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Page No.

1.0 Objectives 1

2.0 Learning Outcome 1

3.0 Introduction 1-3

4.0 Material & Apparatus 4

5.0 Safety Measure 4

6.0 Methodology 4-5

7.0 Results and Calculation 6-15

8.0 Discussion 16-17

9.0 Limitation of Report 18

10.0 Conclusion 18

11.0 References 19

1. To determine the head loss in pipe flow for different pipe diameter.

2. To estimate the friction factor for difference pipe diameter.

3. To determine the head losses in bends.


Upon the completion of experiment, student should be able to determine the head
loss in pipe flow for different pipe diameter. Beside that, students are able to plot the graph
of fiction factor against Reynolds number. Student should be able to determine the head
loses in each bend and find the pressure drop along the pipe. Beside that, they should able to
plot the graph of h against to obtain K for all the four bends.


In fluid dynamics, head is a concept that relates the energy in an incompressible

fluid to the height of an equivalent static column of that fluid. To move a given volume of
liquid through a pipe, certain amount of energy is required. An energy or pressure difference
must exist to cause the liquid to move where some portion of that energy is lost to the
resistance to flow known head loss due to friction.

Loss of head is also incurred by fluid mixing which occurs at fittings and by
frictional resistance at pipe wall. For a short pipe with numerous fittings, major part of the
head loss occurred because of the local mixing near the fittings. Where else for long pipes,
the surface friction at the pipe wall will predominate due to the length.
Figure 1: Illustration of fully developed flow along a pipe

In a cylindrical pipe of uniform diameter D, the pressure loss due to viscous effects
p is proportional to length L and can be characterized by the Darcy Weisbach equation.
The DarcyWeisbach equation is a phenomenological equation, which relates the head loss,
or pressure loss, due to friction along a given length of pipe to the average velocity of the
fluid flow for an incompressible fluid. This equation contains a dimensionless friction
factor, also known resistance coefficient which depends on the Reynolds number of the

where the loss per unit length p/L (SI units Pa/m) is a function of:

the density of the fluid (kg/m3)

the length of the pipe L (m)
the diameter of the pipe D (m)
the mean flow velocity V, experimentally measured as the volumetric flow rate Q per
unit cross-sectional wetted area (m/s)
the Darcy Friction Factor, fD

The head loss hf expresses the height of a column of fluid, so the pressure loss p is related
Therefore the DarcyWeisbach equation can also be written in terms of head loss.

Where h is the head loss due to friction and g is the local acceleration due to gravity (m/s2).

In addition, bends are provided in pipes to change the direction of flow through it.
Whenever a fluid flows in a curved path, there must be a force acting radially inwards on the
fluid to provide the inward acceleration, known as centripetal acceleration. This results in an
increase in pressure near the outer wall of the bend. An additional loss of head, apart from
that due to fluid friction, takes place in the course of flow through pipe bend known as bend
loss which is usually expressed as a fraction of the velocity head as KV2/2g where V is the
average velocity of flow through the pipe. The value of K depends on the total length of the
bend and the ratio of radius of curvature of the bend and pipe diameter R/D.

LS-18001-15 Pipe Friction Apparatus connect with Hydraulic Bench, stopwatch, inlet valve
connect to Hydraulic Bench.


1. Make sure all of the valves are closed tightly to prevent leakage.
2. Make sure all the pipes joints are joined in tightly to prevent the mercury and water
to overflow out.
3. Make sure our eyes are placed perpendicular to the scale when taking down the
reading to prevent parallax error.
4. Make sure the water level is steady before taking down the reading
5. The position of the observers eye must be 90 perpendicular to the reading.
6. Ensure that the bubble was fully removed from the pipe line.


Part 1: Head Loss in Pipes of Different Diameter Procedures:

1. The LS-18001-15 Pipe Friction Apparatus is placed on the hydraulic bench.

2. The water inlet and outlet nipples are connected with the flexible hose.
3. The quick coupling is connected to the copper pipe, which has 11 mm inner
4. The water pump is switched on and the hydraulic bench over-flow valve is closed
5. The valves at the copper pipe are opened and the air gap in the manometer is
removed by pressing relief valve, which is located on top of the manometer. The
water flow rate is measured by using a measuring beaker and a stopwatch.
6. The reading at the manometer is recorded.
7. Steps 4 to 6 are repeated with different flow rates and the reading of the manometer
was taken.
8. Steps 3 to 7 are repeated for the other different diameter pipes.
Part 2: Head Loss in Bend Procedures:

1. The inlet valve is connected to the hydraulic bench supply.

2. The inlet and outlet valves are fully open and the water flow rate from the hydraulic
bench is controlled.
3. The flow rate of water is measured by using a measuring beaker and a stopwatch.
The water flow rate is set to a suitable value.
4. After the flow rate is steady, the air relief is pressed, which is located at the top of
the manometer, when the water level in the manometer was too low.
5. The water level of every tube in the manometer is recorded.
6. Steps 4 to 5 are repeated for different flow rates.

