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Hydraulic-Fracture Geomechanics and

Microseismic-Source Mechanisms
N.R. Warpinski, M.J. Mayerhofer, K. Agarwal, PinnacleA Halliburton Service, and
J. Du, Total E&P Research and Technology

Summary shale. The engineering value of such a test is immediately apparent

Interpretation of microseismic results and attempts to link micro- in examining the dataThe wells have approximately the correct
seismic-source mechanisms to fracture behavior require an under- trajectory for transverse fractures, the length of the fractures rela-
standing of the geomechanics of the fracturing process. Stress tive to well spacing can be evaluated and refined, the number of
calculations around fractures show that the area normal to the stages and their spacing along the wellbore can be tested, the num-
fracture surface is stabilized by a pressurized fracture as a result ber of perforation clusters (this case) or the use of packers and
of increased total stress and decreased shear stress. In this sleeves can be examined, fluid systems can be optimized, diver-
area, microseisms can occur only if leakoff pressurizes natural sion techniques can be applied and diagnosed, height growth can
fractures, bedding planes, or other weakness features, and source be assessed relative to treatment parameters and the interval in
mechanisms are thus likely to show a volumetric component that which the well is landed, and various other aspects of the field de-
has either opening or closing movement in addition to shear slip- velopment, well layout, completion system, and fracture treatment
page. Conversely, the tip tensile region is destabilized by a reduc- can be tested and optimized. Furthermore, when used in conjunc-
tion in total stress and an increase in shear stress, with the likelihood tion with other diagnostic technologies, such as pressure data,
that microseisms would be generated in this region because of these diagnostic fracture injection tests (DFITs), microdeformation, dis-
changes. Such microseisms would not yet be invaded by the fractur- tributed temperature sensing (DTS), production logs, production
ing fluid, and events that are mostly shear would be expected. Sys- data, and many others, the full suite of information can provide
tems with multiple fractures, such as those that are potentially valuable evidence about the details of the stimulation and produc-
created in multiperforation-cluster stages, are much more complex, tion of hydrocarbons from complicated unconventional reservoirs.
but similar elements can be outlined for those as well. Microseismicity is a phenomenon that occurs when the stress
Source mechanisms can help delineate these different types of conditions in the Earth are altered by changes in stress loading or
microseismic behaviors, but the evaluation of such mechanisms pore pressure, resulting in some sudden movement between rock
reveals that they provide no significant information about the hy- elements (e.g., Albright and Pearson 1982; Fehler 1989). Hydraulic
draulic fracture. Whereas it would be valuable if source mecha- fractures alter both conditions (Warpinski et al. 2004), and almost
nisms could provide information about the mechanics of the all hydraulic fractures induce some level of microseismicity. These
hydraulic fracture (e.g., opening, closing, and proppant), calcula- microseisms emit both compressional and shear energy in a seismic
tions show that both the energy and volume associated with range (typically, 50 to 1,000 Hz) that can be detected and recorded
microseismicity are an insignificant fraction of the total energy with sensitive receivers (Warpinski et al. 1998a; Warpinksi 2009).
and volume input into the stimulation. Thus, hydraulic fractures Because the events are usually very small (1 to 1000 Joules of seis-
are almost entirely aseismic. The analysis of source mechanisms mic energy), they are optimally detected with downhole receiver
should concentrate on what those data reveal about the reservoir arrays and then located with a variety of methodologies to migrate
(e.g., natural fractures and faults). Integrated diagnostic studies energy back to the source. Accurate location requires a calibrated
provide more value in understanding both the microseismicity velocity structure, an adequate array design for the conditions, a
and interpretation of the microseismic results. relatively noise-free environment, well-coupled receivers with tri-
axial sensors, and adequate acquisition systems (Warpinski 2009).
Nevertheless, microseismicity remains somewhat ambiguous
Introduction with respect to mechanisms and interpretation. Some of the ambi-
Hydraulic fracturing is an essential technology for most uncon- guity is a result of the fact that no one has directly observed the
ventional hydrocarbon resources and many conventional ones as slippage or rock movement that produces a microseism. Whereas
well. The primary limitation on the improvement and optimiza- related phenomena such as earthquakes can have their locations,
tion of the fracturing process to maximize economic gain has dimensions, and other characteristics deduced from aftershocks
been a minimal ability to observe the behavior of the fracture in and surface expressions, and mine rock bursts can be physically
the subsurface. As a result, the intricate mechanics associated examined after the rock detachment, there never has been an ex-
with fracture growth in complex, layered, and jointed sedimentary amination of a feature that is clearly a hydraulic-fracture-induced
systems has been difficult to fully characterize. microseism. Without direct observational evidence, hypothetical
Diagnostic technologies provide a window into the subsurface mechanisms must be assumed and then tested for their validity
that supplies some subsets of knowledge about the fracture, either with indirect information and first principles.
through near-wellbore measurements, indirect production and There are a number of important questions about hydraulic-
pressure behavior, or far-field monitoring, such as microseismic fracture microseismicity that bear further attention precisely be-
and microdeformation. In terms of actual fracture dimensions and cause of the indeterminacy. These include the following:
the overall structure of fractures or fracture systems, microseismic  How is the microseismicity related to the actual presence of
monitoring is the most widely used and has the potential to pro- the fracturing fluid, and how might this change in different reser-
vide the most information about the fracture. voirs? Can there be leakoff or stress effects that make microseis-
Fig. 1 shows an example (Mayerhofer et al. 2011) of micro- mic interpretation less precise?
seismic mappings for a two-well fracture project in the Marcellus  What value can be gained from the microseismic-source
 What kind of crosschecks and other comparisons can be
Copyright V
C 2013 Society of Petroleum Engineers
used to evaluate these questions?
This paper (SPE 158935) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical The objective of this paper is to provide reasonable informa-
Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 810 October 2012, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 11 October 2012. Revised manuscript
tion about these questions with a geomechanical analysis of
received for review 28 December 2012. Paper peer approved 9 January 2013. microseismicity.

766 August 2013 SPE Journal

1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0 250 500 750 1,000


Feet 1,750
1,000 Monitor
250 Well 2H Well 1H

2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0 250 500 750 1,000

4,750 Monitor

5,750 SKTL Shale


6,500 Onondaga


Fig. 1Example microseismic project showing engineering value (from Mayerhofer et al. 2011).

Microseismic Occurrences larger shear (S)-wave amplitudes than compressional (P)-wave

In attempting to understand microseismicity, it is helpful to first amplitudes (Rutledge et al. 2004), which is indicative of either a
look at the simplest case of a planar hydraulic fracture and attempt shear process or some complex process with the reorganization of
to determine where the microseisms are relative to the hydraulic volumetric distributions. Walter and Brune (1993) suggest that
fracture. The obvious demarcation is between those events that tensile faults will have S-wave/P-wave ratios that range from 0.7
might be associated with the fracture tip and those microseisms to 2.1, whereas shear faults exhibit S-wave/P-wave ratios of 2.4
that appear to occur well after the fracture tip has passed. Fig. 2 to 7.1. Relatively large S-wave/P-wave ratios are commonly
shows one example of a segregation of events taken from a single- observed in the microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fractures
fracture stage in a Canadian sedimentary-basin horizontal well for example, Rutledge and Phillips (2003) show how the data fit
(Shaffner et al. 2011). This particular case is color coded into green the expected radiation pattern for shear-fault behavior.
tip events and red interior events. The green tip events can be asso- It is not clear why the tensile failure at the advancing tip of a
ciated with the length tip or the height tip, either up or down. The hydraulic fracture would not be detected by microseismic tools.
results are very common for planar fractures; half or more of the The energy associated with parting a rock surface, although com-
events are clearly not related to the tip of the fracture and occur all plicated by stress loading and other possible factors (e.g., Fair-
along the length of the existing fracture. On the basis of geome- hurst and Cornet 1981; Chudnovsky et al. 1996), should be of a
chanics considerations that will be discussed later, these events are sufficiently large amplitude to be detectable. A more likely reason
most likely related to leakoff of the high-pressure fracturing fluid is that the emitted energy is too high in frequency to be detected
into natural fractures or other permeable or activated features. with current tools, with the attendant rapid attenuation of the high
One might be tempted to assume that the microseisms that frequencies by the Earth filter. One would expect that the corner
occur close to the tip are a result of the tensile fracturing of the frequency for a tensile breakage of the rock should be on the order
rock, but that is not the current interpretation derived from the of the velocity divided by the failure dimension; thus, fracturing
waveforms that are typically observed. Most events show much that occurs in small increments might result in very-high-

