French 8 Texto Rubric

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[Unit 3: Envoie -moi un texto!

] Grade 8 French

Les Grilles d'valuation du groupe:

1. Collective Intelligence:
Needs Improvement Meets Criteria Above and Beyond

Collective You work respectfully and

Intelligence responsibly with others to
complete the task:
exchanging and evaluating
ideas critically and respectfully,
listening carefully to and
valuing other members
equitably and purposefully
dividing roles/responsibilities

(9 pts)
(7/8 pts) (10 pts)

2. Grammar & Imagining

Objective: 0-4 pts Feedback:

Grammar Future Plans: Questions

[16 possible
points] Future Plans: Responses

Past Activities: Questions

Past Activities: Responses

21st Century Imagining: To earn a 3, the Madison
[8 possible Standard, you conceive of a new approach to
points] our familiar conversations about future & past
plans by including French texting
abbreviations and additional conversation
filler that makes your texts more authentic.
How can I earn a 4? Go above & beyond!
Take your conversation to the next level by
incorporating more questions & responses and
incorporating adverbs, negatives, etc.

Final Grade:

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