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Production Diary Notes:

Week 1-3:
- Pure Research
Week 4:
Monday 27th March 2017:
- Edit Taran Matharu Interview while screen recording the editing process.
- Upload all screen recordings. X
- Upload final cut of interview. X
- Upload raw footage of interview. X
Tuesday 28th March 2017:
- Organise all videos uploaded yesterday. X
- Create thumbnail for Taran Matharu interview. X
- Plan our 4th shoot and create a planning sheet. X
Wednesday 29th March 2017:
- Organise through research. X
- Make a to do list for research. X
- Start writing detailed script for ghost stories video. X
- Write script for Omegle video, play dough video and rune tutorial.
- Add (brief) shooting plan to planning sheet. X
- Write up and evaluate Taran Matharu interview. X
Thursday 30th March 2017 - Saturday 1st April 2017:
- Shoot play dough making video.
- Shoot rune tutorial.
- Shoot omegle video.
- Shoot behind the scenes blog. X
Week 5:
Tuesday 4th April 2017:
- Continue research. X
Wednesday 5th April 2017:
- Continue research. X
Thursday 6th April 2017:
- Continue research. X
Week 6/Week 7:
Tuesday 11th April 2017- Friday 28th April 2017:
- Continue research.
- Change in project production diary post
Saturday 29th April 2017 - Saturday 6th May 2017:
- Do 500 word project proposal. (up to schedule and bibliography)
- Sort Unit 13 blog.
Sunday 7th May 2017:
- Make a project schedule on excel.
Week 8:
Monday 8th May 2017:
- Continue research.
- Continue writing.
Tuesday 9th May:
- Continue research.
- Continue writing.
Wednesday 10th May 2017:
- Begin/finish Research on publishing.
- Lit review finish.
Thursday 11th May 2017:
- Continue Research
- Film first video.
Friday 12th May 2017:
- Edit & upload first video.
- Create a possible book cover.
- Start making character profiles.
Saturday 13th May 2017:
- Continue Character profiles.
- Make thumbnail for book log 1.
Sunday 14th May 2017:
- Continue Character Profiles
Monday 15th May 2017:
- Continue Character profiles.
Tuesday 16th May 2017:
- Continue publishing research.
- Continue character profiles.
Wednesday 17th May 2017:
- Continue character profiles.
- Continue publishing research.
Thursday 18th May 2017:
- Continue character profiles.
- Possibly begin novel outline.
- Film book log #2 and begin editing it.
Friday 19th May - Monday 22nd May 2017:
- Continue editing and upload book log #2.
- Continue character profiles and outline.
Tuesday 23rd May - Tuesday 6th June 2017:
- Continue character profiles and outline.
- Create Name list.

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