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Reading Essay JANIAUT Valentin 20106219 1

What does Rousseau think is the best form of government?

Why is this form of government better than any other?
Rousseau explains that the best form of government would be a democracy,
however he agrees that such of government never existed, and cannot exist.
Then, he discusses about other system, like Aristocracy, and especially
Elective Aristocracy to show a more acceptable form of government.

Neglecting the critics Rousseau address to the Elective Aristocracy, a

democracy-like government solve different problems explained at the
beginning of the book. First of all, since people are part of their own choices,
they do not give away their freedom. Furthermore, there is no force
constraints, for instance to apply the laws, since people made the decision, so
follow it. Then, this new form of government would ensure that the best
people take the best solutions. Finally, a true democracy, would also solve the
problem of a least numerous acquire a great authority, which is the direction
followed by any form of government.

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