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Series : SMA/1 oe No. 105/1 Teel Sts a SR Ya STS Way, ae rere fore i Roll No. t Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. © ga sie aro fe cae kr ys 3 FL weana # afed ora st att feu me ais ar a or Sa yf Eg or fers 1 paar sina ae oF fer ga wena A 4 wee | BUT eT ae Say fre YS HEA S wee, BT ST eee ata fers 38 Weta Ft oes & fare 15 fase ae aaa fear ren | wera om fer gates 9 10.15 at frat at 1 10.15 a4 4 10.30 ay wee Br Fact wea wt Ue site ge safer & cer a sacafecrart oe ais sae et feet Please check that this question paper contains 3 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 4 questions Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 am. From 10.15 am. to 10.30 am., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer script during this period. aaraatiter aiferet @atre APPLIED PHYSICS (Theory) : Prati a7 : 3 42] [ sites ae : 60 Time allowed : 3 hours] [Maximum marks : 60 1 105/1 (@ ww sata + cater afentsa sife caftar at su. eae fafa sn aot ae data at pe anita ae ee & fed ge Sh et Sif 6 auat vey eens ai 400 ace aH Azdt @ ITTF HE AH 100 Joules 4 Sat TE ete a : we Senta a enter ar are ae aif @ pasa wri & qaeta da daar, qaate afta sacer cen qareiic wet at oferta ax Frat SL. area fafa | 5 @® PN sae wen tar & 2 srafelre wry ueuieiirer areal & arcta caer erage Sa tar 8 2 vite antal at aera a aren afar | 4 1 Pro. 105/1 (@) (b) © @) (b) ©) “@ Define the term ‘capacitance’ of a capacitor. Give its $.l. unit. Derive an expression for the total capacitance of ‘n’ capacitors arranged in series. OR 100 Joules of energy is stored inside a capacitor when 400 voit battery is connected across its plates. Calculate the value of its capacitance Define the tenns : ‘Magnetic field strength’, ‘magnetic flux density’ and permeability of a magnetic substance. Write their S.I. units. What is a P-N junction ? How does it behave under forward and reverse biasings ? Explain with the help of circuit diagrams, ufeafermr fra aed #9 ae fae errant ufatear os yaw at vif sat araare rat & 2 Peet fre errant oftatear & ara Peg ee qeaeia da & fea ga fefiae wat 6 104 ms! & wae Bar afta war aS 0.3 Wom? art waste ea H 30° aT SBT SAT GOT WaT eee SetaeTT OT ae ST aT ae HTT ofmaia fraver cer cifras deere ofeareit A ae ere atte 1 fet faguedtia vert er arr fafiag st arftata freaex a wgact tet at 1 afteta dort oat atari 3 sat act ser St oH aac 2 ‘Ge’ Wa ‘SP RANE at Tenia eat fea art cuter | Sst PaeAT eT Naor a snbaere oa sera aren & 2 deta aots sift | What is a solenoid ? Why does a current carrying solenoid behave as a bar magnet ? Write an expression for the magnetic field at the centre of a current carrying solenoid. OR An electron is injected with an uniform speed of 6 x 10* ms“! at an angle of 30° to the magnetic field of strength 0.3 Wom’. Calculate the magnitude of force acting on the electron. Distinguish between the terms ‘nuclear fission’ and ‘nuclear fusion’. Name one fissile material used in a nuclear reactor. Why can’t energy be produced by the process of nuciear fusion easily ? Draw the atomic structures of “Ge’ and ‘Si* atoms. How can these be made P- type and N-type semi-conductors ? Explain briefly. fer faqiear 8 tite ar wea acer | ge wie at aera a we area Tet & ERT frat Faz fg wr faee.da at daar sie aif, sia fer fas () Tease Gi) a esta at fatal & ser siftant an ala afc | era aera eq UR WT waa or sete aif | aerat ‘efsat arena ae tht & 2 eae fart are Seether ifs I sre, ordarere a at & 2 eS ore alareree SS saa ST BAT eA ® . ‘afer onkareral oi Sa wafers see & 2 2 (a) State Gauss’ theorem in electrostatics. Apply it to find electric field strength at a point due to a charged sphere when the point is (i) Outside the sphere (ii) _ Inside the sphere (b) What are radiation-hazards ? State four safety measures which can be taken against these. OR What are radio-isotopes ? Write their any four uses. (©) What are intrinsic semi-conductors ? How can these be made extrinsic semiconductors ? How does rise in temperature affect the conductivity of the semi-conductors ? 4. (3) we weet oe eee area st rr sar eit Pras 10 Sei at ett oe saan fea ae 1oov #2 @ Weets &7 4 we fae oro weaned are 7 or act fafa vet Pee eT 20 ea aa am aaa & ate ar a fae | ea ae at een ara wa & fore we ay re are rer ar Sete aif | @ ww ae amie fae viva faa st aera @ we srdarera “gol cer fear? at aprifats ar seca Sift | reat tee fae, afer faa at aeraet @ we P-N-P Zifsret at alfa er avis aif 1 (@) What is the magnitude of an isolated positive point electric charge which produces an electric potential of 100 V at a distance of 10 cm from it ? (b) On what factors does the force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed inside a magnetic field depend ? Write the relation between the force experienced and these factors. State the rule to determine the direction of this force, (©) With the help of a labelled circuit diagram, explain the working of a semi- conductor ‘full wave rectifier’. OR With the help of a circuit diagram, explain the working-of a P-N-P transistor. silts Fracier Physical Constants 854 x 10°? Fmt Hy = 4 x 107 Hm erg aire) Charge on an electron = 1.6 x 10-19 C 1 ane, =9x 109 Nm? C? 105/1 3

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