August 2013 SPE Journal 767


Distance Along Fracture Length, m

Interior events
300 Tip events
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time, min

Depth From Center of Perfs, m

Interior events
40 Tip events

Northing, m
20 900
20 600
40 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800
Easting, m
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time, min

Fig. 2Example of microseismic distribution as a function of time, with green events in the near-tip vicinity and red events broad-
side to the fracture after the tip has passed.

frequency events. A third possibility is that the inhomogeneity of ing rock, and these stress changes are often greater than the stress
typical rocks is sufficient to distort the stress field and/or provide differences that existed in the reservoir before fracturing. In addi-
weakness planes that induce mixed-mode fracturing, which in- tion, the leakoff of the high-pressure fluid, at pressures well above
cludes a shear component, and these are some of the microseisms the minimum in-situ stress, reduces the net normal stress and
that are observed. In any case, it appears that microseisms detected destabilizes any natural fractures or other permeable weakness
in typical hydraulic-fracture-monitoring projects are primarily planes that are intersected by the fracture. These combined factors
those with a large shear component, and this behavior needs to be create a mixed environment of stable and unstable zones around
accounted for in understanding and interpreting microseismic the fracture where microseismicity would be likely (Warpinski
results. et al. 2004; Palmer et al. 2012).

Planar-Fracture Evaluation. Looking again at a single hydrau-

Hydraulic-Fracture Geomechanics lic fracture for simplicity, there are numerous models available to
Microseismicity associated with hydraulic fracturing has consid- calculate the stress field induced by the fracture, including both
erably different geomechanical aspects than earthquakes, rock finite-element and analytical models. For scoping calculations, an-
bursts, or geothermal shear dilation. The inflation of a fracture alytical models are sufficient, and the most versatile one is a pres-
with internal pressure induces very large stresses in the surround- surized 3D elliptical crack (Green and Sneddon 1950). This
model requires a homogeneous, isotropic, linear-elastic formation
material and a uniform pressure in the fracture, but these simplifi-
cations still allow for the adequate evaluation of the characteris-
Lateral horizontal tics of the stress field around the fracture and the influence of the
Stress Exerted by Fracture, psi

800 Vertical stress field on shear or tensile behavior. As shown in Fig. 2, the
Normal horizontal microseismicity can be divided into a tip-influenced region and a
600 fracture-normal-influenced region, and these are considered sepa-
rately. Only a vertical fracture is considered here.
400 The fracture-normal zone (the area alongside the fracture after
the tip has passed) can be assessed with the analytic model of Green
and Sneddon (1950) for typical, elongated fractures (length >
height). Fig. 3 shows the stress decay moving away from the frac-
ture face along the centerline of the fracture, with respect to both
0 length and height. The fracture and formation parameters are
 Total length: 400 ft
200  Height: 100 ft
0 50 100 150 200  Net pressure: 1,000 psi
Distance Normal to Fracture, ft  Youngs modulus: 5  106 psi
 Poissons ratio: 0.2
Fig. 3Stress decay normal to fracture face along centerline of The largest stress perturbation is the compressive stress that is
fracture. normal to the crack face, and this is in the direction of the

768 August 2013 SPE Journal

200 Poissons ratio; this equation is valid for a long fracture of nearly
constant height (plane strain).
The tip region of the hydraulic fracture is very different and

Stress Induced by Fracture, psi

needs to be considered in two separate casesone along the frac-
0 ture length and one vertically. In both cases, an elongated fracture
is also considered, but the elongation is changed to highlight the
100 differences. For the length tip, a fairly high-aspect-ratio case is
considered, with the following parameters:
200  Total length: 1,000 ft
Normal horizontal  Height: 100 ft
300 Vertical  Net pressure: 1,000 psi
Lateral horizontal  Youngs modulus: 5  106 psi
400  Poissons ratio: 0.2
Fig. 4 shows the stress decay moving out ahead of the tip
500 along the centerline of the fracture with respect to height and
0 20 40 60 80 100 width. The normal horizontal stress is normal to the fracture and
Distance From Tip of Fracture, ft in the minimum-stress direction, whereas the lateral horizontal
direction is along the length of the fracture and in the maximum-
Fig. 4Stress decay ahead of the length tip along centerline of horizontal-stress direction. Ahead of the tip, the stresses are all
fracture. tensile, except for the vertical direction in which there is a very
small tensile zone and very little effect outside of that. The effect
minimal principal in-situ stress. The stress perturbation in the of these stress changes is now very different from what happens
direction aligned with the fracture length is also compressive, but broadside to the fracture in the previous case. The end result is an
it is considerably smaller. The significance of this behavior is that increase of the shear stress in the formation (greater difference
the stresses imposed by the hydraulic fracture are highly stabiliz- between the horizontal and vertical stresses) and a decrease in the
ing and, by themselves, would probably stifle any microseismicity total stress. Depending on the in-situ stress conditions and other
from occurring in this region. The reason is twofold. First, the factors, microseisms should be expected whenever any favorably
shear stress in the formation is significantly reduced because more oriented weakness planes are encountered. This zone is relatively
stress is added in the minimum-horizontal-stress direction than to smallat most, a few tens of feetand provides a mechanism for
the maximum-horizontal-stress direction. Second, the total normal microseisms to occur slightly ahead of the fracture tip. In contrast
stress (or mean stress) is increased because compressive stress is to the previous case, there is no fluid from the hydraulic fracture
added to both the minimum and maximum stresses. The combined in this zone, and one might anticipate that these microseisms
effect is to increase frictional strength and reduce the available would be unlikely to have a volumetric component of either
shear, making it very difficult for any shear slippage to occur. opening or closing, and pure shear might be more likely. Source
There is a tensile stress in the vertical direction at some distance analysis of microseisms in this area might reveal different charac-
from the fracture, but it is relatively small and probably has a min- teristics of the mechanism that induces the rock movement.
imal effect on microseismicity. The full effect of these stress In addition to the changes in the tensile zone, there must be a
changes, however, depends very strongly on the in-situ stresses shear zone around the fracture tip between the tensile and com-
that are already present. Because the in-stress tensor is not usually pressive regions to accommodate the stress changes. This is also a
known in its entirety, these can only be considered generalizations zone in which microseismicity might be expected, and the fractur-
of possible behavior caused by the fracturing process. ing fluid is not associated with it; thus, volumetric source mecha-
The reason why much microseismicity occurs in this region is nisms might not be operative. This zone extends laterally away
because leakoff of the high-pressure fracturing fluid into natural from the fracture face and has a size that is comparable with the
fractures, faults, or other permeable weakness features reduces the tensile zone.
frictional forces on these planes. When pressure increases inside It is also important to recognize that these calculated stress
one of these features as a result of leakoff, the net normal stress changes may be somewhat larger than those induced by an actual
that induces the friction force decreases dramatically, particularly fracture in the field. The 3D elliptic-crack model assumes full
because the fluid pressure is well above the minimum stress level. pressure out to the tip of the fracture, whereas in actual practice
The perturbation caused by this fluid pressure is actually much there will be an unwetted region near the tip that will somewhat
greater than that caused by the opening of the fracture because the reduce the tip changes. This aspect is ignored here because the
fluid pressure change is on the order of the fracturing pressure size of the tip region is uncertain.
minus the reservoir pressure, whereas the stress change, the net The other tip region is that associated with the top and bottom
pressure, is on the order of the fracturing pressure minus the mini- of the fracture. In this case, a long fracture with considerable
mum in-situ stress. height growth is used to illustrate stress conditions that could
Even though this geomechanical analysis says nothing about induce a large amount of microseismicity above the actual frac-
the characteristics of the microseismicity, the fact that fluid pres- ture tip. The fracture parameters are
sure is an important element suggests that there could be a  Total length: 500 ft
volumetric component to the microseismic event. There is also,  Height: 200 ft
however, the adjunct issue of fissure opening (Nolte and Smith  Net pressure: 1,000 psi
1981), which will occur when  Youngs modulus: 5  106 psi
rmax  rmin  Poissons ratio: 0.2
DP > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 This case, as shown in Fig. 5, is similar to the tip case along
1  2
the length of the fracture, with both horizontal stresses being ten-
When the net pressure reaches this level and there are permea- sile, and the one in the minimum-stress direction now with a
ble fractures available (vertical fractures in this case), the pressure larger tensile stress. Thus, the region above the top of the fracture
becomes sufficient to overcome the stress along the length of the (and below the bottom of the fracture) is severely destabilized by
fracture (maximum horizontal stress plus the fracture-induced the fracture. This case is different, however, in that a long fracture
stress) and to open the fissures, much like the hydraulic fracture is with considerable height growth can result in a much larger zone
opened. of perturbed stresses. Rather than a few tens of feet, perturbations
Eq. 1 shows that the pressure required for fissure opening that extend two or three times farther are possible. Obviously,
depends only on the difference in the two horizontal stresses and slippage depends on the in-situ stresses and the orientation of any

