Psych Lec Notes 4

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Aware of the fear cannot control

DISORDERS his reactions -> acceptance that the
clients fear is real
Etiology: 4. Safety
Biologic Perspective
- affects the ANS (sympathetic) *Phobia is a prequel to panic disorder
- decrease in GABA (Gamma Butyric
Acid) inhibitory (deficient); Generalized anxiety disorder
Serotonin affection (deficient) - characterized by having persistent
Behavioral worrying; anxiety reaction -> at least 6
Psychodynamic months
- Id and superego
- repression main defense Manifestations:
mechanism 1. Vigilant
Interpersonal inadequate and 2. Diffuse and free-floating anxiety
unsatisfying do not know what triggers his
own anxiety
Phobic disorder: irrational fear 3. Maybe moderate but continuous
- cause is known chronic
- cant explain reason behind fear NURSING CONSIDERATIONS all
Defense mechanisms: repression, interventions for moderate and severe
displacement, symbolization anxiety
- moderate to severe muscle tension
1. Specific phobia
2. Agoraphobia fear of open Panic disorder
spaces, being alone, escape is - Acute anxiety attack: highest level of
difficult anxiety (maximum of 1- hours)
Agora market place - recurrent generalized symptoms
3. Social phobia fear of any
situations that a person can be NURSING CONSIDERATION: ensure client
embarrassed and humiliated -> safety; remain with the client

Displacement of feeling to another object
(symbol) -> avoidance -> impaired daily
activities of living and functioning->
abnormal -> phobic disorder

1. Do not let avoidance to take place
for too long
2. Systemic desensitization gradual
exposure to the object feared

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