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ISSN 2278 - 4683 (Print) ISSN 2278 - 4891 (Online), 7 7 INCOL JOURNAL ¢ A Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Committee on Large Dams Vol. 3, No. 1 ¢ January 2014 Bhakra Dam INDIAN COMMITTEE ON LARGE DAMS. CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021 Ph, : 91-11-2611 5984/2611 6567, Fax : 91-11-2611 6347 E-mail :;; Web: http/ AIMS & SCOPE INCOLD Journal is a half yearly Journal of Indian Committee on Large Dams (INCOLD) which is involved in dissemination of the latest technological development taking place in the field of dam engineering and its related activities all over the world to the Indian dam/hydropawer professionals. The aim of the journal is to encourage exchange of Ideas and latest technological developments in the field among the dam engineering Professionals. The journal is for fully-reviewed qualitative aiticles on planning, design, construction and maintenance of reservoirs, dams and barrages and their foundations. The articles cover scientific aspects of the design, analysis and modelling of dams and associated structures including foundations and also provides information relating to latest know how in the field of construction technology for the related works. In addition to the information on the research work on the relevant subjects, the journal provides information on the related technical events in Ingia and abroad such as conferences/ training programmes/ exhibitions etc. Information related to ICOLD (Intemational Commission on Large Dams) activities such as ICOLD Congresses, its technical symposia, workshops, technical lectures, technical bulletins are also highlighted for the benefit of INCOLD members. inal unpublished manuscripts that enhance the level of expertise and research in the various disciplines covered in the Journal are encouraged. The articles/technical papers are peer reviewed by editorial Board consisting of renowned experts before publication. The Journal has both print and online versions. There are no publication charges on the author. V.K. Kanjlia Secretary General Indian Committee on Large Dams ‘Subscription Information 2014/ (2 issues) Institutional subscription (Print & Online) : Rs, 900/US$75 Institutional subscription (Online only) Rs. 600/USS50 Institutional subscription (Print only) 2 Rs, 600/US$50 Life Membership for 10 Years (Print only) : Rs. 5,000 Lite Membership for 10 Years (Print & Online): Rs. 8,000 INCOLD INCOLD JOURNAL Volume 3, No. 1 vanuary 2014 EDITORIAL BOARD CONTENTS ‘+ Mr. M, Gopalakrishnan, Hon. Secretary General, ICID : Page No. + Dr. Martin Wieland, Chairman, cop | FROM EDITOR'S DESK Committee on Seismic Aspects + Design Considerations for Vishnugad Pigalkoti Dam 3 + Shri AB. Pandya, Member—Dan,cWC | __ in Highly Seismic Environment ~ R.K. Vishnot, and Vice President, INCOLD Sandeep Singhal and Pradeep Kumar + Dr. D.V. Thareja, Director - Technical, |+ Design of Energy Dissipator for Spillways in 10 ‘SNC Lavalin Engg. india Li, + Mr. V.K, Gupta, Executive Director — Himalayan Region — Dr. M.A. Bhajantri, R.A. Bhato and Dr. (Mrs.) V.V. Bhosekar Hydro Region, NTPC Limited + Repair and Rehabilitation of Hydraulic Structures 19 + Mr. R.K, Vishnol, Gi-Designs, THOG | — Murari Ratnam and N.V. Mahure India Limited * Under water Repair of Large Cavities in Concrete & 28 ‘+ Mr. Satish K. Sharma, Vice-President, | Masonry DAM by Hybrid Polyurethane Injection Resin (Design Engg.) Mossrbaer = Milon Mukhopadhyay + 83rd ICOLD Annual Meeting and 25th ICOLD Editors Congress 31 + Mr. VK. Kanilia, Secretary General, INGOLD, and Secretary, OBIP eEHICoLo News - + Mr, A.C, Gupta, Treasurer, INCOLD;and |» INCOLD News at Director —Water Resources, CBIP ‘Associate Ealtor + Calendar of Events a4 ‘+ ir. Sunil Sharma, Sr. Manager, OBIP ‘ABOUT JOURNAL INCOLD Journal is @ half yearly journal for fully-reviewed qualitative articles on aspects of the planning, design, construction and maintenance of reservoirs, dams and barrages, foundation and scientific aspects of the design, analysis and modelling of dams and associated structures. In addition tothe information on the research work on the relevant subjects, the journal shall provide information On the related technical events in India and abroad such as conferences/training programmesiexhibitions etc, Information related to ICOLD activities shall also be highlighted, All communications to be addressed to Secretary General Indian Committee on Large Dams, CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi ~ 110 02% EDITORIAL ‘There are more than 40,000 large dams in the world out of which 5185 are in India. Majority of these dams are more than 60 years old and perhaps many of them were built under difficult circumstances with inadequate resources and know how available in design and construction of dams at that point of time. Many of these dams need rehabilitation elther due to their deterioration or they do