August 2013 SPE Journal 769

100 the altered stress conditions in this region. For a typical elongated
Stress Induced by Fracture, psi fracture, this zone is very narrow in the length direction but can
0 be considerably larger upward or downward if there is consider-
able height growth.
Multiple-Fracture Geomechanics. In the case of multiple stages
200 and multiple perforation clusters (as typically performed on shale-
Normal horizontal oil and shale-gas wells), the geomechanics becomes considerably
300 Vertical more complicated because of the interaction between the various
Lateral horizontal fractures (East et al. 2011; Roussel and Sharma 2011; Agarwal
et al. 2012). Agarwal et al. (2012) provide examples of multiple
fractures of different lengths and show how the interactions of
these different fractures affect both the microseismicity and the
500 formation of a network, as commonly found in the Barnett
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
shale. In such cases, stability contour plots are more convenient
Distance From Tip of Fracture, ft for understanding microseismic behavior. Stability plots are a dif-
ference between the shear stress available to cause slippage and
Fig. 5Stress decay above the height tip along centerline of the friction force resisting the movement, given by
fs jsj  lrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
weakness planes that might slip, all of which is further compli-
cated by layering, but there is the potential for microseismicity to Fig. 6 shows an example of a stability plot taken from Agarwal
occur some distance above and below the fracture in situations in et al. (2012), in which four fractures of arbitrary length are extend-
which some layers are close to critically stressed. Agarwal et al. ing from four starting sites (perforation clusters) in a horizontal
(2012) show cases in which the in-situ stresses are taken into well for a case in which no leakoff is allowed to occur. The cool
account with a stability function to characterize the potential for colors and negative numbers are associated with stable areas in the
microseismicity to occurthis case also has no fluid involvement, formation and are unlikely places for microseismicity to occur
suggesting that microseismicity might not have much volumetric without other factors being involved. The warm colors are possible
component in the source mechanism. unstable areas, depending on the shear strength of any weakness
Whereas these examples use a somewhat complex analytical plane. Rehealed natural fractures might not slip, whereas unce-
method (Green and Sneddon 1950), similar kinds of analyses can mented natural fractures are likely to do so if the roughness is not
be performed with other analytical models in limiting cases. too severe. The selection of fracture lengths is arbitrary, but it is
These include the analyses by Sneddon and Elliott (1946) for a expected that exterior fractures would likely propagate more easily
2D crack and Sneddon (1946) for a penny-shaped crack. Both of because of less interference; thus, the two exterior fractures are
these analyses can be reduced to relatively simple analytical equa- long, and the interior ones are shorter. The actual fracture lengths
tions along the centerlines, as was performed in Figs. 3 through 5. that would be obtained in a treatment with four perforation clusters
In summary, an examination of the stress conditions around a are obviously a result of many factors, but no attempt is made here
fracture suggests that microseismicity that occurs near the center to calculate actual sizes with first principles. Important parameters
part of the fracture is most likely a result of the leakoff of the in this example are modeled after the Barnett shale and include a
high-pressure fracturing fluids into natural fractures and other 100-psi horizontal-stress bias relative to a 500-psi net fracturing
weakness planes. There are probably some additional sources of pressure, with a somewhat elevated reservoir pressure gradient
microseismicity that might occur along jogs in the fracture and (0.56 psi/ft) and normal-fracture gradient (0.7 psi/ft), as given in
along weak bedding planes, but these would be specific to unique Agarwal et al. (2012).
conditions associated with the fracture or the formation. Micro- This particular example has a destabilized zone ahead of only
seismicity is also expected around the fracture tip as a result of the longest-fracture tips and a small one around the next-to-

Contour of fs (in psi)

Deformed Factor: 500 Shmax
150 m

100 m


50 m

30 m

Fig. 6Example of stability function for multiple hydraulic fractures emanating from four perforation clusters in a horizontal well
(after Agarwal et al. 2012); blue is stable, and red is unstable.

770 August 2013 SPE Journal

Contour of fs (in psi)
Deformed Factor: 500 Shmax

150 m
5.0000E+01 Stable for
1.0000E+02 c 35 psi
3.0000E+02 c 90 psi

100 m
4.5000E+02 c 140 psi

50 m

30 m Shmin

Fig. 7Example of stability function for multiple hydraulic fractures emanating from four perforation clusters in a horizontal well
with increased pore pressure caused by uniform leakoff (after Agarwal et al. 2012); blue is stable, whereas red is unstable.

shortest fracture. Whereas the destabilized area around the tip to Fig. 6 but altered by elevating the pore pressure in the whole
looks large for this example, any microseismicity will depend on region to a level that is 200 psi lower than the fracturing pressure
the orientation of the natural fractures and their shear strength. In (Agarwal et al. 2012). As one would expect, this high pore pres-
the absence of leakoff, there is no expected microseismicity after sure destabilizes the reservoir. However, the presence of the adja-
the fracture tip has passed. There is enhanced stability normal to cent fractures actually creates additional instability for these
the fractures, but such behavior is contrary to experience in shale given stress and pressure conditions, with a considerably different
reservoirs. The importance of leakoff for microseismicity in these stability situation around the interior and exterior regions sur-
complex environments is the same as for planar fractures. rounding the outside fractures. Microseismicity in these complex
Because the development of a complex fracture system in multiple-fracture environments becomes more difficult to inter-
these reservoirs is impossible to deterministically resolve, no pret than in the case of a simple planar fracture.
attempt is made to calculate or infer the pore-pressure distribution Finally, the development of a fracture network (if one should
around this fracture system because fluid might leak off into natu- occur as a result of fissure opening) has a significant effect on the
ral fractures or other features. Rather, Fig. 7 shows a case similar regions in which microseismicity is likely to develop. Fig. 8

Contour of fs (in psi)

Deformed Factor: 500
150 m

5.0000E+01 Stable for
1.0000E+02 c 35 psi
3.0000E+02 c 90 psi
100 m

4.5000E+02 c 140 psi

Opening of orthogonal
fissures stabilizes nearby
regions and reduces the
50 m

chance of shear slippage

x Shmin
30 m

Fig. 8Example of stability function for multiple hydraulic fractures emanating from four perforation clusters in a horizontal well
with increased pore pressure caused by uniform leakoff and with orthogonal fractures induced by fissure opening (after Agarwal
et al. 2012).

