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Stream Learning

Eric Lovald ~ Watercourse Press

Experience is the most relevant school ones life-attention

is educated in. All the knowledge absorbed from texts or
lectures, even dramatic screenings, cannot connect like the
direct learning which accumulates from actually witnessing
and participating in physical events.

Granular details of a larger picture are obviously enhanced

through re-searching ones imagining capacity with various
means of finding out more concerning a subject. Some of this
occurs when quietly studying by reading, listening and
thinking on how things inter-relatetaking personal
responsibility for advancing ones self-education.
Personal observation of unfolding events and processes on the
ground also has much to teach. Learning experiences taken in
through active participation stick with us over time. It often
happens that their guiding memories return to us in motion,
searching present circumstances for similar examples;
fine-tuning our ongoing assessment abilities while engaged in
evolving situations.

Sometimes this practice of reevaluating takes place

unconsciouslyreviewing scenes glimpsed in dreamscapes
which unspool before the minds eye as breath and heartbeat
slumber. These reconnected episodes can illuminate aspects
of dynamic interplay usually missed by limited static-focused
attention, surveying ones surroundings during adventures

The brains infrastructural memory functions like to revisit

things in meditation asleep that weve glanced briefly while
busy with daily activitiesreshuffling images and actions,
looking for hidden meaning.

Do dreams leak out? Perhaps when we see things in

subconscious sleep that seem to come from someone elses
imagination, our impression upon awakening of having just
experienced anothers viewpoint is relevant.

Maybe a part of everyones dreaming escapes their cranium

and enters the larger ethersphere of communicable images,
broadcast throughout spacetime like some random net-stream
of common perception. Synchronized translation of linguistic
narrative could even be possible by framing dreamed
sensations in a master set of archetypal images derived from
all of humanitys cultural and metaphysical experience
collected over previous generations, then continuously
updated to reflect current observations.

This idea of shared imagination helps explain somewhat the

popular appeal of novels and movies, stage plays and film
scripts, all art forms that tap into a vast reservoir of constantly
streaming sense impressions. An observer actively
dream-screening episodes of their traveling consciousness is
also collaborating in content creationwhich gets appended
to a greater global library, lending out-of-body experiences to
everyone, nightly, for free.

Self-learning as ongoing personal ability for updating and

improving ones comprehension of fast developing
information takes place on overlapping levels. We analyze
and dream using various traits at the same time.

As it matures, individual awareness evolves from backward

leaning conservative indoctrination to freely enlightened and
worldly imagination. Simultaneously an increasingly
networked global society and economy creates demand for
stronger broad-minded talents capable of handling fast
moving change.
There is now a critical need for international linguistic tools
that can flow seamlessly back and forth across obsolete
borders. More than just better translation programs or new
platform meeting-places, a common global logic of larger
communication, sharing ideas and planning multilateral
policy responses to planetary scale issues, has become the
prerequisite for further growth and progress.

Combining curiosity to advance knowledge with intuitive

bravery for honoring higher lovethis alone can defuse
uncontrollable fear, heal the disease of hatred, and open up
humanitys potential.

- from Democratic Humanists of the World:

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