not satisfy the present dam safety requirement. The number of dams, which eed rehabilitation, is growing, not only in countries that have a long tradition in ‘dam building and operation but, also in those regions where the infrastructure is, still in development stage. Rehabilitation projects generally deal with problems that are common in dam engineering practice. However, there are some peculiarities which are a characteristic of some projects which must be duly taken into account to avoid unsuccess and/or unnecessary costs. Regular safety inspection is essential to forestall the development of structural, hydrological and operational unsafety. need of major repair or overall rehabilitation of a dam becomes apparent, design of the rehabilitation project must be preceded by a comprehensive checkup of the structure and appurtenant works, as well as by an eveluation of its hydrological safety inclusive of all relevant environmental aspects. The availability of complete records on the dam's structural behaviour and on meteorological and hydrological data, as wall as the knowledge of the materials Properties of the existing structure are important for the successful design of a rehabilitation project. To this end, the installation of monitoring devices in the existing structure may be necessary to generate representative data, While the criteria to be used in structural design should correspond to current standards, the definition of hydrological design criteria depends on considerations that vaty widely from region to region or even from one country to another. Some basic hydrological Safty requirements, however, are recommended for general acceptance. Dam rehabilitation projects demand very careful and detailed construction planning because of thelr dependence on river flow Conditions, operational restrictions and often, on procedures or lImitations imposed to avoid harm to the environment, Of utmost importance Is the timely availability of the financial funds required to complete the project, In order to avoid delays which could result in structural or operational unsafety, Since avery dam sooner or later will have to undergo major repal or updating of safety, rehabilitation may evolve to a specialty of dam engineering, Keeping the above in view, Indian Committee on Large Dame and Central Board of Irrigation and Powar is organizing two days conference on Rehabilitation of Dams on 27-28 May 2014 in India Habitat Centre at New Delhi to focus on the current state-of-the art In rehabilitation using modern ‘concepts and materials, In addition, the various issues responsible for the design, construction or maintenance of dams and their related structures, particularly those responsible for maintaining them safe and productive of water or ‘energy or avaitable for flood relief are also to be discussed, This conference has been arranged to upgrade the knowledge of participants to all technical and Practical aspects of rehabilitation of dams and followed state of art ‘technology by presentation from Internationally renowned experts, | would also request readers to contribute useful articles for this Journal, VK. Kanjlia Secretary General Indian National Committee on Large Dams Volume 3 No. 1 ¢ January 2014 2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VISHNUGAD PIPALKOTI DAM IN HIGHLY SEISMIC ENVIRONMENT R.K. Vishnoi General Manager (Design) Sandeep Singhal Dy. General Manager (Design) Pradeep Kumar Manager (Design) THOC India Limited, Rishikesh 1. INTRODUCTION Alaknanda River in the Himalayas, a major tributary of holy river Ganga, has steep bed slope which is, quite suitable for harnessing its hydro-power potential by way of constructing run-off-the-river or storage schemes as par the site conditions. Vishnugad Pipalkoti HEP, situated in the Chamoli district, Uttarakhand, is proposed to harness the hydro-power potential of the Alaknanda River by way of construction of a 65 m high concrete gravity diversion dam across it near a village Helong, It envisages a drop in water level from 1267 m to 1027 m over a river stretch of about 31 km from village Helong to village Birahi, The net rated head of water for generation of power will be about 212.46 m. River water shall be diverted through an underground water conductor system to an underground powerhouse (installed capacity ~ 444 MW) looated near village Haat, The project area lies within tho Zeno V of the Seismic Zoning map of India ($1899 Part |, 2002) and Is very close to the Main Central Thrust (MCT). During the initial stages of the design, section of the dam was finalised after carrying out @ pseudorstatic analysis. However, for the Tender stage design, in view of high selsmiclty of the erea, @ detailed seismic analysis of the dam-foundation system has been carried out so tht the likely zones of tension the dam section are identified and appropriate design measures are taken during the construction. Anumber of preventive dasign measures