August 2013 SPE Journal 771

Gamma Ray Monitor well:
Tiltmeter heights cemented-in
C sand

Depth, ft B sand wells

Microseismic data
A sand Wireline receivers

Northing (ft)

5,000 Monitor well: 0 Cemented-in
wireline receivers Intersection wells
receivers 800 600 400 200 0 200 400 600 800
5,200 Easting (ft)

800 600 400 200 0 200 400 600 800

Lateral Distance Along Fracture Azimuth, ft

Fig. 9Overview of M-Site validation results.

shows the same example as the previous two cases, but with arbi- presence of fracturing fluid or pressure induced by the fluid if res-
trary orthogonal fractures added to the system. All fractures are ervoir fluids are relatively incompressible. However, the formation
pressurized to the same level, and the pore pressure is again ele- of a network provides additional stabilization that makes it diffi-
vated to 200 psi less than the fracturing pressure. After the orthog- cult for microseismicity to occur. Because of this effect, it will be
onal fractures form, they create a very stable region around them very difficult to form a dense fractured network without diversion
that even leakoff cannot destabilize. However, the areas around or other methodologies to encourage new fractures.
the tips of the orthogonal fractures are regions in which microseis-
micity would be expected. It is also worth noting that Agarwal
et al. (2012) also show that these stable areas are likewise areas in Microseismic Validation
which an additional fissure opening will not occur, suggesting it is Because microseismicity is an indirect measurement of the hy-
very difficult to create densely fractured networks. draulic-fracturing process, validation is an important element in
In many ways, these results are similar to what was observed attempting to understand how the microseismicity is related to
for the stress situation of a single planar fracture. There are regions dimensions. There have been a number of studies funded by the
around the fracture tipsparticularly for the longest fracturesin US government, the Gas Research Institute (GRI), and industry
which microseismicity would be expected ahead of the fracture. consortia that have provided validation of the microseismic
The size of this zone depends on many fracture and reservoir pa- method for evaluating fracture dimensions and geometry. The
rameters. Leakoff of high-pressure fracturing fluid is what desta- most comprehensive was the M-Site, cofunded by the US Depart-
bilizes the region around the fracture after the tip has passed by; ment of Energy and GRI, in which microseismicity was moni-
thus, microseismicity in this area is largely associated with the tored in multiple wells in conjunction with downhole tiltmeters,
downhole pressure, tracers, intersection wells, and detailed suites
of stress measurements and core and log analyses (Branagan et al.
1,500 1996a, b, 1997; Warpinski et al. 1996, 1997a, 1998b). Fig. 9
shows a correlated overview of the microseismic data relative to
1,000 other direct measurements of fracture location through intersec-
tion wells and deformation.
500 Azimuths of the hydraulic fracture were determined by inter-
Observation well section wells cored through the fractures and were found to be in
0 excellent agreement with the microseismically deduced azimuths
of regressions through the event data. Fracture heights, as deter-
South-North, ft

500 mined by tiltmeters cemented in an offset well to measure defor-

Killed wells mation, were in good agreement with the average height found
1,000 from microseismicity. The fracture-length comparison in one
zone was evaluated by drilling a deviated intersection well 300 ft
1,500 along strike from the treatment well, monitoring pressure in the
intersection well as the treatment was conducted, and examining
2,000 the microseismicity that occurred up to the point at which a
pressure increase was detected in the intersection well. Good
2,500 agreement was also found in this comparison. Overall, this test
Tiltmeter length (45% volume NW orientation) demonstrated that microseismicity could be used to define fracture
3,000 growth in tight sandstones.
1,000 500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 The M-Site results demonstrate easy microseismic interpret-
West-East, ft ability for simple fractures that are relatively planar, but compli-
cated network fractures found in some shale reservoirs are a much
Fig. 10Barnett-shale example showing five killed or different occurrence. An example from one of the first monitoring
bashed wells (red squares) that support the development of a studies of shales (Fisher et al. 2002) has been cited in many dis-
network with actual fluid movement laterally (after Fisher et al. cussions of fracturing shale reservoirs, but in this case most sa-
2002). lient points are frequently overlooked or misunderstood. Fig. 10

772 August 2013 SPE Journal

1.0E09 researchers (e.g., Gibowicz et al. 1991). The second is a more
exacting moment-tensor inversion to attempt to fully characterize

Displacement Spectrum, cm-sec

o the source mechanism in the form of a moment tensor.
The definitions of the moment and magnitude of an earth-
quake, which also apply to a microseism, can be found in any
standard textbook on seismology (Aki and Richards 2009). The
seismic moment is an applicable measure of the strength of the
1.0E11 motion and is given by

Mo ldA: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.0E12 Anti-aliasing where l is the shear modulus of the rock, d is the distance that the
filter fault plane slips, and A is the area of the slippage. For typical
shale formations, l will be on the order of 2.2  106 psi (approxi-
1.0E13 mately 15 GPa). Because the moment spans many orders of mag-
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 nitude, it is usually more convenient to use a log scale (the
Frequency, Hz moment magnitude), which is similar to the Richter magnitude
with which most people are familiar. The moment magnitude is
Fig. 11Example displacement spectrum for determining cor- given as
ner frequency and low-frequency amplitude.
Mw logMo  16:1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
shows a combined data set from that case study, which has a verti- 3
cal treatment well in which a very large water-fracture treatment where the units for this equation are dyne-cm for Mo (Mw is unit-
was conducted. Several diagnostics were used to monitor the less). For conventional oilfield units of lbf-ft for Mo, the equation
treatment, and there were several nearby wells that proved essen- becomes
tial to understanding the development of a network fracture
system. 2
In this case, the five offset wells were loaded up with fractur- Mw logMo  9:0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ing fluid during the treatment, proving that large amounts of fluid
were moving laterally away from the fracture plane as well as Typical moment magnitudes for hydraulic-fracture microse-
along the hydraulic-fracture direction. Note that two of the isms are 2 to 4, with some reservoirs reaching 1.
killed or bashed wells were outside of the viewing limits of
the microseismic monitoring well; thus, it is expected that the Source Parameters. The determination of source parameters is a
fracture network is even much larger than shown here. In addition straightforward process that can be used on any microseismic data
to microseismicity, surface and downhole tiltmeters were used to set. It involves an analysis of the waveform data to produce a dis-
measure the deformation induced by the fracturing. The downhole placement spectrum from which a source strength (moment) and
tiltmeters (in two wells) were used to calculate the fracture length source size (radius) can be estimated. It requires some knowledge
(as shown in Fig. 10), and the surface tiltmeters provided informa- of the source location and the formation velocities, but this infor-
tion on fracture azimuth and fracture components. In particular, mation is presumably known to locate and map out the microse-
the surface tiltmeters showed that roughly 45% of the volume that isms. The primary drawback of this approach is that it assumes
was created during fracturing was perpendicular to the dominant that the microseism is a pure shear event; more complicated
fracture azimuth. The amount of fluid moving laterally away from mechanisms might not be well-approximated. The advantage is
the fracture was as much as the fluid moving along the fracture that any microseism can be quickly analyzed to provide informa-
azimuth. This behavior clearly shows that the natural fractures or- tion about moment, moment magnitude, and extent of the slip-
thogonal to main northeast/southwest fracture orientation actually page. The moment magnitude, in particular, is a very useful piece
opened and transmitted fluid along distances of hundreds of feet. of information for making real-time decisions about the effects of
These results demonstrate that the zone of microseismicity geohazards, such as faults. This approach has been used to pro-
(other than limits on viewing distance) is representative of the net- vide a huge database of information on microseismicity associated
work that is created during slickwater fracturing of some of these with fracturing (Warpinski et al. 2012).
shale reservoirs. The linear features drawn on the microseismic The displacement spectrum of a microseism typically has a
data were intended only to highlight the fact that microseismicity low-frequency plateau, with a rapid decline after some corner fre-
often shows dominant planes. Some of these alignments of events quency is exceeded. As shown in Fig. 11, a log-log plot of the dis-
might be entirely serendipitous, which calls into question the use placement spectrum can be examined to determine the low-
of such features, but there is no doubt that many features clearly frequency amplitude Xo and the corner frequency fc. From these
align temporally and spatially and often progress outward laterally parameters, the moment and size are determined (Brune 1970)
away from the hydraulic fracture. from

Microseismic-Source Evaluation 4pqRVs3 Xo

Mo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Because of the relatively complicated geomechanics associated g
with a propagating hydraulic fracture and the typically limited and
availability of stress, modulus, and natural-fracture information, it
would be very helpful if other aspects of the microseismicity could KVs
be used to understand the fracturing processing. This is the hope ro : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
associated with examining the microseismic waveforms to extract
information about the source of the microseism, relating the where K is a constant that is approximately 2. It should be
behavior of the source mechanism to the geomechanics, and deter- stressed, however, that with the geomechanics understanding
mining either fracture or reservoir parameters from this analysis. mentioned earlier and the potential for source mechanisms that
There are two types of source analyses that are typically used are much more complicated than pure shear, there is no certainty
for the analysis of microseismic waveforms. One is an analysis of that this analysis will give accurate results. There has never been
the source parameters, as, for example, suggested by Brune a validation test of the size or strength of a hydraulic-fracture-
(1970) for shear events and refined and expanded by many other induced microseism.

