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Different Musical Instruments in Visayas

Kudyapi = a two-stringed lute with movable frets and tuning made of wood. It is played by
strumming two strings with pick while the second string is pressed by left hand. The first string
serves as a drone as the second string produces melodic line.

Korlong = is any bowed string musical instrument, most often the violin. It is also a colloquial
term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music. Korlong or
Fiddle playing, or fiddling, refers to various styles of music.
Common distinctions between violins and fiddles reflect the differences in the instruments used
to play folk and classical music. However, it is not uncommon for classically trained violinists to
play folk music, and today many fiddle players have classical training. Many traditional (folk)
styles are aural traditions, so are taught 'by ear' rather than with written music.
Pasiyak = a musical instrument used in Panay consisting of a tube with a pipe. It is played by
placing water in the tube and blowing the pipe. The presence of water produces a
whistling sound.

Water whistle famous in Panay island- looks like a tobacco pipe filled with water to produce
sound - Pasiyak most common etniko instrumental of visayas Philippines.

Tulali orflute = is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. Unlike woodwind instruments
with reeds, a flute is anaerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the
flow of air across an opening.
Litguit = used to make percussion sounds that resemble those of maracas. The instrument has a
long, thin wooden handle, and, when it is played, it is struck with another long, slim piece of
wood to produce the distinctive sound. Traditional musical instruments evoke the spirit of their
"home" countries, adding beauty and uniqueness to traditional folk music or more modern
musical compositions.

Buktot = a word in the Filipino language generally meaning a humpbacked person. The
instrument resonator, usually a coconut shell, resembles a hunchback! The buktot is a Visayan
Lantoy (clarinets) The nose flute, another type of end-blown flute
Different Musical Instruments in Mindanao

Gabbang, also known as bamboo xylophone, is a musical instrument made of bamboo widely
used in the southernPhilippines.

A gabbang consists of a set of trapezoidal bamboo bars of increasing length. The number of bars
varies with the group that made them. For Yakan, the number ranges from 3 to 9 bamboo bars
but the common agung gabbang has 5. For Tausug, the number ranges from 14 to 22 bamboo
bars but the common gabbang has 12. And for Palawan, the common gabbang has 5.

Sahunay = tube with six fingerholes; mouth piece of bamboo with cut out reed; mouth shield
made of coconut shell; bell made of leaf(probably bamboo) and blue plastic ribbon.
Kubing is a type of Philippine jaw harp from bamboo found among the Maguindanaon and other
Muslim and non-Muslim tribes in the Philippines and Indonesia. It is also called kobing
(Maranao), kolibau (Tingguian), aru-ding (Tagbanwa),aroding (Palawan), kulaing (Yakan),
karombi (Toraja), yori (Kailinese). Ones made of sugar palm-leaf are called karinta (Munanese),
ore-ore mbondu or ore Ngkale (Butonese).
The kubing is traditionally considered an intimate instrument, usually used as communication
between family or a loved one in close quarters. Both genders can use the instrument, the
females more infrequently than males who use it for short distance courtship.

Agung is a set of two wide-rimmed, vertically suspended gongs used by

the Maguindanao, Maranao, Sama-Bajau andTausug people of the Philippines as a supportive
instrument in kulintang ensembles. The agung is also ubiquitous among other groups found
in Palawan, Panay, Mindoro, Mindanao, Sabah, Sulawesi, Sarawak and Kalimantan as an
integral part of theagung orchestra.
Different Musical Instruments in Mindoro

Gitgit = is an instrument with a 3 or 4 strings made of human hair.

Batiwtiw = a bamboo instrument from Mindoro about 40 cm long, played by striking the split
End of a bamboo against the left palm
Kudlong = The kutiyapi, or kudlong, is a boat-shaped plucked string instrument from the
Phillipines. It has frets and is often heavily carved.

Kalutang = This is a kind of musical instrument found in the province of Marinduque. The
"Kalutang" consists of two pieces of wood, graduated in sizes, to produce different note ranges,
with which bands of 10 to 12 people make music.
Gamba = Is any one of a family of bowed, fretted, stringed musical instruments developed in the
mid-late 1400s.

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