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Mind map

Hong Kong is well-known for its difficult academic syllabus and exam-orientated education system. It is
common to see students taking tests and exams all the time, even primary students.
Although some believe this system could boost Hong Kongs competitiveness , in fact, it system had led to two
major problems.

First, it had led to the lack of problem solving skills among primary children. Since the teaching of math is
Hong Kong is extremely exam-oriented, primary students mostly learn about exam techniques in order to
tackle their tests and exams. As a result, they have lacked other kinds of skills such as problem solving skills.
In addition, this education system had also led to the lack of interest in math among primary students.
According to a news report by SCMP, only 35% of Year 4 students are interested in maths. In other words,
more than half of the Year 4 students in Hong Kong do not enjoy maths, mostly because they feel extremely
stressful about it. Thus, it is seen that most of the Y4 students in Hong Kong dislike math.

Although the education system could not be changed, there is a way to in order to solve these two problems,
which is providing a more diverse, interesting learning process for math to the Y4 students. In order to so, a
suitable learning aid is needed. Therefore, I present the Sudoku board, which is a popular number game that
can be played online, on the phone and in the newspaper.
The objective of the game is to fill in the 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the
numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same
number only once.

The reason why I chose to create a Sudoku board for the Y4 students is because it exercises the brain
extensively and also solves both of the major problems that the students are facing.
First, this learning aid could train their problem solving skills. Sudoku puzzles are provoking as they require
children to use different thinking processes. Do the numbers match? Are all the numbers correct? If not this
number then what? By asking these questions and trying out, the puzzle could train their critical thinking and
logic. This could not only improve their number skills, but also their problem solving skills.
In addition to enhancing their problem solving skills, Sudoku puzzles could also stimulate the students interest
in math. Sudoku is way more fun and interesting than normal calculations that are often done in math class in
primary schools. When students could solve the puzzle, they would have a sense of accomplishment. Thus,
they would feel happy after playing the game and starts to play it more often. By doing so, they would become
more sensitive to numbers and even find the beauty of maths, largely arousing their interest in maths.

Due to the reasons above, I have chose to create a Sudoku board as the learning aid for the primary students.
Hope the Y4 students would enjoy it!

Research plan
Inquiry question Primary Secondary research Justify why this question is Priority(
research important in solving the index 1- the
design problem. most
important )

What is the education Interview with Analysing data from Knowing more about Hong 2
system of Hong Kong primary teacher websites online Kongs education system is
like? important as it is the root
cause of the problems.
Besides, it will also largely
affect the learning method of
the children.

What is a learning aid? Interview with Analysing data from This question is extremely 1
primary teacher websites online important because the
purpose of this project is to
create a learning aid to solve
the design problems. Thus, I
have to conduct research to
find out what exactly is it.

In what ways do children Interview with -reading accounts of By understanding and using 6
learn best? primary teacher similar problem written by the most suitable method
and primary another person children learn with, my product
children would be able to help children
-Analysing data from improve their problem solving
websites online skills as well as stimulate their
interest in math.

How can playing Interview with -reading accounts of Knowing the effects of 7
educational games help primary teacher similar problem written by learning aids will help me
children learn? and primary another person know what kind of impact or
children improvement I should leave
-Analysing data from with the learning aid that I am
websites online making.

How can we stimulate Interview with -reading accounts of The lack of interest of math is 3
children interest in primary teacher similar problem written by one of the major problems that
math? another person children are facing. Hence, I
should try to find methods to
-Analysing data from help children stimulate their
websites online interest in math.

How can we improve Interview with -reading accounts of Problem thinking are skills that 4
childrens problem primary teacher similar problem written by the children lacks. Therefore, I
solving skills? another person should find a way to enable
them to achieve this skill
-Analysing data from easily.
websites online

What obstacles do Interview with reading accounts of By understanding more about 8

children face when they primary teacher similar problem written by it, I could learn their difficulties
are learning? and primary another person and create a product to help
children them and tackle those
In what way does playing Analysing -reading accounts of Since my learning aid is a 5
sudoku benefit children? existing similar problem written by sudoku board, I would need to
products another person know the benefits of it and
whether it could solve the
-Analysing data from problems that the children are
websites online facing.

How can my product be Analysing viewing videos about how I should find ways to improve 10
improved? existing to use materials, tools my product and strive the
products and processes to see if best, in order to successfully
there can be any solve the design problems.
improvements for the
material of the product

Is my product suitable for Analysing Analysing data from Sudoku is not a game for 9
Year 4 children? existing websites online children only since it is quite
products challenging. Thus, I should
consider the childrens need
and do some adjustments on
the difficulty of my product.

