The 93 Club Constitution 2017

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The Richmond Building

105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN

Tel (0117) 331 8600

University of Bristol Students Union State School Society

a. The name of the Society shall be the Bristol SU (University of Bristol Stu-
dents Union) The 93% Club: UoBs State School Society.
b. The Society shall be affiliated to the University of Bristol Students Union.


1) Provide a platform for UoB students to campaign on the issue of fair access to
higher education.
2) Allow students from disadvantaged educational backgrounds to work alongside
the University of Bristol to ensure an equal experience for all students with a focus
on housing, finance, social events and student wellbeing. To ensure equality in
these aspects to promote integration.
3) To offer students from disadvantaged educational backgrounds a platform
where they can share experiences, opinions, concerns and useful social/educa-
tional resources.
4) To work with the wider Bristol community to provide academic support through
outreach programs.

The society shall abide by the Unions Equal Opportunities and Harassment Policies,
and any other policies laid down by the Unions Board of Trustees.

a. Full membership is open to all full members of the Union by application to the
b. Associate membership is open to all other persons who are associate mem-
bers of the Union.
c. Not less than two-thirds of the Society members shall be full members of the
d. The secretary shall keep a list of all members, differentiating between full and
associate members. The secretary shall inform the Student Services Team of
the membership of the Society each year.
e. There shall be a subscription fee levied for membership, which shall be fixed
at the discretion of the committee being no less than the minimum rate de-
manded by the Societies Exec.
f. The Committee shall have the power to remove a member from their society
if they believe them to have violated the Unions Equal Opportunities and Har-
assment Policies, and any other policies laid down by the Unions Board of
Trustees. The decision is subject to ratification by the Societies Exec. The ap-
peals process shall be that laid down in the Union Byelaws.

University of Bristolof Bristol students
Students Union Ltd. creating a world class student life for themselves.
Registered Charity: 1139656
Reg. Co. No. 6977417
The Richmond Building
105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN
Tel (0117) 331 8600

a. Only members may sit on the committee.
b. All categories of membership shall have equal rights of voting, attending
meetings etc.

a. There shall be a society committee which shall be the executive decision mak-
ing body of the society.
b. The President of the Committee shall be a full member of the Union.
c. The Committee shall be responsible for the general and financial policy of the
Society, subject to such rules as laid out in the Unions Constitution and
Byelaws, and any rulings made by the Societies Exec.
d. Quoracy for committee meetings shall be set at 50% of the post filled positions
plus one.
e. All committee meetings must be minuted by the secretary (or other commit-
tee member if they are unavailable) and the minutes circulated to the com-
mittee before the next committee meeting.
f. The committee will be supported by a number of NPOs, who can be co-opted
in to their role without election to support elected officers. Since they are not
elected, they do not get a vote on committee matters, but retain all the rights
of standard members
g. The committee is comprised of:

The President will be the head of the society, overseeing all committee members
to ensure they are performing their roles adequately and within the Student Unions
requirements. They will chair meetings and ensure that the committee is com-
pletely transparent to members.
The Vice President will assist the President in all roles and take the place of President
should they be unavailable for meetings or other events. They will help manage
the committee and be easily accessible to the society members as a channel of
communication to the President. If the Secretary is absent in meetings, the Vice-
President will be responsible for taking minutes.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the societys account, managing membership
fees and payments for socials as well as any other income from fundraisers. They
will work with the societys sponsor where money is involved and will report to the
committee regularly with account updates.
The Secretary will be responsible for the organization and admin of the society
they will run the official email account, regularly emailing members with updates
as well as being first contact to outside organizations. They will manage room and
venue booking for meetings and events, and will take minutes in meetings.