Part 1

11mm 8.3mm 5.3mm

Flowrate(L/s) H(mm Hg) Flowrate(L/s) H(mm Hg) Flowrate(L/s) H(mm Hg)

0.2905 34 0.3209 128 0.1364 278
0.2508 30 0.2508 106 0.1328 245
0.2444 27 0.2173 88 0.1206 215
0.2237 24 0.1957 69 0.1097 181
0.2186 21 0.1599 51 0.0992 155
0.2064 18 0.1288 33 0.0889 124


Table 1: Time, Volume of Water Collected, Flow Rate and Velocity for 11mm

t (s) Water collected (L) Flow rate (L/s) Velocity, v (m/s)

17.21 5 0.2905 3.0621
19.94 5 0.2508 2.6391
20.46 5 0.2444 2.5717
22.35 5 0.2237 2.3539
22.87 5 0.2186 2.3002
24.23 5 0.2064 2.1718


Table 2: Time, Volume of Water Collected, Flow Rate and Velocity for 8.3mm

t (s) Water collected (L) Flow rate (L/s) Velocity, v (m/s)

15.58 5 0.3209 5.9309
19.94 5 0.2508 4.6353
23.01 5 0.2173 4.0162
25.55 5 0.1957 3.6170
31.27 5 0.1599 2.9553
38.81 5 0.1288 2.3805

Table 3: Time, Volume of Water Collected, Flow Rate and Velocity for 5.3mm

t (s) Water collected (L) Flow rate (L/s) Velocity, v (m/s)

36.66 5 0.1364 6.1826
37.64 5 0.1328 6.0195
41.47 5 0.1206 5.4665
45.56 5 0.1097 4.9724
50.50 5 0.0992 4.4965
56.23 5 0.0889 4.0296

Example of calculation to determine the flow rate:

Flow rate = L
= 5L
= 0.1364 L/s

Example of calculation to determine the velocity (m/s):

Velocity = 4 L/s
D2 1000

= 4 0.1364
0.00532 1000

= 6.1826 m/s

Table 4: Velocity, Reynolds Number, Head Loss and Friction Factor for 11mm
Velocity, v (m/s) Re h (m Hg) Friction factor, f
3.0621 37260.07 0.034 0.001841
2.6391 32112.94 0.030 0.002187
2.5717 31292.81 0.027 0.002073
2.3539 28642.59 0.024 0.002200
2.3002 27989.16 0.021 0.002016
2.1718 26426.77 0.018 0.001938


Table 5: Velocity, Reynolds Number, Head Loss and Friction Factor for 8.3mm
Velocity, v (m/s) Re h (m Hg) Friction factor, f
5.9309 54454.06 0.128 0.001394
4.6353 42558.62 0.106 0.001890
4.0162 36874.40 0.088 0.002091
3.6170 33209.18 0.069 0.002021
2.9553 27133.84 0.051 0.002238
2.3805 21856.36 0.033 0.002231


Table 6: Velocity, Reynolds Number, Head Loss and Friction Factor for 5.3mm
Velocity, v (m/s) Re h (m Hg) Friction factor, f
6.1826 36247.54 0.278 0.001780
6.0195 35291.32 0.245 0.001654
5.4665 32049.17 0.215 0.001760
4.9724 29152.35 0.181 0.001791
4.4965 26362.22 0.155 0.001876
4.0296 23624.87 0.124 0.001869
Example of calculation to determine Reynolds number, Re:

Re = vD

= 6.1826 0.0053
9.04 107

= 36247.54

Example of calculation to determine friction factor, f:

L v2

d 2g

= 0.278
0.425 6.18262

0.0053 2(9.81)