Questions of survey
A. Interview with primary student
1. Do you think the education system in Hong Kong is too exam orientated?
2. Do you like mathematics? Why?
3. Do you find maths difficult? Why?
4. During math lessons, do you only learn the skills that are applied to exams?
5. What is the best way for learning?
6. Can playing educational games help you learn? Why?
7. Have you ever faced any obstacles when you are learning?
8. Do you enjoy playing Sudoku? Why?
9. Do you think Sudoku could stimulate your interest in maths? Why?
10. Would you rather choose playing Sudoku or doing maths?

B. Interview with primary teacher

1. What is your view on the education system of Hong Kong?
2. Do you think the education system in Hong Kong is too exam orientated?
3. What obstacles do children face the most?
4. What is a learning aid?
5. In what ways do children learn best?
6. How can playing educational games help children learn?
7. How can we stimulate childrens interest in math?
8. How can we improve childrens problem solving skills?
9. Do you think Sudoku is suitable for Y4 students?
10. Do you think Sudoku could stimulate childrens interest in math?
Target group
The target group of my survey are the Y4 students. In order to learn more about them, I would conduct a 1
minute interview containing 10 questions with a Year 4 students. Besides, I would also have an interview with
a primary teacher.
Background information
A. History of sudoku
The history of Sudoku was quite a puzzle itself. It was first originated from Switzerland and then travelled along
many other countries.
In the 1780s, Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician, developed the idea of arranging numbers in a way that
any number or symbol could occur only once in each row or column.
After the first creation of the puzzle, Howard Garns, an architect from Indianapolis then added a rule to Sudoku
which only allows each number to occur once in each region.
55 years later, Howard Garnes introduced a new rule for Sudoku, which splitted the grid into 9 regions of 3x3
squares and these regions must also have a unique occurrence of each number.
Soon, the Japanese another element to the puzzle. They imposed the rule that the pattern of the squares had
to be symmetric and not just random They also adjusted the difficulty of the puzzle by creating different levels.
After undergoing this final transformation, Sudoku became a craze around the world as it was often published
in newspapers and magazines. Until now, sudoku is still one of the most popular number games that we can
play everyday.
Sources used:
"Origin of Sudoku." The Origin of the Sudoku Puzzle.
"A Brief History Of Sudoku Puzzles." A Brief History Of Sudoku Puzzles.

B. Benefits of sudoku
1. Problem solving
Sudoku puzzles are provoking as they require children to use different thinking processes. Do the numbers
match? Are all the numbers correct? If not this number then what? By asking these questions and trying out,
the puzzle could train their critical thinking and logic. This could not only improve their number skills, but also
their problem solving skills.

2. Stimulate your interest in math

Sudoku is excellent brain games for children as it could train their cognitive skills. It could also help them to
familiarize with numbers and therefore improve their mental math, largely stimulating their interest in math.

3. Improves your memory

Playing sudoku could improve a childs memory as they are required to remember the number they used in a
particular column, row or box. Thus, by repeating sudoku, children could sharpen both their short term and
long term memory.
4. Diverts positive energy
Children cannot succeed in solving the puzzle in their very first time. Hence, by doing trials, children could
learn to be patient and never give up. Once they could complete the puzzle, they could also gain a sense of

5. Increases focus
Research shows that if children studies after playing sudoku, they are more likely to have a more alert and
focused brain, so they can learn to focus their attention. By playing the puzzle, children could learn to control
their mind and focus on the task. This could boost their academic performance in school.
Source used: The Fun Kids - Wordpress Blog! "5 Popular Benefits of Playing Sudoku." Thefunkids. N.p., 10
Aug. 2015Lee, Brian.

C. Inquiry questions
1. What is the education system of Hong Kong like?
The Hong Kong government provides 12 years of free education including primary education and senior
education. The governments goal is to promote a balanced and diverse school education that meets the
different needs of students. Yet, some believe that the system is too exam orientated and the difficulty of the
exam syllabus is too high, which created much stress for both primary and secondary students.
Source used: "Education Policy." - Education Policy.

2. What is a learning aid?

Learning aids are different types of equipment and tools, such as books, notes, toys etc which could help to
enhance a childs learning and development process as well as their arouse their interest and potential.
Learning aid enables children to grasp the key concept when learning new skills and techniques by seeing,
hearing and touching.
Source used: "What Is a Learning Aid?" Reference.

