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Infinity The Game


A painting tutorial by ngel Girldez, prologue by Gutier Lusquios (Interruptor).

Some of the most distinctive elements of the Caledonian Highlander Army are their colorful tartans,
which allow us a greater chromatic variety from what the usual Ariadnan patterns allow, being so
charged with military patterns.

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Infinity The Game

The tartan is a fabric characterized by patterns of differently colored horizontal and vertical lines
that, when they cross each other, form patterns of squares. This fabric has traditionally been
associated with Scotland, where the different clans adopted distinctive schemes, with each of the
different colors representing a territory and family.

Caledonia, the Ariadnan region of Scottish heritage, is socially structured with a system of clans
that identify themselves by their own tartans. So when a clan provides troops to the Caledonian
army, those troops dress in the colors that represent them.

Tartans are found both on kilts, the Scottish skirt-like garment, and on the plaid, the fabric worn over
the shoulder. Tartans are also found on Caledonian pants, which curiously are worn more often by
Caledonian women than men.

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Infinity The Game

A tartan might look challenging to paint, but actually is not that difficult if you follow the simple steps
that ngel Girldez, our chief painter, presents in this tutorial. To demonstrate how easy it can be,
ngel has chosen Isobel McGregor, the Caledonian character you can find in the Dire Foes Mission
Pack 3: Dark Mist. Isobel wears pants instead of a kilt, and by reason she is a good reference
figure, because it is harder to paint a tartan over pants than over a skirt, where the surfaces are
wider, so you can check that it is not so complicated as it seems. Also, Isobel wears the same type
of tartan the troops of the new Caledonian Highlander Army Starter Pack have, so you can use this
tutorial as reference to paint all the models of this box too.

Dont forget that the colors used are found in the Vallejo Acrylics Game Color range.

I started painting the tartan by applying the base color, which was a 50% mix of Black Red #70.926
and Scarlett Red #72.106.

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Infinity The Game

Next, I added a bit of Sunny Skin Tone #70. 845 to the base color in order to highlight the pants.

The next step was to paint some vertical lines with Black Red #70.926.

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Infinity The Game

Then I painted horizontal lines, which created squares between the unions of each line.

Next, I painted a square in the cross of each line by applying Black #70.950.

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Infinity The Game

Lastly, I used Black Red #70.926 to paint thin lines between the previous lines. This required using
a brush with a very thin tip.

And with that I finished the tartan. As you can see, the steps are pretty simple, so now it is your turn
to pick up your brushes and add some color to your Caledonian troops. Then let that Highlander
roar be heard on the table!

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Infinity The Game

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Infinity The Game

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Infinity The Game


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