August 2013 SPE Journal 773

Noisy injection condition
1.0 Fault plane Slip vector
1.5 normal
Moment Magnitude

e4 mv
3.5 5.e04 mv
4.0 1.e3 mv
Typical wellbore cultural noise 5.e3 mv
4.5 1.e2 mv Tension
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Compression
Distance, m
Fig. 12Schematic of magnitude-vs.-distance plot and effect of
Data vector
After the moment is calculated, as well as the magnitude from
Eq. 4, a plot of the distribution of moment magnitudes as a func-
tion of distance can be assembled, as shown in Fig. 12. This plot
is very useful for extracting information about viewing distance,
bias, effect of noise on the monitoring conditions, and intersection
with faults. The general characteristics can be calculated theoreti- Tension
cally by inserting Eq. 6 into Eq. 4, in which the amplitude is a
function of intrinsic strength at the source and the distance the
waves travel. It is also important to make a standard attenuation Fig. 13Schematic of ground motion producing observed data
correction. vector.

describes the behavior of an impulse as it traverses the distance

Moment-Tensor Inversion. A more complicated approach can from source to receiver through the formation, with all its
be used to evaluate the orientation of the slippage plane and the complexities.
direction of motion, but this approach requires an inversion of am- For microseismic monitoring, it is expected that the Earth
plitude and polarization data to determine a full 3  3 moment model is known, or at least approximately known, and the veloc-
tensor that can describe any general motion of the source. There ities throughout the model are established through some combina-
are numerous references on performing this analysis and a tion of logs and direct measurements across the formation.
detailed literature discussing inversion approaches, decomposition Nevertheless, considerable uncertainty arises because of the lim-
of the results, uncertainty, and other factors (Dufumier and Rivera ited ability to fully determine the Greens function.
1997; Nolen-Hoeksema and Ruff 2001; Vavry[icirc]cuk 2001; Because of the symmetry, the moment tensor can be written as
Snokes 2003; Jechumtalova and Sileny 2005; Vavry[icirc]cuk a six-component vector m, which is the model vector that must be
2007; Warpinski and Du 2010; Du et al. 2011; Du and Warpinski solved. The u is the data vector, and G is the discrete Greens
2011). Generally, uncertainty in estimating the moment tensor function. Depending on the choice of inversion methods (ampli-
is very high because of a very limited view of the focal sphere, tude-based or waveform-based), the data vector and the analysis
noise, poorly constrained velocity structure, receiver-coupling from the use of the discrete Greens function will be different.
resonances, anisotropy, mislocation, and many other factors. The inverse problem can all be written as the following:
Furthermore, a full decomposition of the moment tensor is some-
what arbitrary, with a deviatoric component (which contains the Gm u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
shear and other nonvolumetric mechanisms) that has no unique
decomposition. It is possible to examine the properties of the matrix G to esti-
Fig. 13 shows in a schematic how a mechanism with both mate the resolvability of the moment tensor for any geometry, and
shear and volumetric opening will create tension and pressure this is performed by examining the singular values of the G ma-
regions that result in the detected signal and comprise the data trix. The ratio of the largest to the smallest singular value is called
array that is inverted to evaluate the mechanism. It should be clear the condition number, and good results can be ensured only if the
from the schematic that a single array does not provide sufficient condition number is small. The condition number controls the sta-
data, and even multiple vertical observation arrays might not bility of the inversion process; in general, a smaller condition
allow accurate resolution of the mechanism. Nevertheless, there number signifies a more stable inversion and a better solution.
are methods to perform the inversion and to obtain estimates of The condition number also can be considered a factor that con-
the focal mechanism that created the microseism. From this infor- trols the magnification of data uncertainties compared with model
mation, it is anticipated that there might be additional interpreta- uncertainties. An alternative approach to the inverse problem is to
tion potential about the geomechanics of the problem. examine the distribution of the singular values of matrix G. If
The moment-tensor inversion is performed by taking the data there are some very small singular values, and if any true moment
array, as indicated in Fig. 13, in conjunction with the velocity struc- tensor has significant projection into the model space that corre-
ture and the calculated wave mechanics to deduce the moment ten- sponds to those small values, the moment tensor cannot be re-
sor. Because the formulation of the data array is given by (Aki and solved well. Because the resulting moment tensor needs to be
Richards 2009) decomposed into understandable components of shear, volume,
and other factors, nonresolution of any of the components can
MTpq  Gnp;q un x; t; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 result in an erroneous interpretation of the results.
Because of the six independent components of the moment
the determination of the moment tensor requires an inversion. The tensor, it is necessary to have at least two monitoring wells with
Gnp is the Greens function (Aki and Richards 2009), which several spread-out receiver locations in each well to begin to

774 August 2013 SPE Journal

P axis n n T axis
T axis P axis

45 u u

B axis

Fig. 14Schematic of relationship between fault planes, slippage orientation, and other angles.

adequately resolve the moment tensor (Vavrycuk 2007). Often, movement was along north/south planes, which matches a set of
however, even this is not enough because vertical monitor wells natural fractures identified by Gale et al. (2007). In addition,
can be inadequately situated to fully resolve the tensor. north/south fractures are in a preferred shear orientation, given
After the moment-tensor inversion is complete, the moment the general northeast/southwest fracture azimuth and stress orien-
tensor can be uniquely decomposed into a volumetric part and a tation, but the fault-plane solutions still indicated a significant vol-
deviatoric part. The deviatoric part, however, which contains in- umetric component in most of those events.
formation about the fault and slip vectors, cannot be further
decomposed uniquely into force couples. The standard approach
is to divide it into shear components and nonshear components, Integrated Diagnostic Information and
termed a compensated linear vector dipole. Crosschecks on Mechanisms
The moment-tensor matrix has the form It is advantageous to bring in other information in any attempt to
0 1 link hydraulic-fracture behavior, geomechanics, and source infor-
m11 m12 m13 mation. The simplest method of doing this is by performing back-
MT @ m21 m22 m23 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 of-the-envelope calculations to assess whether any of these
m31 m32 m33 results make any sense, whereas other diagnostic data can provide
different views of the same fracturing process.
where the lower left-side elements of the matrix have the same Back-of-the-envelope calculations can be used to assess
values as the upper right-side elements. After this tensor is whether the total fracture size is sensible (either too large or too
resolved, the volumetric part can be determined from the trace of small for the injected volume), whether the stimulated reservoir
the matrix by volume (SRV) or a discrete fracture network is really probable,
1 and whether the mechanisms that are being analyzed are really
MTiso m11 m22 m33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 related to the process to which they are ascribed. Cipolla et al.
(2011) give an example of a simple mass balance to evaluate
and the deviatoric part can be determined from whether a microseismic-derived SRV is reasonable. However,
there are other similar checks that can be applied to determine
MTdev MT  MTiso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 whether enhanced microseismic interpretations are reasonable
(Warpinski et al. 2012).
The angular information needed to fully interpret the results is Two important features of the microseismicity are readily
obtained from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the deviatoric determined from a simple source-parameter analysisthe moment
moment-tensor matrix (Dufumier and Rivera 1997; Vavrycuk magnitude and the size of the event. Typical event magnitudes for
2001; Warpinski and Du 2010). The important information is the hydraulic-fracture microseisms are 2 to 4. A 2 microseism
fault-plane normal, n, the slip direction u, and the angle between releases approximately 62 J of energy; a very large 1 event
the slip direction and its normal projection onto the fault plane, a. releases just less than 2000 J of energy. A normal treatment might
These angles are shown in Fig. 14 for cases of pure-shear (left) have several-hundred microseisms ranging across the spectrum,
and nonpure-shear movement (right). For pure shear, the fault- but a quick calculation of the energy associated with microseis-
plane normal and slip direction are orthogonal, with pressure and micity can be made by assuming there are 500 events, all of which
tension axes on the 45 angles. For a nonpure-shear motion, in are 2. The total microseismic energy for all events would be 31
which the angle a is nonzero, the fault-plane normal and slippage kJ. By comparison, the work put into the hydraulic fracture in a
vectors are not orthogonal, and the pressure and tension axes are typical shale treatment is millions to even billions of kilojoules,
not on the 45 angles; however, the pressure and tension axes are depending on rate, volume, and pressure. The microseismicity is
still orthogonal. seeing approximately 1 part in 1,000,000 of the energy associated
With this information, it is possible to determine which natural with the process. Perkins and Krech (1968) give an approximate
fractures, bedding planes, or other features are inducing the equation for the fracture-strain energy, which is only a function of
microseismicity; the direction of the rock movement; and whether the fracture volume, in-situ stress, and injection pressure. This
it is pure shear or has some other aspects to its source mechanism. energy is typically on the order of 20% of the energy used at the
The promise of this analysis is that it can provide some reservoir- surface, but still enormously large compared with the released
characterization information about the weak or permeable slip- microseismic energy. Even if the 500 microseisms were very large
page planes (e.g., natural fractures in the reservoir that are desira- (1), the total energy would be 1000 kJ, and the ratio of microseis-
ble to contact and activate) and potentially about the stress mic energy to total energy input would be minuscule. Clearly, the
conditions that started the rock movement. Unfortunately, there microseismicity is not sufficient to provide any information about
are two very difficult aspects to this problem. One is that there is the fracture deformation (opening), which is obviously occurring
large uncertainty in this type of source analysis, and very little nonseismically.
work has been performed to characterize that uncertainty. The There is also a question of the partitioning of energy release
other is that any interpretation of the stress conditions requires the from the fracture and from the existing in-situ stresses. In the pre-
full geomechanical understanding of the stress changes induced vious analysis, it is assumed that all the energy released is supplied
by fracturing to evaluate the behavior, which makes it a very com- by the fracturing processes, but some geothermal stimulations
plex integrated problem. have shown that the injection of fluid may cause the release of
In one example from the Barnett shale (Warpinski and Du existing strain energy. In such a case, the microseismicity would
2010), the fault-plane solutions indicated that much of the fault be an even smaller proportion of the input seismic energy.