3. In what ways do children learn best?

Different children have a way that they learn best. Some children learn best when they learn a few small facts
each time and by slowly learning more, they could figure out how to put all the pieces together. On the other
hand, some children learn best when they have an overview of how things work and fit together at and then
filling in the details with the smaller facts step by step.
Source used: "Learning Styles: How Does Your Child Learn Best?" VaHomeschoolers.

4. How can playing educational games help children learn?

Students could learn a lot through the process of the games. First, by playing games, children could
understand a new concept or idea easily. Moreover, through educational games, children can develop a large
variety of important skills. Furthermore, games are able to grab the childrens attention which enables them to
engage in the activity and focus on their learning.
Source used: "Five Reasons to Use Games in the Classroom." Education World: Why Use Games in Your Classroom?
5. How can we stimulate childrens interest in math?
There are a few ways to stimulate the childrens interest in math. First, using educational toys in teaching
maths could motivate them to learn and have fun at the same time. Besides, playing board games that
requires mathematical skills could also arouse their interest in math. Furthermore, showing children how math
could be applied to real life situation would make them realize that math plays an important role in our live.
Source used: "5 Ways on How to Increase Your Children's Interests in Math." 5 Ways on How to Increase
Your Children's Interests in Math
6. How can we improve childrens problem solving skills?
Teaching children how to evaluate problems would build up childrens problem solving skills. First, we should
teach children how to identify a problem. Once they identified the problem, they should brainstorm a few
possible ways that could solve that particular problem. After that, we should discuss the pros and cons of each
approach with the children. Finally,once they discovered the positive and negative consequences of each
option, they should choose the best option which could tackle the problem. Throughout this process, children
would learn how to evaluation problems, which could boost their problem solving skills.
Source used:Morin, LCSW Amy. "How to Teach Kids How to Solve Their Own Problems." Verywell.

7. What obstacles do children face when they are learning?

There are a few common learning obstacles that the Y4 students faced. First, some of them find difficulty in
learning the basic concepts of math. Moreover, some of them have trouble in solving word problems. As you
can see, most of the obstacles the children faced are related to math.
Source used: "Learning Disabilities and Disorders." Learning Disabilities and Disorders: Types of Learning
Disorders and Their Signs.

8. In what way does playing sudoku benefit children?

Playing sudoku could bring many benefits to the children. First, it could boost their mathematical skills and
problem solving skills which many children lacks, largely stimulating their interest in math. In addition, it could
also improve their memory as children need to memorize the numbers they used in game. Furthermore,
playing sudoku could also increase their focus on their studies as they learn how to control their mind and
focus on the task throughout the game.
Source used: Lucy Osborne for the Daily Mail. "How Sudoku Can Boost Your Child's Brain Power: Puzzles
Can Improve Memory and Doing Crosswords Helps Verbal Fluency ." Daily Mail Online. Associated Newspapers,
04 Aug. 2014

Materials needed
1. Wooden board: A thick piece of wooden board is used as the base to hold the number tiles.

2. Number tiles: 81 pieces of plastic number tiles is needed. Different tiles would have different colors,
representing its number.

3. Question and answer booklet: A printed booklet that contains different versions of the puzzle and its
answer. The booklet could teach you how to set up the puzzle(placing the tiles which are originally
provided) before playing the game. It also provides the solution of the puzzle for you to check after the
Manufacturing techniques

A. Measuring and calculating

Accurate measurement and calculation is needed through the manufacturing process, especially when
creating the wooden board. In order to ensure the number tiles would fit the board perfectly, a ruler should be
used to measure the size of the board and the tiles precisely. Also, calculations are needed to make sure the
number of tiles are equally divided.

B. Wood joints
There are different types of wood joints that could be used when producing my wooden board.
Name Picture Explanation

Basic Butt Joint - One piece of wood butts into another to the
- This type of joint is often used in wall
framing on construction sites.

Mitered Butt Joint - Two boards are joined at an angle.

- The benefit of this joint is that it will not
show any end grain.
- However, this join is not that strong.

Mortise and Tenon - A classic wood joinery method.

Joint - The strongest and most elegant methods for
joining wood.

Through Dovetail Joint - A beautiful and very strong joint.

- Adds a touch of class to any piece

Box Joint - A beautiful and strong joint, but not always

- A simple alternative to the dovetail joint

Source used: April 10, 2010 By Editor & Filed under Joinery, Skill Building. "Woodworking Joints: Which Wood
Joints Should You Use?" WoodWorkers Guild of America. N.p., 24 Feb. 2017.

