Megalex Sucker Rods Abstract

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Megalex Carbon Fiber Sucker Rods

In oil field operations, one of the greatest operating expenses is well repair. Sucker rod failures can represent
40% of well repair costs. Steel sucker rods fail due to 1) corrosion, 2) wear, and 3) stress & fatigue. Megalex
carbon fiber sucker rods are designed to solve all of these problems. High strength, light weight Megalex rods
are resistant to corrosive well fluids; have fatigue resistance 50% higher than steel and fiberglass; and are
able to produce the same or greater production rates as steel and fiberglass, but at lower rod stress levels.
Additionally, the low bending stiffness of carbon fiber means Megalex rods are more flexible and able to
operate in deviated well bores, such as in pad-drilled wells. Megalex rods can be a cost effective solution for
operators of wells plagued with multiple rod failures per year.

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