August 2013 SPE Journal 775



Displacement, m



Fault 0.0100

0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Frequency, Hz


Vertical fractures 0.4
Horizontal fractures 0.2
Both vertical and horizontal fracturest 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Time, sec

Fig. 15Example Eagle Ford shale well with combined micro- Fig. 16Deformation characteristics of a hydraulic fracture
deformation and microseismic measurements (after Walser and measured with tiltmeters.
Roadarmel 2012).

A similar check can be made on the volume of the microseis- The example in Fig. 15 is also a case in which noise issues
mic events and whether the SRV can be estimated from micro- made it very difficult to detect any microseismicity in the first six
seismic parameters. A 2 microseism that is all shear would have or eight stages, but the microdeformation data were still able to
very negligible volume, but there can be some volumetric compo- resolve the general fracturing behavior. Whereas there is a gener-
nent to the movement. If it is assumed that all the slippage is ally good agreement between the microseismicity and the micro-
opening (no shear) so that there is the greatest possible volume deformation results in the last half of the treatments, the lack of
associated with the microseism, a 2 event would have a volume any observable deformation around the two major faults is a sur-
of 0.003 ft3. If there are again 500 of these events, the total vol- prising result.
ume is 1.5 ft3 or approximately 0.25 bbl. Compare this volume to Even though it should be clear that hydraulic fracturing is pri-
the several-thousand barrels that are injected, and it is again clear marily a nonseismic quasistatic process, microdeformation data
that the microseismicity is not reflecting the fracture deformation can be used to show the spectral content of the deformation. Ei-
or any network that might be created. Even a treatment with 500 ther surface tiltmeter or downhole tiltmeter data can be used to
events that were 1 would have a volume of only a few barrels. extract the spectral data, but downhole tiltmeters provide a more
The source data derived from the microseisms do not provide compelling case. Fig. 16 shows deformation induced by a hydrau-
any information about the hydraulic fracture other than marking lic fracture as determined from downhole tiltmeters at the M-Site
locations in which stress and pressure changes induced by the test (Branagan et al. 1996b; Warpinski et al. 1997b). The defor-
fracture have created small movements in the rock. This behavior mation measured by an array of downhole tiltmeters was inte-
is fortunate for determining fracture geometry, but reveals nothing grated to give the fracture opening during a treatment. Because
about the fracture itself. However, the geomechanical analysis the determination of the physical amount of opening depends on
mentioned earlier suggests that natural fractures and other features uncertain material properties of the reservoir, the data are given
in the reservoir are activated by the hydraulic fracture, and this in- here as a normalized displacement, but this does not affect the
formation should be very useful for reservoir characterization and time-variant behavior of the fracture. The lower plot in Fig. 16
understanding the stimulated reservoir. shows the integrated fracture opening and closing after shut-in.
Microdeformation measurementsthe use of tiltmeters or The upper plot shows a spectrum of this deformation behavior. It
other strain sensorscan also provide useful complementary in- is clear from the lower plot that the fracture opens very slowly,
formation because they provide information about the actual de- but the nonseismic nature of this opening is highlighted by taking
formation that is induced by the fracture. Astakhov et al. (2012) the spectrum. All significant deformation occurs at extremely low
and Walser and Roadarmel (2012) show how a dense array of tilt- frequencies. If the spectrum is extrapolated to seismic frequen-
meters can be used to extract the areal extent of multistage, multi- cies, the potential for seeing any significant amount of deforma-
perforation-cluster fracture treatments in horizontal wells, as tion seismically is extremely small. These results confirm what
shown in Fig. 15. They provide an example of an Eagle Ford shale was assessed with the back-of-the-envelope check: Microseismic-
well that has horizontal fracture components and also intersects a ity is not able to provide information about the hydraulic-fracture
fault. The microseismicity associated with the treatments is not deformation, either opening or closing, nor can it provide any
able to resolve whether the fractures are horizontal, vertical, or enlightenment about related information, such as proppant distri-
some combination of both (this case); thus, it is difficult to evalu- bution. The fracture is predominantly aseismic (Maxwell 2011).
ate how successful the treatment is likely to be without the micro- Zoback et al. (2012) also argue that much of the deformation
deformation data. The fault interaction is even more interesting occurring in shale network fracture systems might also be aseis-
because the tiltmeters do not show any measureable deformation mic, or at least subseismc.
occurring at the fault. There are very large microseisms induced Mayerhofer et al. (2011) give an example in which pressure in-
along the fault after it is intersected by the hydraulic fracture, but terference is used during hydraulic fracturing to validate the
there does not appear to be any significant volumetric response. microseismic results and to assess the connectivity that might

776 August 2013 SPE Journal

Well 1H Fracture Stimulation
Slurry flow rate, bbl/min Slurry density, lbm/gal
200 Surf press (csg), psi Bottomhome press, psi
8,500 10.0
Offset well interference
160 8.0
6,800 4,700

120 6.0
5,100 4,500

80 4.0
3,400 4,300

40 2.0
1,700 4,100

0 0.0
0 3,900
60,293 60,812 61,330 61,849 62,367 62,885
Time, min

Fig. 17Marcellus example showing interference of fracture with offset-well fractures, as deduced from microseismicity and pres-
sure-interference measurements (after Mayerhofer et al. 2011).

develop when treatments in offset wells intersect and interact. Even though microseismicity and geomechanics can be linked
Fig. 17 shows an example of microseismic data (left side) in two to provide a broader understanding of the microseismicity sur-
wells for which there is considerable overlap. The southwestern rounding the entire fracture, the details of the fracturing behavior
well was completed first, and the microseisms are shown in yel- at the wellbore are usually obscured because of uncertainty in
low for all stages. The northeastern well was completed second, event locations that makes it difficult to determine exactly how
and each individual stage is colored differently. The circles indi- the fracture is starting. In these cases, it is helpful to have DTS to
cate the extent of the microseismicity at the time that pressure help understand isolation, functioning of valves and sleeves, me-
interference was observed in the offset well as a result of the chanical issues, the number of fractures started, and many other
treatment. aspects of the effects of the completion and well positioning
The pressure-interference data are shown in the green curve on (Huckabee 2009; Holley et al. 2010).
the right side of Fig. 17, along with other treatment data. Some of In some cases, it might actually be possible to determine
the fractures are well-connected, with relatively large pressure more-detailed information from the microseismicity. Shaffner
increases in the offset well, whereas others show only a minimal et al. (2011) show a case in a Canadian sedimentary basin in
connection. The pressure rise in the offset well, however, is rela- which it was possible to distinguish individual fractures starting
tively small compared with the treatment pressure, and the con- from an openhole completion system, as shown in Fig. 18.
nection likely occurs through some complex fracture system. This Because the color coding is by stages, two fractures can be clearly
is not a case in which a treatment has directly intersected an offset observed in a few of the stages. In a situation like this, it would
well and loaded it with fluid. At least some of these connections not be necessary to have DTS or other information to understand
were found to be present during the production of the wells the fracturing behavior. However, these are very planar fractures
because there was clear communication that could be correlated and do not show much interaction with other reservoir features
during shut-in periods. that might obscure this kind of detail. Such clarity is not usually
observed in most shale stimulations. Residual microseisms from
previous stages are also evident in the data.