C. Different types of wood

Since my Sudoku board is mostly made up of wood, I conducted research on different types of wood in order
to find out which type of wood would suit my design best, which enables me to create a unique learning aid.

Name Pictures Characteristics Functions

Oak - A heavy, strong, light - Craft country designs
colored hardwood - Used for Gothic and William &
- Highly resistant to the Mary reproductions
environment - Used in transitional and
contemporary pieces

Walnut - Strong and hard - Used in high end furniture

- Excellent woodworking - Used in carvings
qualities - Used in musical instruments
- Dark chocolate brown in

Maple - Hard and resistant to - Used in medium and low priced

shocks furniture
- Contains a fine texture and - Used for Flooring and paneling
even grain

Pine - A soft, white or pale yellow - Used for country furniture

wood - Used in Exterior millwork
- Light in weight - Used in pattern making

Ash - Hard and heavy hardwood - Used in baseball bats

- White to light brown colour - Used for structural frames
- Excellent shock resistance

D. Laser cutter
A laser cutter is needed to create a unique pattern for the design of the wooden Sudoku board.
The steps for laser cutting:
1. In a graphic software, draw the shape of the wood that will be cut.
2. The laser system would engrave and cut the wood according to the drawing
3. Set a speed and power i for the material you are cutting, and send it to the laser.
4. The laser will automatically adjust to the correct height based on the thickness of the material you are
cutting or engraving.
Primary research
A. Interview with primary student: Carina Ng

1. Do you think the education system in Hong Kong is too exam orientated?
A: No, I think the number of exams is just right.
2. Do you like mathematics? Why?
A: Not really, I find it quite boring.

3. Do you find maths difficult? Why?

A: Sometimes, because I have no idea how to solve the math problem and get the answer.

4. During math lessons, do you only learn the skills that are applied to exams?
A: Yes, we only learn the things we need for exam.

5. What is the best way for learning math?

A: The best way for me to learn math is to first learn the formula and remember it clearly.
Then, when I am doing the math problems, I would highlight the clues in the questions and
also think positively so as to motivate myself to complete the question.

6. Can playing educational games help you learn? Why?

A: Yes, because I could have fun and also learn at the same time.

7. Have you ever faced any obstacles when you are learning?
A: Yes, especially in maths.

8. Do you enjoy playing Sudoku? Why?

A: I quite enjoy it, but I would get bored if I play it too long, because it is black and white,
which makes me bored easily. More colors should be added to the puzzle to make it more

9. Do you think Sudoku could stimulate your interest in maths? Why?

A: Yes, Sudoku is tricky so it can train my brain and also increase my interest in math.

10. Would you rather play Sudoku or do maths?

A: Play Sudoku, its way more interesting than maths.

B. Interview with primary teacher: Ms. Fung

1. What is your view on the education system of Hong Kong?

A: In my opinion, I think the Hong Kong education system is very diverse, which is really different
from other countries. There are different types of systems, such as the local system, the IB system,
the British system, the American system...There are so many types of education systems for you to
choose in Hong Kong.

2. Do you think the education system in Hong Kong is too exam orientated?
A: Yes, I definitely think so. There are way too many exams in the local system. Some of the exams
could be reduced in the IB systems too, such as the external exams the primary students take.

3. What learning obstacles do children face the most?

A: In terms of memory, some of the children are not able to remember what they learnt, or sometimes
they just find it too difficult to memorize things.

4. What is a learning aid?

A: I think learning aid are materials, such as books, computers and other tools which could help
children to learn in a easier and faster way.

5. In what ways do children learn best?

A: They learn the best if they are extremely interested in the topic and they really want to know why
certain things happen in that way. In this way, they would go out and find the answer by themselves.

6. How can playing educational games help children learn?

A: Most children like to learn while having fun. If the games are fun as well, it makes it easier for them
to learn.

7. How can we stimulate childrens interest in math?

A: By making games such as fraction games which could arouse the childrens interest in math and
also help them to learn in a better way.

8. How can we improve childrens problem solving skills?

A: Doing role plays and giving them situations could make the children think comprehensively, such
as what to do and how to do certain things. Besides, having discussion and sharing their own
thoughts could also help children improve their problem thinking skills.