have been specified for ensuring the eatety of dam and its foundation during Its service life, This paper provides an Insight Into the varlous design considerations made for the dam, 2, PROJECT LAYOUT ‘Tho project comprises of a conorote gravity diversion dam across the river Alaknanda near Helong village for diversion of the river flow into an underground power house, Maximum height of the structure above the deepest foundation level is 65 m and the crest length le 89.86 m, Crest elevation of the dam is 1270 m, For ‘construction ofthe dam, river water during construction , shail be diverted through a diversion tunnel (invert level ~ 1228 m) of dia 10 m logated on the left bank. For taking care of the estimated PMF (10840 cumecs) for the project, an elaborated scheme of spillway has been planned. Four nos. of under sluices (invert level -1233 m) each of size 7.2 mx 15 mare provided in the dam body to pass a flood discharge of 8004 cumecs at FRL (El.1267m). An ogee type spillway (sill level - 1260 m) of size 7 m (H) x 6 m (W) having discharge capacity as 310 ‘cumecs has also been provided in one of the blocks of the dam on the left side to pass the floating logs in the reservoir towards downstream side. In addition to above, a 12 m dia spill tunnel with design discharge 1618 cumacs (invert El. 1228 m) having its intake slightly u/s of the dam shall bo constructed and the diversion tunnel shall also be converted into a spill tunnel with design discharge 1074 cumecs having its Intake at 1.1249 m. Three nos. of power intakes (Invert El. 1242.5 m) proposed on the right bank of the river shall divert ‘the water into three numbers of desliting chambers of size 390 m (L) x 20 m (W) x 17.5 m (H) to remove the sediments of size 0.2 mm and above, Thereafter, the water will be feed through a 19.4 km long HRT of 8.8 m diameter to an underground power house (4.x 111 MW) of size 146 m x 20.9 m x 60 m, After generating the power, the water will be discharged back into the river through @ 8.07 km long tail race tunnel of 8.8 m diameter. ‘The layout plan of the complete project Is shown in Fig. 1. Layout plan & U/S view of the dam is shown in Figs, 2 & 3 respectively. Cross section of the dam at the maximum sluice section and nonoverfiow section ‘as shown In Figs. 4 & 5 respectively, 3, GEOLOGY AND TECTONIC SETUP 9.1 Geology of Dam Area ‘The regional geological studies indicated that Garhwal Group of rocks belonging to Proterozole age is exposed in the area. These are separated in the North from Central Crystalline group of rocks by the Main Central Thrust, The proposed dam site is far off from the affected zone of MCT, Volume $ # No. 1 ¢ January 2014 4 INCOLD Journal ALLL Fig, 2: Layout Plan of Dam Fig. 3: U/s View of Dam Se i New eat (ieee Fig, 4: Maximum Sluice Section of Dam Volume 3 @ No. 1 ¢ January 2014 Design Considerations for Vishnugad Pipalkoti Dam in Highly Seismic Environment 5 Fig. 5: Non Overflow Section of Dam The river at the dam site flows in a NE-SW course and river borne material is not present along the banks of the river. On the left bank a terrace is present in about 230 m length and width varying from 10 to 20 m. On tight bank ‘a terrace Is present in about 50 m length and in @ width of 5 to 20m ‘The rock type exposed at the dam site at the river level ‘on the both bank is quartzite extending upto the slope. Right bank of the slope is covered by the slope wash material, Compact, hard and very competent quartzites belonging to Garhwal Group is exposed in the area dipping 55° in N3S* E direction with interbedded thin bands of chiorte schist varying from a few centimeters to 3 m. ‘The prominent joint sets recorded in this rock type area are as below: Joint [Dip Direction’ Type | Spacing (em) Sots _| Amount 1 [Nosewisee Folation [10-80 2 _[Noew-soee | Vertical 627 3 [soswier Cross 50-55) Three hot water springs, two on the right bank and one on the left bank, at the river bed level were recorded in the upstream of dam site area, 3.2 Seismicity The project area forms a part of the seismic zone V of the Seismic Zoning map of India ($1893 Part |, 2002), which corresponds to a zone factor of 0.36 (Ettective Peak Ground Acceleration in terms of ‘g’ as per IS 1899: Part 2002). The North dipping Main Central Thrust (MCT) lies about 2 km north-east of the proposed dam site. The Alaknanda fault, and Srinagar thrust (NAT) are located about 32 km and 45 km south-west respectively of the proposed dam site. A number of other less prominent structural distovations are also present in the area. All the components of the project lie downstream of the Main Central Thrust. ‘The past records of earthquakes reveal that several seismic events have ravaged different parts of the State in the last 200 years, The most destructive earthquake documented so far in Uttarakhand was that of Uttarkashi, 20* October 1881. On 29" March 1999 another major earthquake referred as Chamoli Earthquake (magnitude = 