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Planning for

Measure 98
High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Act of 2016
Measure 98 identifies three specific areas where districts must direct Measure 98 funds:
Establish or expand career and technical education programs in high schools
Establish or expand college-level educational opportunities for students in high schools
Establish or expand dropout-prevention strategies in high schools
Utilize OASC as a partner organization when submitting your plans to ODE.
Proven Results We know that student activities
DROPOUT-PREVENTION STRATEGIES are more than just poster making
Research organized by Let X Equal Student Activities discovered that and after game dances. Students
participation in as little as one student activity decreases the likelihood that have the power to influence
a student will drop out of school1. What If: Students who are at-risk for
the culture and climate in their
dropping out of school became involved.
schools and communities through
OASC provides leadership training on how to develop opportunities/ involvement and engagement.
activities that engage their peers. OASC helps student leaders to think
outside the box on how to include ALL students in their school to help them -Kris Olsen, COSA
Co-Director of Professional Learning
feel connected.


Student activities lead to college and career success. Students who How to plan Spending:
participate in student activities are more likely to want to attend college Fall Conference $1050
and submit more college applications. Participants in middle and high Team of up to 15 $70 per person

school student activities are more likely to enroll in college, stay enrolled, Winter Energizer $140
get better grades, graduate, and pursue graduate school education1. 48 Hour Leadership Training per person
Regional Workshops
OASC provides leadership training on communication, interpersonal 1 Day Leadership Training $25
per person
relations, resume building, college readiness, networking and mentoring. Summer Leadership Camp
4 Day Leadership Training $325

Participation in student activities increases student self-confidence and Adviser Institute

48 Hour Adviser Training
per adviser
self- esteem, particularly among minority males. Student activities may
create the conditions in which students can learn a sense of autonomy, Who should attend OASC?
self-belief, and self-expression1. All students with leadership potential are
welcome but the following will benefit
OASC trains students to be mindful and look through an equity lens when
the most: club leaders, athletic captains,
creating events, activities, and clubs. OASC encourages leadership teams elected class officers, ASB officers,
to match the diversity of their population. OASC strives to ensure that all leadership class, National Honor Society,
students regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, location, or socio- MECHA, AVID, etc . .
economic status are able to attend leadership training events.

OASC has been an active, non-profit, member association since 1949! We are sponsored by
the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA), the Oregon Secondary School
Administrators (OASSA) and affiliated with the National Association of Student Councils (NASC).
Reserach above used with permission from:
The Benefits ofJoining
Oregon Association of Student Councils
Joining OASC gives your school the Leadership Programs. As strong leaders
opportunity to develop strong student head back to their campuses they engage
leaders who in turn inspire positive school in their school and community to create
culture. Founded a positive
in 1949, OASC Student Strong culture for all.
has become the Leadership Student As students
premier student Training Leaders engage, the
leadership conversation
organization in Participation Engaged between
Oregon. Each in OASC Students students and
year we serve administrators
thousands of Positive begins to
students and Effective School flow regularly
Principals Culture
advisers from making the
schools across work of
the state in leadership and character Principals more effective. As Principals see
development. the benefits, more involvement in OASC
With participation in OASC, students and occurs and begins the cycle over again.
advisers engage in leadership training from One Oregon principal said, As an
some of the best professionals in the world educational leader one of our main goals is
at events like HS Fall Conference, Middle to create a positive learning environment
School Regional Workshops and Summer for our students. I firmly believe this comes
from empowering our students... OASC will
bring the leader out in every
student and create a philosophy
within the students to take
care and ownership of their
Join us in creating Strong
Student Leaders, Trained
Advisers and Positive
School Culture in Oregon
by becoming a member
of Oregon Association of
Student Councils.

Are you new to OASC

and need help?
Contact OASC Director
Sara Nilles at
Join today at t . S erve. L

Opportunities with OASC include:

Awards & Recognition Student Council

Recognition Program for MS & HS. Adviser of
the year awards too!
Communication Our bi-monthly newsletter
contains curriculum, current events of statewide
school activities and ideas for service-learning
Leadership Conferences for middle and high
school students and their advisers in the fall,
winter and spring.
Hard Facts about
Student Activities
Online Resources for student leaders, activity
advisers, and administrators. Participation in at least one
student activity decreases the
Professional Development Advisers can earn
likelihood that a student will
PDUs and grad credits by attending Conferences
drop out of school.
and Trainings.
Reduced Rates Member schools receive Student activities set students
significantly reduced rates to OASC Events. up to make better choices.

Strategies to connect your students to your Participation in student activi-

school. ties alleviates depression.
Summer Leadership Camp for MS and HS Participation in student activ-
students. ities is linked to higher scores
on geography, history, math,
Network Private forum for advisers to problem
reading, and science tests.
solve, share ideas and collaborate.
Worldwide Leadership Opportunities through Hard Facts used with permission by
Alliance for Student Activities
OASCs Leadership without Borders Program

OASC completely changed my

life and put me on the right path in
high school. OASC took me from
an uninvolved freshman, to ASB
president. OASC 100% changed my
high school course for the better.
-HS Student

OASC has been an active, non-profit, member association since 1949! We are sponsored by the
Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA), the Oregon Secondary School Administrators
(OASSA) and affiliated with the National Association of Student Councils (NASC).

/OASCLeaders @OASCLeaders OASCLeaders

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