9. Do you think Sudoku is suitable for Y4 students?

A: Yes, but it has to be at level that they are comfortable with. Last year, I gave Sudoku to my
students but the level was too high, so they were not able to do it. However, when I gave them the
most basic ones with lots of numbers filled in already, they were able to figure out quickly. So I think
the most basic Sudoku puzzle are suitable for Y4 students.

10. Do you think Sudoku could stimulate childrens interest in math?

A: Yes, by playing Sudoku, children could learn different types of skills as well as have fun at the
same time, which could arouse their interest in maths.
C. Analysis of the survey results
Firstly, the results could reflect the education system in Hong Kong. Although it has a large diversity, Hong
Kongs education system is extremely exam oriented. As mentioned by Ms Fung, even primary students have
to take many external exams. Therefore the number of exams should be reduced as they killing the students

In addition, the results have also revealed that playing educational games is the best way for children to learn.
By playing educational games, children could learn while having fun. This could stimulate their interest in that
particular topic and enhance their learning experience.

Furthermore, from the results above, we can see that the two major obstacles that children face is maths and
memory. As mentioned by PYP student Carina, she has difficulty in solving maths problem. Similarly, in terms
of memory, students find it hard to memorize stuff they have learnt. Yet, these two problems could all be
solved by practicing Sudoku, as this puzzle could train your memory, and mostly importantly, boost your
problem thinking skills and stimulate the childrens interest in maths. As mentioned by Ms Fung, when children
play Sudoku, they could learn different types of skills as well as have fun at the same time.

Product study
Product A: Sudoku Board game

1. SWOT analysis
Strength - Light to carry around since its base is just a thin piece of magnet board which could be folded
into half.
- It contains different levels of puzzles (easy,medium and hard), so it is suitable for everyone.

Weakness - The plastic tiles would not stick to the board and may easily fall off.
- The color of the set-up is mainly blue, grey and white, which lacks a wide variety of colors.

Opportunities - Add more different types colors to make its physical appearance more appealing.
- Use magnetic tiles instead of plastic ones so they could be attached to the board.

Threats - The number tiles could be lost easily since its size is quite small
- The number tiles could be swallowed by an infant.

2. Why this product will be good for my design?

This product is good for my design as it is extremely similar to it. First, I would use number tiles which
is similar to the board game above. Thus, I could use the product above as a reference when making
the number tiles. Besides, the puzzles contain different levels of difficulty. I could also apply this to
my own design so as to suit the different peoples level and needs.
Product B: Coloured Sudoku
1. SWOT analysis
Strength - Made of handcrafted wood
- Contains a wide variety of colors which makes it extremely colorful.
- The tiles have a fixed spot so it could stay on the board.

Weakness - The coloured tiles do not contain any numbers.

Opportunities - Add numbers onto the tiles.

Threats - If the wood is not well-manufactured and became splitted, it may cut your hands.
- The coloured tiles could be swallowed by an infant.

2. Why this product will be good for my design?

This product is good for my design because I plan to use the same style and design when creating the Sudoku
board. First, the product is made of handcraft wood, which makes it unique. Moreover, the product contains
coloured tiles, which made it looks extremely beautiful and appealing. Furthermore, it has a fixed spot to hold
the tiles, so it would not fall off easily. I could apply all of these features into my design, in order to improve its
physical appearance and its efficiency.

Design brief
Base on my research from answering the inquiry questions and opinions from the survey, I have decided to
create a Sudoku board for the Y4 students. The subject that I will be focusing is maths. My learning aid will be
able to improve the childrens problem thinking skills and also stimulate their interest in maths.

In terms of the design of my learning aid, a thick piece of square shaped wood would be used as the base of
the Sudoku board.
Moreover, 81 pieces of plastic number tiles is needed too. Different tiles would have different colors,
representing its number. For example, red represents number 1, blue represents number 2, orange represents
number 3 etc. This enables the children to identify the numbers easily just by looking at its color. Also, by
adding a wide variety of colors to the design, the children would be attracted by its unique and colorful
appearance, making the game even more fun and interesting to them.
In addition, a question and answer booklet would be provided with the learning aid too. The printed booklet
would contain different versions of the puzzle with different levels including easy, medium and hard. By looking
through and following the booklet, the children could learn how to set up the puzzle by placing the tiles which
are originally provided before playing the game. Also, the booklet also provides the solution of the puzzle for
them to check after playing the game.
Despite the design of the learning aid, I would add a wooden lid for the board to prevent losing the number
tiles as well as to protect the wooden board.
Furthermore, I would set the price range of my design to be $50.

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