Self Evaluation

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Student Self-Evaluation: Becky Costello

Adequacy of prior preparation for the internship:

I put a great deal of thought into my selection of a Mentor and Supervisor for my proposed
opportunities for learning. The Mentor I chose had experience in multiple areas of our organization
including library and learning services, student accommodations, military students, and diversity
services. I was able to work with a Supervisor on the Benedictine side whose experience was
appropriate for overseeing my learning activities. I was highly successful in embracing opportunities to
expand my knowledge in online student services.

Quality of the relationship with the Mentor and University Supervisor:

Given the opportunity to repeat the experience, I would schedule more touch-points throughout the
progression of my hours, both with my Mentor and University Supervisor. I did meet the requirements
for evaluation of my progress every fifty hours. However, I would have benefited from more frequent
conversations, especially toward the end of the experience. I do feel that my relationships with both
were of high quality and I greatly benefited from their guidance and suggestions on the occasions we did

Extent and quality of the interns investment of time and effort:

Overall, I consider my level of investment of time and effort exemplary. The 150 hours I logged, and for
which I provided artifacts, represent only a portion of my investment in the experience as a whole. I
chose to log the hours with the most demonstrable artifacts, but outside of these experiences I spent
many hours planning and communicating. The fruits of my labor are still being used in many areas of
the organization, including library and learning services, curriculum and course development, and
learning and teaching. The duties I chose to meet my outcomes served both to increase my knowledge
and to benefit multiple areas of my organization. The high quality of my work has been recognized
throughout the institution in positive feedback that includes a Ruby Slippers Award given by the
Librarians and Learning Services Coordinators to recognize my involvement in the copyright training for
course development. My personal journal also includes reflections on other parts of my experience that
continue to impact the organization. My artifacts are of high quality and I have designed my log of
hours in a user friendly format that demonstrates the connection between the experience/hours and
the specific artifacts.

Intended use of the outcomes:

My goal was to leverage my role as the manager of a team that maintains, revises, and improves master
courses to effect real change in my organization with the guidance of course development and
curriculum/instruction leadership. I have achieved that goal, fostering cross-departmental collaboration
even outside of my role and creating lasting relationships. I am proud of the outcomes I have achieved
and am confident that my organization will continue to benefit from the work I have done as part of this
internship experience.

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