AK16 Artical Avadhana

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an endangered art
The Sahityavadhana or literary avadhana is a most popular form of avadhana. It is the most
educative and entertaining. avadhana was first developed in Sanskrit and later it was in several
indian languages. It is present in scanty proportion in prakrutha, Tamil, Hindi, and Gujarathi.
However its heritage has been maintained intact in both Kannada and Telugu over the period of
hundreds of years. There is some literature available even today in print about avadhana.

Sahityavadhana is classified based on the number of person present in questioning in

gallery. It is mostly of two types (1)Ashtavadhana (eight) (2)Shathavadhana (hundred). There even
sahasravadhana that is thousand or its multiplies in rare cases.

Sahityavadhana has two parts poorana, the completion of given task. Dharana, Recalling and
retention of the given task. The person who performs this amazing art is called Avadhani. The person
who possesses a challenge is called Pruchchka. The avadhani responds to the challenges in four
rounds without any prior preparation, writing material or much time to think. He cannot receive any
help from books or consultations. Sahityavadhana is performing mostly in ashtavadhana form the
person who performs the avadhana has to be an erudite scholar as well as a poet. He has to have
wonderful memory power and keen sense of humour. He should also possess other artistic talents.

In ashtavadhana eight pruchchakas ask to complete their task to avadhani in their turn however
aprastuta pruchchaka and sankhya bandha pruchchaka can disturb avadhani at any time.

Nishedhakshari pruchchaka possess a topic which has to be described in the form of words. He also
suggest the meter when avadhani starts with is versification as every word pruchchaka obstructs
him from using particular letter which he thinks the most probable one to be used next.

The samasya pruchchaka composes a cryptic line according to the particular meter. The avadhani
has to solve the literary riddle by furnishing three supplementary lines to it in three rounds as per
the value of grammar.

Dattapadi pruchchka composes a theme, four cryptic words and meter to the avadhani. He has to
compose words on the suggesting topics using the word given by pruchchaka.

Chitrakavitva pruchchaka possess a topic and as avadhani to describe the same in any of the
reknown chitrakavitva forms. These are considered the most difficult form of versification this is also
completed in four rounds.

Aashu kavitha pruchchaka asks the avadhani to compose the word on the intended topic
instantaneously during each round.

The kavya vachana pruchchaka sings excerpts from the vast treasure of classical literature. The
avadhani has to identify the passage, the author, and explain the context.

Sankhya bandha pruchchaka gives a number to the avadhani in beginning the avadhani construct a
5X5 magic square of number such that any row, column, and diagonally adds up to the given
number. Consequntely the avadhani is disturbed 25 times while absorb in versification to construct a
magic square in random order
an endangered art
Aprastuta prasangi possess the irrelevant and jovial question every now and then to the avadhani
while he is absorbing just to disturb him. The avadhani answers these questions in witty way to
entertain the audience and to overcome the disturbance.

This dwindling art needs support to survive. It is abled maintain its fair only in Telugu and Kannada
now a days. Of course it needs an extraordinary talent, we common people may not handle that
seat, but a big seat we can reserve as audience is very enough to encourage those talents and to
develop the art.

Arun H R


2nd year civil engg.

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