= 0.001780
Graph of f against Re for 11mm
Friction Factor, f

0.002187 0.0022

37260.07 32112.94 31292.81 28642.59 27989.16 26426.77

Graph of f against Re for 8.3mm


Friction Factor, f




54454.06 42558.62 36874.4 33209.18 27133.84 21856.36
Reynold Number, Re

Graph of f against Re for 5.3mm

Friction Factor, f

36247.54 35291.32 32049.17 29152.35 26362.22 23624.87
Reynold Number, Re
Part 2

Table 7: Time, Flow rate, Velocity and Water Level

t (s) 24.775 32.77 39.07 57.53

Water collected (L) 5 5 5 5
Volumetric Flow rate (L/s) 0.2018 0.1526 0.1279 0.0869
Velocity, V (m/s) 0.9213 0.6967 0.5839 0.3967
Tube 1 570 500 405 360
Tube 2 525 470 390 355
Tube 3 465 425 366 342
Tube 4 437 405 355 335
Tube 5 435 405 358 337
Tube 6 430 400 355 335
Tube 7 355 350 332 323
Tube 8 285 297 310 310
Tube 9 210 240 282 298
Tube 10 80 147 240 272

Example of calculation to determine the flow rate:

Flow rate, Q = L
= 5L
= 0.1526 L/s

Example of calculation to determine the velocity (m/s):

Velocity, V = 4 Q
D2 1000 Lm3

= 4 0.1526 L/s
(0.0167m)2 1000 L/m3

= 0.6967 ms 1
Table 8: Velocity, Reynolds Number, Re and Friction Factor, f

Velocity, V (m/s) Reynolds number, Re Friction Factor, f

0.9213 17019.59 7.213 103
0.6967 12870.45 7.660 103
0.5839 10786.65 7.942 103
0.3967 7328.42 8.561 103

Example of calculation to determine Reynolds number, Re:

Re = vD

= 0.6967m/s 0.0167m
9.04 107 m2 /s

= 12870.45

Example of calculation to determine the friction factor, f:

f = 0.0016 ln(x) + 0.0228

= 0.0016 ln(12870.45) + 0.0228

= 7.660 103
90o large radius bend

R (L = 0.2907m, d = 0.0167m)

Table 9: Flow Rate, Differential Piezometer Head, Frictional Head Loss & Total Head Loss for 90o
large radius bend
Flow rate, V
(m) (m) (m) V2 / 2g K
0.9213 0.045 2.173 102 0.02327 4.326 x 10-2 0.54
0.6967 0.030 1.320 102 0.01680 2.474 x 10-2 0.68
0.5839 0.015 9.609 103 0.00539 1.738 x 10-2 0.31
0.3967 0.005 4.781 103 0.00022 8.021 x 10-3 0.03

90o small radius bend

r (L=0.21215m, d=0.0167m)

Table 10: Flow Rate, Differential Piezometer Head, Frictional Head Loss & Total Head Loss for 90o
small radius bend
Flow rate, V
(m) (m) (m) V2/2g K
0.9213 0.028 1.586 102 0.01214 4.326 x 10-2 0.28
0.6967 0.020 9.630 103 0.01037 2.474 x 10-2 0.42
0.5839 0.011 7.013 103 0.00399 1.738 x 10-2 0.23
0.3967 0.007 3.489 103 0.00351 8.021 x 10-3 0.44

90o elbow

90o (L=0.1336m, d=0.0167m)

Table 11: Flow Rate, Differential Piezometer Head, Frictional Head Loss & Total Head Loss for 90o
Flow rate, V
(m) (m) (m) V2 / 2g K
0.9213 0.070 9.986 103 0.06001 4.326 x 10-2 1.39
0.6967 0.053 6.417 103 0.04658 2.474 x 10-2 1.88
0.5839 0.022 4.416 10 0.01758 1.738 x 10-2 1.01
0.3967 0.013 2.197 10 0.01080 8.021 x 10-3 1.35
Two 45o bends

45o (L=0.1336m, d=0.0167m)

Table 12: Flow Rate, Differential Piezometer Head, Frictional Head Loss & Total Head Loss for
two 45o bends
Flow rate, V
(m) (m) (m) V2 / 2g K
0.9213 0.130 9.986 103 0.12001 4.326 x 10-2 2.77
0.6967 0.093 6.417 103 0.08658 2.474 x 10-2 3.50
0.5839 0.042 4.416 103 0.03758 1.738 x 10-2 2.16
0.3967 0.026 2.197 103 0.02380 8.021 x 10-3 2.97

h against V2 / 2g
Large radius
Small radius
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
V2 / 2g
Example of calculation:

h (m) = 570 525


= 0.045m

hf (m) = L V2
d 2g

= 4(7.213 103 )(0.2907m)(0.9213m/s)2

(0.0167m)(2)(9.81m/s2 )

= 2.173 102 m

h (m) = h - hf

= 0.045m 2.173 102 m

= 0.02327 m

V2 / 2g = V2

= (0.9213)2

= 4.326 102

K = h

= 0.02327
4.326 102

= 0.54

This experiment is based on the head loss in pipe and bends. In any real moving
fluid, energy is dissipated due to friction where turbulence dissipates even more energy for
high Reynolds number flows. The objectives of this experiment is to to determine the head
loss in pipe flow for different pipe diameter, estimate the friction factor for difference pipe
diameter and determine the head losses in bends. The most common equation used to
calculate major head losses is the DarcyWeisbach equation.

