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Both options are really only a ‘make do’
when it comes to diving. They are not
ideal and so people are increasingly
turning to refractive laser eye surgery to
fix their vision problems. If you take
part in any watersports and suffer from
poor eyesight, the benefits are enor-
mous. As I dive regularly and enjoy
other watersports, the chance to have
laser eye surgery with the London
Vision Clinic was an opportunity I
grabbed with both hands, despite an
initial apprehension over what exactly
was involved. Speaking to other people
who had experienced having their eyes
‘zapped’ convinced me to go for it. Any
worries about what the operation might
entail were far outweighed by what
having perfect eyesight for the first time Before the procedure patients undergo an extensive screening process
in about ten years could mean to me.
There was no turning back now. but not everyone is a suitable candi- confirmed it. The consultation is quite
Refractive laser procedures work by date. London Vision Clinic offers a free extensive, and you complete similar
adjusting the curvature of the cornea at initial screening to determine if you tests to a standard routine eye exami-
the front of the eye. This enables light can be treated. Conditions that might nation, there’s just many more to carry
to focus at a single point on the retina rule out laser surgery as an option out. If you find you’re eligible for
at the back of the eye, which in turn include diabetes, glaucoma, dry eye surgery, there’s just one more visit to
produces clearer, sharper vision. and arthritis. I was pretty confident I the clinic for an ophthalmic examina-
More than 100,000 people in the UK would be given the all-clear, but it was tion and further tests before the big
undergo laser eye surgery every year, still a relief when the initial screening day itself.

The moment
I opened my eyes
for the first time

Eyes wide open… and could read

signs on the other
side of the room is
s divers, our eyesight is
something we rely on every time
For contact lenses wearer Martin Bruce, the I had mixed feelings on the day of
we take a breath in the opportunity to obtain perfect vision via laser eye surgery, but my nervousness was
underwater world. Good eyesight is outweighed by the thought I would be
something taken for granted if you’re
surgery was the chance of a lifetime. Here he returning home in a matter of hours
lucky enough to have perfect vision, but reports on having the procedure. with perfect eyesight! Your time in the
for those who have to wear glasses or clinic is brief – only two or three hours
Text by Martin Bruce Photographs by Darren Russell
contact lenses, it presents a problem and you’re ready to go home – while
when you come to dive. the procedure itself is remarkable and
For obvious reasons, wearing glasses you’re fumbling around half-blind. My short sight was a fairly moderate –3 over in a matter of minutes. I had read
under a mask is out of the question, so Prescription masks have an advantage in each eye, too bad to be able to drive all about the procedure so knew roughly
many divers opt for a prescription mask. over contact lenses in that you’re able or watch TV without my lenses, and what to expect, but I wanted to know
These have their own drawbacks, as well to safely clear your mask underwater definitely no use for diving. Fish, what what was going to happen in fine detail.
as being more expensive than a stan- without the risk of losing a lens or fish? All my surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein,
dard mask in the first place. A broken getting an eye infection. Water can draw I had always been conscious of water would tell me is that there was nothing
mask strap can leave you unable to dive the moisture out of a contact lens, getting in my mask during a dive, and I to worry about and he would explain
if you don’t have a back-up, as a normal which can scratch the surface of the eye, tried not to think about the chance my everything as we went along. So, I won’t
mask would be useless. If you’re diving causing infection and damage to the mask could be knocked off. When I reveal too much, but I will say that the
from a day boat or RIB, there’s always eye. trained, I had to close my eyes during procedure is brief and painless, if a little
the period between surfacing when you As a contact lens wearer for the last mask removal drills, but I knew I would uncomfortable. The moment when I
take off your mask to putting your eight years, I always considered wearing have to open them underwater if a opened my eyes for the first time and
glasses on back on the boat where lenses in the water was the best option. problem ever arose. Professor Reinstein helps to take away anxiety by reassuring patients at every stage could read signs on the other side of