6.8) shook the entire State and intlicted moderate to heavy damage in the central part of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand, including the western partof Nepal Himalaya has been classified into four hazard classes as very high {VHH), High (HH), moderate (MH) and (LH) (Pande 1996). The HH zone occupies 36% area of Uttarakhand and encompasses major parts of Uttarkashi, Chamoli, Bageshwar, Almora, Pithoragarh and Champawat districts. Here, possiblity of occurrence of earthquake of 6 0 ono | ese | aS 7 aan | sepeuna | jee | coy get | ee ' seve [ ommuy bal oon ae Pat Se ae ee mame | Laser | = Boog mel eee | = “abd | eee sa6t | onu07-2p819 cae | albabuna |__| saat | van T 14 INCOLD Journal ‘Gouge description for different layers Joint Spacing Ratio for different layers Close-ended fissure length Thickness of rock layer 24.4 Necessity of Model Studies for Scour Studies Several rock properties as shown in the Table 2 are required for caiculation of the scour depth proposed by various researchers and It is difficult to obtain this formation from prototype. Also, these formulae do not indicate the likely scour pattern. Therefore, model studies, remain the only source for obtaining this information. The mechanism of scout of rocky bed due to impact of high ‘velocity et is apparent almost impossible to simulate in @ ‘scale model and therefore, practical simulation is adopted inthe model depending upon objective of study. The bed material is reproduced in its disintegrated form, which, ‘can be carried downstream by the flow. In most cases the bed material selected as sand-gravel mix regardless of size that would result from the disintegration of rook. ‘The sand is filled in the probable scour location from river bed level to the bed level below the anticipated ultimate scour. The water is allowed to flow over it for specitied time and then the scour profile is observed. Though the studies are qualitative in nature, the past experiences show that the ultimate scour is realised in the prototype after many years of operation as the rook get fragmented and behaves as non-cohesive material. 2.1.2 Location and Sizing of Plunge Poo! ‘The water and scour profiles for entire range of discharges and reservoir water levels observed on the model provide a comprehensive picture of ski jump jet and scour profiles. ‘These studies play important ole in deciding the location and size of plunge pool. Scour pit is usually formed downstream of the point of impingement of skijump jet ‘The scour envelope for un-gated and gated flow conditions are shown in Figures ta and 1b respectively. The plunge pool can be preformed, unlined oF ined depending upon the site conditions, Provision of lined plunge poo! seems to be impracticable; however, it needs to be adopted in extremely fragile geology. Transverse slopes on both the flanks of plunge pool may be decided based on geological coneitions prevailing at site, The sk+-jump jet is also likely ‘to soread laterally inthe downstream directions and would also abrade along the side slopes. Therefore, suitable bank protection measures are necessary to protect the excavated banks, 2.1.3 Necessity of Divide Walls ‘The provision ot divide walls up to the bucket lip also plays key role in deciding the scour as it eliminates the possibilty of thick rooster tals. These rooster tals are one ofimportant reason for generation of sprays. Damage had occurred in ‘Salal project due to the spray hazard. Photo 1 shows the spillway operating and damage due to spray. LivaisTiaiiiss ir EEEEERET ERNE Volume 3 # No, 1 ¢ January 2014 Design of Energy Diseipator for Spiways in Himalayan Region 15 ‘The divide walls also help in controlled operation of spillway. In lean floods the jet can be kept away from the river banks by operating only central bays. This also facilitates the maintenance of some spans while others are operating. Such arrangement is suggested Photo 2 Spiliway Operation with and without divide walls in Subansiri lower project as shown in Photo 2. In Tala dam spillway, Bhutan also the provision of divide wall Up to the lip has been suggested. Photo 3 shows the flow conditions downstream of spillway before and after provision of divide walls. Volume 3% No. 1 + January 2014 16 INCOLD Journal It is necessary to protect the toe of the dam from undermining due to the flow cascading over the lip of the bucket by providing a concrete apron downstream of the eki-Jump bucket. During construction stages of the spilway, the flow over the parlly completed spillway blocks would cascade over the lip of the bucket. After ‘completion of the spillway, cascading flow would occur at the beginning and end of the operation of spillway. In ‘order to avoid undermining of the toe of the bucket due to cascading flow, concrete aprons are necessary. The ‘apron may have to be properly anchored and keyed into the rock at the downstream end, In case where the bucket lip is very high from river