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Individual Reflection Essay
Movie: Priest
Prepared by Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu

Directions: This is a 40-point activity that will be added to your Pre-Midterm Examination score.
Please use the film Priest as the basis of your discussion, argumentation and reflections.

Let me explain to you how you are going to write/compose your Philosophy 171
Insight/Reflection Essay for the film Priest:

A.) Format: Short-bond paper, single spaced, 1-1-1-1 margins all throughout the sides, Times
New Roman Font and the Font Size is 11. Please limit your Insight Paper to at most 3 pages only.
This time, I am requiring you to submit a printed copy of your Insight Paper.

B.) Provide a Theme Title of your write-up that best describes reflections/values/insights you
got from the film Priest. Place your title at the beginning of your Reflection Essay. I will grade
the Theme Title also because I will try to see if your Theme Title reflects the overall presentation
of your entire reflective essay.

C.) As to the Expected Content of your Reflection Paper, these are as follows:

-> C.1: Firstly, there should be a thorough discussion with respect to at least one moral
problem of your choice as shown in the film. Explain thoroughly how a particular ethical
criterion of your choice can help identify whether such an ethical act is right or wrong.

-> C.2: Secondly, there should be a thorough discussion with respect to at least one
ethical dilemma of your choice as shown in the film. Explain thoroughly how a particular
ethical criterion of your choice can help resolve your chosen ethical dilemma.

-> C.3: Thirdly, there should be a reflection on where a particular movie character (of
your choice) is standing with respect to the moral problem or ethical dilemma of your
choice. You need to reflect on what you think the ethical position that the film character is
taking with respect to your chosen moral problem and ethical dilemma. You should be
able to show your ethical reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with his ethical positionality
on the specific moral problem and ethical dilemma.

-> C.4: Finally, there should be a short discussion on your overall impression of the
movie and how the movie has reinforced or transformed your view on the ethical life.
What particular scenes shown in the movie that made strong impressions in your ethical
life. What are the scenes or dialogues in the movie that made an impact in your inner
ethical conviction? What specific dialogues, scenes and conversations in the movie that
left you with strong insights that touched the inner core of your ethical life by giving you
some sort-of enlightened moments or ethical Aha! experiences?

D. Literary Style. I do not really mind if you are going re-arrange the above-given contents or
you may follow meticulously the arrangement as given here. You can have your own creative
literary-take or style on how you present the above expected content partsbut provided of
course that all those expected content parts are present in your Insight Reflection Paper.

E.) The Deadline for Submission of your printed Movie Insight Paper will be on 30th of
October (Thursday), right after our Philosophy 171 class. Please remember this very well: any
submissions beyond the above-mentioned deadline date and time will not be accepted.

I thank you very much for your academic and intellectual companionship. I likewise thank you
so much for taking time to read these instructions.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, Ph.D Candidate

Professor/Facilitator Philosophy 171

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