= Packer Discussion
Microseismicity associated with hydraulic fracturing is an impor-
tant diagnostic for optimizing field layout, completion methods,
and stimulation designs. Nevertheless, it should be remembered
Observation well that microseisms associated with hydraulic fracturing can have
different characteristics than other types of seismicity (e.g.,
mining, construction, geothermal) on the basis of the geomechani-
cal conditions associated with a propagating dilated fracture.
There has never been any first-hand observation of a hydraulic-
fracture microseism, and the exact source mechanism and meth-
ods of analysis of that mechanism are inferred only from indirect
Geomechanics suggests that microseismics associated with hy-
draulic fractures are likely to be close to, or in contact with, the
fracturing fluid. This is fortunate because it makes the interpreta-
tion of microseismic measurements much simpler. The one excep-
tion is the region above and below a long fracture with significant
height growth. The tensile zone ahead of the fracture upper and
lower tip extends some distance and, if the stress conditions and
Fig. 18Example microseismic monitoring of a horizontal well weakness planes are favorable, there could be microseismicity
with packers and ports showing details of separate fracture be- some distance beyond these tips. The development of such micro-
ginning and growth (after Shaffner et al. 2011). seismicity does not appear to be a common occurrence, but it is

August 2013 SPE Journal 777

certainly a possibility in some areas. Because the stress does of the fault planes, which should help develop an understanding
decay rapidly in the vicinity of the crack tip, the conditions that of the reservoir and the natural fractures and other features that
induce slippage in this area are most likely to create small micro- are being activated by the stimulation. Potentially, this informa-
seisms that might be difficult to detect unless the monitor well is tion could help in understanding the stress state in the reservoir
close to the fracture. On the other hand, the tip region along the and how it is perturbed by the fracturing (e.g., the geomechanics).
length axis of an elongated hydraulic fracture does not have such Although it would be valuable if source mechanisms could
a large tensile zone, and microseisms are not likely to extend far provide information about the mechanics of the hydraulic fracture
beyond the tip. The difference between the top of the fracture (e.g., opening, closing, and proppant), a simple back-of-the-enve-
compared with the length tip is largely a result of geometric fac- lope calculation shows that both the energy and volume associ-
tors associated with an elongated fracture. Radial fractures would ated with microseismicity are an insignificant fraction of the total
have the same conditions all around the perimeter. energy and volume introduced into the stimulation. Hydraulic
The geomechanics suggests that there might be different fractures are almost entirely aseismic. The analysis of source
source behavior in the tip region compared with the leakoff mechanisms should concentrate on what those data tell us about
region. The leakoff region is highly stabilized because of the com- the reservoir.
pressive stress field orthogonal to the fracture; thus, rock move- Integrated diagnostic projects are usually valuable in providing
ment is enhanced by leakoff of high-pressure fluid into planes of different views of the fracture behavior, such as with microdefor-
weakness in the reservoir, and any microseisms can have some mation and microseismicity, or microseismicity and DTS. For
volumetric component caused by the presence of fluid pressure. example, it is very difficult to evaluate how much horizontal frac-
On the other hand, microseisms that occur ahead of the tip have turing might be occurring with microseismicity alone. Surface tilt-
no contact with the fracturing fluid, and it is expected that these meter arrays are extremely useful for identifying different fracture
would more likely be mostly shear movement. Unfortunately, components, and such information might be critical to economi-
without observational evidence, this behavioral dichotomy is only cally develop a reservoir. In addition, the contribution of faults to
speculation. production might be difficult to establish with microseismicity
The geomechanical conditions that apply to multistage, multi- alone (faults intersections almost always induce large amounts of
perforation-cluster stimulations are further complicated by the microseismicity), but microdeformation can be used to assess
presence of numerous interacting hydraulic fractures, but the gen- whether there is any volumetric change associated with the fault
eral behavior is similar. Regions broadside to the fractures are sta- interaction. Other aspects of the fracturing, such as details of the
bilized by the compressive stress, and microseisms occur only in beginning and the workings of the completion system, can be
evaluated with DTS and tracers. Clearly, performing DFITs, mon-
this region because of fluid leakoff. Areas around the fracture tip
itoring pressure interference, and the loading of offset wells also
are mostly unstable, although the presence of longer fractures can
provide useful information that can be integrated with the other
somewhat suppress tip activity in shorter fractures. The addition
fracture-diagnostics data.
of a second set of hydraulic fractures orthogonal to the first one
adds further complexity, with one of the more interesting features
being a stabilization of the area around it. This stabilized area is Conclusions
relatively large and suggests that it should be difficult to open Microseismic monitoring is a very useful tool for optimizing field
closely spaced orthogonal network fractures and to induce much development, completion designs, and stimulations. With geome-
microseismicity around those fractures other than right around the chanics considerations, the locations of the microseisms are gen-
tip. The addition of diverting materials, the application of thin flu- erally expected to be very close to the hydraulic fracture and can
ids, the use of simultaneous or zipper fracturing, the addition of be used to accurately determine dimensions and growth behavior.
short shutdowns, and many other techniques have been used to try The one possible exception is the potential for stress-induced
to improve the amount of fracturing in the reservoir and the devel- microseismicity above and below a large fracture with significant
opment of a network with large amounts of surface energy. length and height dimensions, and this factor should always be
Because there is still much about microseismicity that is considered when analyzing microseismic data.
uncertain, validation tests have been very important for assessing Microseismic-source analysis, such as the Brune (1970) spec-
the reliability of such information for understanding fractures. tral analysis, provides much useful information that can be used
Integrated diagnostic tests at the M-Site fracture-diagnostics labo- for quality control and identification of geohazards. More compli-
ratory showed that the microseismicity provided accurate length, cated moment-tensor inversion can provide important information
height, and azimuth information. Nevertheless, this site is not rep- about natural fractures and other weakness planes in the rock.
resentative of all reservoirs, and continued validation needs to be Unfortunately, moment-tensor inversion with microseismic data
performed with various combinations of diagnostics. An example does not provide any information about the hydraulic fracture
is the detailed testing performed in some initial Barnett-shale itself. The hydraulic fracture is essentially aseismic.
stimulations, in which surface and downhole tiltmeters and Integrated diagnostics provide value by giving different views
monitoring in offset wells were used to validate the concept of of the fracture and allowing different aspects of fracture behavior
network fracture systems in which significant amounts of fluid to be evaluated. Used in conjunction with microseismicity, these
are moved laterally through auxiliary fracture planes that are not other diagnostic techniques can illuminate aspects of the fractur-
aligned with the hydraulic-fracture azimuth. ing process that cannot be divined from microseismicity alone.
The analysis of source parameters has routinely been per-
formed in microseismic monitoring and has been a critical aspect
of understanding fracture-viewing distance, biased measurements, Nomenclature
interaction with geohazards, and other factors associated with A microseismic-source area, L2, ft2, m2
stimulations and completions. Most of this information is derived d microseismic-source movement, L, ft, m
from a spectral analysis that is routinely performed on every fc corner frequency, T1, Hz
microseismic event that is analyzed. More complex analyses of g radiation-pattern factor
source mechanisms, such as in moment-tensor inversion, can pro- G Greens function for amplitude
vide additional information about the orientation of the weakness K geometric factor for size calculation
planes that are shearing or otherwise opening. Even though this mi elements of the moment tensor, mL2/t, lbf-ft, dyne-cm
type of analysis can provide an estimate of the volumetric compo- Mo seismic moment, mL2/t, lbf-ft, dyne-cm
nent, the uncertainty caused by coupling, velocity-model limita- MT moment tensor, mL2/t, lbf-ft, dyne-cm
tions, anisotropy, noise, mislocation, and many other factors Mw moment magnitude
makes such an analysis of uncertain value. The most important R distance to microseismic event, L, ft, m
product derived from moment-tensor inversion is the orientation Ro microseismic-source radius, L, ft, m