bed, e.g. Subansiri dam spillway, where it is about 30 m high from river bed, a series of cascade aprons nave been provided to avoid damage by cascade flows as shown in Figure 2, Ski-jumo type energy dissipator has successfully been provided in many projacts like Nathpa Jhakari, Tala, Chamera-t, Dhauliganga, Ranganadi, Salal and proposed in projects like Subansiri, Myntdu, Punetsangehuu-l & 11 22 Stilling Basin If tail water levels and geological conditions are not favourable for ski-jump buoket type energy dissipator, ‘a hydraulic jump type stilling basin may have to be adopted. As the spillway Is to serve dual purpose of flood as well as sediment disposal, the critical issue involved in the design of stiling basin is satisfying both the requirements. The high unit discharge of the order of 200 m’/s/m to 300 m'/s/m, passing down a low head spillway results in low Froude number conditions. The stiling basin for the Froude number in the range of 2.5 - 4.5 is rather difficult to design to ensure satisfactory performance for the entire range of discharges. The stilling basin has to cater for dual needs of energy dissipation as well as flushing of sediment. Because of the requirement of passing silt-laden flows, use of energy dissipating appurtenances like chute and baffle blocks is not advisable. The resulting basin is excessively long and often deep-seated due to higher sequent depth or sound rock foundation below the general river bed, making it vulnerable to deposition by silt during flushing operation. Deeply seated stilling basins are necessary for satisfactory hydraulic action whereas the floor of the stilling basin should be high 80 as to flush the sediment out of the basin. Lots of ‘tials are requited to finalize the stilling basin floor level to satisfy these conflicting requirements, The studies for Chamera-II project illustrate this feature. In such a contradictory requirement, there is always danger of abrasion to the floor of the basin, so also silting of the basin during low flows. This silting may prove to be very dangerous as the hydraulic jump may not form in the stilling basin due to insufficient sequent depth. The jump will sweep out of the basin and would form in the downstream, causing lots of scour. Photo 4 shows the deposition of the silt in the stilling basin after flushing on Chamera-ll H.E. Project. However, these sediments can be flushed out with spillways discharging at high reservoir water levels with partial gate operation before sediment becomes consolidated. Estimation of hyai dynamic forces on training walls of deep seated stilling basins shall be required for the structural design. Prom at a2 len. eo Fig. 2: Cross section of Spillway showing cascade aprons, Volume 3 ¢ No. 1 + January 2014 Design of Energy Dissivator for Spillways in Himalayan Region 7 Photo 4 : Silt deposition in the stiling basin Experience with stilling basin of Chamera-II project shows that a trade-off is desirable between the hydraulic efficiency of energy dissipation and the self-cleansing potential of the stiling basin during flushing operation. Cylindrical end sills are generally preferred for easy movement of sediment out of the basin as shown in Figure 3. SB -gyt liens aap a a jee Fig. 3: Cross section of spilway with silling with cylindrical endsill Another major drawback of the stiling basin is that it requires huge excavation for placing the stiling basin floor. High training walls are required for the stiling basin. Estimation of hydro-dynamic forces on deep seated stilling basin floor end training walls shall be required for the structural design, 2.3. Roller Bucket Roller bucket is designed when the tail water is greater than 1.1 times the sequent depth necessary for the formation of hydraulic jump in stiling basin (IS 7365-1985) and river bed rock is sound. The energy dissipation in this type ocours mainly in the bucket by the formation of surface roller over the bucket moving counter clockwise and ground rotler downstream of the bucket moving clockwise, The design of roller bucket is ‘complex and there are several limitations to the design ‘and operation of this type of energy dissipator. Damages to the roller bucket are also reported at several projects {CBIP Publication No. 247(1995)]. A major problem with the solid roller bucket is damage to the bucket due to churning of material brought from the downstream especially due to unequal operation of spillway spans setting up horizontal eddies downstream of bucket. ‘The picked up material causes abrasive damage to the bucket. Dressing of river bed 1 to 1.5 m below the bucket lip and cleaning the loose material after construction and each monsoon Is essential. However, this aspect is not given sufficient attention. Build up of tail water level is another important aspect for the formation of roller or ‘else the roller bucket acts as ski jump bucket causing ‘excessive scour downstream Several spillways with solid roller bucket have been reported to be damaged dus to above aspects, ‘The abrasion damage is expected to be more when this type of dissipator is provided downstream of an orifice spillway which flushes the sediment out of the reservoir. Also, the experience from model studies for Testa Low Dam Project Stage IV has shown that itis very difficult to ‘turn 8-10 m thick jet for formation of surface roller. The thick jet results due to high discharge intensity which is a characteristic of orifice spilways in Himalayan region. Thus, provision of roller bucket is avoided due to above cited reasons. 