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Name: ______________________________

Desiree Gerlach


Emerging ideas and The physical environment
ideologies profoundly influences the nature of
influence societies and political, social, and
events. economic change.



Disparities in power alter

Collective identity is
the balance of relationships
constructed and can change
between individuals and
over time.
between societies.


1. The First World War was the culmination of the rest of the units we covered this year. Explain how
each unit contributed to the First World War.

The Industrial Revolution: This contributed to the First World War by new ideas and designs for new
machines/factories. It got many people working in one place and making as much as thousands of
objects a day. When the First World War started, many factories started to make weapons to help
contribute to help their mother country in the War.

Revolution and New Ideas: Revolutions were kind of the reasons why people were fighting, the people
wanted change but the government thought otherwise, bashing down every new idea that came into
play with changing how the government works/runs. Many people were not happy with most and lots
of fights broke out. New ideas were something that governments didnt like hearing from the people, it
caused much chaos.
Imperialism and Colonialism: Imperialism, a thing that government/ mother countries used to take over
countries and Colonialism, mother countries making colonies so they can support the Mother Country
and their wealth.

Nationalism and Nation Building: Another thing that was bad for the war, Nationalism was something
that affected many people living in a country, for example, French people being ripped of their rights in
Lower Canada and Aboriginals/Dark skinned people from United States were treated equally as most.
Nation building was also another thing that wasnt good, having huge countries, such as Great Britain,
Russia and other countries, fighting over places for the taking, it caused many fights against the mother
countries. Germany had a hard time building their nation and Germany caused many fights against other
countries beside them.

2. The First World War was the first time that poison gas had been used during war. It had brutal
consequences. After the war poison gas was banned as an implement of war by every country. Why
do you think this was?

Poison gas was deadly and brutal, killing many soldiers by suffocating them, or blinding them for the rest
of their lives. Poison gas must have been banned because of the deadly consequences it had, it was like
torture and probably one of the worst ways to die.
This is the end and the beginning of an age.

H.G. Wells, in 'Mr Britling Sees It Through', 1916

3. Explain how this quote applies to the First World War.

This quote applies to the First World War because many people believed that the First World War would
be the last war that will ever happen, because of the horrible death count and how it affected people,
their lives ruined and countries broken. It hurt the world, breaking it and many people wished that a
new beginning would come again, hoping to heal what has been caused.

4. Today, Canada is part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and is allied with 28 other
countries. If one NATO country is attacked the rest will come to its defense. Explain how this is
similar to a cause of WWI. Is NATO a good thing or a bad thing for Canada in this sense?

Well, NATO can be a good thing, but also a bad thing. It is quite similar when Germany came to rescue
and aided Austria/Hungary when Serbia, killed their heir to the throne for Hungary/Austria. It caused a
big fight until, finally Austria/Hungary declared war on Serbia, which means declaring war on their
mother Countries such as Russia and the Allies. In my opinion, NATO is a bad thing for Canada because
if one country part of the NATO gets attacked, our country could be dragged into another war that will
repeat history again, breaking the world and hurting many families.

5. The First World War was the most destructive conflict ever to be seen at this point in history. What
lessons can we learn from what happened in this war?

The lessons we could learn from that horrible time period, is to not make allies, its a bad thing and the
world should understand, that if one country gets attacked, another country will come to its aid, it will
cause another war/fight to happen again. Also, dont go murdering any heir to the thrones is another
lesson we should learn from.

6. What do you think about war and your nation going to war? Is this a necessary thing? Would you be
a willing participant? Explain your ideas.

When I think about war, I think about a devastating reality, it something I try not to think about or talk
about, because the worst thing possible that I could think of, that what happened back then in History,
could happen. History is like a repeating loop, it repeats and its a fear of mine, that one day well be
attacked and this country will be a devastating mess. I try not to let it get into my mind but there is this
nagging feeling in the back of my mind about it, it could happen, you never known. I dont think of it as a
necessary thing that people should be doing, war is deadly and the more it continues, the more it will
likely happen. I wouldnt be a participant because what is the point of war? It only makes things worse
and I believe that us humans need to figure out things peacefully, not in a way where many innocent
lives are lost.

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