778 August 2013 SPE Journal

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East, L., Soliman, M.Y., and Augustine, J. 2011. Methods for Enhancing Fractures as Revealed by Induced Microearthquakes, Carthage Cotton
Far-Field Complexity in Fracturing Operations. SPE Prod & Oper 26 Valley Gas Field, East Texas. Geophysics 68 (2): 441452. http://
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August 2013 SPE Journal 779

Rutledge, J.T., Phillips, W.S., and Mayerhofer, M.J. 2004. Faulting Zoback, M.D., Kohli, A., Das, I. et al. 2012. The Importance of Slow Slip
Induced by Forced Fluid Injection and Fluid Flow Forced by Faulting: on Faults During Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation of Shale Gas Res-
An Interpretation of Hydraulic-Fracture Microseismicity, Carthage ervoirs. Paper SPE 155476 presented at the SPE Americas Unconven-
Cotton Valley Gas Field, Texas. Bull. of the Seismolog. Soc. of Am. 94 tional Resources Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 57 June.
(5): 18171830.
Shaffner, J., Cheng, A., Simms, S. et al. 2011. The Advantage of Incorpo-
rating Microseismic Data into Fracture Models. Paper CSUG/SPE Norm Warpinski is a Halliburton Fellow at PinnacleA Hallibur-
148780 presented at the Canadian Unconventional Resources Confer- ton Service in Houston, where he works on the development
ence, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1517 November. of new tools and analyses for hydraulic-fracture mapping, res-
10.2118/148780-MS. ervoir monitoring, hydraulic-fracture design and analysis, and
Sneddon, I.N. 1946. The Distribution of Stress in the Neighbourhood of a integrated solutions for reservoir development. He joined Pin-
Crack in an Elastic Solid. Proc. Royal Soc. London, Ser. A. 187 nacle in 2005 after previously working as a Senior Scientist at
(1009): 229260. Sandia National Laboratories from 1977 to 2005 on various
Sneddon, I.N. and Elliott, H.A. 1946. The Opening of a Griffith Crack projects in oil and gas, geothermal, carbon sequestration,
waste repositories, and other geomechanics issues. Warpinski
Under Internal Pressure. Quart. Appl. Math. 4: 229267.
has extensive experience in various types of hydraulic-fracture
Snokes, J.A. 2003. FOCMEC: FOCal MEChanism. Determinations. In mapping and modeling and has been involved in large-scale
International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, field experiments from both the hardware and software sides.
ed. W.H.K. Lee, P. Jennings, C. Kisslinger, and H. Kanamori, Chap. He also has worked on formation evaluation, geomechanics,
85.12, 2930. New York: Elsevier. natural fractures, in-situ stresses, rock behavior, and rock test-
Vavrycuk, V. 2001. Inversion for Parameters of Tensile Earthquakes. J. ing. Warpinski holds MS and PhD degrees in mechanical engi-
Geophys. Res. 106 (B8): 1633916355. neering from the University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana, and
2001JB000372. a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Illinois Institute of
Vavrycuk, V. 2007. On the retrieval of moment tensors from borehole Technology.
data. Geophys. Prospecting 55 (3): 381391. Mike Mayerhofer is the Director of the Hydraulic Fracturing
10.1111/j.1365-2478.2007.00624.x. Center of Excellence at PinnacleA Halliburton Service in
Walser, D.W. and Roadarmel, W.H. 2012. Integrating Microseismic with Houston. He leads a team of engineers, providing advanced
Surface Microdeformation Monitoring to Characterize Induced Frac- fracture-engineering solutions with special emphasis on
tures in the Immature Eagle Ford Shale. Paper ARMA 12-594 pre- unconventional shale and tight gas plays. His responsibilities
include the application of tiltmeter and microseismic hydrau-
sented at the 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium,
lic-fracture mapping results for optimizing fracture completion,
Chicago, Illinois, 2427 June. well-placement and infill-drilling strategies, the design and
Walter, W.R. and Brune, J.N. 1993. Spectra of Seismic Radiation from a evaluation of hydraulic-fracturing treatments, reservoir engi-
Tensile Crack. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (B3): 44494459. neering, and integrated field studies. Mayerhofers 20-year
Warpinski, N. 2009. Microseismic Monitoring: Inside and Out. J. Pet involvement with hydraulic fracturing and reservoir engineer-
Tech 61 (11): 8085. ing includes fundamental research and real-field applications
Warpinski, N.R., Branagan, P.T., Engler, B.P. et al. 1997b. Evaluation of in various global producing areas, resulting in more than 50
a Downhole Tiltmeter Array for Monitoring Hydraulic Fractures. Int. technical papers and journal articles. Before joining Pinnacle
J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 34 (34): 318.e1318.e13. in 1997, he worked for Union Pacific Resources in Fort Worth,
Texas. Mayerhofer holds a PhD degree in petroleum engineer-
ing from Mining University of Leoben in Austria. He was a mem-
Warpinski, N.R., Branagan, P.T., Peterson, R.E. et al. 1997a. Microseis- ber of the SPE Well Completions Committee from 1998 to 2001
mic and Deformation Imaging of Hydraulic Fracture Growth and Ge- and served on the JPT Editorial Committee. Mayerhofer was
ometry in the C Sand Interval, GRI/DOE M-Site Project. Paper SPE the recipient of the 2009 Completions Optimization and Tech-
38573 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi- nology Award for the SPE Gulf Coast North America Region.
tion, San Antonio, Texas, 58 October.
Karn Agarwal is a technical professional in Pinnacles Hydrau-
38573-MS. lic Fracturing Center of Excellence in Houston. His responsibil-
Warpinski, N.R., Branagan, P.T., Peterson, R.E. et al. 1998a. Mapping ities include geomechanical modeling, design and analysis of
Hydraulic Fracture Growth and Geometry Using Microseismic Events hydraulic-fracturing treatments, engineering analysis with frac-
Detected by a Wireline Retrievable Accelerometer Array. Paper SPE ture diagnostics such as pressure analysis, DTS, tiltmeter, and
40014 presented at the SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, microseismic mapping with special emphasis on unconven-
Alberta, Canada, 1518 March. tional shale and tight gas plays. Agarwal holds a BTech
Warpinski, N.R., Branagan, P.T., Peterson, R.E. et al. 1998b. An Interpre- degree in civil engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol-
tation of M-Site Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostic Results. Paper SPE ogy, Roorkee, India, and an MS degree in petroleum engi-
neering from the University of Texas at Austin.
39950 presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Low-Perme-
ability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, Colorado, 58 April. http:// Jing Du has been working on a wide range of projects in the field of reservoir geomechanics (reservoir monitoring, fracture
Warpinski, N.R. and Du, J. 2010. Source-Mechanism Studies on Microseis- mapping and modeling) and geophysics (inversion, seismic ray
micity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing. Paper SPE 135254 presented at tracing, velocity optimization, anisotropy, source-mechanism
and seismic-waveform modeling) for more than 15 years. In
the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy,
November 2012, she joined Total E&P Research and Technology
1922 September. in Houston, where she leads the R&D effort in microseismicity for
Warpinski, N.R., Du, J., and Zimmer, U. 2012. Measurements of Hydraulic- unconventional resources with links to geomechanics and rock
Fracture-Induced Seismicity in Gas Shales. Paper SPE 151597 presented physics. Before the aforementioned employment, Du was a
at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Wood- Principal Technical AdviserEngineering Applications at Pinna-
lands, Texas, 68 February. cleA Halliburton Service in Houston, where she focused on the
Warpinski, N.R., Wolhart, S.L., and Wright, C.A. 2004. Analysis and Pre- development of hydraulic-fracture mapping and reservoir
diction of Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing. SPE J. 9 imaging with microdeformation (Tilt, InSAR, and GPS) and
(1): 2433. 71649-PA. microseismic technology. She holds a BS degree in applied
mathematics and mechanics, an MS degree in solid mechanics
Warpinski, N.R., Wright, T.B., Uhl, J.E. et al. 1996. Microseismic Moni-
from Peking University, and a PhD degree in petroleum engi-
toring of the B-Sand Hydraulic Fracture Experiment at the DOE/GRI neering from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a registered
Multi-Site Project. Paper SPE 36450 presented at the SPE Annual professional engineer in petroleum engineering in Texas. Du
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 69 October. served on the SPE Well Stimulation Committee from 2009 to 2011 and the SPE Well Completion Committee from 2012 to 2013.

780 August 2013 SPE Journal

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