2.4 Combination of the Ski Jump Bucket and Stilling Basin In some cases, head-discharge-tail water combination, for the full operating range of the structure do not provide single type of energy dissipator design, a composite type energy dissipator with a horizontal apron terminating with low circular end sill is found to be satisfactory (Khatsuria, 2005), A concrete apron downstream of the end sill as shown in Figure 4 is required to protect the spillway against undermining due to scour during transition from hydraulic jump to flip action and vice versa. Another alternative would be to isolate a few spans of the spillway on the flanks with apron at higher level for flushing out sediment as shown in Figure 5. These spans would function with hydraulic jump under sweep out condition, for small discharges of the order of average annual flow, during flushing operation. The central spans would cater to the normal discharges. Such arrangement has been provided for Chukha dam spillway, Bhutan. Volume 3 @ No, 1% January 2014 18 INCOLD Journal R194. 00, OL 1928-00, £4 191600, kon Lomein EL 190800 EL T896-0 Fig. 4: Spay cross section of Chukha dam spllway ‘(Khaisuria, 2008) NORMAL DISCHARGES te oiscmanoes pimoe was] my ate Fig. 5: Provision of spans at cifferent levels (khatsuria, 2005) 3. CONCLUSIONS ‘The review of design of energy cissipators for the orifice splllways in Himalayan ragion has revealed the following important issues: 1. Special considerations are required for design of suitable energy dissipator for spillways in Himalayan region, since the spillway has to surplus both the flood and the sediment. 2. Usually skijump bucket is found to be most suitable tor energy dissipation because of its obvious advantage as there is no churning of sediment in the bucket. Another reason for choosing this type is saving in cost due to short length. 3. Pre-formed plunge pools are recommended downstream of skijump buckets to avoid uncontrolled erosion of river bed and banks. Design of plunge pool for its location, size and shape is decided based on ‘scour studies on physical models. The sk-jump jet is likely to spread laterally and abrade the side slopes. ‘Therefore, suitable bank protection measures are necessary to stabilize bank slopes. 4, Provision of divide walls up to the bucket ip eliminates the possiblity of thick rooster talls which cause spray hazards leading to landslides due to saturation of hill slopes. The divide walls also help in controlled operation of spillway. In lean floods the jet can be kept away from the river banks by operating only central bays, 5. If tail wator levels are higher, stilling basin may have to be adopted as energy dissipator. Because of the requirement of passing siltladen flows, use of energy dissipating appurtenances like chute and baffle blocks is not advisable, Deep seated stiling basins are necessary for satisfactory hydraulic action whereas the fioor ofthe stiling basin should be high 80 a8 to flush the sediment out of the basin. In such ‘a contradictory requirement, design of stiling basin becomes very complicated. Estimation of hydro- dynamic forces on stiling basin floor and training walls of d9ep seated sting basins shall be required for the structural design. 6. The design of roller bucket is complex and there are several limitations to the design and operation of this type of energy dissipator. Its performance is extremely sensitive to tail water level. The sediment ‘can cause abrasive damage to the bucket by churning action. As the spillway is designed for dual functions of passing flood and sediment, the choice of this type of energy dissipator is ruled out for spillways in Himalayan region. ‘Acknowledgement ~ The authors are thankful to Dr. ILD. Gupta, Director, CWPRS for his encouragement and permission to publish the paper. The authors are also gratetul to CWPRS staff for thelr help in conducting the model studies. REFERENCES 4. Annandale G.W. (2005). “Scour Technology” Mechanism and engineering practice. Me-Graw Hil. Civil Engineering Series. 2. Bollaert, E. and Schleiss, A, (2003). Soour of rock due to the impact of plunging high velocity jets. Part |: A state-of- the art review’, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 41, 2003, No 5, pp.451-464 3. CBIP publication No, 247 (1995). "Performance evaluation of slotied roller bucket” Maharashtra Engineering Research Inatitute,Inigation Department, Nasik. 