In Part 1 of this experiment, the data collected is used to calculate the Reynolds
number, Re and friction factor, f where theoretically, the relation between the friction factor
and Reynolds number is that when the Reynolds number increases, the friction number
should be decreases. A graph of friction factor against Reynolds number was plotted for
different diameter of pipe of 11mm, 8.3mm and 5.3mm. The Reynolds number can be
determined by using the equation; Re whereas the friction factor is calculated using

the equation; f
L v2

d 2g

According to the results obtained, pipe with 5.3mm diameter can be classified as a
laminar flow although values on the graph have Reynolds number more than 20,000 as
when compared to other two diameters, 5.3mm diameter has the smallest Reynolds number.
This may be affected by errors occurred during the experiment. Laminar flow is the flow of
a fluid when each particle of the fluid follows a smooth path, paths which never interfere
with one another. This indicates that smaller diameter will produce lower Reynolds number.

In Part 2 of the experiment, the energy losses are due to change of velocity of the
flowing fluid in magnitude or direction and frictional force acting against a fluids motion
on a closed system resulting head loss. The data is used to calculate the values and plot a
graph of h (m) against 2g . Based on the graph, the relation between the changes of height,
V2 V2
h (m) and is directly proportional to each other which also means that when the
2g 2g
increases, the h (m) increases. The graph of two 45o bends has a steeper gradient followed
by 90o elbow, large 90o elbow radius bend and is 90o elbow small radius bend. The loss of
coefficient, K ranges from the value of 0.03 to 3.50.

The error in this experiment is due to the problems encountered while conducting the
experiment that affected the end result causing it not precise to the correct value such as
inaccuracy of the readings and presence of air bubbles. However the objectives of the
experiment are achieved.

In this experiment, there are some errors that have been detected which caused
inaccuracy in the results. For instance, the eye of the reader is not perpendicular the
meniscus of water while observing causing inaccurate reading. There might be bubble
formation in the pipe line as bubbles are not properly flushed during bleeding. To overcome
this problem, the eye of the reader should be perpendicular to the meniscus while taking the
reading. The air bubbles should be released out before the reading is taken. In order to
obtain an accurate result, the experiment should be repeated. In addition, the apparatus that
will be used should be clean and dry. For safety purpose, closed shoes and suitable attire
should be worn during the experiment period to avoid any injuries. Those were the problems
encountered while conducting the experiment that affected the end result causing it not
precise and inaccurate to the correct value.


The purposes of this experiment are to determine the head loss in pipe flow for
different pipe diameter, estimate the friction factor for difference pipe diameter and
determine the head losses in bends. The technique used in this experiment is by allowing
water flow through LS-18001-15 Pipe Friction Apparatus and inlet valve that are connected
to the hydraulic bench and calculating the values of the head loss. In part A of this
experiment, the friction factor and the Reynolds numbers are calculated and used to
determine the head loss in pipe flow for different pipe diameter. Meanwhile, in part B of this
experiment, the differential pressure drop along the pipes and total head losses in each bend
of the pipes are determined. Based on the graph of h (m) against of different degree of

bends and radius, the loss of coefficient, K is obtained where the value ranges from 0.03 to
3.50. The result is not accurate due to the errors that have been detected throughout the
experiment. Several precautions that should be taken such as the reading taken should be
accurate and the experiment should be repeated to produce result that is more precise. The
main objectives of the experiment are achieved.

1. Pentair Ltd. (2016). Head Loss in Piping Systems. Hydromatic Residential Resource


2. John J.C. (2007). Loss of Head in Bends. Principles and Practice of Plumbing,


3. (2014). Energy Losses in Pipe Flow. Sakshat Virtual Labs,

4. CodeCogs2012. Pipe Head Loss. Head Lost Due To Friction In The Pipe,


5. Scurtu and Aneta. (2014). Experimental Determination of Head Losses in Bends and

Contractions in Pipe Systems. BEng Dissertation, University of Portsmouth,

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