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Argument: Renewables are the energy source of our present and future.

Pro - Yes, renewables should be the energy Con - No, renewables should not be the energy
source of the present and future. source of the present and future.


Claim: Renewables can be quites cost Claim: Renewables can be expensive to

effective once in full swing and has plenty of create and maintain.
Evidence (include a source): As a general
Evidence (include a source): way to describe renewables is that they do cost
When you look at efficiency or energy input more especially because when making plants and
compared to output renewables are the most etc they require more intricate non-conventional
efficient. (Wind Turbines being the most efficient). designs.
Chart in resources document.
Wind and solar energy prices have been dropping american-20170407
since 2009 making it a cheaper source of energy
and this makes it more attractive to those who may
want to invest in these sources of energy. Reasoning: Cost a lot more money and are very expensive to build



Claim: Have little to no carbon emissions. Claim: Interfere with wildlife

Evidence (include a source): Evidence (include a source): Now, as

To the environment replacing fossil fuels with concentrated solar farms start to sweep the globe,
renewable energy has been found to reduce solar energy developers are facing similar outcries
premature mortality and lost work days. Wind and and opposition for the harm that their clean energy
solar systems generate electricity with no air facilities can cause to wildlife. 233 birds have been
pollution. Also require usually very little water to recovered from the sites of 3 california desert solar
operate. ALso has low carbon and greenhouse power plants The laboratorys wildlife says that
gas. many of the birds had been fatally singed, broken,
( or otherwise fatally crippled by the facilities. In total
energy/public-benefits-of-renewable- wind and solar are estimated to cause 141,000
power#.WS8kUpArLrc) total birds a year.
Biomass helps reduce the amount of waste in farms-threaten-birds/)
landfills. Landfills produce gases that can be
collected and combusted for energy. They also Dams can cause a build up of decomposing
collect biodegradable matter that can also be used organic material that would otherwise flow
as a fuel source. downstream and this can cause a degrade in
http://www.conserve-energy- oxygen as well as water quality making it less safe for local wildlife.
ergy.php (
Reasoning: Renewable helps keep the air clean
and reduce air pollution compared to fossil fuels. With older model wind turbines they produced
noise that the wildlife did not enjoy as well as it
wasnt entirely uncommon for bats and other flying
animals to run into the rotors.

Biomass is an example of a renewable energy that

is not entirely clean. With biomass you risk
deforestation as you need to grown plant life that
can used as fuel to powers such power plants.

Reasoning: There has been many bird killings

due to the facts of renewable energy and wind and
solar turbines mainly.


Claim: The process of acquiring materials for
Claim: Reduce a lot of health cost that fossil renewable energies is dangerous.
fuels create and make cleaner sit to breathe into.
Evidence (include a source): Biomass is a
Evidence (include a source):Has been found source that still releases methane and releases
to reduce premature mortality and lost work days, disgusting odors which are unpleasant to humans.
also has reduced the overall cost of health care http://www.conserve-energy-
since fossil fuels cause a lot of breathing
problems, neurological damage, heart attacks, and ergy.php
cancer. According to a study by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Americans Solar panels use heavy metals meaning that when
spend approximately $361.7 to $886.5 billion every making and mining the metals those building and
year on overall health of the population. collecting can be at risk.
(http://www.conserve-energy- installing-residential-solar-panels/
( Reasoning: The metals used for solar panels,
energy/public-benefits-of-renewable- lubricates used for wind turbines, and etc, are
power#.WS8kUpArLrc) always a bit of a risk the oil can seep into the
ground and mining is always a danger to one's
Reasoning: Good Because has been found health.
too really help communities with their health we can
reduce emissions by getting rid of toxic coal plants
and etc and replace them with non-toxic turbines
and solar panels.


Claim: There are already a few plants of all Claim: Many renewable are based on
kinds all we need to do is place new renewable geography and cant be placed everywhere.
plants where fossil fuel ones stand.
Evidence (include a source): Dams can only
Evidence (include a source): A lot of coal be built on water sources, solar panels wont be as
plants can be converted into biomass. Making them effective in cloudy regions of the world or where the
more carbon neutral. This also means that more sun doesnt shine as much, and wind turbines cant
money doesnt need to be spent towards building be built in the atmosphere where they would be
new power plants. much more useful. (source is common knowledge) Reasoning: Many forms of renewable energy

conversion_projects will be useless or much less effective when it
comes to where they are built, meaning not all
Reasoning: It wont be difficult to convert parts of the world will get it.
certain plants to be more clean.


Claim: With all the forms of renewable energy Claim: Renewable energy mainly depends on
we have an untapped market of easy to access the weather and how powerful the sun or wind is.
Evidence (include a source): A lot of
Evidence (include a source): On the Earth's renewable energy relies on the weather like sun
surface alone a study found that there is 400 and wind. If the conditions are not good they would
terrawatts worth of untapped energy. The world lack the ability to generate any electricity.
only uses about 18 terawatts so this is quite a lot of (http://www.conserve-energy-
power. renewable-energy.php)
worlds-needs/?utm_term=.8e7f8389835f Reasoning: Depends on the weather which
can be very unpredictable.
Reasoning: Uses a lot of the power that the
world does not use much of.

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