60 SportDiver April 2007 April 2007 SportDiver 61


I can drive, Laser Eye Surgery
use a computer, worth £4,200
and go about daily
life as if nothing Courtesy of the
happened. Best of London Vision Clinic
all, I have the all-
and lens implants, visual-focusing errors
clear to dive
port Diver has team up with the
London Vision Clinic to offer one could only be corrected by spectacles or
lucky reader the opportunity to contact lenses. Spectacles induce
screen for laser vision correction in the receive laser eye surgery. aberrations and prismatic effects in the
world. Results, safety, experience and Sport Diver Editor Mark Evans – and periphery of the lens when the wearer
technology count when considering as you will see from this issue, BBC looks sideways. This means that when
taking such an important step. newsman-turned-underwater film- the wearer is not looking through the
I can only imagine the impact of maker John McIntyre and Sport Diver centre of the lens, the image he or she
opening your eyes for the first time Editorial Assistant Martin Bruce – have is looking at will be in a different
following surgery if you previously had a all had laser eye surgery to remove the position from where the image is
strong prescription. I don’t think it hassle of needing a prescription mask or situated, and imperfectly focused.
would be exaggerating to call it a life- having to wear contact lenses while Contact lenses bring their own
changing moment for those people. diving. problems. They often dry out after long
Professor Reinstein showed me a mask
that belonged to a diver with a –12
“Anything above and beyond 20/20 periods of wear, degrading vision and
causing dryness, soreness and irritation.
vision is what we call ‘eagle vision’ or
prescription. Needless to say, his sight ‘supervision’”, said Professor Dan Toric lenses, which are used to correct For more information on the London Vision
was restored perfectly. It certainly put my Reinstein, medical director of the astigmatism, often rotate on the eye, Clinic, visit: or
case into perspective. London Vision Clinic. “In the past 12 causing a temporary blurring of the call 020 7224 1005 to book a free
Looking back over a six-week period months, our research indicates that image. Rigid gas permeable (RGP) consultation.
from initial screening to having the around 65 per cent will beat the 20/20 contact lenses often move more on the
surgery done, I’m almost surprised by vision standard. If you are one of the eye than soft lenses and, by doing so,
how painless the whole experience was. I lucky few, the results are incredible.” can induce prismatic effects similar to ARE YOU A SUITABLE
was at first a bit apprehensive about what Until the advent of laser eye surgery spectacles. CANDIDATE FOR
was going to happen. No matter how
safe it seems, you can’t help but think
‘what if something went wrong’. My eyes Most people with a prescription of -2 to -8
weren’t perfect but I was still kind of
HOW TO WIN: Just answer this simple question: dioptics are appropriate candidates for
fond of them. Thankfully the treatment I laser eye surgery. This includes people with

The surgery is over in minutes and the results are instant, what a relief!
received by the staff at London Vision
Clinic immediately set my mind at rest
Question: Which former BBC presbyopia (ageing eyes) and those with an
astigmatism. At the London Vision Clinic, a

the room is unforgettable. For the first and basically go about daily life as if
from the initial screening stage. The
information and advice given to me
newsman has just undergone full battery of diagnostic tests will be
performed to ensure there are no
half an hour, my sight was blurred – like
having water in the eye – but I could still
nothing had happened. Best of all, I have
the all-clear to dive! Of course, house-
allayed any fears, but I think the telling
factor was the results that Professor laser surgery? underlying conditions or other factors that
would impact on the success and
sense an improvement in my vision. work is out of the question for a few Reinstein is able to obtain. I knew I was effectiveness of surgery. Readers can visit
After half an hour, the blurring had months yet. It’s the dust you know… in safe hands. Thanks to Professor
HOW TO ENTER: the LVC website
subsided and I was able to look around I think the stronger your prescription is Reinstein and his team, I have achieved Fill in the form below with your answer and send it to the Sport Diver office. ( for more
comfortably. The aftercare treatment of for glasses or contact lenses, the more perfect eyesight – and for that I’ll forever information.
antibiotic eye drops was explained to me you gain from laser surgery as a strong be grateful. ■
– you have to follow this regime to the prescription can get equally stunning
letter – and then I was allowed home. It results to a moderate prescription.
really is that simple – incredible. For the Professor Reinstein’s results at the
CONTACTS COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Are you a current Sport Diver subscriber? Yes [ ] no [ ]. At times Sport Diver may
wish to contact you about special offers or products and services. If you DO NOT
WISH to receive such information by post, please tick here [ ]. Please tick here to
first few hours you have to take it easy London Vision Clinic speak for them- receive information from Sport Diver by email [ ] telephone [ ] SMS [ ] At times
Answer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London Vision Clinic may wish to contact you about special offers or products and
and keep the eyes closed as much as selves. For short-sighted patients with a London Vision Clinic services. If you DO NOT WISH to receive such information by post, please tick here [
possible to rest them, but the following prescription up to –9.4, 100 per cent have Tel: 0800 5874705 Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] Please tick here to receive information from London Vision Clinic by email [ ]

telephone [ ] SMS [ ]
day I could pretty much do things achieved 20/30 vision – which is better Web:
Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
normally, like watch TV and read. than driving standard – and 92 per cent
Writing now just over a week after the have achieved the magic 20/20 mark. A Email: .............................................................. Terms and conditions apply. The competition is not open to employees of
Archant Ltd, London Vision Clinic or their families. The winner will be drawn
on the closing date of 30 April 2007. There is no cash alternative. Competition
operation, it’s easy to slip back into a small proportion of patients achieve even Postcode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . winners must be willing to be featured in a future edition of this magazine.
normal routine. You stop taking the better results! Professor Reinstein is a Darren Russell photography The competition winner must satisfy his/herself that this
regular eye drops and wearing eye shields world-renowned expert in the field of Tel: 07956 408132 Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . procedure is suitable for them. The competition prize is being
provided by London Vision Clinic, and London Vision Clinic shall be
at night seven days after the surgery, and laser surgery and has performed more Web: One correct entrant will win the opportunity to have laser eye surgery at the London Vision Clinic. Fill in the form solely liable for the prize. As a condition of entrance in the

only have to add drops to help lubricate than 8,000 procedures. London Vision Email: and post it to: Laser Eye Surgery Competition, Sport Diver, Archant Specialist, The Mill, Bearwalden Business Park, competition, each entrant acknowledges and agrees that Archant
Specialist shall not have any liability for, or arising out of, the prize.
Wendens Ambo, Essex, CB11 4GB by the competition closing date of 30 April 2007.
the eyes. I can work at a computer, drive Clinic has the most accurate tool to

62 SportDiver April 2007 April 2007 SportDiver 63

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