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N g u yn T h an h T n g

T echnical T eam Lead | Male | 01/06/1983

Experience 11 ye ars
Latest company Auge n Vie t nam as T echnical T eam Lead
Highest education Bache lo rs
Languages Englis h - Advanced | Japane s e - Beginner
Email nguye nt hanht ungdit s @ yaho o .co m
Phone 0903203177
Address 116/9 Bi Quang L St re e t , Ward 12, G vp Dis t rict ,
Ho Chi Minh Cit y, Go Vap, Ho Chi Minh Cit y

Seeking the position of .NET T echnical Lead or .NET Principal Sof tware Engineer in a
prestigious organization where I can conf idently share my expertise in .Net Languages,
Web T echnologies, Winf orm, Databases, Design T ools, and Source Control Systems. My 8
years' expertise in both web-based and winf orm development with extensive experience
across all aspects of sof tware engineering in storage logistic, HR, f inance, insurance,
building construction environments will be very usef ul in meeting the company's needs.

ASP.NET MVC 4, 5, WebApi, VB.NET , C#.NET Bootstrap, Knockout, Angularjs, Single Page

Web: Web Services, XSD, XML, Html, JavaScript, Select2, T ypeahead, AJAX, HT ML,
Inf ragistics Ignite web controls

Devexpress: Asp.Net and Winf orm MVVM

Inf ragistics control suites: grid, charts, editors, hierachy-grid, combox, grid, tree-view.

Database: SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008,2012, tiggers,tasks, stored procedures

Environment: .Net Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 (ADO.NET , C#.NET , Entity f ramework), .Net Core

Code Review T ools: ReSharper, CodeRush

Report: SSRS, XtraReport, Crystal Report.

Web Servers: MS IIS 6.0, 7.5, 8.0

Development T ools: VisualStudio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015

Design T ools: Visio 2008, 2012, 2013

Source Control Systems: T FS and Sub Version, Git, Source T ree.

Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

Php Laravel, api and web, CMS wordpress theme building.

Agile: Scrum methodology, pair programming, code review, ref actoring, clean code

01/2015 - Present
T echnical T eam Lead
Augen Vietnam

Pro je ct :Ve hicle handing s ys t e m: mananing t ime , damage , invo ice , lo cat io n,
s t o rage o f cars lo ade d t o t rucks f ro m Aukland po rt t o o t he r co mpo und/po int o r
de ale rs .

- Design and code some complex business logics of EDI import and export interacting
with external invoice app and some webservices.

- Develop .Net Windows f orm system connecting to WCF using CSLA f ramework.

- Maintain web f orm of company.

- Design & built new android app on Android studio. Calling to Database using
Entity Framework code f irst.

- Do clean code, ref actor and review code in team.

- Design class, patterns f or new module and f unctionality.

07/2014 - 12/2015
T echnical Lead
Augen Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Floor 5th, JVPE Building, Quang T rung
Sof tware Park, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City -

Pro je ct : HR, T ime s he e t , PIMP s ys t e ms : manage daily t ime s he e t e mplo ye e s ,

re po rt e d t o HR and pro je ct manage me nt f o r f inance and manage me nt t e am.

- Working closely with 2 New Z ealand members 1 BA & 1 T ester and 1 Vietnamese

- Maintained & enhanced timesheet & pimp systems on SQL server 2012.
- Def ined coding standard rules and held technical meeting in the T eam.

- Run daily meeting every morning to catch up progress f ollowing scrum in each 2
weeks sprint.

- Designed OOP and loose coupled on both business level and UI.

- Used windows-based security combined to admin security.

- MVC5 in C#, Bootstrap, pace, Css, less, ajax, calendar, datepicker, datatable,

- Designed Single Page by using Knockout.

- MVC, Html Helper, T emplate, Partial view.

- Maintained Crystal Report system and wrote new SSRS system.

- Responsibility of reviewing code in the team.

- InsignDB, Simple Injector.

01/2014 - 06/2014
T echnical Lead
Augen Vietnam

Pro je ct : Co ld St o rage Ne ls o n s ys t e ms . manage palle t s , line s , s t uf f s and go o ds

in co ld s t o rage s .

- Managed 2 New Z ealand members and 1 Vietnamese developer.

- Built up architecture of project with multi-layer.

- Analyzed, restructured old pages to new MVC f ollowing OOP in C# on
Receipt, Product modules.

- Improved perf ormance of website, designed and developed an n-layered .NET -based
web application.

- Re-f actored single large web modules application into multiple independent controls
to increase capacity and perf ormance and theref ore availability of services.

