamental. In fact the roll I/Q Path Delay and Skew
utilized instead. Of course, the origi- off and side lobes of the reconstruc- Images can also occur in systems
nal sampled waveform must still tion filter are easily recognized in the that use I/Q modulators and are
meet the Nyquist sampling rate crite- spectral domain by viewing the clearly visible in signals that are non-
ria, but the hardware upsampling amplitude profile of the sampling symmetric with respect to the carrier
architecture gives the waveform images and spurs over the 100 MHz frequency. These images occur when
designer greater flexibility in choos- span. there is an unequal path delay
ing sample rates, since the constraint Hardware oversampling DACs between the I and Q signals that
of sufficient sampling image rejection are now being used by modern vector drive the I/Q modulator. If there is a
is removed. signal generators to alleviate the time delay between the I and Q sig-
The example shown in Figure 10 need for multiple reconstruction fil- nals, they are no longer in quadra-
compares the spectra of two different ters. In the second measurement ture and images are introduced. Also,
vector signal generator baseband shown in Figure 10, a vector signal if the magnitude and phase response
architectures to demonstrate the generator, with real-time hardware of the I and Q paths are not matched
advantage of hardware oversam- upsampling implemented during and/or the I/Q modulator itself
pling. An I/Q waveform was created waveform playback, provides an addi- exhibits a phase skew such that I and
to generate a single carrier digitally tional 128 oversampling of the Q are not exactly in quadrature (see
modulated signal with 614.4 kHz RF waveform. With this technology the Figure 11), images will result.

24 High Frequency Electronics

I/Q images can be improved with
slight adjustments to align the path
delay between the I and Q signals
and/or slight phase adjustments to
the I/Q modulator gain and phase
skew (see Figure 12); however, I/Q
images cannot be completely
removed with these methods alone.
This is a result of the strong depen-
dence on the mismatch in the magni- Figure 11 I and Q mismatch of Figure 12 I and Q paths properly
tude and phase response roll off in baseband path. aligned.
the I and Q paths. Fortunately, new
solutions utilizing advanced predis-
tortion algorithms have been intro-
duced to minimize images and have
proven to be quite successful. Two
common predistortion techniques can
be used to address I/Q images. The
first technique attempts to character-
ize the I and Q paths and then match
the magnitude and phase response
through waveform predistortion. The
second technique generates a cancel-
ing signal 180 degrees out of phase Figure 13 Effects of I and Q path mismatch on the RF waveform spec-
with the image product. trum.
The resulting improved signal
quality is useful for many applica-
tions, including minimizing uncer-
tainty in multitone and noise power
ratio (NPR) distortion test measure-
ments, improving adjacent channel
power ratio (ACPR) performance for
multicarrier signal generation, and
minimizing error vector magnitude
(EVM) in digitally modulated test
In the frequency domain, I/Q Figure 14 Effect of predistortion on the RF waveform spectrum.
images are uniquely identified by
their bat wing amplitude profile
from the center frequency to the band New advanced predistortion tech- that require this level of performance
edges of the RF modulation band- niques virtually eliminate the I/Q to minimize test uncertainty.
width (see Figure 13). Most vector images (see Figure 14). For the same
signal generators give the user the signal, an image rejection improve- Carrier Feedthrough
ability to minimize the I/Q path delay ment of over 50 dB was achieved Another common problem associ-
and phase skew manually; however, using a waveform predistortion algo- ated with systems that use I/Q modu-
this manual approach is an iterative rithm that generates a canceling tone lators is carrier feedthrough. The car-
adjust and measure process that can at the I/Q image frequency. Due to rier signal component is typically vis-
be time consuming. To address this, time, temperature, frequency, and ible if a waveform is created with the
some signal generators perform this power dependency, the corrections modulated signal offset from the cen-
adjustment automatically as part of will need to be repeated periodically. ter (i.e., the carrier) frequency. The
their I/Q calibration routine. As How often depends on the stability of carrier feedthrough degrades the out-
shown, these adjustments can typi- the instrument and its operating of-band distortion performance for
cally improve the image rejection by environment; however, it is clearly modulated signals offset from carrier.
10 to 20 dB. worth the effort for measurements Otherwise, the carrier feedthrough

