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Lesson 8 Going to the Mall


1. Where would you go first when you arrive at this mall?

2. What would you buy for your friends birthday?
3. Where would you go when you get hungry?

Name Answer for question 1 Answer for question 2 Answer for question 3


across from
around the corner from
next to
between A and B
at the end of the hall
on the right / left

1. The Flower Shop is ____________ the Pet Shop ___________ the Ice-cream Shop
2. The Fast Food Restaurant is _____________ ____________ the Arcade.
3. The Mens Restroom is _____________ ______________ the Movie Theatre.
4. The Stationery Shop is _____________ ____________ _________________ from the Jewelry Store.
5. The Music Stop is ________________ ______________ the Shoe Store.
6. The Ladies Restroom is _____________ the Toy Store and the ___________________.
7. The Bakery is across from the ____________________.


A: Excuse me. Do you know where I can buy flowers?

Try these:
B: Yes. You can buy them at the Flower Shop. - buy shoes?
- buy toys?
A: Could you tell me where the Flower Shop is? - watch a movie?
- buy something to drink?
B: Sure. Its between the Pet Shop and the Ice-cream Shop. - buy a soccer ball?
- eat ice-cream
A: I see. Thank you.

B: Its a pleasure.
Map of Marshmallow Mall
Trading Times: Monday Sunday [09:00 22:00]
Map of _______________________________________________________
Trading Times:
Make Your Own Mall

Describe Your Mall

Our malls name is ______________________________________________________________________________.

It is a good place to visit with __________________________________________________________.

At our mall, you can enjoy ____________________________________________________________



We are open ___________________________________________________________________.

Example: Marshmallow Mall

Our malls name is Marshmallow Mall.

It is a good place to visit with all your friends and family. Young or old!
At our mall you can enjoy many different stores and entertainment. You can go shopping, get something to
eat, watch a movie, play at the arcades or just relax!
We are open every day from 9 am to 10 pm!
Lesson 8 Going to the mall

Aim: To become familiar with malls and words associated with them

Stage Materials Teachers Procedures Students Time Notes

Warmer Map Interview
w/s 1 - This is a map of a mall Interview 3 people 10 mins
- Interview 3 people
- 1. Where would you go first when you arrive in this mall?
- 2. What would you buy for your friends birthday Tell the class 1 person they
- 3. Where would you go when you get hungry? interviewed and what they
- Feedback: Who did you interview and what did they say
Presentation w/s 1 Expressions
- JTE & ALT explain the expressions Fill in the missing words 10 mins
- Look at the map and fill in the missing words
Ask students to read their
- Feedback: check answers with class Provide answers answers
Practice w/s 1 Dialogue
- Listen and repeat Students listen and repeat 15 mins
- JTE & ALT read the dialogue Try think of your own
things you want to buy.
- Practice the dialogue with a partner Practice dialogue with Refer to the Try these
- Take turns in asking and giving directions partners block if you get stuck

- Each pair present 1 dialogue exchange

Production Blank map Make your own mall Be creative with the
w/s 2 - In groups, make your own mall Make their own mall to 10 mins stores.
- Think of a name present to the class
- Think of different stores There can be more than 1
- Think of a description store per a type.

- Presentation: Show the map and read the description 5 mins Follow the guidelines for
the description.

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