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T Shirt Pillow



Students will understand sewing terminology (whip stitch, seam, needle, thread)
Students will assemble pillow using old tshirts and self made patterns (24x24)
Students will critique pillows focusing on seam/stitch/fill/craftsmanship

Students will practice making a pin cushion out of
tshirt and a whipstitch. They can print out an image
or create an image that is at least 4x4

After they have completed pin cushion they will lay

out the pattern for their pillows. Pillows do not have
to be square they can be any shape that the
student comes up with. Create a pattern using roll
paper. Teacher will demo pattern making.

Students should keep in mind that they need to have an overhang of fabric from each side of
about -1, so the stuffing does not sneak out from the inside of your pillow.

Understanding of terms

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