University of Bristolof Bristol students
Students Union Ltd. creating a world class student life for themselves.
Registered Charity: 1139656
Reg. Co. No. 6977417
The Richmond Building
105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN
Tel (0117) 331 8600

Social Secretary
The Social Secretary will run all social media accounts affiliated with the Society,
making sure all are updated regularly to keep members informed of the Societys
news. Social events will be advertised through social media platforms and they will
make sure that the Society is well-represented within the Student Unions guidelines
through social media platforms. They will assist the Secretary with organization of
socials and other events for members of the Society.
Outreach Officer
The Outreach Officer is responsible for outreach and the establishment of relation-
ships in local Bristol schools. Also responsible for The 93% Clubs existing outreach
initiatives as well as liaising with other societies that share the aim of increasing
participation for students from low income backgrounds. The Outreach Officer will
coordinate with the universitys Widening Participation to inform approaches to
outreach initiatives.
Corporate Relations Officer
Corporate Relations Officer will work with the Treasurer and the President. The Cor-
porate Relations Officer will share the Presidents responsibility for seeking new spon-
sorship opportunities as well as contacting companies to establish relationships.
Once these relationships have been established the Corporate Relations Officer will
work with the companies on employability events. An important part of the role is
maintaining a constant, positive relationship with the representatives of companies
emailing, meetings and suggesting avenues for collaboration.
Campaigns Coordinator
The Campaigns Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and supporting
campaigns specific to the issues faced by state school students. This includes but
is not limited to housing, mental health and disabilities. The Campaigns Coordina-
tor will work with existing Bristol SU societies to create intersectional campaigns as
well as to support and lead campaigns that arise from Bristol SU.
BME Campaigns Coordinator
The BME Campaigns Coordinator will research the intersection between race and
schooling background, with the aim of identifying the issues that need to be com-
municated to both the university and union. They will work with existing societies
and groups within Bristol that promote and support the advancement of BME stu-
dents. The aim is not only to create and support campaigns, but also to ensure that
these campaigns approach the advancement of BME state school students in a
nuanced manner. The BME Officer has the clearance to appoint non-portfolio of-
ficers to support their campaigns, with the approval of the committee.

University of Bristolof Bristol students
Students Union Ltd. creating a world class student life for themselves.
Registered Charity: 1139656
Reg. Co. No. 6977417
The Richmond Building
105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN
Tel (0117) 331 8600

a. The Treasurer of the society shall be a full member of the Union and not in their
final year at the University. However, if given approval by the Bristol SU Socie-
ties Executive Committee a final year student may take the position.
b. All financial arrangements must be made in accordance with current instruc-
tions to Society Treasurers, as set down by the Societies Exec.
c. The Bristol SU Union Affairs Officer, Sport and Student Development Officer and
Head of Central Services shall jointly be empowered to issue financial instruc-
tions on behalf of the society if:
(i) the society folds with outstanding financial affairs, or
(ii) change of mandate forms are not completed, and the previous
Committee are out of reasonable contact, or
(iii) financial irregularities are found.

a. There shall be an Annual General Meeting once per annum, and this shall be
during the final two weeks of the second term.
b. Notice of such meetings must be sent to the societys membership via email
with at least fourteen days notice. An agenda must be sent out with at least
seven days notice.
c. Quorum of such meetings shall be set at twice the committee size plus one
d. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by either the Committee or
5% of the membership of the Society by application to the Committee. An
EGM shall be called as specified on the application, but at least 7 days notice
shall be given.

Elections shall be held at the Annual General Meeting to elect officers of the
committee for the following annual session. Officers can only be removed
from their posts by an EGM or AGM. Nominations must be received 7 days in
a. If committee positions are left unfilled after the AGM then the Committee shall
have the power to co-opt society members onto the committee to fill the va-
cant posts. However, co-opted committee members are not regarded as full
committee members and can be removed by the committee at any time.
b. Voting shall be by single transferable vote and shall be conducted by a show
of hands if the position is uncontested, having asked the candidate to leave
the AGM room. If the position is contested then ballot papers shall be issued
to those voting and a count taken of the ballot papers by a committee mem-
c. After the AGM the President or Secretary must submit a sheet of contact de-
tails for the new committee to the Student Services Team as soon as possible.

University of Bristolof Bristol students
Students Union Ltd. creating a world class student life for themselves.
Registered Charity: 1139656
Reg. Co. No. 6977417
The Richmond Building
105 Queens Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LN
Tel (0117) 331 8600

a. The society shall affiliate to external bodies only where membership of those
bodies is essential to the fulfilment of the core aims, and only with the prior
agreement of the Unions Societies Exec.


a. Any amendment to this constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of the
members present at a properly constituted General Meeting.
b. All such amendments shall become valid only after approval by the Societies

University of Bristolof Bristol students
Students Union Ltd. creating a world class student life for themselves.
Registered Charity: 1139656
Reg. Co. No. 6977417

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