4, Deolalikar, P.B., Bhosekar, V.V. (Mrs.) and Pethe, P. C. (2008). *Research in to factors influencing the design of breast wall/sluice spillways.” CWPRS Technical ‘Memorandum. 5, 1S7365-1985. “Criteria for hydraulic design of bucket type ‘energy dissipator’ 6. Khatsuria, R.M (1992), *State of art on Computation Prediction and analysis of scour in Rocky beds downstream fof Sk-Jurp bucket Spilways”, Technical Memorandum, CWPRS, Pune. 7. Khatsutia A.M. (2008). Hydraulics of Spilways and Energy Dissipators. Marcs! Decker, New York. Volume 8 ¢ No. 1 + January 2014 REPAIR AND REHABILITATION OF HYDRAULIC Murari Ratnam Director Central Soil and Materials 1. INTRODUCTION The construction activity in India has been increasing geometrically since 1950s, without matching increase inthe availability of quality inputs, in terms of materials and skilled workmen. During this period, we have created large number of infrastructural assets in terms of buildings, bridges, sport stadiums, dams etc. which are lifeline for the civilized society. These have been created with huge investment of resources. We ‘can not even dream of recreating such assets due to limited resources and economy. It Is therefore essential to maintain them in functional condition. Since, deterioration of RCC is a natural phenomenon and has started exhibiting in large number of structures; a systematic approach is needed in dealing with such problems. Identification of the causes of deterioration and consequent repair/ rehabilitation strategy at ‘optimum cost needs a scientific evaluation and solution. The durability provisions have been given emphasis in the revised Code of practice on Plain and Reinforced Concrete (IS 456: 2000). 2. WHAT ARE REPAIR, REHABILITATION AND RETROFIT? It is important to distinguish between the terms repair, rehabilitation and retrofit of a structure. All three terms refer to modifications cartied out on a structure, but in different contexts. Retrofit and rehabilitation may involve addition of new structural elements or change in the structural system. But repair is restricted to the as-built system. Repalr: Repair refers to the actions that improve the functionality of components in a siruciure that have boen rendered defective, deteriorated or damaged due to some cause. The purpose of repair is to rectity the observed defects and bring the structure to its original architectural shape and its intended purpose. Repairs are generally non-structural in nature. In fact, a repaired structure may be deceptive in that it will appear good ‘and give the occupants a false sense of safety; it doos not guarantee structural safety. Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation refers to structural interventions that improve the strength of the components STRUCTURES NV, Mahure Scientist ‘D' Research Siation, New Delhi ina structure that are elther deteriorated or damaged. The rehablltation is Intended to regain the original strength of these structural members. For example, in the event of a fire in @ structure, rehablitation works are undertaken to replace or strengthen the damaged structural members, ‘Such intervention cannot provide more than the original strength of the structure, and is appropriate if the original strength provides an adequate level of safety. The term restoration is sometimes interchangeably used with rehabilitation. Retrofit: Retrofit specifically aims to enhance the structural capacities (strength, stiffness, ductility, stability and integrity) of a structure to mitigate the effect of a future earthquake, The term seismic retrofitis used inthe specific context of enhancing the resistance of a wuinerable structure to earthquakes. Sometimes, the terms ‘seismic rehabilitation’, ‘seismic upgradation’ and ‘seismic strengthening’ are used in lieu of ‘seismic retrofit. The structure need not be deteriorated or damaged. 3, ISSUES IN REPAIR AND REHABILITATION The following issues are to be taken while planning the repair and renabil of Structures: 3.1 Considerations for Repair/Rehabilitation Strategy In the Condition Survey Report, before arriving at the Repair Strategy, it shail include the considerations such as (1) Identification of the cause of problem and its source is the fundamental to the success or failure of the repair. (2) For arriving at an effective and economical solution, systematic documentation of all observations Is essential, which will greatly facilitate in.diagnosing and making assessment of the extent of damage. (3) Available space and accessibility will determine the selection of repair method and repair strategy. (4) The prioritization of repairs and their sequencing are important components for deciding the repair strategy. (5) Major repair procedure may demand propping the structural members to relieve a art or full component of the load acting on the member. IF the structure requires extensive propping, vacating 19 Volume 8 6 No. 1 & January 2014 20 INCOLD Jounal the structure may become the pre-requisite, (6) Safety measures to pravent any immediate major mishap and also measures to be adopted during execution of repair Jobs shall be prescribed without loosing further tie. (7) More experiencad engineers should look into special and peculiar distress problems. 