August 2005 25
High Frequency Design

component is masked inside the mod-

ulated signal. This too causes a small
level of unwanted in-band distortion
and degrades signal quality.
Carrier feedthrough occurs when
there is a DC component contributed
by the I and/or Q signals that drive
the I/Q modulator or by the I/Q mod-
ulator itself. Through the I/Q modula-
tor, a DC component multiplies with
the local oscillator (i.e., the carrier Figure 15 Carrier feedthrough before and after DC offset adjustment.
frequency) and leaks carrier through
to the RF output. This can be caused
by a DC offset in the I/Q waveform, a
DC offset in the I and/or Q path, or an
I/Q modulator that is unbalanced for
the given operating conditions.
Because I/Q modulator balance is
heavily influenced by the frequency
of operation, it is difficult to calibrate
over the wide range of operating con-
ditions of a vector signal generator.
To get an idea of the sensitivity to DC
offset, consider a signal generator set Figure 16 Carrier feedthrough before and after predistortion.
to 0 dBm output power. This corre-
sponds to 1 mW into 50 ohms. Using
P = V2/R, it can be determined that adjustment automatically as part of a result of the signal passing through
the output voltage equals 225 mV. At quick I/Q calibration routine. components and devices with nonlin-
this level, suppressing the carrier Advanced predistortion tech- ear transfer functions. IMD is a par-
feedthrough by 50 dB requires a DC niques are also being employed to ticular type of non-linear distortion
offset voltage less than 0.7 mV. generate a canceling tone at the car- resulting from unwanted intermodu-
Carrier feedthrough can be mini- rier frequency that is 180 degrees out lation between the various frequency
mized with slight DC offset adjust- of phase with the carrier feedthrough components that comprise a signal.
ments to the I and Q paths or by signal component. The example IMD and harmonics are the primary
applying predistortion (see Figure shown in Figure 16 indicates an 18 cause of in-band and out-of-band
15). Depending on your application, dB carrier suppression was achieved spectral regrowth in the test stimu-
these adjustments can be essential to after predistortion. This is an addi- lus. This degrades measurement sys-
meet demanding test requirements. tional 7 dB improvement over manu- tem performance and may also inter-
Most vector signal generators give ally adjusting the DC offset. fere with neighboring channels.
the user the ability to manually Predistortion techniques are more Nonlinear distortion cannot be
adjust the DC offset of the I and Q effective, but again, only temporarily corrected using simple equalization
path to effectively minimize the DC due to dependence on time, tempera- techniques as this only works with
component. Again, this manual ture, frequency, and output power linear phenomena. However, new
approach is an iterative process that variation. Even so, an almost 20 dBc product introductions for multitone
can be time consuming. In this exam- suppression improvement consider- and NPR test stimulus generation
ple, after DC offset adjustment, the ably reduces measurement uncer- now utilize advanced predistortion
carrier feedthrough was reduced by tainty and may be worth the effort. algorithms to virtually eliminate
11 dB for the two-tone test stimulus. Corrections can be re-initiated once IMD in an automated fashion. This
Because I/Q modulators typically the carrier creeps back up to an unac- makes repeatable high quality dis-
drift over time and temperature, the ceptable level. tortion test stimulus generation con-
carrier feedthrough will begin to veniently and easily realized using a
creep back up after the adjustment Non-Linear Distortion single vector signal generator. This
and need to be corrected again. Some Both intermodulation distortion approach can even remove IMD
signal generators perform this (IMD) and harmonics occur as a caused by additional devices in the

26 High Frequency Electronics

High Frequency Design

test setup, including booster ampli-

fiers that are notorious for degrading
the distortion performance of the
test stimulus. The examples shown
in Figures 17 and 18 indicate the
remarkable improvements in distor-
tion performance that are achievable
using predistortion methods. Har-
monics on the other hand can typi-
cally be dealt with using external fil-
ters. Figure 17 In-band non-linear distortion.
In-band IMD refers to the inter-
modulation products that fall within
the channel bandwidth of the gener-
ated signal. This type of distortion is
particularly undesirable since it can-
not be filtered and directly interferes
with the signal of interest. Similar to
removing carrier feedthrough, this
predistortion technique generates a
canceling tone at the IMD frequency
that is 180 degrees out of phase with
the distortion product. This approach
uses a spectrum analyzer to measure Figure 18 Out-of-band non-linear distortion.
the IMD of the original test stimulus.
Based on these measurements, a pre-
distorted waveform is created to Next Month in Part 2 eering from California State
remove the in-band, as well as the This article continues with Part 2 University, Chico with emphasis in
out-of-band IMD products. As shown in the next issue, discussing the addi- digital signal processing, wireline and
in the before and after predistortion tional performance problem areas of wireless communication systems, and
measurements of Figure 17, excep- group delay, peak-to-average power high frequency radio design.
tional distortion suppression is ratio, level accuracy, burst overshoot John Hansen is currently a senior
achievable. For this test stimulus, an and droop, RF amplitude flatness and product manager for Agilent
over 40 dB improvement was instrument-dependent corrections. Technologies Electronic Product and
obtained. Solutions Group. He has more than
As the bandwidth of arbitrary Author Information 20 years of experience in system
waveform generators continues to Mike Griffin is currently a product engineering and new product devel-
increase, out-of-band non-linear dis- manager for Agilent Technologies opment within the wireless, micro-
tortion can be addressed in a similar Electronic Product and Solutions electronics and defense industries. At
manner. This level of performance Group. He is the lead marketing engi- Agilent, he is responsible for the
substantially reduces the measure- neer for Agilents signal creation soft- launch of new high frequency
ment uncertainty contributed due to ware product line. He joined Agilent microwave signal generator products.
the effects of the test stimulus non- Technologies in June 2000 as a Prior to joining Agilent, Hansen
linear distortion. The example in Product Marketing Applications worked at Hughes Network Systems,
Figure 18 shows an 8-tone test stim- Engineer in the Signal Sources where he participated in the develop-
ulus with 1 MHz tone spacing. The Division. His product expertise is in ment of terrestrial cellular and satel-
spectrum analyzer display is set to RF/MW vector and analog signal gen- lite communication products as an
100 MHz to show the IMD products eration and baseband signal genera- engineering test manager. Hansen
generated by the signal generator. tion. He has specialized applications received his BS in Engineering from
After predistortion, that same 8-tone and measurement expertise in cellu- UCLA, an MSEE (communications
test stimulus is virtually free of dis- lar, WLAN, radar, MW communica- systems) from USC, and his MBA
tortion products. For accurate charac- tions, and distortion test. Mike holds from San Diego State University. He
terization of the device under test, a Bachelor and Master of Science in is also a registered Professional
this is a clear advantage. Electrical and Electronic Engin- Engineer in the State of California.

28 High Frequency Electronics

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