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Sariaya, Quezon
SY 2017-2018
Name: _______________________________ Gr. & Sec: ____________________
June ____, 2017 Score: ______________________

ENGLISH 10-Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature


Match each term in column B with the most appropriate description in column A.
___1. argument A. what needs to be proven by facts
___2. controlling idea B. central idea of a work of literature
___3. mood C. the feeling created in a reader by a literary work
___4. opinion D. a core idea or focus of a written work
___5. tone E. contains the body of evidence used to
___6. theme support a point of view F. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his subject

Choose from the pool of answers the writers/speakers intention as hinted by each underlined expression.
A. ability B. obligation C. probability D. willingness
___7. We must find courage even in the small things that we do.
___8. We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
___9. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.
___10. Its true that sorrows in life may bring despair.

Choose the best pronoun to use in each sentence

11. Both magazines featured the President on _____ covers.
A. her B. his C. its D. their
12. Neither John nor Andy has finished _____ English test.
A. her B. his C. their D. theyre
13. Neither the cat nor the dogs had eaten _____ meal.
A. its B.their C. there D. his or her
14. Everyone should report to _____ cabin soon.
A. her B.his C.their D.his or her
15. The football team has been awarded _____ letters.
A. its B.him C.their D.there

16. Was it Gladys or (he, him, we, they) who lost the turtle?
17. I think it was (we, her, she, they).
18. (Each, Many, Everyone, Everybody) like potato salad.
19. (That, They, Those, These) is a good idea.
20. Norman is a photographer (who, where, which,whose) does great work.

Determine whether each underlined word is used as an intensive or reflexive pronoun. Write A for intensive
pronoun and B for reflexive pronoun.
21. You can see yourself more clearly.
22. Judge how much you know about yourself.
23. Life itself offers you many opportunities.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Strictly no erasures.

24. Who is Daedalus beloved son?
A. Icarias B. Icarian C. Icarus D. Icareanus
25. The following are the inventions of Daedalus except ________.
A. wooden cow B. labyrinth C. artificial wings D. compass
26. This is a half-man and a half-bull pet of King Minos.
A. Minotaur B. Leprechaun C. Beast D. Sphinx
27. He is the nephew of Daedalus. He was being tossed in the Arcopolis and transformed into a partridge.
A. Areiopagus B. Alcippe C. Merope D. Perdix
28. This is the island were King Minos ruled.
A. Crete B. Sardinia C.Knossos D. Camicus
29. She is the wife of King Minos who showed amorous longing for a white bull.
A. Ariadne B. Pasiphae C. Cocalus D. Theseus
30. He is the Athenian hero whom Princess Ariadne fell in love with.
A.Theseus B. Perseus C. Cocalus D. Apollo
31. He is the Greek god of the underworld and the husband of Persephone.
A. Pluto B. Hades C. Vulcan D. Aris
32. What musical instrument id played by Orpheus.
A. guitar B. piano C. cello D. lyre
33. He was hero who able to kill Medusa the Gorgon.
A. Theseus B. Perseus C. Polydectes D. Acrisius
34.It a monster with a head of a snake and a body of a human.
A. Cyclopes B. Gorgon C. Sphynx D. Chimera
35. They are women who share a single eye and who know the location of the Gorgons.
A. Grey sisters B. Blue sisters C. Red ladies D.Black sisters
36.She was the mother of Perseus and is married to King Polydectes.
A. Danae B. Cassipeia C. Andromeda D. Athena
37. She is a maiden who challenged Athena in a weaving contest.
A. Arachne B. Andromeda C. Asgard D. Eurydice
38.The maiden who challenged Athena in a weaving contest was turned into a ________.
A. lion B. spider C. ant D. snake
39. He is the old man guarding the maging well in the Great Evergreen Tree.
A. Balder B. Asgard C. Memir D. Odin
40. He composed and sang the song Imagine.
A. Freddie Mercury B. John Legend C. John Lennon D. Evis Presley
41. He was the elder brother of Fyokla.
A. Danilka B. Terenty C. Silantly D. Gniliya
42. An important aspect of academic writing which literally means to stick together.
A. cohesion B. coherence C. cohesive D. cohesioness
43. It refers to the connection of your ideas in both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.
A. Cohesive writing B. Cohesion writing C. cohesiveness D. Coherence writing
44. He was the author of the short story The Story of Keesh.
A. Jack Keesh B. Jackie London C. Jack London D. Jackie Keesh
45. She is the Queen of Saragossa and King Marsillas wife.
A. Braminna B. Bramimonde C. Brinna D. Brimanonde
46. It is an ancient story created to explain natural events. Gods, goddesses and heroes are among the characters in it.
A. myths B. legends C. short story D. epic
47.Who is the author of the myth Icarus and Daedalus?
A. Nicki Pontikis B. Nick Vontikis C. Nick Pontikis D. Nike Fontikiss
48. The name Daedalus means _______.
A. talented man B. skilled worker C. master craftsman D. super architect
49. It refers to any bullying done through the use of technology or any electronic means.
A. Bullying B. Cyber bullying C. Bullied D. Bully
50. It is the epic of France.
A. Song of Roland B. Gilgamesh C. Inferno D. Beowulf

Checked and Corrected by ________________________

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