- MVC4 in C#, ladda, Smart Admin web template. CSS, less, bundle, router, ajax,

- Inf rasgistic, MVC, Html Helper of Ignite controls of grid, hierarchical-grid, treeview,
cobobox in both jquery and MVC controls.

- CodeSmith T ools, AutoMapper, Ninject IoC.

02/2011 - 01/2014
T eam Lead
Augen Vietnam

Pro je ct : Blackbo x Eart hquake claim s ys t e ms

- Worked in T eam of 10 members at both sides of New Z ealand and Vietnam.

- Systems Analysis: elicited requirements and ref ined business goals

- Developed new f eatures and maintained multi-platf orm web & wind
applicationswritten in language C#, and WPF.

- Ran f ull scrum methodology with daily stand up, review, retrospective to update the

- MVVM pattern on WPF, dataBinding, data template, command, dependency property.

- Linq,, Adapter, DBReader, DataSet, SQL stored procedures, design pattern,

conf iguration system, deployment.

- Wrote WCF Service, WebApi. Json.

- Devexpress web/wpf : callback panels, javascript, aspx, ascx web page, ajax, jquery

10/2009 - 10/2010
ERP Develo per
BSI Manuf acture of Pre-engineered Steel Buildings New Industrial, Doha, Qatar

Pro je ct : PIM Sys t e m : s ys t e m t o manage wo rke rs in t he f act o ry, s alary s ys t e m,

HR, St o rage and manage mat e rials .

- Worked in EPR Developer Group.

- Acknoledge business of HR and f inance in the company.

- Wrote C# Windows Form, ADO.Net, Web service, T -SQL, Linq

- Reported using Reporting Service and XtraReport of DevExpress.

- Wrote PIM program to manage employee prof iles, got time attendances of
employees f rom f inger machine and generated monthly salary.

- Exported pay slips, time card, payment report f or f inance department in multi-f ormats

06/2009 - 09/2009
C# Develo per
T in Phong Co. Ltd, IT D Group Floor 6, WASECO Building, No 10 Ph Quang Street, T n
Bnh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Pro je ct : T rans it f are payme nt s ys t e ms

- Analyzed, developed database of the payment systems.

- Designed report template in Crystal reports to track payment inf ormation.

06/2007 - 05/2008
Pro grammer o f C/C+ + Co mpiler t est so urce and Aut o mat io n Perl Script
Develo per
Pyramid Sof tware Development Company Co Anna Building, Quang T rung Sof tware Park,
District 12, Ho Chi Minh City

Pro je ct : Fre e s cale C/C+ + Co mpile r

T it le : Programmer of C/C++ Compiler test source and Automation Perl Script Developer

Re s po ns ibilit ie s :

- Worked in Compiler Group, provide testing service f or big American Freescale Chip-
Producer Company on environments of Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista.

- Researched technique about Perl programming and C/C++ standard test list, wrote
testing program tools, test cases, C/C++ test source, analyzed f ailures of C/C++,
assembly, linker bugs.

- Debugged and modif ied on Coldf ire and Hawk chip set in CodeWarrior C/C++

- Searched and trained members the command of C/C++ compiler processing deeply on
the chips.

- Wrote exporting result program to excel f ile.

- Reported directly test results to the main Client in Austin, US.

09/2006 - 06/2007
Develo per
Kobekara Co. Ltd Floor 5th, JVPE Building, Quang T rung Sof tware Park, District 12, Ho
Chi Minh City

Pro je c t : Ko be kara Dict - Vie t name s e - Japane s e dict io nary applicat io n.

T it le : C# Winf orm Developer

Re s po ns ibilit ie s :

- Researched the optimal algorithm of searching words.

- Implemented searched history module.

- Redesigned new layout of f orm.

Pro je ct : PB4 DE: a s can barco de and impo rt int o lo cal s ys t e m and pro ce s s dat a.

T it le : C++, MFC Developer

Re s po ns ibilit ie s :

- Wrote and maintained C++ code.

- Fixed bugs of decode/encode algorithm.

- T ested on environments of Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista

01/2006 - 06/2006 web Develo per/Syst ems Analyst (int ernship t o co nt ract )
Phi land Co. Ltd Le Van Sy Street, Phu Nhuan, District, Ho Chi Minh City

CMS int ro duce co mpany: a s mall s it e t o int ro duce a f inance co mpany.

- Systems Analysis: elicited requirements and ref ined business objectives on SQL 2005

- Web Development: developed web using Asp.Net in a Windows NT environment

running IIS

Bachelor of Science in Inf ormation T echnology, 2006 Ho Chi Minh University of
T echnology
Certif icate in MCSD Windows store app using C#
Japanese 3 kyu.
English: level C

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