3.2 Parameters for Selection of Repair/Rehabilita- tion Materials: Besides being of compatible properties, repair materials for cement concrate/mortar shall also be easy to apply and require no attention after the repair has been applied. The essential parameters for deciding upon a repair material for concrete are (1) Low shrinkage properties (2) Requisite setting/hardening properties (3) Workabllity (4) Good bond strength with existing sub- strata (6) Compatible coefficient of thermal expansion (6) Compatible mechanical properties and strength to that of the sub-strata (7) Should allow relative movement, if expected, particularly in case of sealing of cracks or dealing with expansion joints (8) Minimal (or no curing requirement (9) Alkaline character (10) Low air and water permeability (11) Aesthetics to match with surroundings (12) Cost effectiveness (13) Durable, rnon degradable due to various forms of energy, ike UV rays, heat etc, (14) Non-hazardous/non-polluting 3.3 Materials for Repair/Rehabilitation Different types of materials are available for repair of concrete for different applications are (1) Materials for surface preparation (2) Chemical Rust removers for corroded reinforcement (3) Passivators for reinforcement protection (4) Bonding agents (5) Structural repair ‘materials (6) Non-structural repair materials (7) Injection routs (8) Joint sealants (9) Surface coatings for protection of RCC. 3.4 Repair/ Rehabilitation Options Depending upon the specific condition of deteriorated structure, the option of the repalt/ rehabilitation methods Could be one or more among (1) Grouting and crack repair (2) Patch Repair (3) Replacement of structurally weak conerete (4) Replacement of spalled or delaminated concrete (5) Replacement of carbonated concrete surrounding steel reinforcement (6) Cleaning and passivating the corroded steel reinforcement (7) Concrete ‘overlays with normal, low or highly fluid concrete, latex modified concrete and corrosion protection such as jacketing etc. (8) Re-alkalization of carbonated concrete (@) Electro-chemical removal of chloride from concrete (10) Water proofing and/or protective coating (11) Repair/ strengthening of columns, beams and slabs (12) Improving the compressive strength of concrete (13) Providing protective cover against the aggressive deteriorating materials/ chemicals. 4, CAUSES OF DETERIORATION Concrete dams could be deteriorated: due to one or more of following causes and the distress may manifest in terms of cracks, seepage, leakage, pit formation, surface abrasion etc. The causes are discussed below in detailed: 4.1 Design/Construction Deficiencies This includes inadequate design criteria adoption of incorrect or unsafe. parameters based on deficient investigation, inadequate investigation leading to ‘erroneous assumptions, under estimation of design floods ‘and seismie potential, Several okd dams were rehabilitated by strengthening, providing adcitional spillway capacity, ‘widening from dis side, providing u/s impermeable barrier ‘etc, as the case may be for correcting different kings of design/ construction deficiencies. 42 Erosion Erosion may be caused by a combination of Abrasion, Cavitation or Impact forces resulting from flowing water with debris. Some important dams affected by erosion are: ‘+ Abrasion : Espinosa irrigation diversion dam, Kinzua dam, Nolin lake dam, Pamona dam, Red rock dam, Kentucky dam (All U.S.A.) Tarbela dam (Pakistan), Karnafuli dam (Bangladesh), Ilha Solteira dam (Brazil), Maneri dam (U.P), Ichari darn * Cavitation : Dworshak dam, Glen canyon dam, Lower monumental dam, Lucky peak dam, Yellowtail afterbay dam, Keenleyside dam, Hoover dam (Allin USA), Karun dam (Iran), Guri dam (Venezuela), [Negative impact o loating ponds on reservoir water quality Bio-goo chemical balance disturbances and countermeasures Water quality modeling ‘Catchment area management for sulstainable dam development Land use planning ‘Sediment contro! Assessment of catchment erosion Public participation Land and water conservation Challenges In dam safety policy and implementation Monitoring and early waming system Risk analysis and management in dam safety Inspection and instrument monitoring for dam safety Practical risk management tools for priortizing upgrades todams Safety policy and adaptive management system in dam operation 7. Dam operation in connection with climate change + Adaptation and mitigation of climate change in dam operation Role of dam operation in food, energy, and water security Flood and drought analysis for spliway

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